Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 2, 1928, p. 8

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tqufrvjlle february 2nd 192s hurling taylor ctjiere took place at the home i mr and mrs j clubine aurora on saturday jaiu21st 1928 the marrf age ad miss mary viola taylor of whitchurch jo mr gordon cecil burling of aurora the bride was attended by miss laura clubine and the groom was assisted by mr a1- bert jhlis the ceremony was per formed by rev p r soanes after which ihe happy couple left for a brief ihoneymoou followed by the good wh3iespt their many friends school report ujchciu report for the month of januajrv of ss no 13 maxkham jrb clifford hlsey grace ruuey jalex mustard jri ib kathleen stotb gladys lehman marion 3ellersvelma wide- lnanfrancis nigh dorothy hoover walter jeailley allan hlsey srjji vera topham geo foote mlsakvfosiagraii jr- ii eva wjdepian maryjjtecfc- iey ruth hoover derek barnett primer jack nigh cora jjisey earljsellere claude foote ride in the new ford at unionville wednesday and thursday feby 8th and 9th i g am davison another good sale mr simeon hoover who had farm ed at lot 25 concession 8 markham for more than 30 years disposed of his larm stock and implements over the auction block last thursday and wiu now take a wellearned rest from active farming the property will be worked by elmore and clar ence darkey but mr hoover and hi wife wiu continue to live in a por tion of the residence thursdays auction sale drew one of the largest crowds of the season despite the fact that there was quite a heavy jail of snow came unex pected just at that time making heavy roads prices ruled high for many articles and for some ot the live stock but the feature ot the sale was thegood average bids real ized in all jlstes offered for sale the highest cow went at 130 to mr wellman headtotdwhile two others sold at 115 each to lottons and brulingers twpellat got a nice one at 110 and the others in the sale xan around the 100 mark three horses sold well considering ihe quality the highest animal re lieving someones purse ot 135 hogs sold batter ithan at other sales indicating that the hog market is improving fjeed were particu larly jhigh ensuagein a ten foot silo bringing 750 toot while barley sold at 85c bushel and mixed grain at 70c their was a big flistiof implements many of which had served at least one maa a lifetime but good care re tained their value and most articles demanded a good price the entire sale realized 4100 with an unusu ally large cash payment although liberal terms were advertised this speaks well for the financial condi tion of this section of the farming community in ontario p v silversides was pn the auc tion block assisted by alvin farme the cub auctioneer in mjsmoriam pugh in loving memsory of niy dear brother robert pugh who depart- edfromus february 7 1921 when the shades of night are falling and i am sitting all alone their oft time comes a longing j bringing many a silent tear some may think i haive forgot you when oft times they see me smile but they do- not see the sorrow which is behind the smile sadly missed by sister adelaide conner ix memoriam mckay in loving memory of our dear father and husband william t mckay whlo passed away feb ruary gth 1927 dear father you are not forgotten nor ever shall you be as long as life and memory lasts we shalll remember thee not now but in the coming years it may be in a better land will read the meaning of our tears and there sometime will understand sadly missed by wife son and daughter in memoriam creed in loving memory of our dear friend florence d l oreed who passed away a year ago january 31 1927 they never quite leave us the friends who have gone through the darkness of death to the bright home above a thousand sweet memories are hold ing them still to the places they blessed with their presence and love alex edith and anna york county council although york county council were in session all last week they did not complete the work set before them and the members are again convened this week the standing committees of the year have been arranged reeve george kellum of vaugban and reeve w riddeu of georgina have been appointed as county commissioners the two most important offices next the warden- ship the other committees are equalization reeves gohn baker baldwin e g parr jackson kel- lam lane lea e m legge leslie lunau lundy mackenzie murray murphy s osborne hr osborne price riddeu sanders wallace weir westbury willoughby wilson finance messrs westbrook an derson balwin dean a w farr lea e m legge leslie lyons muirhead mccallum s osborne padget wallace education messrs beckett arm strong ae baker case cheesman gardhouse lunau mackenzie mc- cauley hr osborne phillips rob- son sanders waites webster wil son legislative messrs price mbaker e g farr gohn murray westbury willoughby county property jackson clark- son egan harrison kidd lane c legg lundy murphy mccarthy sprague stiver printing and contingencies mes srs kidd addle barchard dean egan russell woolner magistrate brunton informed the council that he handled during 1927 more than 5000 cases and the re venue received totalled 48418 he suggested some rearrangement to the county building that would pro vide more room for his department and also the clerks office deputy reeve kidd of whitchurch received the honor of being appoint ed the countys representative to the royal winter fair a new department we have arranged with one of the most reliable and best houses reginald boxer to handle their com plete lines of wall papers and are now showing the latest designs for this spring in papers for every room of the house we invite you to call any time and see our stock and wide range of samples f c rowbotham er if you contemplate a new roof orrepairing an old one it will pay you to consider our white cedar shingles the white cedar shingles we handle are grown and sawn in eastern canada from virgin growth timber where climatic conditions are similar to our own they are air dried although there are a number of different grades in white cedar shingles we cmly handle the best grade which is an all clear shingle without any sap white cedar shingles are sawn very pump at the butt being five butts to 2 in thickness for a lasting roof it will pay you to investigate the good qualities of our white cedar shingles phone or better still call around and see us stouffville planing mills stouffville ontario ninth line markham we are sorry mr w johnson has boon so sick and hope he may soon 1r outppiin i mr r j mcelwain jr is spend ing a couple of weeks with relatives in goderich z miss hilda robinson of toronto spent the vfeek end withher sister mrs hollinger mrs robinson has been spending the past three weeks in toronto with her sister imr and mrs boyd and family of stouffville spent- sunday with mr and mrs dave boyd a large crowd attended mr simeon hoovers auction last thursday and say lie had a splendid sale a large number from this line at tended the convention held at mark- ham last friday the addresses were good and the choir of about forty in the evening was excellent mr albert batt has been confined to his ed for the past month with inflamatory rheumatism and weak heart we are glad to report that he is some better altona mr and mrs w imcnair were in balsam on sunday miss beatrice carter ot toronto spent the week end with miss flossie mcnair misses mildred and mary barkey were with charles and mrs barkey here over the week end the boys are busy harvesting the ice now since the roads are so good for sleighing mr and mrs f c chamberlain and daughters visited at frank waggs on sunday the school children eninved them selves at a skating party st the stouffville arena on saturday after noon atha and mongolia schools were there too i the regular monthly meeting of the wl will be held at the home of mrs e drewery on wednesdayfeb 8th at 2 pm- the following is the program farm and home beauti- flcation by mrs t dunkeld music by mrs h slack parcel day to be sold the one at your right sunny- side of life by mrs n bunker ex change of valentines roll call treasures from an old scrap book auction sale register thursday feby 16th at lot 29 con 7 markham credit sale of farm stock and implements be longing to fred dewey sale at 1 no reserve f w silversides ouctionecr tuesday fieby l4th extensive sale of 30 milch cows of excellent quality also 40 head of young cattle belonging to jlohn thomp son 1 u miles east goodwood sale at 1 sharp fw silversides auctioneer wednesday march 7th dis posal salo ot entire farm stock and implements belonging to fred paulicat mile north glasgow no reserve as farm is sold sale at 12 oclock sharp fw silversides auctioneer tuesday feby 21st at lot 25 con 2 uxbrldge farm stock im plements and household furniture belonging to fred jackson sale at 1230 oclock f w silversides auctioneer thursday feby 23rd register ed clydcs reg shorthorns reg cotswold sheep farm stock hay i grain etc belonging to john for- 1 syth lot 4 con 2 uxbrldge f 1 w sitvcrsidos auctioneer deaths love at his late residence cashel ont on january 25th 1928 geo love beloved husband of maria brown in his 88th year funeral took place saturday january 28th interment atvlctoria square ceme tery ringwood ira grove spent a couple of days in toronto last week walter vague visited at henry smiths mongolia last week mr and mrs t griove and daugh ters margaret and jean and mrs john lee were toronto visitors on tuesday the record temperature for our burg this winter was established on monday morning when the thermo meter reached 25 below zero victosia square h l kaiser our enterprising mer chant held a shooting match on jan 25th twentythree chickens were put up and as the weather was stormy the attendance was not large but those who shot did not go away emptyhanded an off hand shot not being counted in the score the possi ble high was 220 those who sllqt were- jack frisby 210 points 4 birds j madill 209 points 5 birds j geo agar 207 points 4 birds geo forester 205 points g birds a frisby 195 points 3 birds c sanderson 177 for is shotsl bird mr kaiser expects to hold another shoot in the near future card op thanks it is with a deep sense of gratitude that we thank all who rendered us assistance and sympathy during our recent bereatvement mrs r hamm and family exchange i have twenty acres with lots of buildings in a good locality suitable for poultry gar den or bees to exchange for a good house in stouffville f kay reesor maxkham farmers we want all your live fowl best market price paid dont sell until you consult us phone sam golden at pennockb livery stouffville for sale six hp engine good order cheap with wooden pulley nearly new a bargain we want fat hens at highest market prices ben rexlin the herman place dealer in used implements tele phone 192 for sale three houses in an out of town for 1000 each briek house barn one acre of land 1500 50 75 100 150 and 208 acre farms with good buildings best locality good roads houses in stouffville from 1000 up to stouffville loans wanted 7000 see yake real estate tenders tenders will be received by the undersigned up to feby 15th at noon for the building of ah- addition to the bethesda stouffville telephone cos operat- trig room in the village of clare- niont plans and specifications may be seen after the 16th inst at central offices of the company either at stouffville or claremont d w heise rr 1 gormley ont for sale 2 purebred holsteins forward springers carrying second calf edwin fqrsyth phtone 1111 lost 15 sugar bags used for coal near stouffville wj monkhouse altona for sale second hand pump suitable for well up to 40 feet price reasonable e j cable phone s410 for service yorkshire boar m r barkey phone 4706 stouffk vllie 45 estray ram lamb finder kind ly notify harry gilbert phone 1110 for sale shorthorn bull 15 mos old best quality w ratcliif phone 206 49 wanted live rabbits 3 lbs or over mongolia pet stock and poultry yards phone 7828 ufo members send in your or ders for bc shingles wire fenc ing salt fuel for next winter etc phone 5302 the secretary brier bush bargainsnorthern spy peewaukle and talman sweet apples 50c per 11 quart basket gladioli bulbs from 50c per dozup various cockerels for breeding pens and two pens of jersey black giants 1 male 3 females 1600 booking hatching eggs for later delivery your orders will be ap preciated a j watd phone 8008 notice is hereby given that gladys ham of the city of toron to in the county of york in the province of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament ot can ada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband william george ham ot tho village of laskey in the township ot king in the county of york in the province of ontario on the grounds of adultery and desertion dated at toronto in the province ot ontario this 16th day of january ad 1928 chas a thompson 201 federal bldg toronto ontario solicitor for the applicant gladys ham notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of han nah storry late of the town ship of uxbriclrc in the county of ontario widow dcccnsiyl notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate ot the above named hannah storry who died on or auout the 10th day of january 1928 at the township of uxbrldge aforesaid are required to send or deliver their claiims duly proven to the undersigned solicitors for the administrator with will an nexed of the said estate on or be fore the 18th day of february 1028 after which date the said adminis trator with will annexed will distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall then have received notice and all others will be excluded from the said distribution dated the 30th day of january 1928 richard williams administrator with will annexed stouffville rr no 3 ont mccumxcoh button solicitors for said administrator 51 stouffville ont farm for sale 100 acres 1 miles north of bethesda 5th con tp whitchurch county of york 25 miles ne of toronto and one mile from good toad system soil good clean dry not heavy clay loam suitable for wheat and all kinds of grain potatoes and mar ket produce good bank barn and good frame house never failing well in barn a spring in pasture field and two other wells a good frame house and small barn on se corner of farm a few acres of beech and maple bush and small young orchard 15 acres ot fine fall wheat and 8 acres of timothy and alfalfa land all plowed and ready for sowing in spring 4000 down and balance mortgage at 5 pet cent further particulars ap ply to isaac pike stouffville rr4 notice of application for divorce notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that pearl hazel clement of the city of tor onto in the county of york in the province of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament of can ada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband james alexander clement of the city of toronto in the county of york clerk on the ground of adul tery k pearl hazel clement by her solicitors parmer hope 57queen street west toronto 2 canad dated at toronto province of on- t the 15th day ot decemberj cutters and bobsleighs wo are ready for the winter season with a nice line ot bain cutters with and without doors slelgh robes bells etc you will find it to your advantage to call at our show rooms and in spect our stock w h todd stouffville

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