Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 9, 1926, p. 2

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handy gifts from handy men imagine mothers delight on christ- vise one must fasten st with rivetv was morning if she finds a really be sure the job is neatly and cicely j worthwhile gift among her things j done then paint the whole thint pan tbit has been made by one of the menjtiul handle automobile- enamrl gives j folks something that wil lighten her a splundidfinishvi it 16 easy to pu labors and make her work about the on two coats will be sufficient mid houio a bit easier ever if it is only j een if th paint is keck thetrnr will a homely article such as a big wooden i bo good locking and attractive c-io- psddlo to slip under the hot pans of jcially if it is decorated with a few bread and cake when they are ready igty colored stripes flowers or small to be taken from the oven eho will figures this wl look particulurv thrill with pleasure every time she i nice on christmas morning if it is uses it for though tho boys may j filled with a pretty set of new turn- not have said anything she will know biers iderjl- they have noticed how difficult it is to remove the hot food from the oven without burning her hands and arms almost every attic has hidden away in some secret corner one of the oldj oval picture frames that woro used and that they have made this most so many years ago these fame old convenient implement to aid her about the kitchen the paddlo is a simple matter to make a smooth piece of light board poplar or basswood is best as each ik free from any odor a quarter or thrcceifhths of an inch thick is all that is necessary tho paddle is eighteen to twenty inches long and six to eight inches is the right width tho measurements depend greatly on the sizo of the pans to be handled the edge of the paddle must be beveled off so it can slip under the uten3is easily and a small hole is put into the handle through which a string may be run by which it may be hung dont paint or stain tho paddle but give it a smooth finish by rubbing it carefully with n finegrain sandpaper if tho menfolks are not interested in working in wood they can try making an ieedtea tray from a set of mufiin psns any cheap pan will do the sixmuffin size makes a nice- lookingtray and one that is just about the right tire fasten a heavy gal vanised iron wire or light strapiron nies make most charming trays and they are belling at high prices wherever they can be found it will be a simple matter to clean the frame or refinish it if it is badly scarred after the varnish has been removed and it is lightly rubbed with fine sandpaper it can be polished with oil this will be more attractive than varnish instead of the old picture that was used in the frame a pretty piece of cretonne or an oval of lace mounted upon a piece of dark silk should be used perhaps sister or daughter will help in the making of the gift and crochet a medallion the size of the opening in the tray the old backing may be used if it is in good conditon or new thin- boards or heavy cardboard fastened in with small brads or cigarbox nails will be suitable the bottom of the tray should be finished by gluing a piece of felt or other heavy material on tho back of the frame and with the addi tion of two pretty brass handles one will have a tray of which to be proud a square tray can easily be made christmas gifts christmas is coming it soon- willi be here but oh i hav so iittlo mcney this year i vet i have two hands and a heart full of love i have scraps laid away in the cham bers above v and pieces of linen all stamped to em broider for which i can crochet a dainty laco border i v a gift then 111work just as hard as i can of time i will holiday plum cakes and puddings by carqli rje b king whether we select turkey goose duck or chicken for the main dish of the christmas feast or whether we eventually decide to eliminate all fowl from the menu and substitute a crisp and delicious crown roast of pork with thickened then add orie teaspconf nl of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water two squares of unsweetened chocolate broken into small pieces and twoteaspoonfuls of butter simmer five minutes flavor with vanilla lemon sauce is delicious with any tiny savory onions tipping each rib or even a simple but wellcooked roast plum pudding make it by cooking for t j 1 temb wo cannot omit the two or three minutes threequarters wu get them all out for each friend plum puddine lf have any aspect of a cupful bf sugar andoneuarter for the seasons traditions teaspoonful of salt with one cupful of and the fruit cake the plum buns i water thicken slightly with a tea- and all the ether plummy good things spoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a p that add to the cheer and jollity of the tablespoonful of cold water and add i rtall try to make every spare minute ecason om of tjjm must ovfr thg gratcj ong cmon looked if we are to satisfy all the juice simmer for a moment add a jack homers little and big who will jtablespoonful of butter and strain whipped cream and jelly sauce will bo just the thing with the jellied count such pains and such care i will take that thcyil be i trust when theyre finished a pleasure to see oh no costly present this year can i send to one single neighbor acquaintance or friend but maybe my labor and love will about i make up for the money i have to leave out ida m thomas hniidle to the pan if galvanized iron from a wide picture frame in the is selected it can be soldered other- same simple manner ss lesson december 12 the boy samuel 1 samuel chape 13 golden text speak lord for thy servant hear- eth 1 samuel 3 9 analysis i birth and dedication of samuel chap 1 ii the song of hannah ch 2110 iii sin 01 the sons of eh ch 2 1136 iv the call of samuel ch 3 iii the sin of the sons of eli 21133 son of belial compare 116 the expression is literally sons of worth- lessness or of wickedness and so ing warmth and smartness worthess or wicked men their sin is described in the verses that follow the custom of the sanctuary was to eaglan sleeves are fashionable x this chic little coat would be very attractive if fashioned of tweed ve- lour or velvet the long ragan sleeves are gathered into wristbands and the collar is convertible fur may be used for the collar and cuffs thereby add hunting in canada gains i is in sizes i size 10 requires wonderful heritage saved by game laws increasing numbers of hunt ers enter forests each fall in quest of game canada is one of the most fortunate countries in regard to resources in big game practically every province is well stocked with wild life and as a result the numbers of big game hunt ers both from within the dominion and from abroad who enter our forests no 1832 eacn jlear rapidly increasing the 6 i 10 12 and 14 vears ting p ln a11 the provinces is 254 jaras 39lnch in the fall and the ayerageseasonis the custom of the sanctuary was to materia k md of about two months duration closing give the official ng priest whatever 52 tl f ji i with a few exceptions in november portion of meat his threepronged fork drew from the boiling kettle in which the flesh of the sacrificed animal was being cooked for the sacrificial meal 2 yards 36inch for lining 20 cents wl a t6 exceptions our new fashion book contains many styles showing how to dress boys or december reports from different parts of canada indicate that big game be waiting eagerly to pull out their christmas plums the christmas pudding should have j or baked plum puddtng it is easily first consideration as it ia the most j made beat a cupful of any nice jelly important feature of tho dinner per- j to a paste and fold it into a half pint haps everyone will not care to under- of cream which has been whipped very take the manufacture of a large richl6tiff chill before serving oldtime plum pudding i have found golden sauce is especially suited to however that this work may be done i cither of the cold plum puddings beat very nicely in the evenings also that the yolk of one egg stiff beat it again it is n good plan to enlist the help of j with half a cupful of powdered sugar other members of the family and i and when like a thin batter fold in a j cupful of stiffly beaten cream flavor with vanilla or lemon serve very 1 cold plum cakes are quite as indispens able as the plum pudding and it is a very good plan to bake several at this season as they will keep well and aro most convenient to- have the follow- ing recipe will make two large or three mediumsized loaves one and threequarter cups butter 2 cups dark brown sugar 6 eggs 6 cups of pastry flour 1 tsp soda 2 tspjj cream of tartar 1 cup molasses 1 pd currants 1 pd raisins cup each of candied cherries and blanched almonds pd of candied peels 1 tsp each of cinnamon nutmeg cloves and ginger cream butter and sugar together and add the wellbeaten eggs sift tho flour reserve pne cupful and then make a real party of the work when all the ingredients for the pudding are prepared it is almost no trouble at all to assemble them and everyone of course takes a hand at stirring the pudding thus insuring a years good luck then the stout pudding cloth isdip- ped in boiling water wellgreased and floured and the pudding is securely tied within its sturdy depths leaving room of course for expansion and finally it is immersed in a great kettle of rapidly boiling water and left to cook for five or six hours it is well to place a heavy earthenware plate at the bottom of the kettle to prevent possible sticking and never permit the water to cease boiling even for an instant if it requires replenishing and girls simplicity is the rule for is exceptionally plentiful this season but first the choice fat portions were j welldressedchildren clothes of char- ln consequence the influx of hunt- cut off and burned upon the altar with act and individuality for the junior ers is iarge fragrant spices and bits of the sweetj are hard to buv but to the prese v o cane as an offering to thelord but v iii u iv proximity to the centres of population introduction the two books of e1 nt j i make with our patterns a small r 7 vt the presence of big game in close t- u llic v vi ii atiiii a aeivtim wi oei i occurs in nearly j manda portion of theraw fleshbefore fff fc in ithe sons of eli sent a servant to de- samuel were originally one in the a rtion of the raw flegh ancient greek trans ation they are tn offering and by their greed made caled 1 and 2 kingdoms they tell offer rf ab the story of samuel of saul and of hrred that th 2 s5a b1jinj also aga period of the judges and the begin- j and decency appears from v nings of the monarchy like most of 22 th rebuke f in w other historical books of the old 2 was we deserved th tcstaiikt from which are mentioned in 1 chron 29 29 they are of very great value they have been compiled i t arious earlier sources three of ti call op samuel chap 3 the chid samuel ministered unto the lord josephus says that he preserving for us as thejtdo authenjhad just completed his twelfth year a tie information regarding the early year which marked the beginning of life of israel the rise of the prophets mora i responsibility in the life of the and the first kings the character of hebrew boy compare luke 242 samuel stands out strongly in its pur- j the word of the lord was precious ity nobility and integrity as next to that is was rare there was little that of moses the most conspicuous prophetic teaching the time was ripe und influential in old testament his- for the call of such a man as samuel tory j the sentence beginning and hiseyes l- v 2 should be read in parer i birth and dedication of samuel j j rfe version n thap- eyes had begun to wax dim etc the mount ephraim or the hill- i failing eyesight of old age had come country of ephraim was that portion j upon him the lord called samue of central and western palestine which i the boy waking from a restless sleep lay between the territory of judah thinks that his aged master and and the valley of esdraelon a consid- teacher has called him and runs to eiabm part of which was held by the supply his need samuel did not yet tribe of ephraim the place here know he was a true servant and caled ramathaim or the two ramahs worshipper of jehovah but did not has not been identified the word j recognize the divine voice which thus zophim is probably a clan or family to him in the quiet of tho night nrme nnd ephrathito which means a voice which was to bo his unfailing belonging to ephrath may signify j guide in after years eli out of his the district in which this place lay it j larger exparience perceived that the will be remembered that a similar j l had called the child and in- rane is given to ehmeech and his slructedhim a very touching and terials cut on simple line3 will give children the privilege of wearing adorable things price of the book10 cents the copy how to ordee patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of snh patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st toronto patterns sent by return mail when you send candy homemade candy is always receiv ed with great glee but it is rather hard to send through the mails unless packed correctly i have found that tin boxes make the best containers for candy and i all of the provinces eastern canada in nova scotia and new brunswick there is presented to the hunter a choice of territory which is easily accessible however it is to tho more remote districts which are usually reached by wagon ioal trail or canoe route that the wg 5ane sportsman must turn for moose deer bear anil wildcat the provinces of ontario and quebec include within their boundaries some of the finest hunting territory in america although in some districts in quebec the hunt ing riglit3 on certain tracts of land are leased to organized hunting clubs there is still much public land where excellent hunting may be had moose and deer may be found in abundance and there is good caribou bear and wolf hunting in ontario there is such a large number of excellent hunting districts which aro readily accessible that the hunter in making a choice needs only to be governed by the dis- shilch about halfway between joru- i t comes to the boy is of tfitf t j t i i v iiiuuicini ut tiicir lamer out the period of tho judges see josh y the essential goodness of the old 181 2112 judges2119 man heart appears in the scene that in v 5 the greek translation has to hannah hi gave a single portion follows him all eli insists that samuel tell and samuel told him every because clio had no child yet he loved whit his reply is one of submission hannah this gives probnbly the to the righteous judgment of god true meaning eli the priest and his two sons had tho care of tho sanctuary eli ap pears to have been a descendant of ithamar the fourth son of aaron for ahinelech who was probably of the sama family is so described in 1 chron 213 compare 1 sam 21li t but ho is not mentioned among the movc bs at the christmas tiire the spirit of christmas if we were to work out in ourfancy n world devoted to and guided by the high tenets of christianity we would think of a world inspired by the spirit symomliotir high priests in 1 chron chapter cl kerous loylig the high priests before him and from ncful c brotherly spirit of the time of solcmon on were descend- the yuletitk hour ants of eleazar aarons third son i then it is that hoaits come t igelher will give him to tho lord i will give him to tho lord j that is the day when the chuih bells samuel ia the child of prayer and s of n thousand sects in many land dedicated by his mother to the service ring out i clear of gad as governing thi sara chapter g the vow appears to jom u- save every one that conies into the house even small coffee cans ialsol lu wlshes travel and the buy the shallow round tin boxes whichj mfllvjjls l may occasionally be found at the 5 and 10 when making candy i find fudge penoche and divinity the most satis factory kinds to send i beat the mix ture until it is very stiff and then pout- it directly into the tin boxes having lined them first with waxed paper then when the candy is hard on top i cut it cover tho top with waxed may bo had in forested areas close to settled districts in southern ontario and there is in addition the famous big game region in the vast territory ly ing north and west of the french river varied game sections tho forested areas of the provinces of manitoba saskatchewan and al berta are likewise visited by increas- paper put on tho lid of the box and lug numbers of hunters small game the candy is ready to travel without abounds in the open sections of these breaking or drying out three provinces in the more wooded tsp each of eggs 1 cup when using the hmall round boxes and northern sectlcns there is an asses tsp salt i cut the candy just as one would a abundance of large gaina such aslmaco and cinnamon 3 pie otherwise it is cut into cubes if moose deer and caribou andbsar and i sugar 1 cup raisins seeded and chop ped cup currants cup chopped j dates 1 scald the milk and pour it over tho cracker crumbs which should be coarse add tho butter ant let stand fifteen minutes then stir in the mo- lassos salt spices and the eggs beaten to a stiff foam with the sugar fold in the fruit and pour into a buttered baking dish bake very slowly three use boiling water now for the recipe this one is for- measure it and sift again with the a real christmas pudding i usually spices soda and cream of tartar make the entire recipe and cook one- wash and dry the currants chop the half of it in the traditional cannon- j raisins and shred the candied peels ball style and the balance in bowls of f dredge with the reserve flour mix various sizes these smaller puddings ingredients together beat well and make welcome gifts or they may bo place in paperlined and buttered tins stored in a cool place for use allj scatter the whole cherries and al- through the winter we need monds over the tops of the cakes one pound seeded raisins 1 pound with buttered paper and bake currants pound of mixed candied j j ve moderate oven 275 degrees peel pound of figs pound of for about threb hours or untl1 bhor blanched almonds 1 pound soft bread ou doil if preferred the cakes crumbs about 4 cupfuls 1 pound of be warned for two hours then suet 8 eggs teaspoonful each of grated nutmeg ground cloves and cin namon 1 teaspoonful of salt tea spoonful of soda ly cupfuls of brown sugar cupful of cider or grape juice 1 cupful of flour chop the raisns coarsely shred the peels figs and almonds dredge the fruits with the flour and chop the suet oarefully removing all stringy bits beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately combine all the in gredients adding the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs last stir vigorous ly turn into the prepared cloth and boil as directed if the foregoing recipe seems too rich or elaborate the following steam ed fruit pudding may be more to your liking one cup of finely chopped beef suet 1 cup of molasses 1 cup of sour milk or buttermilk 1 tsp salt 54 cup of chopped raisins cup chopped figs 3 cups flour 1 tsp soda tsp each of cinnamon and nutmeg 1 egg sift the flour salt and soda to gether chop the raisins and figs mix all the ingredients together and beat well pour into a wellbuttered mold cover closely and steam three hours this pudding must be eaten the day it is made here is a baked plum pudding that is very tasty easily digested too n good feature in any christinas dish two cups milk 1 scant cup crncker crumbs 2 tbsps butter vicup mo possible i always add a few chopped lvolf- are also met with buffalo oik raisins figs or dates immediately upon taking tho candy from tho stove this helps to keep it soft nnd greatly im proves the flavor whether it is to be sent away or kept at home- when packing a large round box in which you wish to put several varie- tiest have found a pleasing nrrnngo- ment to be first line the box with and antelopo aro rigidly protected the mountain areas of alberta and of the province of british columbia present a striking contrast to the other sections of tho dominion both in kinds of gam animals available and tho methods of hunting besides the mountain goat mountain sheep cou gar and grizzly moose caribou deer waxed paper then set a round basin and bear aro found tho usual meth- hours stirring several times through greasing it first on the outside in the od of hunting involves tho use of a the first hour serve hot with hard true note in the a nazarite see the law hl its of common humanity he nazaritc vow in numj ma that ir lolov r c the vow appears to u middle of the box so as to leave a pack train twoinch space between the pan and tho wisdom and foresight of tho the edge of the box into this space i governments both federal nnd pro- pour tho first batch of when it has hardened i basin then i set a i or lemon oauce or cream frozen plum pudding and jellied candy nndj vlnclal in enacting suitable garoo laws j plum pudding are bolh- delicious and i remove the and in strictly enforcing them enables easily made a simple but rather rich and cnehalt cupful candied cherries aller basin in canada to provide- a means of healthful boiled custard is the foundation for mix al well nnd add a tahlespoonful baked for two hours in a very mod- crate oven plum gingerbread is so satisfying i at christmas tme make it by the following recipe onehalf cup butter or other short ening 1 cup brown sugar cup of sweet or sour cream 2eggs 1 cup of molasses 3 cups flour tsp soda 1 tbsp ginger 16 cup milk 14 cup chop- pod raisins sift all the dry ingredients together cream the shortening and sugar and dredge the raisins with a portion of the flour put together in the usual manner pour into a wellgreased shal low pan and bake in a temperature of 325 to 350 degrees when nearly done sprinkle the ttop of the cake with granulated sugar and shredded cocoa- nut j christmas plum buns make these for the christmas morn ing breakfast and the days success and happiness will be assured one cup milk 1 cup water 1 yeast cake 1 cup raisins m cup shredded citron li cup butter 14 cup sugar 14 tsp salt 5 to c cups flour dissolve the yeast in two table- spoonfuls of tepid water bring tho milk to the boiling point and add the sugar cool to lukewarm than whip in enough flour to make a light batter add the yeast and beat well cover and set away in a warm place to rise when very light and bubbly add the melted butter salt raisins and citron and beat in the flour gradually then turn out on a floured board and knead well cover with a cloth and let riso again when light for tho second time mnko into dainty biscuits place in wellbuttered pans and set to rise again wheirtwico their original size press a bit of butter into each bun sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar scatter blanched almonds over tha top nnd bake in a quick oven plum cakf taffv this is such a toothsome delicious sweet that everyone will want to make some of it for the holidays chop fino one cupful roasted peanuts one cup ful pecan meats and one cupful citron the box leaving a space all around for recrcntion for all canadians and an either with a cupful each of shredded of lemon juice of the next variety of candy proceeding inducement to foreign sportsmen to candied pineapple cherries and su- boil to the softball stage two- cup- bae beri taken as a protesvaeainsti l no lime may its as h j v lh dominion and share in this tana raisins to three pints of the cus- fnls of brown sugar one cupful gran- orao of the sensual and pneean crse1 sink lee int0 the recesses of th l cl tlne a cup is ect in tnc w heritage jtard nnd a half pint of whipped cream uatcd sugar and one cupful molasses aciiccs of religion at the canaanite our hearts yes may the merry i mi1l of l box a tho thir1 var l folded in when cod j then add two squares of unsweetened through the p altars compare the story cf samson christmas fellowship of these iliys not iety of cand p around the edge a sudden change in feeding prac- the fruited custard is then put into chocolate and one tahlespoonful of but- nd contrast the character of samson only reignmn us through the coming wnen cup r the last tice will make the cars milk vary tho freezer and treated like any ordi- tor boil until tho mixturebecomes with that of samuel i have- lentveekof happy joyous time but may it ip is fi j stuffed milk from individual cows will varynary ice cream if the frozen pudding britte when tested in cold water add the into squares the thick gum or grease and then by puts on flesh nervousness excite using a light oil the separator can bo ment mud discomfort and injuries put in good shape it is well to test from horns of other steers all increase v 10 rilti th- difficult question of j the skimmilk occasionally to sec wh- maintenance requirements and reduce ri t may be a later addition ther or not fat is being lost j gains ri his exaltation of the lowly and ir his preserving and protecting arp the reference to the king in cad the fat content of tl miik can not be amiss for the frozen pudding a hot the way ono single firm turning out raised by feeding the cow certain chocolate sauce- wlh be delicious more machines than are madeby all feeds or feeds rich in fat when cows erin one cupful of water to the boil- the american producers british ex- go out on grass their tests fluctuate ing point and add threequarters of a port trade was worth more than 30 very much j cupful of sugar cook until slightly j 000000 last year

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