stouffville december 30th 1926 that you will enjoy a full measure of prosperity in the new year is the sincere wish of ratcliff co the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a ygar in advance 250 to he united states a v nolan publisher 8touffvil1le ont edftorial comment despite the fact that the fergu son government lost the only nlckle they had in the recent electionthey still have the price fancy contest for all offices twp unlike last january when there were acclamations tor every office in whitchurch council there is to be a contest this year all round here is the slate with the names of those who made the nomination for reeve morgan baker nominated by er sheppard and newton rae george leary iby w d richard son and t h vannostrand for deputy reeve herman kidd by ross ratcliff the new ontario legislature is composed of 16 lawyers 32 farmers 23 businessmen while there are pndl lpeterson 7 physicians all classes seem to be fairly well represented the warden of bruce county re- ceives a salary of 140 and in york county the salary is 1000 even at the low salary no one ever heard of the office going abegging in bruce the honor attached to the position is the big consideration ontario has its first woman reeve as a result of the election in tisdale township recently mrs josephine thomas won the contest for reeve- ship against three other aspirants with a plurality of 68 over her near est rival highway engineers are predicting that in 25 years they will be build ing roads 120 feet wide electric lighted policed no grade crossings and no maximum speed limit ac cording to their views pedestrians will be forbidden to cross the street excep by subways pugf overhead crossings m welcome 1927 the goodwill shown us during the past 25 years by our patrons has gladened us and makes us truly thankful with pood cheer we wel come 1927 and greet our many friends and customers with a happy bright and prosperous new year a g lehman stouffville the peoples shoe store happy new year to one and all r sw hastings 1 proprietor telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 bt in a personal and friendly way at this new years we wish you in the present happiness and content ment in the days to come stouffville creamery co we close at 6 pm daily excepting saturday nights sixth line david clarke spent christmas in toronto mrs crawford macklem is ill and we hope for an early recovery mr and mrs ern ratcliff and greta are visiting in gait miss lizzie johnston of eatons mail order was home mr and mrs ross harper and family spent christmas at harry talbotts crauford macklem and sister mrs a baker spent the yuletide with mr and mrs robt ratcliff mr and mrs delos heise of tor onto were here at mr levi heises mr and mrs hoss ratcliff and helen were at t b raos iu stouff ville lor christmas we hope this locality will turn out strong for their council and deputy reeve representatives ross ratcliff and abner baker s goodwood mrs dr darling and daughter helen visiting friends in toronto this week mr edmond whittleton has se cured a housekeeper from buffalo mrs nancy lewis has gone to to ronto to spend the winter with her daughter the entertainment of the baptist sunday school held in the church was given to a crowded house mr lloyd wagg was in his usual good turn and did his part well the sunday school entertainment of the goodwood united church which was held on dec 22nd was a grand success the flower drill was especially good and great credit is due miss legate although very trying the result was well worth the effort christmas visitors mr william whittleton and mrs h james with friends in toronto mrs wmwood- ley mr and mrs chas woodley and family with mr and mrs j freid mr- and mrs thos baston visited friends in toronto mr and mrs j haynes and son iwithimr and mrs isaac fqskett mr and mrs thos armstrong with friends in toronto mr and mrs beety and daughter joyce of cannington miss minnie sellers and mr strongitharm of to ronto with mr and mrs w sellers gloom suddenly overcame this neighborhood on christmas day when news spread of the sudden passing on christmas eve of mrs william robinson a lifelong resi dent in her 69th year she had been in usual health the day previous and prepared the good things for the christmas dinner retiring to bed just at 12 oclock in two hours time mrs robinson had passed away without pain or warning sho was born on the farm occupied by her brother david watson sho was a fine woman progressive and of a high christian character only six weeks ago n daughter helen was taken by death and this calamity may have weighed on the heart of mother more than outward appear- 1 ances showed besides the husband tflere survives three sons and one daughter teaching scbool wm watson and mrs geo dowswell of stouffville are also sister and brother to the deceased alsqdavid watson the funeral was held on tuesday afternoon in goodwood cemetery abner baker by geo talbot and chas atkinson forcouncillors3 to be elected wm crawford by j p forester and w d richardson abner baker by newton rae and isaac pike percy cutler by w e card and fred steckley g wesley williams by w emor ton and e dennis ross e ratcliff by malcolm con nor and l l peterson the township hall was packed to the steps outside but despite the large attendance the best of feeling prevailed and every speaker was given an attentive hearing every ma nominated is standing for office with the exception that mr abner baker retires from his nomination to the council in order to contest the deputy reeveship clerk w h clark acted as chair man and called on reeve morgan baker he dealt with the financial condition of the township and the balanced budget that might have been shown this year had the 5000 due from the government on roads been received before dec 15 th turning to county affairs mr baker said he opposed the fixed assess ment idea whereby the fast grow ing municipalities to the south stood to gain all at the expense of the more settled places the high school levy was also clearly dealt with and the increase in allowances another item mr baker said ho spoke out against was the proposal to widen ycage street this could only be done at huge cost he favored the idea of building more iback roads so as to relieve the traffic on yonge street and at the same time give tbe farmer not living on 7000 was incurred but tbe coan- yonge street a good road mr baker received a big round ot ap plause mr learly took a few tings at the reve afeto his altitude on certain local matters and at county coun cil it the time was a unit on the matter the money was used for the south townline road percy cutler a new man for councillor lives on the 8th conces sion north ot ballantrae he is a cil he said mrbaker approved the returned soldier and said that it increased pay to 8 per day for elected he would study the inter- county councillors although he re funded the increase the first year but since had been taking it i take credit said mr leary for secur ing the 4th concession as a county road and claim to be the means ot getting it mr leary also took issue with the reeve for his opposi tion to the north toronto market which cost the township 2250 he opposed this measure said he but at the same time he took an attitude on other things that lost this town ship hundreds of dollars thats great financing the lake road or townline- south from gormley to yonge street was dealt with this 2 miles cost 7500 from 1922 to 1926 mostly all in 1926 that figure is our share to which should be added 20 per cent county share 1 give these figures he said to show that the township has not been burdened with the road as reported it is now much travelled i have served 3 years on council 3 as de putyreeve and i understood 3 years as reeve was the limit in whit church mr baker has had his three now abner baker said he was appear ing for the fifth time and was pre pared to step up or out when i came into the council there wasxan overdraft incurred of 7 or 8 thou sand dollars this is now overcome with our good road grant in he favored the abolition of statute labor from the start last spring we decided to expend 16000 on our roads and we barely exceeded it he voted against the station road at vandorf because it was not made 66 feet wide as he asked the owner of the lands to build it at this point mr richardson said there need not be so unuch discus sion and noise about the station road expenditure as it only cost the township 50 better ditching and more attention to keeping culverts open in winter was strongly advocated by wm crawford who is seeking reelection to the council mr crawford was reeve when the big overdraft ot ests of the ratepayers cooperation of each farmer would greatly help the council de clared wesley williams who would like a seat at the board ross ratcliff advocated the col lection of taxes through the bank or some other means whereby the collector would be relieved of so much work he bad experience on the council some years ago and would like to try it again herman kidd made a brief pointed speech he served on ka council last year and said that if all the gravel put on the roads last year was placed in a line it would reach eight miles road pipes had been placed to the cost ot 538 and four graders were bought costing 690 and snow shovelling mounted to s00 last winter he favored the system adopted in so many town ships of bonus to wire fencing next i he roads rail fencing is respon sible for most of the drifting ho favored the steps taken in council to aid the station road the rail way board had been consulted and council was within their rights reeve morgan baker replied to mr leary stating he ts still opposed to the 8 day pay tor county coun cillors and now mr leary has in troduced the matter i may say he leary introduced a resolution at county council to get mileage on top of this if elected i am prepare to back the 5 day pay its enough in inspect to the market garden mr baker contended that the township in which the market is situated ought to maintain it considerable discussion took place between mr lcarjj and mr baker over the abolition of statute labor mr leary held the reeve responsible to the extent ot 5000 or 6000 for not abolishing the old system before mr baker said he was willing to in troduce the new system when the law once allowed the township to handle their own money apportioning it to the various road beats two years ago the ratepayers voted for statute labor shaws weekly news after christmas clearing sale stupendous values in odd lines clearing at very low prices wishing you all a happy new year starting the first of the year this store wm close as usual every night except saturday wavtkd t1v kens ooese and dnv hfxii nres jmd for fat ifif hpp i golden phone pen- nocks livery iihffi