f red rose orange pekoe comes as near to perfection as any tea can everything that tea experts can do to make red rose orange pekoe superior in quality flavor and value is done in the great red rose blending rooms try it today put up in the bright clean aluminum packages gg schw 0 bred baby livt and lavvchlcks kour t ee5er vt bced fcffblch ctt rcoductioo wuttbrosm tua bu5 lccbcnatnm iw f wlh rodj lcire ao tpou bui ortkjtco wmn wnijctmuzciiijcp iposb ttrt ieiktr fasutnd writ todyr fo ri chick b00k4 khwegu8y hatches 23 ciounai tunumjlu rich red blood a real nerve tonic the source of all nervousness is weak watery blood many people both men and women find themselves run down through overwork or anxieties such buffer- canadas great unexplored regions that er3 fl themselveb tired lowspirited amusing incident on boundary survey cook dispatches marauding bear with a boulder exciting experiences common so inseparably a part of the days work hafe become the accidents and trials of the surveyor or engineer in afghan ruler berlin visitor te recording of exciting incidents in forest or on stream seldom occurs to teso forerunners of settlement and development an encounter with wild animals cr a mishap on a tur bulent river is as commonplace to him as tile narrow escape from col lision with a speeding auto is to a city and depressed their nerves seem to bo worn out and they suffer from headaches and other nerve pains all this comes from starved nerves doctoring the norves with poison ous sedatives is a terrible mistake the only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich red blood thereforo new ceremonial introduced never come to light the following in republican germany dweller an exciting and sometimes to relievo nervousness and rundown exasperating incident at the moment but cne hardly cnrth recording and so it is that many interesting events in the field experience of canadian surveyors and engineers berlin the young german repub lic recently for the first time officially welcomed a foreign potentate when amanullah khan king of afghanis tan accompanied by his wife and 17 high dignitarios and a largo retenuo of servants arrived at berlin the reception differed from the wel- como extended to royalties before the war in that there wa3 no german em peror to greet tho visiting ruler and no gaudy state coaches to bear the afghans to their quarters instead a now ceremony was worked out by tho foreign office in which presi dent von hindenburg was tho princi pal actor the oriental guests after passing through streets ropleto with republi can embloms found generations of hohenzollerns gazing down upon them from paintings and etchings in tho various palace rooms a strange tale toad alive after 31 years sealed in texas corner- stone eastland texas a horned toad sealed alive in the cornerstone of the court house here thirtyono years ago was alive when tho stone was removed recently according to county judg edward s pritchard the old court houso is being razed it ia a west texas tradition tliat a horned toad can exist a century without food or water a skeptical newspaper man had the judge verify tho report that tho toad was alive when taken from its long entombment after the cornerstone was removed the toad appeared lifeless for tome time but in a little while it opened its eyes- in about twenty minutes it be gan to breathe the mouth however appeared to havo grown together efforts will be made to induco the toad to take food and of necessary tho mouth will be opened by an opera tion the toad is now on exhibition incident which occurred during tho trlangutatlon by geodetic engineers of a section of the international boundary line along the 49th parallel is typical of what is encountered by many survey parties during a sea- eons operations tho party in question consisted of the usual engineers rodmen labor ers and cook the latter was a chinaman and around him this inci dent centres tho work of survey ing and monumenting had been com pleted on one portion of the line and the camp was moved forward seven miles to continuo it tho cook was hustled off to make ready tiio noon meal and on his way he encountered a black bear a spaniel tho cooks pet was accompanying him at the time add it immediately rcshed at tho bear the cook also attacked tho forest denizen assuming tho best defensive action to be the offensive there were no firearms fhandy and the cook had to resort to primitive methods frying pans and other cooking utensils were brought into play while the spaniel annoyed the bear incessantly the cook retreated to the top of a tpnfoot cliff where boulders abounded the bear halted below and endeavored to beat off the attacks of the dog and taken off his guard bruin was laid low with a well- directed boulder tho surveyors reached tho scene in time to merci fully dispatch the fatally injured bear many and vailed are the experi ences of dominion government sur veyors and engineers during their months of work and travel in the newer parts of canada and not al ways are they as amusing as the one related above the loss of complete camp equipment in running rapids tho breaking of caches by animals and other such misfortunes of the trail have been reported but these and many others are all considered just part of the days work health dr williams pink pills should be taken these pills enrich the blood which tones the nerves im proves the appetite gives new strength and spirits and makes hith erto despondent people bright and cheerful miss irene denne rr no 1 washago ont tolls what dr wil liams pink pills did for her as fol lows i suffered for a long tlmo with my nerves and a generally run down condition i grew so weak that i had to ho in bed a part of- every day i could not do any work and was taking medicine all tho time try ing one medicine after another i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and i havo reason to be thankful that i acted on this advice as this was the first medicine that gave me any relief and in a comparatively short time restored mo to the bless ing of goqd health when i think of the marvellous good these pills did me i can most highly recommend them to all weak nervous people it you are at all rundown or weak you should begin at onco to take dr williams pink pills and you will soon be well and strong these pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mall at 50 cents a box by tho dr- williams medicine co brockville ont mussolini aims drive on sardinian bandits the baby a dissatisfied galleryite booed loud ly at the end of tho pantomlne the rest of the gallery who liked the play objected to his noise and a scuffle took place chuck him over tho rails someone suggested whereup on a mild little woman in the stalls below stood up and cried excitedly oh please please dont throw him over tho rails kill him where he is in south america an extremely in toxicating tea is made from the leaves of the local variety of holly j why do you call your chauffeur a leaky vessel does he gossip about your affairs no but i am always hailing the fellow out wby do so many many babies of to day escapo all tho llttlo frotful spells and infantile ailments that used to worry mothers through the day and keep them upbalt tho night if you dont know the answor you havent discovered pure harmless castorla it is sweet to tho taste and sweet in tho llttlo stomach and its gentlo influence seems felt all through tho tiny system not oven a distaste ful dose of castor oil does so much good fletchers castorla is purely vego- tablo so you may glvo it freely at first bign of colic or constipation or diarrhea or thoso many times when you just dont know what is tho mat ter for real sickness call tho doctor always at other times a few drops of fletchers castorla tho doctor often tells you to do just jhatftnd always says fletchers i i olhor preparations may bo just as j puro just as froe from dangorous drugs but why experiment bosldcs tho book on caro and feeding of babies that comes with fletchers catstorla is worth its wolght in gold children cry for ast0rlai corrugated iron ask for wheeler bain council standard a thick even heavy spread of galvanize over every inch of sur face deep corrugations write us stating size of barn you want to cover we pay freight wheeler bain limited dept w 108 george st toronto 2 plans to clear up that island now that- mafia has been chastened in sicily rome premier mussolini has de cided to pursue vigorously a cleaning- up process in sardinia now that sicily has been chastened by recent anti- mafia prosecutions and cinvictions thodeclsion was announcer recent ly by officers of the carablnierl force and appears to have been the out come of the premiers intensive study of crime statistics for both thoso islands tho latest official figures those of 1924 show that in that year the number of crimes per 100000 in habitants was only 1623 in sicily while sardinias rate was 3172 sicily led sardinia in murders 241 per 100000 to 162 but the smaller sister isle quite outdid her in thefts the rate being 914 per 100000 for sardinia to 353 for sicily tho crown prosecutors obtained 45897 convic tions in sicily in 1924 and a total of 16964 for sardinia tho latter figure being commensurate in view oft he smaller population once sardinia is chastened as was sicily which is likely to be no easy job slnco that island produces italys hardiest soldiers- observers of tho premiers campaign aro won dering when he will tackle the region of calabria comprising three prov inces in the toe of tho boot of italy calabria in 1924 showed 3285 crimes per 100000 tho murder rato being 22 and the theft rato 741 tho total crimes committed were 33522 with 19341 convictions thus calabria on tie mainland was ahead of both sicily and sardinia on tho average crimo per given unit well above sardinia in average mur- deis and double sicily in point of thefts in discussing tho situation with carabincrl officers tho premier said ordinary dellquenclcs had a rudo setback particularly in sicily but thero is yet something to bo dono in sardinia particularly in centres where there aro remnants of ban ditry which must bo destroyed at no mater what cost tho carabinlorl already are well trained in this work and will finish it when i am dead a glasgow university undergradu ate recently died of exposure on the cairngorm mountains of inverness- ehlre scotland the following poem was found in his rooms written juit shortly before and printed in the london observer when i am dead and this strange spark of llfo that in me lies is fled to join the great core of life that surely flames beyond eternities bury mo not i pray thee in the dark earth where comes not any ray of light or warmth or aught that mad life dear but take my whitened boeee far far away out of the hum and turmoil of the town find mo a windswept boulder for a bier and on it lay me down where far beneath drops sheer tho rocky ridge down to the gloomy valley and tho streams fall foaming whlto against black beetling rocks whero tho suns kindly radiance sel dom gleams whero somo tall peak defiant stead fast rocks the passing gods and ell the ways of men forgotten so may i know is good tea the orange pekoe is extra good in clean bright aluminum even in that death that comes to everything the swiftly silent swish of hurrying enow the lash of rain the savage bellow ing of stags tho bitter keen kniteodge embrace of the rushing wind and still tie tremulous dawn will touch the eyeless sockets of my face and i shall see the sunset and anon shall know the velvet kindness of the night and see the stars by hugh barrio mistakes mothers mare in care of mttle oses classified advertisements pourtby canada troubled by gain in divorces at least 2000 were granted last year many of them in us courts 200 waiting ottawa canadas parliament en gaged now in considering such mat- meat has been tried of placing loud- 4 a quality rock lklshoitx jjl wyandotte ited baby clucks jliou per 100 and up hatching cj3 js00 per loo and up pedigreed cocker els 000 each and up 36 iaj a illus trated catalogue free i u- uutld v sons box t rockwood ont tauy chicks wk hatch kour l varieties of baby chicks write for free catalogue price 10c and up a ii swltzer granton ont in a london theatre the oxpoiv f many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that their babies eat everything that grown up people do such a course is almost certain to bring on indigestion and lay tho foun dation of much iimiealth for the llt tlo one other mothers administer harsh nauseating purgatives which in real ity irritate and injure the delicate stomach and bowels and at the same time cause the children to dread all medicine absolutely no meat should bo given to a child until it reaches the ago of 18 months and then only if approved by tho doctor for medicine all strong disagrecablo oils and powders should bo abandoned and babys own tablets given instead s babys own tablets are especially made for little ones they aro plea sant to take and can bo given with absolute safety to even the newborn babe they quickly banish constipa tion and indigestion break up colds and simple fevers and make the cut ting of teeth easy they are sold by medlcino dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ontt supplies of lodgepole pine although exact figures arejiot avail able it has been estimated that tho total stand of lodgepole jlnoln can ada at present comprises 13050000- 000 feet board measure of saw timber and somo 60000000 cords of smaller material forest wealth shorbrooks tribune lib tho forest regions of canada havo an es timated value of moro than three bil lion dolars properly administered they would furnish our governments with a considerable annual revenue the united states and moxlco aro new on capital terms with mexico needing tho capital weston ore leader somo men learn wisdom by their mistakes others commit bigamy hydropower on niagara river on tho niagara river the water- power of which is shared between canada and tho united states five to six million horsepower could be de veloped but by international treaty the united states is restricted to a total diversion of the flow of tho river to 20000 cubic feet per second and canada tcr36000 these diver sions are practically ail utilized by the developments now in use fr on fishing trips take minards a regimental chaplain was to piay a part in somo garrison theatricals on being shot by the villain tho chap lain had to exclaim my god he has shot mo hut ho objected strenuous ly to using such a strong expression and eventually a compromise was reached ho was to say my good ness etc on productfon night one of the stago hands gave tho villain n tip intended to make for realism it was to insert a raspberry into the barrel of his revolver tho effect up on firing tho shot was perfect tho parson exclaimed my goodness ho has shot me and clutched at his heart discovering tho raspberry goro on his finger tips he immediately added in a volco of real horror my god he has shot mo ters as national trade and commerce tho operation of railroads and diplo matic representation at paris and toklo also must deal with moro than 200 divorce cases at tho present ses sion this is because there are no divorco courts in ontario and quebec c and applications arising in thoso pro vinces come to parliament itself each in tho form of a private bill which costs the applicant from a few dol lars to many thousands according to tho evidence it is necessary to pro duce no decroo is issued unless un faithfulness is proved evidence is heard in private by a committee of tho senate which makes its represen tation and the approval of both tho senate and the house of commons is required before a petitioner is grant ed freedom ttie other seven provinces have their divorco courts and periodical attempts have been mado to estab lish in ontario the necessary judicial machinery for the severance of mar ital bonds but without success tho largo quebec catholic representation in parliament which opposes divorco on principle makes it improbable that there will ever bo a divorce court inthe province and provides a serious stumblingblock for attempts to provide ontario with moro ade quate facilities those who advocate tho establishment of such a tribunal in ontario are able to quote statistics to prove its necessity at this time for instance 210 petitions for divorce are before parliament and 187 of them aro from ontario 116 from tho city of toronto quebecs quota is but 23 which reflects the power and influence of tho catholic church in that large province a growing problem divorce whether an evil a problem or just a condition is becoming in creasingly prevalent in canada and tho situation is causing a good deal of comment in 1913 the last prewar year in all tho nino provinces thero were only sixty divorces by 1919 tho number had grown to 370 in 1026 to 608 and last year to about 700 de crees by provincial courts and parlia ment nor is this the grand total there aro no statistics available of thoso canadians who sought the fa cilities of united states courts but it has been estimated that last year not fewer than 2000 canadian couples were divorced at homo or abroad there aro notable exceptions among tho provinces prince edward island for instance has had but ono divorco since confederation 1s67 but al berta has grown from 4 to 154 in fourteen years saskatchewan from 1 to 48 manitoba from 6 to s5 british columbia from 20 to 167 speakers all over tho aitdilorii usually they are seated jut bshlnl us punch angry wife to liontamer who has akeu refuge in lions den you quickly eases leiate2 throats if slowly swallow a sip of bccklcyv youll bo astonished- by the immediate relief it brines to n sore inflamed throat singers breakers and smokers fhould never be without it the first dose clears nnd soothes the throat and j bronchial tubes and there are 40 dosca in a 75cent bottle i at all druggists and guaranteed w k buckley limited t 142 mutual st toronto 2 acts like a lath a ingc eip proves it aching feet batho and rub well with m ho ards it soothes and brings a contented feeling of rest use minards liniment for corns leonard ear oil deaj mm druggists oosfcutltsim rfoutst ao lcosawd imc british columbia large lead- producer approximately 94 per cent of can adas output of lead and 92 per cent of the zinc comes from british colum bia the remaining 6 per cent tho lead originating in ontario the yukon and quebec and about 8 per cent of the zincnn quebec seeing is believing you know not always i sco my husband fre quently but i rarely believo him suffered so she could not walk restored to health by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound minesing ontario i am a prac tical nurse and i recommend lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound to suffering women for three months i was almost helpless and could iot sit at the table long enough to drink a cup of tea many atime my hus band carried me to bed i would bo so weak then lie read in the paper of a woman suffering as i did who got better after taking the vcgctobio compound so he went and got it for me when i badtaken three tottos i was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since when i feel any bearingdown pina i always take it sometimes a hdf bottle or whatever i need it is my only medicine and i have told many a one about it any one wanting io know more about lydia e pjnkham a vegetable compound i will gludiy write to her ido all i can to rec ommend it for i feel i owe my life nrid strength to it mrs neai bowseii rr 1 minesing ontario do you feel brokendown nervous and weak sometimes do you havo this horrid feeling of fear winch some times comes to women when they ara not well lydia e pinkhams veg etable compound is excellent to tika at such a time it always helps and if taken regularly and persistently will relieve this condition c oo acid mny people two hours after cl- ing suffer indigestion as they call it is usually excess acid correct it with an alkali tho best way tho quick harmless and efficient way is phillips milk of magnesia it has remained for 50 years the standard with phyal you will never uso crude methods when you know this better mothod and you will novcr suffer from ex cess acid when you prove out uila easy relief plcaso do that for your own sakernow lie sure to got tho genuine phillips vo-viavi- hew yofcx issue no 10 28 clans ono spoonful on water neutral- milk of magnesia prescribed by physl- izcs many times its volume in rom- ciaua for 50 years in corroding ox- ach acids and at once the syssplorsa cess acids each bottlo contains full disappear in five minutes i directions any drugstore