4k stouffville april 12th 192s quality service the sugar market has advanced twice since we purchased our last car we have not changed our price yet good buying now special week end bargain choice side bacon by the side or half per lb 24c i have you seen that special quality prune that wc are selling at 2 lbs for 25c try a sample package of the new biscuit jlilk chocolate covered fig bars 25c per lb ripe tomatoes per lb 20c quick quaker rolled oats family size with china 35c stewarts marmalade 40 oz jar 35c flower and garden seeds 6 pkg for 25c very large fancy oranges special 65c doz or 4 for 25c kraft cheese per lb 35c clover honey 10 b pail 125 criscoe 1 lb tins 25c you pay less for more ratcliff co town deliver phone 7112 bargain table shoe question gome in and see womens shoes at 100 and 200 a pair childrens shoes at 25c 50c 100 a pair womens fine shoes new stock 295 375 385 425 and 500 chums shoes regular price 500 and 550 now 5250 and 300 mens fine shoes 500 and up remember we are headquarters for good footwear be ware of inferior goods a g lehman the peoples shoe store stouffville ford masseyharris place your oders now for ford cars and masseyharris machines do not deplay as the sooner an order is placed the better service we can give you we have a large stock of ford and masseyharris parts on hand also a good stock of used cars for sale call and see us we will try to satisfy you d holden stouffville phone 184 ford and masseyharris agent seed grain barley oats very high springwheat seeds alsike red clover alfalfa and sweet clover feeds feeds are very scarce with prices high try our corn and oat chop we also have sampson feed baby chick time is here start them rightwith marmill starter and raise 100 per cent healthy birds it eomes in 25 and 100 pound size s w hastings coal and coke always on hand phone 169 stouffville stouffville creamery company before buying a separator it will be to your advantage to inspect the new delaval with its many new fea tures to mark their 20th year in the separator business one of these new separators is now on exhibition at the stouffville creamery co stouffville ontario closes every night except saturday notes and comments cast iron bouses are said to be gaining in popularity in england taking no chances on a war with chicagos mayor the government of prince edward island have the right idea on gaso line taxation in th2t they believe the car which jravels the roads most should do the greatest part of the paying for their upkeep a bill is now before the legislature there to increase the gasoline tax from 3c per gallon to 5 cents while the license fee will be reduced at the same time from 250 to 150 sir clifford sifton and his sons have bought the only daily news paper in regina and they already own the winnipeg free press in the last federal elec tion in north york harry sifton made excellent use of the weekly press and we have no doubt that it contributed to his success in beating down a tory majority to a point be low where the premier left it people who drink moonshine whis key never know what kind of stuff it is at its best it is poisonous and usually is filthy the other day a place in detroit was raided and a number of barrels of mash were found in the barrels were discov ered several drowned rats we dont know whether or not the people of that city prefer rats in their booze but evidently the bootleggers are coining out with something new to tempt the thirst of their patrons and should in place of promising cus tomers cocktails label their stuff rat tails cancel sutton train stouffville ceases to be a junction point it is rumored on good authority that the canadian national railways will cancel the passenger and freight service now existing between stouff ville mount albert and sutton authority was granted the railway to do this when they appealed be fore the railway commission last fall the exact date on which trains will cease- to run on the line in question is not clearly known but it is believed the service will be ended on april 30th two weeks from next monday automatically stouffville will cease to be a junction point on the cnr although it will be a favorite stopping place for all trains as it is here the thirsty engines got their final draft of water before making the city lowers which were numerous both in quantity and variety surmount ing the highest point in the park is built a wonderful lookout tower in moorish design of marble and open lace work plaster the view from here overlooking the entire city which is pure white roofs and all with the great domesof the mosques towering high the blue sea at one side and giant mountains for the background was one of the most at tractive we have seen the bey or chief of the mohammedans in tunisia has a wonderful palace on the edge of the city where we visited with a party for some hours it is filled with great paintings and tapes tries fine old mosaics and works of art and rooms and rooms of art treasures taken from the ruins of ancient carthage we visited carthage and i must tell you something of that old city saskatoon jj you dig down into your memory aud locate the ancient history com partment you wlh recall that cart hage was some 2000 years ago the greatest sea port city in the world and a serious rival of roman power rome however after three attempts captured the city and laid it in ruius and only in the last century has it been partly excavated the original harbour is open and in use a large museum is built to house many of the relics and treasures taken from the ruins which show the very high civilization of the old city carthage is only ten miles from tunis close to the ruins is an old all arab vill age where we spent an hour or two and enjoyed watching them at their daily occupations in the centre of tunis is a small plot of ground belonging to eng land for three hundred years here is built a fine stone anglican church with a little cemetery around it and here is buried j howard payne the american citizen who wrote the fam iliar song home sweet home there are three sabbath days in tunis and therefore really none at all the mohammedans keep fri day the jews saturday and a few others sunday so the city is wide open at all times tunisia is noted for its fine dates and we ate lots of them being provided at the hotel for two meals each day there is a very wonderful market occupying a whole city square open seven days a week where we often went to see the country tunisians who brought their farm and garden produce here for sale ah kinds of fresh vege tables oranges lemons strawberries etc were on sale poultry is always brought in and sold alive but it is killed and dressed on the spot if you wish tiny birds the size of spar rows are sold for food well yon must be weary hearing of tunis so we will keep moving we sailed saturday march 3rd at 5 pm on fine steamer for marseilles arriving at 7 pm monday this is a 470 mile trip almost due north across the mediterranean sea the weather was fairly calm and bright and the journey mo3t pleasant we meet lots of english american and a few canadian people and always find nice people among them with whom we become very friendly and enjoy some fine talks after one has had some experience travelling in europe it is not difficult we can always find someone who can talk english we have never got into any trouble made mistakes nor been lost so far so think we may reach home in due time from marseilles to nice where i am now writing you is 16o miles east and we came both for a little rest and to wait till the weather becomes warmer in paris where we hope to spend three weeks nice is the largest centre on the riviera being a city of 200000 peo ple its beautifully situated facing south on the ocean and protected from the cold north by the moun tains a very uptodate city with wonderful stores fine streets public buildings and homes there are hundreds of hotels ranging from common to the most luxurious and from small to immense palaces it has a wide promenade on the sea front almost four miles long beau tiful parks and gardens where the bands play every day thousands of chairs and benches are provided and every fine day the water front is thronged with people a few days ago we had the winter carnival or battle of flowers as it is called this consists of t procession of cars carriages and trucks wonderfully decorated in fresh cut flowers these are all provided as well as most of the spectators with bushels of small coquets and for three hours as the procession passes the air is full of flying flowers it is a real game of snowball with flowers all kinds of flowers bloom outside during winter here so they are very plentiful the beautiful villa owned by- queen victoria here and occupied by the royal family during part of many winters was given for a hospital and is still used for this purpose we occasionally see canadian goods in the shop windows and the word canada in print once in a while but the only canadian articles we have seen advertised in europe or africa are furs and whiskey now i must bring this letter to a close as i fer it is already much too long to retain your interest by the time this reaches you spring will not be far off and our good friends the ladies will be preparing tor that interesting annual picnic house- cleaning with best regards to your self and all our friends in and around the good old town in which mrs silvester joins yours very truly f w silvester i i i exreeve visits africa continued from page one quite clean for the arabs are very clean and very religious people they are mohammedans and take their religion very seriously intoxicat ing liquors are forbidden they pray regularly three to five times daily and cannot enter a praying place till they have washed and removed their shoes during the season that cor responds io our lent they observe a real fast taking neither food or water between sunrise and sunset the women never appear in public without the face covered and wrap ped from head to foot in a loose white robe the men wear the cos tume we are accustomed to see in bible pictures the skirt and colored robes while on the head the fez or a cloth wound covering the cos tumes vary from common materials for the workman to beautifully sil ver and gold embroidered outfits for the wealthy their custom of select ing a wife would not suit canadians the young mans mother selects the future bride there is no courting whatever and the poor boy never even sees his sweethearts face till after they are married this has one great advantage over our sys tem the mother is always satisfied then some of the men are much better ore than we because in some casen they may have three or four wives the souks or section of very old native arab and jew bazaars or shops interested us greatly there is a maze of these streets winding in all directions so that one is apt to get lost they are twelve to fifteen feet wide entirely roofed over with masonory arches with only a few i openings to allow light and air to enter the streets are lined with shops some so small the merchant has scarcely room to get inside and all sizes up to half a dozen largo rooms one can buy all sorts of beautiful eastern goods both orna mental and useful here and fairly cheap if you are a good bargainer it does seem so out of place to find fine articles in such unbeautiful sur roundings one sees much poverty in tunis and plenty of beggars many women are bare legged and either baro feet or wearing wooden blocks held on with a strap one sees men working with bare legs and feet everywhere the tiny donkey with a burden slung either side and the man riding sideways on its haunches is still much in evidence in fact the na tives both in the city and surround ing country have changed little in their customs in the past two thou sand years best among it all is the present uptodate generation of french looking just as we do so that one finds everything from anci ent to modern in tunis thoe are lots of motor cars and trucks but practically no taxis old dobbin does the entire cabbusiness still street car fares are very cheap less than two cents our hotel is situated in the new part where streets arc wide and is close to the big belvedere park where wc had many fine walks and rides occasionally holding down a bench for a rc3t and always taking home to our room a boquct of wild your water supply automatic sure continuous service day and night always under pressure a toronto pneumatic water system will give you this service noise less and best of all absolutely auto matic operated by electric motor or toronto windmill enjoy this convenient service now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery of pump ing and carrying your daily water supply toronto outfits can be quickly installed drop in and lets talk it over prices and full information gladly furnished see me today g lawson stouffville save at our store hosiery sale ladies and childiens cotton hose in sand grey and black special 19c pair ladies artificial silk hose in all the leading shades special 39c pair ladies lisle hose ribbed tops ladies lustre silk hose children ribbed cashmere hose special 39c pr special 49c pr special 49c pr silk hose the silk comes right to the top this hosi ery is made from specially treated artificial silk yarn not ordinary rayon which wears and washes well made with the new slipper sole in all sizes and the newest spring shades per pair special 67c ladies pure silk hose in all the leading new spring shades reinforced heel and toe sizes 8 to 10 special 100 pr ladies silk and wool hose elastic tops ill all the leading shades special 100 pr fullfashioned hose every woman will appreciate the value of these beautiful fullfashioned stockings exquisitely fine yet dur able enough to give splendid wear all the newest spring shades are represented and the silk comes right up to the garter hem per pair 149 envnttkona mp ixxi mu wca thihaiways for sale in tfie best stqsfs in canada we will remain on the same business hours as at present until the middle of april 16th inst when we will open tuesday thursday and saturday evening and close wednesday afternoon w h shaw save at our store phone 9512 stouffville ont foresgffjffsw