Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 23, 1928, p. 7

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briton boosts record travels 20695 miles per hour if the late earl of oxford and asquith jut nearly has flashes a mile under seventeen seconds- fatal spill daytona beach fla feb 19 pics up until i had covered half of the captain malcolm campbell british mile just before i crossed the final ace today established a new worlds wire i glanced at my instruments and speed record when he drove his huge i was making 22c miles an hour my napier blue bird special over the instruments are accurate and i knew hard beach course he set an average all during tho runs just what speed speed of 20695602 miles an hour jl was making i jterally burning up the sands with j asked if ho intended to try to break his giant machine equipped with a his own mark during the speed classic powerful 12cylinder motor of the here which officially ends next wed- british air service captain camp- nesday campbell said i dont know bel exceeded by 316 miles an hour j for sure but i might lie said how- the former record of 20379 set here j ever that if frank lockhart succeeds last year by major h 0- 1 segrave in breaking the record set today ho of england in his mystery sunbeam undoubtedly would make another trial- us drivers ready shortly after campboll had mado his run lockhart brought his car onto tho beach for several test runs on two trials with and against the wind lockhart clipped off 181 miles an hour but said he would not attempt to set a new record before tomorrow lock- harts car which weighs less than 3000 pounds and is equipped with two eight cylinder miller marine mo tors i3 said by racing officials to be the last word in racing car design the motors are capable of developing 100 horsepower and its citgarshaped body has been designed to offer a minimum of wind resistance j m white philadelphia who in tends to establish a mark in his 36 cylindered triplo machine brought the creation onto the beach today but after campbell and lockhart had con cluded their runs the tide was so high he was not able to make a pre liminary trial tom rooney chicago in his black- hawk established tho first stock car record over a milo straight away under revised rules of the american automobile association requiring strictly stock body and gears his average time two ways was 97759 miles an hour is good sport major h 0 d segrave expressed pleasure when informed that a fellow countryman capt malcolm campbell had advanced his own world speed rec ords for motors he advised however against being too optimistic about campbells hold ing the record as i fear frank lock hart may beat it if he does then i certainly will try again for tho record to regain it for britain otherwise campbell may keep it as far as i am concerned sir charles wakefield tho donor of a thousandguinea gold cup to the record maker with an income of a thousand pounds a year until 1930 unless the record is again broken be fore then said that lie was delighted at campbells time but that it was only what he had expected after he saw tho bluebird special taking r fourmile run start capt campbell made his first run south with the wind negotiating the official mile in 1676 seconds for a speed of 21479713 miles an hour which was 11 miles an hour faster than major segraves record on his return trip north made against a strong wintry wind the englishman covered the offi cial mile in 13t3 seconds for a speed of 19960722 miles an hour his average elapsed time both ways over tho course was 17395 seconds and his average miles an hour was 20c95602 had narrow escape immediately after he- had crossed the wire at tho end of the official mile capt- campbell narrowly escaped what might have been a serious acci dent when his huge machine struck a soft bump on the sand and for an instant the driver lost control of his car swerving dangerously at such a tremendous speed the machine for an instant seemed to head for the soft sand dunes which undoubtedly would have resulted in the death of the englishman and demolishing of the car the bump which was located higher on the bench than the britisher had intended to drive threw him half way out of the seat and for an instant his feet bounced completely off the bralras nrd accelerator his goggles slipped down over his eyes obstructing his vision but he righted tho machine and it roared on down the courso stopping near the end of the beach four miles away mrs campbell witnessing the epochal run from the grand stand leaped when she saw her husbands car strike thebump and she covered her faco with her hands not after record fearing that a serious accident had happened mrs campbell did not loos up until friends told her that her hus band had completed his run safely on his second run north capt camp bell drove his machine farther out on the beach where the sands were hard packed the wind slowed him up per- coptibly and he was able to average only 19966 miles an hour over the official mile course after he had completed his run the englishman drove his car back to tho pit and was greeted with cheers from the grand stand- frank lockhart indianapolis who is here seeking to establish a new worlds record in his stutz blackhawk special was the first person to rush up and greet the britisher for thirty minutes capt campbell and his machine wero surrounded by hundreds of spectators who rushed to extend him their congratulations i alut 5000 saw the run captain campbell insisted ho had not intended to go after a new record today but merely wanted to try out the beach which was decidedly tin- proved over what it had been for tho past three days f longer start needed f capt campbell declared that tho performance of his machine today provod to him that he would need a longer rolling 3tart if he should de cide to make another attempt later to belter his own mark theres no excuso nowadays for a i did not have my machine opened i fellow who doesnt seo a good deal up at any time during the trial he of his girl said when i entered the official i mile stretch after taking a fourmile last year was a record ono for start my machine had not even start- j visitors to the london zoo 215820s cd to pick up and it did not begin to people passed tio turnstiles the legislature week by week britains distinguished statesman and scholar passes the rt hon herbert asquith will long live in the memory of the british people as a great statesman and a thorough english gentleman tho two photos above show him in mufti and also in n ceremonial naval uniform after a most auspicious opening brightened by the cheery colors of the bedecking of ontarios fair sex and the new curtains on the assembly room windows the legislature got down to business on friday the 10th joseph p- earngey kenora mem ber sounded the call of the north and horace s colliver prince ed ward representative moved and sec onded the speech from the throne clearing the way for real business on tuesday 14th mr earngey is a newspaperman who talks as well he launched a message straight at the heart of old ontario wo in the north said he rather pity you for your lack of knowledge come and visit us spend two years in tho north and when you come back here you will be better equipped to givo relative opinions on the north and tho south it ha3 been said that wo northerners come down here look ing for money always wanting some thing of course but wo also come down and offer opportunities to the people it is false to say that we aro always getting something and giving nothing in return after mr colliver spoke tho liberal leader william e- n sinclair ad journed the debate until tuesday monday 13th inquiry into hollinger mine disaster promised by premier later judge t- e godson was announced as in charge of tho investigation with peter white government as well as the brewers and distillers who threw their whole weight behind it before the election realized it when they brought it in i the premier followed and promised full investigation into the ballot sita- tlon and answered in pert come of mr sinclairs attack aurellen bellinger liberal rus sell moved the adjournment of the debate wednesday feb 16th now contentious bills took up th proceedings of tho house thursday feb 16tii tho debate o tits spcrch continue aurellon bclncser french member for russell bared tho feelings of the fronchspesking peoplo of tho pro- vince with a force and aa eloquence which at times stirred even the government benches into applause mr btlcngor pictured tho frenchcanadian as a far moro loyal and more desirable citizen than the communistinfected immi grant from london pleaded for a better understanding of his accom plishment and his aims and urged that the government extend rather than restrict the present use of french in the schools so as to enable french- canadian children to obtain the edu cation they required and to which they were entitled defends low standing mr belanger displayed a iet by gones bo bygones attitude with re- kc as tho government legal repre- to r ca that sentative earl of oxford dies in england war time premier passes after severe illness family was with him was seventy six 911000 voted for agriculture ottawa the house of commons has approved expenditures for tho dept of agriculture totalling 911- 000- the individual items in this total wero dairying including a grant of 5000 to the national dairy council 265000 cold storage warehouses 30000 fruit including a grant of 8000 to tho canadian horticultural council 241000 seed feed and fer tilizers control including a grant to seed fairs 375000 to investigate all phases of the to bacco industry hon w r mother well minister of agriculture has ap pointed a commission e p tollier former member of the ontario lcgls- laturo for north essex and h j archibald wallaceburg a third mem ber will be a tobacco expert from tho dept of agriculture london the earl of oxford and asquith died on wednesday morning last at his country home tho wharf sutton courtenay berkshire he was in his siventysixth year- members of his family including lady oxford bettor known as margot asquith and their daughter the prin cess bibesco wero with the- formor premier when he died when tho earl was suddenly taken ill he seemed to feel that his end was approaching and expressed tho wish that all his family should como to him as soon as possible sir maurico and lady bonhnmcarter joined tho othor relatives at the bedside sir maurice served his fathorinlaw as secretary for six year for somo time leginning after his retirement from activo politics in 1920 lord oxford had been in hi health throughout the country great sympathy is expressed for tho dead man was ono of tne great figures in british political llfo of tho last decades ho first entered tho cabinet moro than thirtyfive years ago for eight years two of them war years he was prime minister of england and for several years he was joint leader with david lloyd george of the liberal party now sunk to third rank in brit ish political life the heir to his earldom is julian viscount asquith fourteenyearold son of the former premiers oldest eon raymond asquith who was an officer in tho grenadier guards vhen he wlas killed at tho battle of tho sommo opening of inquiry this week likely a bill to amend the succession du ties act and providing for three chief changes was introduced by provincial treasurer monteith dr monteith also introduced a bill even where it had been applied con scientiously it had proved a failure and defended tho low standing of tho schools and pupils in his county by charging that lack of departmental the investigation relating to tho hollingor mine disaster to be conduct ed by a royal commission undor his honor judgo t e godson will in all probability commence its work this week tho inquo3t which is to open at timmins tuesday is expected to adjourn tho samo day and the ar- rangomonts for tho commissions in qurry will follow immediately- judge godson said that if tho in quest wero adjourned he would carry on as quickly as possible and probably would be ready to begin by the end of the week o a judgo has ruled that dogs have the samo rights as podostrlans in crossing a road the 8poa is un derstood to bo protesting on bohalt of tho dogs a prosperous canada permits reduced budget fiftyfive million of gain ia national surplus thirtynine million of our debts paid and nineteen million reduction in taxes a commendable record upholding britains record the flier from in front tho napiercamplicll bluebird aiiloiaobiie oijolve ga and oil tanks are a feature of 13 construction malcolm canipnc drives itln defstis of britains supremacy at daytonla keacli fia a national belated but neverthe less welcome christmas present was handed the ratepayers of canada in the fifth budget of the hon james h robb mado publlo in ottawa thursday february 16th- in short tho chief items- of interest are as fol lows tax reductions income tax ten per cent reduc tion in personal corporation income tax reduced 8 per cent sales tax reduced from 4 to 3 per cent tariff changes cottons tho maximum rate under tho general taritf is reducod with ono exception from 37 to 30 per cent duties on coarso yarns aro lowered but a 15 per cent general tariff duty is imposed for tho first timo on yarns of ioa count and finer excopt mercer ized yarns which remain freo under tho british preferenco material reductions in a largo range j of household cottons british preferenco widenod woollens duties reduced on wool- ion and worsted fabrics imported for dyoing and finishing and on many lighter weights of such fabrics im ported in finishod condition rato3 on knitted underwear and woollon socks and stockings to be ad justed so that moro oxpenaivo linos pay higher rates whilo lines moro commonly in demand will lo reduced yarns for weaving re made froo textile machinery made free under the british preference linen british preference rates on j fucr grades reduced mining machinery redueiions in duties are made on many ilcrs to p i the mining industry- press and stereotypes blank- arc la free under the bi and greatly educed under the general taiifi drawback of 89 per cent of duty is to be granted on certain papers used in tho production of magazines aluminum net floats aro free and parts of engines for fishermens boats are reduced nonaleoholio disinfectants rriade free drawback of 60 per cent to bo allowed on materials ued in making aero engines certain crudo pctroloum not in its natural stnto for refining to be ad mitted freo until july 1931 drawback of 60 per cent to be al lowed on materials used in the manu facture of tools when 50 per cent of production cost is incurred in canada an incrcaso from 25 to 50 nor cent- in tho percentage of labor and ma terial which must outer into empire goods to sccuro for them british pre ferential rates financial statement estimated total revenue for present fiscal yoar 5419480000 estimated total expenditure silj 665000 i estimated surplus 54815000 support for instance the sending out to amend the mothers allowance act and 18 v third the change provdmg that two years j am fouhh certificateshad residence n ontario instead of two fe conliuo13 y jv vsg5b his s met forcibly at tho a bll to amend the public health 1 6veni si by w gm act was also introduced by tho pro- j i for brantford who de- vincial treasurer the object of this j n that qntario a province who said that english must bo taught and no bluffing- either and who implied that mr belanger had trod on dangerous ground with his remarks about london immigrants infected with the virus of communism first to leave the brantford member amid chccr3 of his fellowbenchers eaid the fact must not bo overlooked that it was the english reservist who was the first to leave canada for battle at tha call of war rii kemp progressive member for lincoln the thjrd speaker of tho day warmly criticized tho govern- mont in respect to its rural hydro policy is to grant power to municipalities of over 100000 population to charge up to capital account all expenses neces sary to hte preliminary investigation bfuch as sanitary ortgineorjfng etc that precedes a large construction program such as sewage plant etc the idea is to make possible a more thorough investigation for the sake of sanitation and public health amending other acts bills to amend tho municipalities act tho local improvement act and the bulk sales act were introduced by attorneygeneral price the first is to provide for the paying of inter est in compensation proceedings the second is to allow a corporation to assume more of tho cost of any par ticular work than it ordinarily would where a general bylaw has not been passed applying to work of certain character under tho suggested amendment a corporation might in the case of an old provincial highway running through tho community assume somo of tho cost that would be ftxod to abutting land- tho proposed chnngo in tho bulk sales act is to give a junior jiidge as well as a senior judge the right to appoint a trustee if the vendor has not appointed one hon william finlayson brought in a bill to provide the necessary legisla tion in regard to ontarios part in the power development on the english river his bill is entitled an act respecting the lac seul storage frank w wilson con windsor tried to introduco his beer by tho glass motion but was ruled out of order tuesday feb 14th this day saw real fireworks hon w e sinclair liberal leader sprang his wandering ballots 6ensation ho terminated tho best speech the houso has over hoard him make with an amendment to the address which in effect will placo tho members on rec ord as to whether or not tho govern ment has been guilty of neglect in its research list tabled in house canadian commons informed of work undertaken by council ottawa following tho govern ments recent announcement of its in tention to spend the sum of 3000000 upon laboratories for tho council of national research the houso of com mons was furnished recently with a list of the investigations which tho research council is at present con ducting whilo somewhat lengthy in its entirety it specified the following nino national problems as being at present the subject of research 1 the use of canadiantron orc3 2 cerealgrain rust 3 tuberculosis in man and animals 4 reforestation problems with specific respect to new brunswick 5 best methods of obtaining accur ate results in testing varieties strains and yields of grain c problems of tho grain industry 7 heating and insulation of build ings 8 storage of fruit in warehouses 9 utilization of canadian ningncs- ite failure to legislate this session for oldage pensions- criticism all along in mldt to the abave inve3tig mr sinclair clubbed the ferguson f by committees of the council administration and from every conlitsclf important researches are beins coivablc angle not only did ho carry carried on into upwards of 100 indus- his warfare to mr ferguson and var- trial and scientific problems by thj ious departmental activities of his aid of funds granted by tho council government but to subordinates just principally through universities per- without the queens park confines in haps the three subjects of greatest this connection strong man banna economic and general interest which chairman of the liquor control nr0 bing studied are board who ho charged was paid i the euect of light on life pro 20oco a year to rubberstamp ap- cesses by patronage com- the effect of violet rays upon lay- ing hcr8 pomtmonts made j mitteoi mr sinclair varied hi criticism it 3 moans of improving the quality ranged from bowling alleys to the staple syrup and sugar i administration building to an appeal i l0 llc pimo minister to keep politics j ia t of the constitutional ie with mpoits and txporta im reduction will be re3 to power rights at times it i preaso ind exports from ri u waa feathery in oubstanco but fun- canada have decreased whilo im- deb refunding operations in tho j pi other times it was heavy forts have increased tho nocessltv j3 of importing into tho country arises directly from our need to oxport our own products the problem con stats from the national point of vlow not in reducing the numbor of our im portations but in the exerclso of ado- quale judgment in tio choice of thoso present fiscal year have enabled tho- conlpc serious consideration government to effect annual interest at all timc3 it w to tho least exasperating if not galling to tho government progressive leader speaks savings of 3007800 estimated net debt reduction this year of 33315000 total estimated revenues this year show an increase over lait year of then followed john g- ithbridge 510027520 jthe new progressiva pilot making his imports so that thoy will servo tho total estimated expenditures show maidon debate spoeeh arguing the old roe om national production in incrcaso over iist year f question cf ferguson v drury direct- o 680312 ling further tiro against the liquor i see tad mother reading tho trado fcr the firit nine months of control act administration which he evening ppe l aro asking this fiscal yeirshrvs inipartsi 323- alleged was efficient only in thofor mora duty to be put on silk stock- 031000 an increase of s5g000060 sense f selling liquor nnd not con- iogr put moro duty on them ox- oxports 970151029 1 decrease of trolling claimed the m man what olso do 328000000 mr lcllibruge stressed the point they oxpoct cm to do why thoy favorable trade balance for nino that the whoe art was n rales promo- mko tlioir stockings caver half theft months 117100000 tlon pieco of bminesa and lh the bodlos as it is

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