some poultry suggestions for the winter months judging from the amount of sun shine in december the discovery of cod kver oil as a sunshine substitute did not arrive any too soon many poultrymen feel that they are already buying about all they can afford to feed to the hens but if the pocket- book can be stretched a bit this month to provide a little chicken new years present in the form of a few gallons of cod liver oil it will be a paying investment one handy way of serving the cod kver oil is in a grain mixture add a quart of oil to about twentyfive pounds of scratch grain and mix thor oughly do not throw the sticky mix ture in the poultry litter to pick up dirt but place it in a clean trough n long enough so that all of the flock by k g kirby air cools rapidly and the moisture in the warm house gathers on the walls and ceiling the next day the mois- ture drips into the litter a house with no other ventilating si lesson january 2 the christian a follower of jesus mark 1 1620 2 1317 1 john 2 6 golden text he saith unto him follow me and he arose and followed him mark 2 14 analysis i the summons to the disciples follow me mark 11620 1314 john system than a partially open front can the example of the saviour often be kept dry by keeping enough lark 21517 of the front open to permit the dry- what is christianity 1 outside air to absorb a lot of the mois- ture in the poultry house sometimes introduction it fthj the opening of one more window in j the authority of the chns- ine opening oi one lore tlan wnpcr paplas who flourished in the front of the house mil amiost im- ask mj ars rf mediately dry off the side wals and century that the evangelut absorb a lot of the moisture from the m derived the substance of his litter gospel from the public teaching of the promptly removing the droppings is apostle peter the truth of this tra- i a hep in keeping poultry houses free dition would seem to be borne out by from excess moisture just lift a the special character of the events tal bushel basket of fresh poultry which mark depicts m his opening and empare it- with rljz can obtain some of the oil and grain of a bushel of drj manure is no n tq doubt tha he was m a quart of cod liver oil each week for th difference mweght deft source from which mark drew the 100 hens is considered enomrh bv nmsture which has evaporated into story of the eventful morning when y thb air beneath the roosts and helped jesus passing along by the lake of many pouirymen j nouse anip if the drop- galileo summoned him and andrew preventing scaly leg j plng boards cannot bo scraped every with james and john into his fellow- the scaly leg parasite which bur- day during the winter try and do it sh was an experience on which rows under the scales of a hens leg as often as possible and never let a memor oved to dwell makes the bird an inferior market thaw arrive with much manure on the l the summons to the disciples fowl when you cull the flock and dropping boards the moro cleaning a i follow me mark llg20 sell hens for meat- the dealer will poultry house receives the greater the 2 1314 want clean smoothlegged birds and j clisiicesf keeping the birds healthy 10 jesus chose his first disciples not the kind with rough crusty logs a poultry house on the general f s thc ra the men of toil this mite spreads from one bird toif is often neglected because the e was m gamee doubtess as another along the rosts and when s and hvrse the roosts are treated often with oil hang a metal bushel basket and af the restless and unsettled ele- to kill the i red mites it seems to retard sc just inside the poultry house ments of the population did jesus the spread of the scaly leg mite at the j door and seo if it is not helpful in draw the men who were to assisthim same time keeping the dropping boards clean in winning the nation to god he individual heris with scaly legs can j when you have to hunt for the tools found his real lieutenants among men nproved in appearance by to do a jobit is always easier to put 1 bo rapidly improved off the job until another day provide ample hopper spage men had learned by hard experience the invaluable lessons of patience stedfastness and selfdiscipline these men had sometimes toiled all night washing the legs in warm scy water to loosen the crusty material then take an old tooth brush and rub kerosene oil or coal tar disinfectant up under the scales when treating hens for lice with a mixture of equal parts of bine ointment and lard a bird may occasionally be found with rough legs rub a little of the lard and blue ointment mixture up under the scales and see if it doe3 not im prove the appearance of the legs in a short time do not leave any of the mixture where it can be picked off by the hens young hens are less apt to show scaly legs than old birds and some buyers seem to judge tho age of a hen by the appearance of the legs although it may not be an accurate way to judge but scaly legs on hens will not give a poultryman the reputa tion for selling high quality poultry damp poultry houses when a poultry house is damp the floor construction promptly receives the blame there are other common causes of damp walls and tough moist omi litter sometimes the house is over- been feeding from the hopper a long ft m w 2w ssls j i mi i i j i obey at once though in this case the crowded the straw receives more wooden trough can be used to make seam leaving their father zebe- manure each day than it has the ca- the laying mash visible to all the flock deci as well as their boats and nets if you have no time to make a moist j c 2 1314 the calling of a fifth mash for the flock try pouring a little disciple occurs shortly afterwards water from the drinking pail over the jesus after a morning spent in teach piping hot and icy cold by anne kil born cole many a good meal is spoied in the are also indispensable for having the serving rather than in the making meal piping hot when the family sits delicious food loses 50 per cent of its down to dinner some cooks let their appeal when it is cot served at the plates and platters stand in a pan of j right temperature nothing for in- j hot water while they are preparing i stance can atone for a cupful of lukei the last stages of a meal or merely j warm coffee or a plate of wilted salad i let he water from tho faucet run over meals served haphazardly discount them in the sink this is more or any cooks ability j less trouble but it adds immensely to it takes just a little thought to get the success of the meal a radiator everything on the table piping hot or top makes a good dishwarmer if nicely chilled as the dish requires something is laid over it toprovide a the wise cook has a routine that she flat surface the space under the follows rigidly setting her table pre- j burners on a gas stove is a splendid paring relishes jellies srd anything place to warm things provided they that does not depend upon tempera- are not left too long and scorch this ture to be appetizing while her meal j is usually wasted heat and can be util- is cooking so that at the last minute ized for crisping rolls crackers and she has nothing to do but get her hot j potato chips and for melting cheese dishes on the table together and crisping bacon it is a handy i in cold weather butter and cream place to warm tho breakfast plates or can be placed on the table with the j the platterplates for the popular one- silver and linen but in warm weather j dish dinner they should be the last things to bej a hard task taken from the refrigerator butter 0ne of the hou hardest for the table can be cut into squares tesk3 53 to the for a or made into butterbals and kept i nothing is discour- that way in a covered ash ready for n is far betfcer to tho serving at the last minute on chilled plates siico the bread wrap in a aging it is lar detter to ma family or guests wait ten minutes longer than to prepare omelets j damp coth and stand in a cool piace soramb eggs souffles or sauces be- until needed saads can be arranged- fore evel om is rc5dy m thing8 on individual plates and kept waiting can be kept warm a double jj in a cool pace or the salad ingredi- over hot wjlte or b merei j ents can be prepared mixed with the 5n wmch the fwd to cooked dressing and put on ice lettuce can be a ferger of hot water this cleaned wrapped in a wet cloth and the principle of cafeteria service most left in a coo place or with the plates veretab are better ke this wnv or the amount of dry mash hopper s w v v nl taken nothing but they knew space per 100 birds has an influence that t wag vain t aa the on the amount of laying mash consum- order of nature thus they had ac- ed each day a heavy consumption of j quired what the bible calls meekness dry mash is necessary to keep egg jesus needed such men doubtless as production at about fifty per cent j the fourth gospel indicates he knew some houses will have only one small something of them beforehand he hopper for 100 hens some pullets met them among the disciples of are shy although of good laying abil- j f me ha 1 ii r 1 ravned around him tho robest and lqh recelve th raw matenal most earnest of the young men of the such birds may remain away from a nation small hopper rather than take the v j the master cau co pecks of cross old birds a few hens a me and i will make you fishers with mean dispositions can almost of men is interesting simon and control the mash hoppers during the andrew have to quit their nets but it best part of the day for the higher vocation here indi- k about eight or ten feet of dry mashi why fishers of men the hopper space for 100 birds seems to reminds us that jesus tesk is j 1 u i u t fo to win the souls of men for god and give good results even then toften thj g di j are tf pays to keep a crock or smal iow pal box in each section of the laying v 18 tho command of jesus is in- house every day fill this small meas- 1 stantaneous in its effects siinon and uro with mash from the large hopper j andrew acknowledge at once his spir- maiiy hens will see the mash readily itual authority they rise without and immediately start eating from the word small dish although they have not vs 19 t resu saivin placed in a pile left in the refriger ator to chill many cold desserts arc better for standing a whole day or more in a cool place and are therefore time- a charming frcck for the savers for the company dinner as junior miss they can be prepared a day or two in the smart little frock pictured here advance will bo found very attractive if fashj various methods ioned of either velvet flannel or other when the range has a warming- soft material the longwaisted bodice 0 there is less difficulty in serving is joined to a circular skirt while the foods hot but many small kitchens do long sleeves extend into the neck and j not nave t kind of range then the are gathered at tho lower edge into j w coo resorts to other methods pacity to absorb readily if the litter is not changed often it ivsoon very damp even on the best of concrete floors a lack of ventilation causes damp floors too much glass in a poultry house makes the house very warm on a sunny day at sundown thcoutside dry mash in a crock the hens will 1 ing a large gathering of capernaum ting the moisten- i folks observes a taxcollector named immediately begin eating ed mash and that method also stimu i levi sitting at his desk at the custom- spotty walls and what to do sometimes after a plastered wall lins been painted portions of it will have a lighter or duller appearance than the rest this is because some spots of plaster are more porous than the rest and therefore absorb more oil from the paiiit i n some cases this uneven absorp tion can be prevented by painting tho plaster with a priming coat made by adding to 25 pounds of white lead one lates the consumption of eggmaking and m to him apparently a without preliminary follow me materials once again the effect is instantanebus i levi rises leaving his books and pa- r i j pers arid sets but after jesusl trie treating deans customs office at which levisat would my recipe for treating beans to be on one of the great traderoutes keep bugs from getting in one that skirting the lake near the point where i have used for years and which has the tetrarchy of philip bordered on never failed me is very simple i put the dominions of his brother antipas the seed beans in a tight tin box after i c dues were levied on goods they oampli bugs get into the beans those forj 0 strict jews their profession table use i put in a dishpan andjinvolved them in contaminating con- cover with boiling water let them tact with gentile traders and they stand four or five minutes then spread were considered unclean by their eed beans in a tight tin box after j n aues were levrea on goous are perfectly dry and put a 0w gmjl balls in i have never had f tkxcollectors were suspect in the them out thin on the attic floor to nnd threefourths gallons of pure boil- f after they are dried thoroughly ed linseedoil and one quart of turpen- dut them awa in paper bags until tine however it is sometimes impost am read to use themmrs w ii sible to seal porous spots with either a glue or varnish size you can buy the size or make it by dissolving one- half pounds of glue in four gallons of water to which has been added one- fourth ounce of powdered alum this size can bo applied wall first but it is a look pretty when you work orthodox fellowtcountrymen jesus- calling of levi was thus a remarkable act of grace ii the example of the saviour mark 21517 v 15 thc live disciples are now to witness in a nevertobeforgotten manner the character of the master who had calied them from the-cus- tom house they pass to the house of levi who invites some members of narrow wristbands of special inter est is the convertible collar having long ends which may be tied in a chic bow as illustrated or left open con trasting material is effectively used for the collar wristbands and patch pockets no 1259 is in sizes 8 10 12 and 14 years size 10 requires 3 yards 36inch or 2 yards 54inch material and m yard contrasting 20c our new fashion book contains many styles showing how to dress boys andgiris simplicity is the rule for weildressed children clothes of character and individuality for the junior folks are hard to buy but easy to make with our patterns a small amount of money spent on good ma terials cut on simple lines will give children tho privilege of wearing adorable things price of the book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st toronto patterns sent by return mail she uses her oven frequently both as a warmingoven with just enough heat to keep pistes and platters warm without cracking and for cooking a great part of her meal this is where oven glass plays such an important part for things cooked in such dishes can be served in them also and the heat is retained for some time at the tabic such a cook plans her meals so that there will not be too many elaborate things to be prepared at the last minute not too many sauces gravies or garnishings to be done at once warmed plates and sorying dishes 1 hot for drinking vegetables are better kept this way or ina tepid oven than if they are allow ed to cook away in water the flat top gas range as well as the old- fashioned coal range will provide in direct or diffused heat for keeping things warm the oven regulator is a modern method of controlling heat that is a boon to the cook of today table cookery by electricity selves the problem in another way percolat ors grills toasters hotplates and waffleirons insure hot food when it is wanted nothing is niore discour aging than a plate of damp toast flat waffles or soggy biscuits it is a mis take to place a quantity of such things on a plate and cover them with a cloth to retain heat they should be timed to bo taken from the oven or griddle when the family is ready to eat them cocoa is insfpid when cool and it cools quickly after a certain tempera ture to serve it just right never let it boil after the milk has been added boil the water first add cocoa and sugar mixed and let this boil thor oughly then add milk and merely let it reach the boiling point by the time it is served it will be comfortably red raspberries in the orchard for the first five or six years of their life the young trees of an orch- give spuds air potatoes live arid breathe and if we forget this isct when storing our win ter potatoe we may smother then if you care to see what will happen when saves all the ensilage i have learned of two ensilagesav ing methods that have been used for several years instead of filling the silo with corn to the very top use straw for theiast layers wetting itthe same as the corn when opening the silo it will be found that the corn beneath the straw is in fine condition another farmer had the courage to put new ensilage on top of old he ard have a considerable open space t the potato smothers it is easily ac between the pairs of trees in time c f h j compished fill a quart lar as tight of course this space will be arched i x over but until it is it can be used by iy with potatoes as possible then screw the lid down so that- no air can planting therein a small bed of raspj ft l berries recently i saw a novel scheme j rcom f about tw0 or more for growing raspberries it appears a d f time takeout the new and its success has appaj entry j ub been proved the arrangement i saw find tha the heart is eithet black or else it quickly turns pink and finally black in the jar the potatoes can get no air and deep down in the bottom of a was as follows a space 5 x 5 feet was carefully prepared between two young apple trees heavy boards were sunk around the plat to keep the plants pile the same thing is hapbening- of within imits the soil within the 5 s f i z boards was deeply spaded and enrich ed- then about eight or ten strong red raspberry canes were planted in this plat tho orchard i saw was a small one there were in it 20 rasp berry plats all made as described when i asked the owner of the orch ard why he used this plan he said it uses waste space it does not course it takes a longer time in the pile than in the jar but when pota toes are piled too deep smothering is bound to occur this- is the reason why late in the winter or in the spring we begin to find the black hearts in potateesi obviously the solution of this trouble is to use a little care in stor- xz uses f- ing potatoes do not make- the piles was careful to see that there was no j interfere with the normal cultivation j o thi ciurnofbo avoided of the orchard rows in one direction lered alum this it is surprising how much a pleas- levi who invites some members of to the plastered ing costume helps especially when his profession to meet jesus at table better practice to there are long sometimes tiresome jesus eptance of the invitation give the plaster the priming coat of tasks to be done a wmismx t x paint first in order to see if the size looking apron is sure to make one feel collectors as beyond the pale of rev is necessary the priming coat may attractive and feeling attractive is a gj nor would tfiey call on or enter be enough in which case the cost and long step toward making the day the houses of such people jesus on trouble of putting on the sizo will have woith while and we all know how the other hand responds tolcvis in- been saved should the size be needed much easier it is to work when we fee vitation at once it is just as effective applied over the this pleasing glow here is a little v 10 the result as might bo ex- rriming coat even where three paint npron of unbleached cotton with a pectd is that certain scribes or pro- coats have been applied before the lrder of pretty chintz that any girl porous spots are discovered the size handy with a needle could make with jgm t wt thc can bo put on without removing any little trouble 1 tion as to fraternize with outcasts it msssfe paint and then moro paint coats ap- nevcr crosses the minds 0 these fc s1 sharp pliod to cover and remedy the trouble u w u o aim1 i scribes that thelovc of- god goes noti tweivc brave tfis wabbly knoes spoiled ensilage on top of the old be- i it gives u m fruit with t bottom of the pile a false bottom in he has done lis wnth complete sue- j after tho beds are once made the bin the d of air will- bo beneficial keeping tho po- 1 then arrange for ventilation in tho fore beginning to put in the new corn j it gives us fine fruit with htte trouble j m of thfi a f aj beds are once made the bin circulation of boards are convenient for keeping the v cess for several years when asked if the ensilage in tho bottom was not rather strong after three or four years he said sure it is little stronger than usual but tho cattle can smelt it farther and they kick up their heels arid come running a c s something new something new in the barn today warm and sou and curled old as the hlllsand fresh as may something now in the world something new in the world e ii he was his own miller t the outcasts and yenrns with infi 1 earl daughtcrman had a buckwhent nite passion to redeem them v crop that he was offered 75 cents a v 17 this is the lesson which jesus blackandwhitcs in a box of hay 1 our little smokehouse bushel for that wasnt enough to now teaches v those who need the only pups to you uui lime uiiiunauujc make him any profit physician ho answers are not thethrte advciuurers bold and gay the farm we were renting had no he y it ground into pancake tim- strong but the sick in other words i in nil oli world ever new mokchouse wo turned an empty b j into his car and went i ar mot desraded and out- harriet kiqar davis down the road se ing it five rea can get it terpose a barrier between the souls after figuring out all grinding and of men and god his mission is not soiling expenses mr daughterman to the righteous supposing such to found ho had realized better than 1 cxist but to sinncs a bushel for his entirecrop 1 ii i what is christianity 1 john e 26 date stones for camels hump 1 the christian life according to this air wii- do denenciai seeping tho po- suckers under control but utoe in acka and plhnjr the sacks to not perhaps essential when the trees circu of air is suffi- get large the raspberry canes can bo removed i have found that from one othfir c these 20 pats i can get as much fmo develo ment black heart that fruit as the famiy can use and llecds c potatoes breathe enough over to sel to carry the g fc than orchard self until the trees come into thfiy bearing a k iar wi retard the development of the p trouble in a heated room or a car i tho potatoes near the stove litay de- draw a map of your velop black heart though they are t i irif freely ventilated so keep tho stor- xrapiiie ego ntrabout 40 degrees fahrenheit when i set my first trap i maxe a blackheartaffected potatoes will note of the surrounding scenery iot- usually rot quiefcy j the soil and will ting it all down at tho top of the first not producc strong sprouts so from page of my notebook this is set no 1 au o view it jy to give pota- from set no 1 i draw a line to toes p 0 fresh air represent the route i take to thc next v 0 iset which is set no 2 and i again make note of the landmarks i do grocery box upside down nailed itrip over a couple of cracks to pr vent escape of siuoke and dug a tun nel about 6x6 inches from just inside under the box to a pit about threo feet away the pit was about thc size of an ordinary wash basin here wo made a corncob fire which produces tho very best flavor next to hickory we turned a tin basin over tho pit and put tin and then a piece of old can yds over tho tunnel v through tiny holes in top of the box wo drew twine and slipped a nail through tho loop to hang the moat it worked like a charm e ii i side the circle of decent society all tbe it brought mor nocdful jt t f them out c cents a pound and farmers want and to i them back to god jesus c2s- al genuine buckwheat hour if thoy kes not allow sociat prejudice to in- algerian natives save the stones of verse consists in following the sav in dates to feed their camels as they iours example in complete dependence return weary from their long marches u his will the words might be in the desert the idea being to fatten p ir5gj and itrengthen the hump must model his life after thc pattern of the saviours life nr leaky concrete cisterns tanks etc can be made entirely new by giving thisatevery set numbering them l a of j 2 3 andsoon cement mortar to make a good job in this way it easy to kecptab of ft thoroughly clean and roughen on all my traps ali have to do is d surfc scrubbin with wire follow the line on thc map from set and chip with to set j chisel it is very important that j the old surface be clean and rough in order to make the new coating stick iy- the best law thecolden rule it icoks odd to mo to see a jnan the mortar used consists of ono part i take good milk from his cow turn it portland fement and two and onehalf all into the can and cart it away for parts clean sand use five pounds somebody elrc to use and then go to hydrated lime with each bag of ce- the store and buy a lot of bogus but- ment the mortar coat should be at tcr to ret on his own table every least one inch thick when the old man who decs that ought to know that j concrete is not in very bad shape a a monkey fight ho is selling health for a mess of pbtj waterproofing treatment made by ap- have given himself to christ and who willie ran you tell us what guerilla lagf we cant afford it if butter piying one of several commercial i ll r isr is gcod for anybody it is good for the waterproofing materia will bring i ycssa aint it a monkey light folks on tho farm i results