stouefeille march 15th 1928 bloomlngton among the many from here who here toronto guests recently are airs hill mrs w- fairies miss alta fockler and mrs e a storry while sleigh riding here walter cowle fractured jiis ankle which wiu deprive him the use of one foot fox some time to come mrs paisley of markham was a recent guest of mi wm storry auction sale of dairy tores and helfklts seed oats m1xeu grain ana clover seed will he sold by public auction on friday march 30th 1928 on juot 2 con 7 markham the following property be longing to j s honey grade durham cow 7 yrs fresh time of sale grade aryshire cow ris 3 yrs fresh time of sale grade liolstein cow ris 7 yrs fresh time of sale grade holstein cow 7 yrs due early in april grade holstein cow ris 7 yrs fresh time of sale grade ayrshire cow 7 yrs fresh time of sale grade ayrshire cow ris 6 yrs due eartybniapril grade holstein cow 7 yrs fresh by time of sale grade holstein cow 7 yrs due in april jerseyiholstejngrade cowvvjmr c t jt grade rfoisiein cow 6 yrs farrow bred january 3rd grade hplstein cow ris 7 yrs due in april grade hol stein cow 7 yrs fresh time of sale grade holstein cow s8 yrs fresh march 4th jerseyholstein grade cow fresh time of sale grade ayr shire cow 6 yrs- fresh march 4th grade ayrshire heifer ris 2 yrs fresh feby 1st grade holsteln cow ris 5 yrs due in april grade ayr shire ris 4 yrs due in april grade holstein cow 6 yrs fresh time of sale grade ayrshire ris 5 yrs due april 1st grade ayrshire ris 5 yrs due in april red cow 6 yrs due in april grade holstein ris 8 yrs due march 27th grade ayr shire cow 7 yrs due in april hol stein cow 4 yrs april 28th due april 7th grade jersey heifer ris 2 yrs in may blue cow 7 yrs due 1st part of april red cow ris 10 yrs fresh feby 24th grade jersey ris 4 yrs due in april grade hol stein ris 4 yrs due april 20th cows fresh will have calves by their aides 2 young holstein bulls eli gible for registration for private sale 150 bushels early yielder oats about 6 bushels red clover seed mixed grain whole or ground 6tons 7 foot masseyharris binder in good repair threehorse disc cultivator in good working order corn cul tivator two row sale at 1 oclock sjharp sale will be held under cover if stormy terms calves grain seed and all sums of 2000 and under cash over that amount s months credit will be given on approved joint notes bearing 6 per cent per annum prentice prentice aucts altona the urcheitra is ready ed mr- levi grove held a wood bee on tuesday of this week miss lizzie davis was home from the city over the week eud mr d nighswander has engaged robt hook for the summer months the warmer weather is very much appreciated and we hope spring is on the way mr and mrs cecil jones and son visited at avin mcnairsone day re cently a number irom here attended the poultry show in stouftville monday night leap year is alright if token ad vantage of two girls from this burg walked home from the rink saturday night ubmonv1lle kenneth pipher and ross hall were toronto visitors one day last week richard foote an old resident called on dun hails last thursday while here for hugh clarks sale an enjoyable evening was spent at the parsonage on monday night when the members of leiuonville united church and friends met to extend their good wishes to the bride and groom mr and mrs c lemon during tho evening the bride was showered with mumerous gifts both useful and ornamental the following address was also read by mrs r winterstein mr and mrs c lemon we the neighbors ana friends of lemonville ore glad to welconiyou here as our guests of honor we are met to show our appreciation to you mrs lemon for your efficient and willing service to the church and community you have nobly responded to every call to christian service in church sunday school and young peoples society you have endeared yourself to us all by your untiring efforts for the up lift of the community and the sin cere wish of each of us is that you both may enjoy long life and happi ness signed ajfred laycock thos drewery mrs r wlnterstein after lunch was served by the ladies all joined in singing bleat be the tie that binds which brought the happy event to a close in memoriam in memory ot mrs geo mckuen tis now but one year ago our dear one passed to rest passed to be with jesus in the man sions of the blest her passing meant release from euf- ferig and pain and so we must not grieve but strive to meet again our dear devoted sister a loving faithful wife god grant to each the grace we need to live the better life husband sisters and brothers auction sale of good horses umplements hay grain jioots etc lot 14 cox 1 uybridge twp lincolnville tuesday march 20th 1928 the property of robert curtis horses icattle bay mare reg 7 yrs old hay geld- ding 5 yrs gp dark bay filly 3 yrs gp brown marehj aged red white cow fresh red cow calf by side black cow calf by side roan cow due time of sale red cow bred july 20 roan heifer black heifer roan steer j yr old 2 steers 1 year old 2 roan steer calves white calf 2 veal calves pigs and poultry 4 brood sows white a number of small pigs number scw leghorn hensabout 40 scw leghorn pullets number barred rock hens pullets hay grain and roots about 15 tons hay 500 bus oats 200 bus barley quantity turnips mangolds quantity potatoes quan tity timothy seed implements c 7ft mh grain binder mccormick corn binder mh disc drill 15 row mh mower 5ft cut say tedder 8 fork hay rake 10ft nearly new sharp iriake 9 ft cultivator 13tooth mh phscuttler twotfurrow plow mh riding set harrows 4 or 6 sections steel roller jxhc mh disc harrows 20in verity plow no3 petrolia wagon 2 in tire set springs sooolbs set trucks 3in tire 2 wagon seats 2 wagon boxes light wagon 3 springs2mclaughlin buggies buggy pole hay rack stock rack root pulper fanning- mill 2 cutters mh riding plow 2f urrow 2 sets bobsleighs good j gasoline engine 4 hp brantford mh grain grinder sin cuttingbox and carriers emery grinder grind stone circular saw grain lifters 21ine shafts hangers and jmlleys quantity belting pea harvester saddle set scales 1200 lbs tower clippers nearly new 2 sets team harness set single harness number collars steel coal oil barrel dela- val separator 2 corn planters 2 scythes 2 neckyokes 2 sets doub letrees 2 logging chains 2 pair horse blankets quantity lumber ladders cast iron water trough chicken crates and coops large wooden trough anumber of other household furniture heater stove coal or wood incuba tor 120 eggs coal oil stove florence automatic bedroom furniture and mattress sideboard good kitchen cupboard tables and chairs churn butter ladles and prints lampsl rayo meat grinder oilcloth and linoleum and a number of other articles 4 positively no reserve terms hay grain fowl roots veal calves and all sums of 15 and under cash over that amount 8 months credit sale nt 12 oclock f w silversides auctioneer lost seed value for least money for all general livestock feeding quaker schumacher feed is unexcelled it is the perfected carbohydrate ration a scientific balance of corn oats wheat and barley feed together with oilcake meal edible bone meal and calcium carbonate minerals so vital to the health of animals and 1 which are usually deficient in ordinary feeds -4- as a base for a dairy ration or as the sole grain ration for young stock dry stock bulls hogs or norses quaker schumacher feed is most economical i no waste because of the perfect balance low moisture t content because kiln dried palatable easy digested and j quickly assimilated quaker schumacher feed provides most feed value for least money write us for free advice on your feeding problems the quaker oats com pany peterborough ontario quaker schumacher feed also quaker dairy ration the best feed for dairy cows and quaker fulopep feeds for poultry sold by stiver bros stouffvllle ontario quaker s8r sacks r the new series ponti ag six free demonstration with motion pictures you are invited to attend this free demonstration of the new series pontiac six given by a competent factory ex pert from general motors of canada limited the demonstration will be illustrated by interesting motion pictures and will prove as entertaining as it is instructive everyone who wants to know the story underlying the modern motor car as built in the great canadian plants of general motors should attend this pontiac six demonstration at bakers garage tuesday march 20th at 2 pm card op thanks mrs fred wilson acknowledges with grateful appreciation the kind ness extended to her by the many friends during the bereavement through the passing away ot her sis- teriulaw mongolia grandpa jacob wideman grandpa wellington wideman charlie brown is visiting at north bay what was the dispute over sun day night everett bright of toronto was here for a couple of days the young people enjoyed a skat ing party last thursday night james rennie is boosting hydro development in our locality yourrcorrespondent has found his pen after a long search mr editor d giebner fruit tree merchant was taking orders on our line re cently mr c brillinger and daughter gladys visited at wm rennies last thursday mongolia pet stock and poultry farm expects soon to have shipment of early chicks archie fleming is busiy preparing to move to his new home on the 6th concession near cashel we welcome mr and mrs chas bunker as residents again after a year or more at claremont mrs raymer who has been stay ing with mra rennie has been un well but we hope to hear of her re covery soon harold wright moves on april 1st to his newly purchased farm harold hopes to work 150 acres this sum mer which ranks among the bet mrs joseph betz is still on the sick list its a long time since we have seen your face among us mrs betz hope for a speedy recovery charlie brown who is spending qome time in huntsville muskoka and north bay reports snow banks 7 and 8 feet deep mrs o w zeller received a letter from alberta saying that her father mr j w madill of castor alta has had a stroke and is in a very critical condition country grocers say that the clos ing of town stores five nights a week is a great aid to business which per haps is as it should be stouffville people would not per mit gravel to be dumped on their streets during the winter why put piles for country customers to get cfver for sale in stouffville main st west a nineroomed brick house modern convenience large lot small fruit and brick garage apply owner mrs j a heise phone 305 stouffville 5 horses i have several horses for sale good sound farm animals from 3 years up also quantity fence rails cedar and pine h stephenson lot 18 con 6 mark ham phone 201 3 loads of vehicles act upo members send in your or ders tor bc shingles wire fenc ing salt fuel for next winter etc phone 1402 the secretary farmers we want all your live fowl best market price paid dont sell until you consult us phone 6am golden at pennocks livery stouffville chicks orders taken fo baby chicks 13 varieties april delivery sixteen cents and up all charges paid write or phone for price list mongolia pet stock and poul try yards phone stouffville 7828 2tf for sale plymouth barred rock baby chicks ready for delivery about march 19th phone w a wideman markham 6500 or write me at mount joy po 2 real estate we have sold houses and vacant lots in stouff ville away below the price asked tor them so that one never knows where the are at unless you deal with a reliable real estate agency such as we conduct few seem to know the real worth of their pro perty so it is better to consult someone experienced in the busi ness we do not f want listing away out of sight either as we wish to do what is right all round an honest deal is no robbery jacob yake west of railway tracks real estate stouffville markham township notice public notice is hereby given that said act provides that during the months of march and april in each year vehicles operating or objects being moved over or upon a public highway which is not within a city or separated town and having a carrying capacity exceeding one ton shall not be loaded in excess of one- half the rated capacity ot such vehi cle or object without a permit as provided by said act the act also provides that not withstanding such permit the owner driver or operator of such vehicle or object is responsible for any damage caused to a highway by such vehicle or object a penalty not exceeding 100 is provided for a contravention of any of the provisions of said act notice is also hereby given that the provisions of the said act will be strictly enforced with respect to the highways under the jurisdiction of the township of markham road commissioners are hereby in structed to watch their respective seotlons for overloaded vehicles ac cording to said act causing damages to the township roads and act ac cordingly wc gohn gam davison 5 reeve twp clerk nursery stock when buying nursey stock get it from an old established firm like stone wellington who will give you the best stock for the least money all told make your enquiries by phoning 1913 a s collins stouffville over 25 years ex perience in the fruit business fresh cow and calf for sale fred stephenson phone 4710 for sale gander and two geese 3ycnrold a e booth for sale quantity of clover 1st cutting also timothy hay for sale wilson phone 213 4 for salf chevrolet touring 1925 model 175 al order geo kirk for sale 2 shorthorn bulls 15 months old also quantity hay clover and timuthy seneca baker 4 for sale 15 pigs 6 weeks old percy dike 3th con markham phone 6220 rhode island reds bred to lay and fancy combined a limited quantity of hatching eggs at 150 per 15 eggs a few choice cockerels to spare paul boad- wa stouffville 4 used implements call at my place before you buy new imple ments and we will save you money all kinds of mowers binders plows rollers etc gas engines from 2 hp up at low price good used harness rcnj rcxlln phono 192 highest prices for fat fowl wool hides and junk e betteringi in life 7 there is magic in that word home which never can be forgotten did you ever stop to think how few homes would be secured unless someone saved money we invite your saving account and wilt arrange to accept deposits by mall when required e bank of mva scotia established 1832 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 resources 260000000 tmsr