stouffville february 2nd 1928 quality service the home town store tc332ss5r- christies fresh broken sodas 2 lbs 25c christies fresh broken sweets 2 lbs 25c christies fresh broken water ice wafers per lb 25c campbells tomato soup 2 tins 23c bulk macaroni 3 lbs 25c tins 75c crisco 1 lb tins 25c 3 lb beehive corn syrup 5 lb tins 37c 10 lbs 70c clover honey 5 lb pails 65c 10 lb pails 5125 comb honey while it lasts per section 25c fish sea salmon fillet scotch kippers smelts and fresh oysters lettuce and celery ratcliff co town deliver phone 7112 exreeve writes from monte carlo 192s january 14th the tribune stouffville dear mr editor you see i have not forgotten the promise i made before leaving home to write you something of our trip to europe we have not got very far on the way yet being as you note from the address at montecarlo however if i wait too long before writing would have so much to tell that my letter would stretch out to a great length so concluded to give you our experience and some observa tions thus far and perhaps conclude my remarks at a later date lose fifteen thoumd francs in less than ten minutes besides the gamb ling rooms the casino contains a beautiful theatre library music and a host of ether public and private rooms monte carlo is situated in monoco an independent state or principality containing only about eight square miles ft is administered by the prince of monoco assisted by a sort of cabinet and various officials the prince lives in a very fine castle along side an old fort quite high up across the little bay from the casino the profits from the casino are very large and tremendous sums have been spent on promenades gardens and all kinds of splendid masonery as an illustration of spending they have just completed a tennis court mrs silvester and i have been a trifle more than a month on our way system of twelve courts and acconi- having left stouffville dec 1st wejmodation for some thousands of remained four days in uncle sams spectators at a cost of 25000000 remarkable discount we are reducing all winter goods a straight 15 per cent enough said a g lehmam the peoples shoe store stouffville metropolis new york city sailing from there dec 6th on a large very comfortable steamer calling on the way across at boston and ireland our first four days at sea were most pleasant and it being our first taste of the ocean were very entertaining it was warm and calm so one could remainon the promenade deck in the fresh air all the time we were not eating and they surely feed one well on board besides the regulation three meals they pass around hot broth and crackers at 10 oclock a m then have afternoon tea with cakes etc at 4 oclock and another lunch at bedtime i found that my we have taken many most inter for new calendar mrs brumwell and family who have been spending two months with there is considerable agitation in i her parents left for their home in the business world nowadays over adeepdale man on saturday new calendar to supplant the one now in use the big contention being call out the pied piper that the present calendar has objec- tionable features which cause diffij obrien ave jan 2s 192s cuity in business owing to the vjr- editor tribune iatlon in the length of the months i i read with some amusement the claims are made that business and article in your last issue concerning accounting will benefit if a calendar rats alleged to have come from the of thirteen months is adopted j stouffville dumping grounds allow the calendar thought to most me to assure the gentleman who sub- feasibly provide a substitute for the scribed to that letter that i do not one now in use in the cotsworth believe therats come from the sdg calendar it will consist of thirteen standard months of 2s days each the first day always falling on sun day and the last the 28th falling on saturday the new month to be called sol will be inserted between june and july as it is believed it will cause less confusion if placed l all will remember when the old slaughter house was forced from the dirty premises not far from tho dump that rats were thick about there and i had a lot of trouble with them and do not think they are all caught yet i am not supporting the dump but there the 385 day will be decern- believe that if the local council had esting trips by train street car and ber 29th and will have no weekday done their duty in planting cedar for private sale a number of high grade holstein and durham springers all close to work and exceptionally large and young cows terms arranged we also have a large assortment of used cars for sale at bargain prices now is the time to get your order in for a new ford if you want to get one next spring you may have to waiti a lot longer to get a car than you will care to if you do not get your order in early d holden stouffville phone 184 ford and masscy harris agent stop look listen burn coke this mild winter and cut your fuel bill down we have the two sizes range and furnace flour and feeds five crown for bread flavo for pastry bran shorts glutein sampson oil cake poultry feeds lay mash scratch feed cracked corn whole corn wheat buckwheat oats oshell and grit highest prices paid for grain and seeds s w ha5ttnjs phone 169 stouffville do it now if you are not already a shd7per to the stouffville creamery start the year right by sending us your cream and you will obtain the best results in every way stouffville creamery company phone 18 6 stouffville ontario closes every night except saturday threejneals a day with just occasion- ly a lunch was quite sufficient we walked five miles a day a few times around making one mile played deck games cards c and reclined in the cosy deck chairs for a chat with our friends we soon became acquainted with a number of fine people mostly going home for christmas after living some a few some many years in usa then for two days we had a laste of rough weather with the wind on our side and we did some rolling we man aged however to keep from becoming sea sick we rolled all the dishes off the table one morning hen they put on the dish guards till the storm was over the last two days were quite calm and altogether our voyage was most enjoyable and we felt fine when we landed at cherbourg france had no trouble at customs and after several hours delay were on theway to paris the first thing to strike me i think was the absehce of wood all the buildings were stone fences of stone and nothing any where made of wood then the very small four wheel freight cars some holding only a few wagon loads did look strange and so small then all the teaming here is done in two wheel carts if two horses are used they are- in tandem and guided only by a whip the fiems too are so tiny and all sorts of irregular shapes divided bja ridge of earth about two feet high and shrubs or small trees planted on top the south of prance from mar- ceilles to the italian border is all mountains the railway and best roads are on the edge of the sea and very winding tunnels are very numerous and some are very long but one gets many fine views both of sea and snowcapped ridges ah along the coast the slopes of the hills are farmed when there is a particle of earth in order to get a flat surface and keep the earth in place stone watts some twenty feet high are erected a few yards apart up the entire slope making the steep incline an entire terrace the strips are planted in fruit trees vines and vegetables i am afraid our ontario farmers would make a very poor living under these condi tions now something about monte carlo and the riviera the great winter resort of france this extends from cannes to the italian border a dis tance of perhays fifty miles and is a succession of large and small resort towns and villages all situated on the sea coast there are very many fine villas or private homes with beautiful gardens over the whole erea and simply thousands of hotels and apartment houses ranging from cheap to the most luxurious all i these including the railroad and highway are built close to the mediterranian because the moun tains rise closo to the ocean in fact in most cases they slope up immedi ately from the water and roads and buildings simply cling to the hill sides the trip through this section over the very winding roads sometimes away up and others close to the water through many tunnels or clinging to the side of some mighty rock wall is very interesting the winter weather here is much like our early may frost and snow is rarely known quite warm in tho sunshine and cool enough for a utu fire in tho evenings just now flowers are in bloom everywhere the gardens are full of palm and rubber trees all kinds of cactus and other tropical trees and slirubs imonte carlo where we are living is about the centre ot the riviera and of course is world famous for its wonderful casino with its beauti ful gardens and terraces outside and the gambling tables within there are over twentyfive tahlos in vari ous rooms which accommodate more than five hundred players at ono time and these aro usually well fil led i navo been content as a spec tator at the game while watching a table one evening i saw a man auto bus up and down the riviera and back into the mountains one very quaint old village called la turbie two thousand feet up the mountain directly behind us was en joyed greatly here are the ruins of an immense old tower surrounded by a fort built by the romans in 27 bc and a large part still standing a roman highway runs through tho village and along the top ot this ridge for many miles an is now an excellent motor road while we were there dozens of autos and busses pulled up to view the old spot the view from here over monte carlo and the ocean also to the north at the snow covered moun tains is facinating la turbie 3 reached via a steam incline railway called the funiculaire the track has a wide centre rail with deep steel cogs to which the engine is geared the ties are of hollow steel about the size of our wooden ones there are some places on the way up that one would not dalre fall off or there would be some difficulty picking up the pieces well we are nearly through with this resort and wfif be on our way to rome in a few days where we hope tir see much to interest us in the eternal city nsw i am afraid i have wearied you with this long rajnble so must close- with kind re gards ana best wishes to all our friends at home in which mrs silves ter joins your very tfrutyv f w silvester name it will be known as year day and will be a holiday falling between saturday december 2sth sunday january 1st in like manner in leap year the extra day will be placed between june 2sth and the first day of the new month it will not have a trees and shrubbery about the dumpr there would be no reason for com plaint now it is an eye sore be cause the council failed to take ac tion to hide what itis not necessary to show perhaps the east end council will come to our rescrue and grace weektfay name but will be kftown the property wtlh something we will as lep year not object to seeing the swamp the advantages of this calendar j lasid on which it is located would lie in the fact that all months woufd be better for having clumps of cedar have the same number of days the all over it which would help to keep same nunvber of working days and down the objectable weeds the same number of sundays all j so far as the rats are concerned months would have exactly four fne reeve may call out the pied weeks and quarter years and half piper of hamlin and dispell them years would be of the same length the month would always end on saturday also holidays would always fall on the same weekday the date of easter cduld be fixed which is another advantage yearly calen dars would not be necessary inas much as one fixed motfftity calendar woufd be sufficient ttrere is a great deal of prejudice and inertia to overcome before such a change with its obvious adrant ages can be brought about if they cannot be disposed of other wise yours for beauty brings business beef cattle shortage bloomington mrs wm a fockler spent a vteek with relatives in toronto bruce barnes of toronto was home fortlie week end mr w avhilland daughter elsie spent a douple of days with kts- in aurora wall street journal the state hureau of agricultural statistics of lincoln county usa states the shortage in beef cattle 1 growing in 1927 there were 85 per f cttle shibnort from sta tions in the range sections of the state than- fn 192g the 27 north western counties of the west and northwest tsat supply cattle shipped but 11425 cars last year whereas they sent it 484 the previous year feeding sections showed the smallest decrease and tthe strictly- range ties the largest running as high as 366 per cent fess high prices took most of the calves out of the counties the last year bjcelantkae the many friends of mrs pryne sr will be sorry to learn chat she is i family of toronto in verv ill baalth i mr- henry smiths on sunday mr and mrs harold frampton- of toronto spent sunday with- her paying 4t35and 40 in the father mr a- cowie i north cen sections now range mr andjmrs earl anthony and men assert any kind of a c brings or more antthis makes restock ing expensive and speculative friday february 3rd a great number of odd lines left over from stocktaking which we are clearing at 29c 3 only ladies winter coats sao price 375 2 only ladies slickers in sand and rose sale price 375 ladies and childrens allwool flannel dresses assorted shades sale price 375 see window display w h shaw during winter months our store will remain closed every night except saturday save at our store phone 9512 stouffville ont sswgswwg