wohes who are weak owllaffs feab o w l on witb langhter j gain new vitality by building up the blood j there are many women who pass their days in a constant state of wear iness they have barely sufficient energy toenabio them to perform their manifold duties often they have an aching head a miserable pain in the back and limbs that feel as heavy as lead the whole trouble is due to bloodlcssness no woman need suffer in this way it is easy to ob tain a supply of rich red blood by tak ing dr williams pink pills the new blood created by these pills rapidly builds up the system headaches and backaches disappear energy returns and the joy of living is felt once more proof of these statements is given by mrs ed lauore stoney point ont who says- for a long time i had been in a very miserable condi- 1 to a housewife tho ashes from a tion always feeling tired out sleepy dollar cigar are just so much dirt and weak tho least work about tho j house would leave mo helplessly tired j many a salesmajy murders oppor mid nothing that 1 did seemed to give tunity when ho thinks he is only kill- relief believing that a rest might do me good wo moved to town but con trary to expectations instead of get ting better i was growing steadily weaker one day while talking to a neighbor sho urged my taking dr williams pink pills telling me that her daughter had been in a condition mud like mine this persuaded me to try this medicine and i have much reason to be grateful that i followed her advice after tho use of a few boxes of the pills there could be no doubt that they were helping me and as i continued their uso my health and setrength came back and now i nm doing all my own work and feeling in the best of health for this splen- lid condition i must give my thanks to dr williams pink pills the pills are sold by all druggists or you can get them by mall at 50c n box from tho dr williams medi cine co lirockville ont ing time troubles may be worked off dare something and fall and youre a fourthclass darn fool succeed and youre a rotogravure hero youve just come over from ire land said a london lady to her new cook were you trained across the water bliss ye maam sure you could not bo trained across the water replied the girl i just came over in a ship ive never kissed a girl in my life observed tho painfully proper man well dont como hanging around me announced the young flapper im not running a prep school model for husbands the harassedlooking man was be ing shown over some works that machine said the guide does the work of thirty men tho man smiled glumly at last he said i have seen what my wife should have married foxes axaskait ubues and sttvebs choice stock ranched with 100 per cent animal increase- for 1927 april pups for oil delivery now reserved at 25 per cent lower price than later breederbents bpecial oppotunity free ijooktet and bank references clsaby bbos fox paems umpire bldg- seattle wash run upstairs and wash your face darling i think grandma wants to take you driving with her hadnt we better find out for cer tain mummie it would be such a pity to wash for nothing his love wont continue warm if his suppers are continually served cold is jfood tea i the orange pekoe is something extra a special tea in clean bright aluminum crop records made and broken the grain crop for the past year was remarkable in many respects practically every province equalled or exceeded the harvest of previous sea sons except for the year 1923 which the highest grain record of all time due to tho lateness ot the season combined with the large volume ot the crop new records were established by the canadian pacific railway in handling trans portation and shipping though called upon to transport a crop of more than tho average capacity the company did so with greater efficiency than ever alberta created a new record for total yield over its full acreage and individual productions tho province of ontario was responsible for 21963- 000 bushels of wheat out of the dominions full yield of 4442s2000 bushels there has recently been constructed at port mcnicoli and midland elevators with a capacity of two million bushels which greatly facilitated grain hand ling on the great lakes and has also doubled the canadian pacific railways storage capacity on georgian bay a young man named better and a young lady named better were mar ried in the east thats better and better all right economy in production means greater pro fits cut production costs by using the fertilizer that gives double worth 1 ton dw 8168 2 tona 484 write for information to d w gunn 200 vine st toronto mabel kept the ring when the en gagement was broken because she felt it was her due what did archie say to that sent her the remainder due on it no better medicine for little ones is what thousands of mothers say of babys own tablets no chance to fool boss classified advertisements i ad1ks wanted to 1 riain jli and light sewing at home whole or spare time good pay work sent any distance charges paid send mutnp for particulars national manufacturing co montreal pobltby kkea new book of iofltrv 1essons 1 r guild i- sons box t rockwood ont honey 70s sam minards liniment for rheumatism povsrl honey 7g i-uck- v wheat and clover mostlv ilover there is one case in which the pub- 55 6 for sixty pounds sntwaetlon lie la beginning to believe that some j cueiomasr du sreet offered why not do it winnipeg man childhood ail ments such as diphtheria smallpox and scarlet fever could be wiped out in ave years by proper precautionary measures dr m fraser of the prov incial board of health told a conven- won of manitoba teachers here in that case only tire foolish heed catch any of these diseases of the substitutes to pur- fine motto live so you can any grocery store in town pass luck always seems to favor jman who doesnt count on it mmhotftm and pneumonia neglected bronchial colds arc dan- irerous stop thera instantly with buckleys mixture its action in re lieving uie cough and clearing tha tubes is amazingly swift and sure all druggists sell buckleys under a positive guarantee buy a bottle j today and be safe w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 buckleys t 922 acmllahh logic lip provct u girls today are judged by their dis appearance not by their appearance paris sudmay gives sxcuses for riders late for work paris subway excuses are furnish ed passengers on the french under- a medicine for the baby or growing ground system delayed from arrival at child one that the mother can feel work at a specified time by stoppage assured is absoolutely safe as well as or delay of train service the old efficient is found in babys own tab- alibi of train late doesnt go down lets the tablets are praised by with the hardhearted french em- thousands of mothers throughout the ployer unless accompanied by an of- country these mothers have found flcial yellow ticket stamped with the by actual experience that there is no date and the name of tho station at other medicine for little ones to equal j which the delay occurred the tick- them once a mother has used them ets are furnished by 6ubway and rail- for her children she will uso nothing way officials on request else concerning them mrs charles many french business houses take hutt tancock island ns writes f tueir employes salary sums pro- t have ten children tho baby being portionate to losses incurred through just six months old i have used tard of 8taff members when babys own tablets for them for the ealarie3 ot 2 and 30 a month are past 20 years and can truthfully say i as ls iremeiltly tile a f that i know of no better medlcljie for mlnuteb tardiness can eat heavily into earnings hes always complaining about the clothes women wear nowadays well he certainly hasnt got much to talk about x here old man buy a ticket for the fight youll see more excitement for 2 than you ever did in your life is that so 2 is all i paid for my marriage license its easy enough to be pleasant when life never gives you a frown but the man worth while is tho man who can smile when his garters are coming down an actress was giving a perform ance at one of tile big prisons stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage she sang from the back of the hall a deep voice exclaimed but lady how they do help little ones i always keep a box of the tablets in the house and would 018 advise all other mothers to do so babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed upon receipt of price 25 cents per box by the dr williams medicine co brockville ont ji on duty the great worlds heart is aching ach ing fiercely in the night and ood alone can heal it and god alone give light and tho men to bear that message and to speak the living word are you and i my brothers and the millions that have heard j can we close our eyes to duty can we fold our hands at ease while the gates of night stand open to the pathways of the seas can we shut up our compassions can we leave one prayer unsaid till the lands which hell has blasted have been quickened from the dead successfully relieved asthma use dr guilds given mountain asthma compound originated by dr j h guild special i ht in resplrt- utory affections quickly relieves tho u 1st reusing torments that cause suffering ami loss of sleep two sizes 150 and 35e also cigarettes 4 box of 24 cflc at your druggist or sent direct ostpald for cash prios triai box 6 cigarettes with authoritative treatise on causes and treatment siit on request j h guild co dept 22 buport vt usal distr for can liymans j til 344 st laul st w montreal a wellknown psychologist eaya that wifcen a man tiscs in the morning ho should get down to brass tacks income tax officials on the other hand get up to tax brass the baby wo grovel among trifles and our spirits fret and toss while above us burns the vision of the christ upon the cross and the blood of god ls streaming from his broken hands and side and the lips of god are saying tell my brothers have died o voice of god we hear thee above the shocks of time thine echoes roll around us and the message is sublime ko power of man shall thwart us no stronghold shall dismay when god commands obedience and love has led tho way frederick ceorge scott many people two hours after eating yon will never use crude methods suffer indigestion nathejvcall it it is when you know this better method usually excess acid correct it with you will never suffer from excess an alkrll the host way the quick acid when you prove out this easy re lief please do that for your own harmless and efficient way is phillips milk of magnesia it has remained or so years the standard with physi cians one spoonful n water neutral izes many limes its volume in stom ach aeldc and at once the pymp- tonif disappear jc five minutes sake now ho snro to get the genuine puliiips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for so years in correcting excess acids bach bottle contains full direc tions any dnilorc forest conservation ottawa journal cons our spruco forests are rapidly diminishing with a sure result that nt some time in the future perhaps not very far dis tant our canadian paper mills will find a scarcity ofraw material their production and value will decrease and the prico of paper will soar an argument has long gone on for fur ther restriction of the export of spruce some restriction cxiss now restriction is opposed by tho conten tion that it will be an injustice to canadian farmers who have spmce to sell but it looks as though the in- cafstorla i tcrost of the dominion nt large will be far more hurt by continued export i of puipwoed than by a limited nuin- her of sprtce owners sotting for a short time only a dollar or two less n cord for spruce than they cai get at present julia what at firu bight tight the king of pain mmrcj linim chaseds may be just as good as the tf ahry join canadian con- real thingor a good deal better j m3s2sm2 am that is in the buying of wars the woman who a few years back thought shed never get used to a gas rang has a daugmer who knowe all the ins and outs of a gas wagon why do so many many babies of to- day escape all the little fretful spells and infantile ailments that used to worry mothers through the day and keep thorn uphalf the night if you dont know the answer you havent discovered pure harmless castorla it is sweet to the taste nnd sweet in tho little stomach and its gentle influence seems felt all through tho tiny system not even a distaste ful dose of castor oil docs so much good fletchers castorla is purely vege table so you may give it freely at first sign of colic or cmisl ipaflbn or diarrhea or those many times when you just dont know what is the mat ter for real sickness call the doctor always at other times a few drops of fletchers castorla the doctor often tells yon o do just i that and always says fletchers other preparations may he jnst as i pure just as free from dangerous i drugs lint why experiment resides j lhebook on care anil feeding of i babies that comes with fletchers worth its weight in gold i children cry for this winter heed the warning a sneeze foretells a cold nip it in the bud with minards expectant mothers daily trains including the you really enter sunny call fornla the moment you step aboard oneof the five famous santa fe crosscontinent trains the chief extra fare is the finest and fastest of the santa fe california trains only two business days on the way no extra fare on the four other dally tralni the california llm- itcdnavajojscoutandmlssionary fred harvey diningcar and din- ingstarlon service sets the standard in the transportation world enjoy outofdoors this winter- take your family california hotel fates are reasonable m ladlm-detour- grand canyon una may i stnd you oii 4cf urc faldtrtt f t hendry gen agent santa fc ky mi trausportatioii bldg detroit mich aiioaeutauiloiiujsha read mrs menards letter her experience may help chatham ontario i want to tell you how much goo your medicine has done me be- fore my baby came i felt so weak and run down that i could hardly do my work my head ached continually nd i was so dis- uraged that i could cry from morning till night i had another baby justoneyear t gave me a lot to and a naif old and do so i thought i would try lydta e pinkhams vegetable compound as i had read so much about it in the little books i found a difference right away as my head was relieved and my tired feelings gone my sister had been doing my washing and she continued doing it as she said it might set me back if i started to do it again it sure did help me and i had taken just two bottles when ray baby came he is a fine big boy now nearly five months old i am taking your medicine again and i am able to do my work all by myself now i always recommendthe vegetable compound to womenj and especially to expectant mothers as i believe they need help at these times mrs oijver mekard24 harvey st chatham ontario cv- the wnole world knows aspirin as an cficclivc aniiil pain but its just us important to know ilia there is a gniuhfr aspirin the name bayer i on every isxblct t box if liic name liaycr appears its genuine ra if i it is no ileadnclics are lispeiiett by aspirin so ereco the pain that goer with tlieni even tieiiraljiri iicuniis sn i tisn promptly relieved get aspirin al aiy t- provct directions physicians prescribe aspirin n it does not affect the heart arrn 1 11 imv roeik i tf lr in cnu imtlntlajt llorr mmfjn i wl jn wtlln rrv llrr iuflnr lo ir iii rrllc ifiln u it luv na hnisicj li lilr btjtr cro irjiuili o tor v one i tiie cant and ma- vih ii tt t3lt-