found a health building tonic a nova scotia lady was in an anaemic condition men and women who do not sleep well and aro not refreshed and j strengthened by a nights rest are generally suffering from thin watery j blood the nerve fall to get the nourishment they demnnd ard head aches and a wornout feeling is the j result building up the blood is the one euro step to renewed health aud trengthand for this purpose nothing else can equal dr yhiiams pink pills from first dose to last they en rich and purify the blood and in this way proraolo better appetite better rest at night and renewed strength mrs mary k uhlmau wllllams- town ns writes i have received so much benefit from dr williams pink pills thajt i would feel raysalf ungrateful if i did net let yea know i was in a very bad state of health and reached the sge where i hd to remain in bed a doctor was called j ls illsu in and ho told me 1 had no organic j trouble but was simply run down j marshall on phone yes from overwoork 1 had been loft with a family to support which i did by dressmaking the doctor said my hiood had alniott turned to water and advised a rest cure i did not seo how- it was possible for me to take a very long rest so i decided to try dr wil liams pink pills soon i found my strength returning and before very long i was able to go about my duties as usual again this was a few years tgo and my health remained good until about a year ago when i broke out with humor of the blood again i consulted the doctor who said my blood had become so thin that it had really poisoned itself i told him 1 had bought several boxes of dr wil liams pink pills and ho told me to go on taking them as he thought they were just what i needed i took eight boxes aud again was in good health i can therefore recommend these pills to all in a weak or rundown condi tion dr williams pink pills aro sold by all druggists or will be sent by mail post paid on receipt of price bo cents a box try them today the orange pekoe at a little t extra cost is extra good in clean bright aluminum little boy on tho beach mum my i want to go deep into the sea mother my dear you cannot little boy but mummy daddy does mother the fire department report a fire xew bride oh no i just want to order coal for the winter seven stages of matrimony patrimony ceremouy parsimony inharmony acrimony alimony out o money a friend of mine was discussing his roommate the other day he said fred is one of those fellows who would hold the lamp while his mother chopped the wood nothing cau take the place of com mon sense one extraordinary result of the im mense tourist traffic to canada es pecially in the eastern section is the revival of home industries which in some cases have not been practised to any great extent for many years so much so that visitors to quebec province have been afforded the privilege of seeing rugweaving which is again flourishing after many years of disuse tourists naturally desire to take home with them something of unique design or individual charm which can- the country they have toured rugs especially aro much appreciated and in scores of homes nimble fingers are executing the designs of fifty to a hundred years ago while there ls great rivalry in the creation of now and artistic patterns representative of the country and atmosphere in which the workers live the revival of an old industry ls due in part to the festivals promoted by th canadian pacific railway where exhibitions of this art are shown and greatly appreciated by interested spectators another festival of this solicitor at county court what are your husbands assets wife all i know of is an unpaid motor car o mother guess what i just saw a lady with great long hair gathered up in a bump on top of her head and held there with pieces of bent wire not be obtained at home they also kind will ge given soon in quebec look for something which had an at- while others will be held in btnff and tachment to and is representative of i a mining investors intrinsic values govern market prices eventually we shall be glad to analyze your holdings from that angle without obligation lyle bell co stock brokers mall bldg toronto elgln21367 write wire or phone classified advertisement ijtek a new book ok lolltr lessony i- r gulii sons box j rockwuod oat keat eajatb wasted we sew and trade iropertt anywhere in canada sterllnc exchango co box markv- join canadian cor- responrence club addreea aoa- i7j8 calgnry atberta bk an auctioneeil earn from j26 to 100 per day send rr larsx illustrated tatuloruo also how to receive home study course free ii hartijl address itepperts auction school ana business ollere box 119 necaturv indiana a sergeantmajor relating his ex periences in the great war told the company in the messroom that on several nights the temperature was down to zero that nothing re marked a sergeant whats noth ing said the sergeantmajor evi dently angered zero was the ser geants quiet answer nurses the toronto hospital for incurables in affiliation with bellevue and allied hospitals new york city offers a three years course of training to young women having tho required education aiiil desirous of becoming nurses this hospital has adopted the eighthour system the pupils receive uniforms of the school a monthly allowance and traveling expenses to and from xew york for further information write the superintendent save labor during the spring rush when time is at a premium because d w fertilizer is double strength you save in bags frefght teaming and spreading v p worth because one ton d w 8168 two tons 484 i w gunn ltd 200 vine ave toronto ont lie kissed helen hell ensued he left helen helen sued the cat was making an awful noise last night yes ever since she ate the canary she thinks she can sing it is said a diamond will turn green when exposed to the rays of radium we have never tried the experiment for two reasons one ls that we have no diamond the other that we lack the radium he i saw an attractive selection of garters on the street today she where on the street just above the knee man who always used to like to head the procession now since the era of short skirts seems to want to lag behind great praise for babys own tablets teacher robert here is an ex ample in subtraction seven boys went down to the creek to bathe but two of them had been told not to go into the water now can you inform me how many went in robert yesm seven if you are looking for revenge youll find it in forgiveness v the dr williams medicine co has received the following letter from mrs griffith of 21 ave east hamilton ont concerning her experience with babys own tablets dear sirs i wish to thank you for the handy little booklet you sent me on the care of children my baby boy was six weeks old when i first used babys own tablets being new to canada but since the first proof of their many uses in bringing up a family i have never been without them for they are worth their weight in gold there is no trouble in get ting the little ones to take them and they often prevent an illness if taken in time my first baby is now at the age of four and a half years a pic ture of health and my niae-months- old baby is also well and happy they are botli a real good sample of what babys own tablets can do for i have never yet needed a doctor for either of them the booklet to which mrs griffith refers ls entitled care of the baby and treats with what a mother ought to know for babys sake a copy of the booklet will be bent free to any one requesting same from tho dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont the only reason that most flappers dont look more foolish than they do is because they cant grow sideburns wcffrowonrown ficrtcry stock and ti direct to jhdo fslrs- riro no stents no costly ccmmsoni thfttyouhiitc tony lor our rales plan rave blowy yon can bay your plactlnns direct iron as ond sav op to ifi nothlmr by blah trad- no 1 stock of proved standard varieties suited to canadian cocoltlony all stock guaranteed truetocuac crow tour own frntt ricrt fruit tree and berries this sprlnp befor you kootlt tliey will bo producing delicious crol for tabid use and canning beautisy tour home treeo and shrubs add valuo am improve ap pearance yet cost but llltl get details of union nurseries bet g foothill ontario tlv edgeholding saws fast eosucutfing guaranteed because mode from our own steel simonos canada saw co ltd montreal vancouver 6tjohnnb toronto fy a 8hour day for horses asked by french league paris an eighthour day and one day off a week for horses is the start ing point of an animals magna charta the french league for the protec tion of animals hopes eventually to get the league of nations to sanouon these proposed right of dumb ani mals dr e g see head o the protective society is actively seeking support for his plan his proposal is that a number of laws applicable to tha labor of man bo applied by the government to the fourfooted beasts which are protected now only against extreme physical abuse the eighthour law he aays and the sixday week are needed as badly by hot3c3 as by man the difference is that the horse has no vote ond ho doesnt go on strike for better work ing conditions and more pay he works for his board and sometimes doesnt get it apiwsaiitsiinstaiitlfem there la an effective war to pleat- mntly relievo that dutring cottffh backleya mixture la delightful and nndiy vet it acta jike a flub in clearing the throat and chest on dote itop coughlnc and there are 40 doeea in a 76cent bottle i all dnureuu ell it under a moneyback guarantee w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 acts like a hm a single tip proves it s3 food dours american women gives church 32carat diamond york england a 32carat diamond the gift of an american woman now studs a golden chalico of york min ster the cathedral which lias cele brated the thirteen hundredth anni versary of its founding the donor is mrs lily forepaugh of brewster ny a former yorkshire woman mrs forepaugh visited eng land last summer and made arrange ments for the presentation of the jewel canon c c bell showed mrs fore paugh tho various ornaments of the minster especially the chalices but mrs forepaugh was unable to find any which seemed suitablo to en shrine tho diamond she then ar ranged to have a chalice and paten made at her own expense tho chalice to contain the diamond mrs fore paugh said tho jewel had formed part o fa brooch which had been given to her ns n wedding present by her hus band woodsmen keep minards handy c from rab and his friends who made you was asked of a small glrl sho replied god mado me that length indicating with her two hands the ordinary size of a new born infant and i growed the rest niysel this story was current in scotland long before topsy spects i growed standard remedy asthma sor 58 years dr aullcvr green ountnin asthma compound bw auo- oeaafully and quickly rallanrea the dtfltressinr paroxysms of asthma two alien jloo and kto also cljfar- ettoa box of 24 60c at your drug gist or bent direct post paid for cash fresi trial box of cigarettes with treatise on oaunea and treatment of asthma etc mtnt en rarftaeat j h guild co dept 22 rupert v usa dlstr for can lymans ltd lit st paul st w motrl a certain lecturer in aberdeen toldi a reporter who was present at ono oj his meetings that he had a few mora engagements in the city ami not tjf publish anything of the lecture as iti might spoil the attendance at the others next day he was horrified toil read in the papers mr delivered an excellent lecture in the ujp ohurch hall he told very good stories but unfortunately they can not be printed sore back drive away the pain with minards by massage y ft the baby about two hours after eating many harmless people mffcr from it has remained the stand- our stomachs vrlih physicians in the 50 years they ch it indigestion u means that ihe stomach nerves havo been eiiico its invention it is the quick method results j come almost instantly it is hit ap- ovcrslimtilalcd thero is excess ncidj proved method you will nover use the way to correct it is with an alkali another when you know which neutralizes many times its vol- be sure to got the genuine phillips lime in acid j milk of mngncsla prctcrihetl by pliys- the right way is phillips milk of clans for so years in concciing ies magnesia just a tasteless dose injarids kach bolllo contains full dlrec- watetr it is pleasant efficient and jtioni any drugstore eaaaabali m iffrtil fjl mi laaavaw- fflianiaai to women of middle age mrs wilsons experience a j guide to women passing through the change of life hamilton ontario i have taken seve bott of l e pinkhams vegetable com- pound and i con not speak to a highly of it as f j wasat the change of life and was all rundown an4j had no appetite i was very weai and sick and the pains in my back weresobadlj couldhardlymovti j i cot very sad at times and thought i had not a friend on earth i did not care if i lived off died i was very nervous too anrt did not go out very much a frientt advised me to try a bottle of lydia eli j pinkhams vegetable compound ao i did i am a farmers wife and ftlr ways worked hard until lately an- was in bed for two months i began to feel like a new woman after the first bottlo and jsrecommend itwlti great success also lydia e pinki hams liver pills i am willing to answer letters from women asking about your medicines as i cannot speak too highly of them mrs emma wilson 471 wilson street hamilton ontario sold by druggists everywhere o not this little girl j i trust tht youre not a drink ing girl like so many of our young- er set of today nctlrce not we i im euttln out the old demon for th new var minards liniment for tick animal why do so many many babies of to day escape all the little fretful spells and infantile ailments that used to worry mothers through tho day and keop them uphalf the night if you dont know tho answer you havent discovered pure hnrmlcss castorla it is sweet to the taste and sweet in the little stomach and its gentle influence seems felt all through the tiny system not even a distaste ful dose of castor oil does so much good fletchers castorla is purely vege table so you may give it freoly at first sign of colic or constipation or diarrhea or those many times when you just dont know what is the mat ter for real sickness call the doctor always at other times a few drops of fletchers castorla tho doctor often tells you to do just that and always says fletchers other preparations may bo just ns pure just as free from dangerous drugs but why experiment besides the hook ou care and feeding of babies that comes with fletchers catstoria is worth its weight in told i88ue no 6 2 the whole world knows aspirin is an effective antidote for pain but its just as important to burnt that there is only one genuine aspirin the name bayer is on every tablet and on the box if the name bayer appears- its genuine and if it doesnt it is not headaches are dispelled by aspirin so are colds and the pain that goes with them even neuralgia neurilis and rheuma tism promptly relieved get aspirin at any drugstore with proven directions physicians prescribe aspirin it does not affect the heart 4rfn t- w inda nark nllr4 la 0bis tadiailr barer vnftnfv wmi it ja well fctwn iftit aaptiu m uyj ui no factor to tj it mfv lfl ilt ttoaa tu taue a pj bajr ci iiwacrt iaiw