Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 12, 1928, p. 3

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the stouffville tribunb judgment ref uses copyright published every thursday hate jj00 per year 250 to tht united state business card3 medical dr 8 s ball and surgeon physician office cor obrien and ml phone 19 1 drs ira herbert freel consultation hours dr ira preel 8 to 12 am mon wed frl 6 to 9 pm saturday tues thurs satur afternoonj by appointment only fer herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues sat mon wed frl afternoons by appointment only i dental es barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toroni dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office slindard baa lip alii phone office 1011 residence 1016 great hopper plague over new south wales dr patterson dentist best work lowest fees stouffville ontario boadways drug store stouffville to advertising agents copy mr justice astbury after fourday hearing definitely decided in favor of advertiser against agency which claimed ownership london a cse of great import ance to advertisers advertising agents and publishers has just been j heard in the chancery division of thej high court of justice- it concerned i the point which apparently had not been raised before in british law i whether copyright in an advertise ment prepared by an advertising- agency remained the property of the agency or as the property of its client the advertiser the case in question was complicat ed and somewhat obscure but the final decision of mr justice astbury after a fourdays hearing was defi nitely in favor df the client and against the agent who had brought the action in the endeavor to obtain an injunction restraining boii the advertiser and one of the london newspapers from using nn advertise ment the agent claimed to have pre pared the agent had prepared an advor- londou an evening newa dispatch from sydney says the ap proach of a great plague of grass hoppers is reported from southern new south wales the advance guard of the insects was described as twenty miles wide behind which are swarms extending ten miles rapidly consuming what was an abundant grass crop fences in the area are draped with thousands of insects while motorists passing through it reported that their radi ators were clogged and their wind shields covered effect contracted themselves out of the opyright act it further held that the agents interest in the adver tisement which his client had inserted i tisement in question only existed so in one of the london dailies and on j ong as the advertiser continued to usual use the agents services as no con tract existed by which the advertiser was bound to continue to use these services and no copyright as applp- his which the agent received commission subsequently tho client caused the advertisement to be in serted in another paper acting di rectly and without the services of the agent at this point the agent ap plied for an injunction prohibiting the further use of the advertisement on the ground that it was a literary work and as such came within the copyright act under which title would remain in tho author who ap peared as plaintiff the decision held that no copy right existed so far as the agent was concerned and that in employing the i agent to prepare the advertisement the advertiser and tho agent had in i ing to original literary work existed the agents application for an injunc tion against both his former client and the newspaper must fail it is assumed that the points of contention in the case can in future be clearly covered in the written agreement between agencies and cli ents but in view of the delicate per sonal relations existing between such parties and of the fact that many firms frequently change their agents the prospect is not a very pleasant one for the agencies- the allround feed for all seasons quaker schumacher feed is the yearround friend of the live stock owner a perfectly balanced carbohydrate feed used as the sole grain ration for all live stock or as a base for a special dairy ration contains more carbohydrates lo make fat and energy than any other feed at the same price grain ingredients include corn oats wheat and barley to these are added oilcake meal edible bone meal and calcium carbonate providing needed minerals usually deficient in ordinary feeds all live stock relish quaker schumacher feed no waste because they eat it clean low moisture content because kiln dried kasily digested and assimilated sold under approved govcn- meiit analysis write us for free advice on your feeding prob lems the quaker oats company peterborough ontario legal harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvksteks block phone 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan a c kennedy chiropractor church si siourfvule monday wednesday nd fridays 9 in 12 am anne le hman a t c m teucher t pianoforte tuylne and theory studio lehmans block ill tic 4111 square deal the year round general insurance your home your cak protect them thos durkett general insurance agency phono 1s202 phone 1802 stouffville 1 george keay alton a oct liwkshku auctioneer live stock and 1uiiural riuiu promptly attended to tijkms modkkath ilionc ilimkt stouffvlll farmers wo want ail your llv fowl best murkot price paid dont set until you consult in phono sam golden at peanock livery stouffville boadways drug store stouffville mrs a griffiths spirella corsetiere stouffville and vicinity phone 15303 wedding bouquets and funeral designs mustori sons wholesale florists stouffville ontario phone 7001 stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at oclock in the oddfellows hall vtaltlag brethren welcome less cook w r sander noble grand reoseo archie stover flo seojr heavy weather schumacher fee also quaker dairy ration the best feed for dairy cows and quaker fulopep feeds for poultry solo by stiver bros stouffville ontario r feeds in str seas routed auto passengers o high did the waves rise recently at durban south africa that pas sengers in passing motor cars were forced to abandon their vehicles and take to flight huge sea broke over the promenade runner insures legs for 50000 gait ont cliff brlcker of gait values his logs ono of canadas chief hopes in the marathon raco at tho olympics this year bricker has taken out a 50000 insurance policy on his limbs as a precaution ary me4isure tho policy covers brlcker for the loss of use of his feet logs knees or toes as well as in tho event of amputation of any of theso parts abd el krim passes long days as exile cultivating garden exsultan of rift who led tribesmen in revolt enjoys placid existence abd cl krim onetime master of the rift and the man whose hardy moun taineer tribesmen reached the very gates of fez before they were hurled back by the french in one of the flerclest series of engagements slnca the world war says the london dally mail is supporting his banish ment at saint denis in the island of reunion in the indian ocean with truo oriental patience the sultan of tho riff took with blm only two wives out of his numer ous harem they wcro his favorites fatlma and alcha ills other compan ions in oxilo are his brother si mo hammed and his uncle abdoslom his mother and his sisters and the fami lies of his brother and his uncle dur ing the long voyage from casablanca the chief port of morocco to reunion a son was born to him so that ho now has three sons abel ol krlms brother discarded his moorish attire as soon as tho ship reached marseilles but abd cl krim himself did not adopt european cloth ing until ho reached reunion he is living in a country house rented specially to lodge him and which has been somewhat hastily dubbed the chatoau de maurange in reality tho houso has nothing of a castle about it but consists of only a ground floor and a flrst floor with a vegetable gar den an orchard and a meadow ad joining his flrst care was to furnish his new homo as comfortably as possible and sot his wives and his family at tholr ease when he loft morocco he know only the rudlmonts of the french language but ho has sot him- solf to study it deoply and to day ha speaks it as fluently as his brother who is renownod as a good french ccholar abd el krlms two elder children at- empire shopping week in canada canada produced is empire produced new empire booster is no new method to interest british in the empires products during week of april 2 1 st to 28th inclusive all to take part the executive committee of em- vancouver halifax brockvillo hamll- pire shopping week in canada holds ton trai bc st catharines prince strongly to the view that the type of i rupert brampton north bay gren- j ticipate by the honorary president or civilization and its promise of de- j e sask edmonton victoria belle- i welcoming any representative dole terest in many other ways the development of focal commit tees can fill the very important pur- nose in which your locals should lis taking a lead to make empire shop ping week the most stirring event that has happened since the war local committee activities take the form of making sure that department al stores and retail sttores arj defi nitely cooperating to put on a show during empire shopping week 21st to 28th of april arranging for possible municipal cooperation welcoming the mayor who has been invited to par- velopment as shown in countries of prince albeit fort william british empire is one that cana- j quebec toronto calgary and mont- dians all desire to encourage for thei eako v the present and the future there is much more in this than the generations all this it is conceiv- j effoit to se goods at retail many ed is intimately bound up with the i p think there is scarcely time economic and business side of affairs t0 uo a that should be done locally that play so great a part in the dailv eve with the beginning made imme- lives of so many canadian citizens diately the local publicity gained by empire shopping weeks arc not a j novelty they have been tried with j great success in oother parts of the empire notably in australia british west indies and in great britain these weeks enjoy the cordial ap proval and cooperation of the em pire marketing board now doing such valuable work in great britain and other parts of the empire the tond the local collcgo every day they speak the chlouh dialect at homo hut tho rest of the tlmo they converse fluently in french with their french playmates but though abd cl krim now dress es in european clothes ho continues to observe tho customs of his coun try and tho fullest froedom is allow ed him in this respoct he has made the acquaintance of a largo number of people on the island and he often passos long hours with his friends tho most intimate of whom is tho lieutenant of gendarmerie the termor riff chieftain spends a great deal of his tlmo cultivating his garden which ho is doing with no lit tle success ills two wives his moth er and his two sisters take frequent walks in tho country but always dressed in their natlvo costumes fl teacher tommy youve not done a stroke of work this morning and ivo told you again and again that tho dovll finds work for idle hands to do tommy yesm teacher now tako your copybook and write that out 20 times underlying principle on which the or more iocal ranches of national or empire shopping week in ganlzations and a number of other canada will operate is the same as iocal organizations are ready and that in force in empiro marketing waltin the ca from wr organizat- board activities one main thought ion t0 wlom wls entrusted the leader- steadily kept in mind is that a na- tua community tort tural first preference bo given to the general executivo committee goods that are tho products of lho composed of men acting in a repro country in which the week is hcld capacity representing their other empire products receiving thej organization on the execu- next preference produced in canada l ve committee specially selected from 5 produced in the empire tle wl0 s nat0 p provincial and local committees are tons w 5t ad being formed throughout canada in- t fd- v they have approved of tho wording eluding local representatives of the r v i and design of electros for newspaper nine bonj orgamzations already j a broadside to tho retailer toll- interested through the advisory him fu 8t all snow council and many other public spdit- earjs and wlndow streamer3 in ed bodies quantities for distribution by local the mayor of each town in canada wnerc the ua8 t0 lo so has been invited by hon james stair they will have to consider in the colm honorary president of the ncar future u uesuon of tho copy council to take a leading part in the that v appoar tll0 nowapa which is an important question de manding the very best thought and most serious consideration full con- gated by him there are many other ideas such as brief addresses over the radio cooperation with motion picture houses and all sorts of other features that will help lo interest the general public in the movement and provide the small funds necessary for carrying on local work j this method gives full scopo for the organization of a representative the use and development of individual local committee would be tho most ef- initiative in each place which is of fectlve means of reminding manutac- the utmtost value in devising plans turers of their obligation to subscribe that sutt the particular locality and which forms an added reason for act- j cna local committees to nchlovo lug promptly splendid advance press publicity your mayor or reeve ha3 an the general executive committoo invitation from the honorary arranging for the supply of show president to take part in your cards and window streamers stick- local movement half a dozen ers for use on statlonery electros tor newspaper publishers use a con3lder- loeal movement the formation of local committees is thus a part of the approved gen eral plan slderation with respect to iocal nows- thc method adopted and approved paner spac0 win be eivcn ln0 by the executive committee to start t tho activity and interest dls- canadian chamber of commerco played locally by tho committee and whose president is on tho advisory newspapers council along with eight other presi dents of national organization and theso are simply a few out of the host of national things that the ex able supply of posters and tho general display advertising along inspirational and economic lines the executivo committee will gladly welcome news of your activities ideas and sugges tions that may be distributed for use in other places under theso exceptional auspices empire shopping wook in canada is certain to be a tremendous success it will do a great work in cementing the bonds of empire anew end will give canadians a closer and more in teresting closeup of the empire as it is vast farreaching and flrmly knit within itself a great power for good in the world to day o j llual wl national injure miui inu which is represented on the execi- committee must deal with five committee and the finance com mittee of empire shopping week in canada outline the shopping week movement and organization to all boards of trade and chambers of commerco in canada and montion a f few things that have been carried out by local committees in empire shopping weeks elsewhere the last meeting of the executive committee authorized tho honorary secretary to get in direct touch with tho local boards of trade and cham- obvlously the general executive committee through the necessity of retaining constantly in their minds tho national point of view and national questions with tho best will in the world towards individual localities cannto undertake definite personal ac tivities on local committees and this outline clearly shows that every dollar from gencrai subscribers will bo re quired for general purposes which are all to help you devolution of duties had to be work- a pirate treasure on balloy island ono of the 3g5 is- lands in casco bay and near portland mo was found tho only treasure sup posed to havo been burled by captain kldd a man named john wilson who lived on tho island sevontyflvo years ago seeking tho legendary treasure dug up a copper kottlo which had been burled deep in the ground it contained 12000 in spanish gold although the search for other pirate treasure ras been pursued along tho coast for many years only the balloy island and has rewarded tho eager seekers of easy money y for a bit of a likeness twlxt motors an dmen you dont havo to search very far much depends on whats un der the hat of a man and whats un der the hood of a car bers of commerce with respect to the c out for instance the canadian weight given to activity of local com- manufacturers association undertook mitteea and local papers in consider- the distribution of the booklets to ing the extent of space to bo used j canadian manufacturers the depart- in newspapers and other publications rnent of overseas trado undertook for general advertising it may perhaps be interesting their distribution to other parts of tho to empire the rotall morchants asso- consider what is being done clsewhhre ciatlou interested tholr provincial di- in canada within two weeks f the visions and local organizations as did first notice being sent the following also the canadian manufacturers asj towns and cities have actually lormed soclatlon for local purposes the other j local committees or have definitely j national organizations are all doing taken steps to do so winnipeg tthelr part in keeping their mombora moose jaw medicine hat amherst informed and serving the goneral in- ring your bell i dont neod to advortlsc i have been in business in this town for 30 years every man woman and child here knows whero i am and what i sell the advertising salesman looked across ttho street and saw a church he asked how long it had been built the store keeper replied that it had boen there for half a contury and yet they rlruj the ohurch bell every sunday morning tho advertising man remarked

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