Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1926, p. 6

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killing the scent on traps by clayton g gates the detecting power of an animal mad without the trace of human och as the fox wolf mink and other of tho keenscented animals cveu be fore sight or hearing is able to dis tinguish danger makes it highly es sential to master the fundamental requisite of successful trapping kill ing the scent every trapper who has trapped to any great extent knows that traps made of iron and steel unless treated ss lesson december 6 ruth and naomi book of ruth golden text thy people j work whenever handling a trap shall be my people and thy god my avoid touching the trap with the naked god ruth 1 16 hand use clean canvas gloves and analysis making sets i if you are trapping fox coyotes j wolves etc you will find it necessary to make trail sets most all of youri ii jtcth clean1nc in the f1elt of boaz cb 2 1 iii the kinsmans eight ch3l4 12 on ana sitei unless tisvuc j s take on an accumulation of rust when hide them with clean earth much of exposed to the elements tho steel and iron of which the trap is made seta will be land sets if you sink i your traps to- the ground level and marruge of butii anu boaz and certainly have an odor which a mink or fox can easily detect the human nose can detect copper and even the rusty trap has a foreign scent to tho human nose there is reason to be lieve that the keen nose of an animal which is by nature cunning and shy is far more effective in locating such odors just what effect a clean steel trap has upon the shy furbearcrs i am not prepared to say but most trappers know from experience that the best sets made on land do not result in the percentage of usual catches as in the case with their water sots it seems as if water washes away the contact of the human hand with the trap and covers the scent of steel and iron the necessity of deodorizing sets is soon impressed upon trappers once they have been pitted against the more wary animals experience shows you the importance of clean traps but from the trappers viewpoint it is best to avoid that sad experience as much as possible traps intended for trailsetting upon land should he buried in the soft mud o a swamp brook for at least several days then removed and per mitted to air a day or you can boil them with the hulls of walnuts and then place them for several days in the clean rapids of a stream the re sult obtained by the use of either method is a oeansed trap free from the odois of rust steel and iron os1ng the bait many trappers use bait as a scent to minimize the odors about the- trap in the real trappers hand this is ex cellent but unless a trapper is fa miliar with the use of bait it will more often prove a warning to the wary ones the amateur trapper who does not yet appreciate the full importance of killing the scent will instead of using the bait in tho most approved manner put it out in a very crude way thus making it a hindrance rath er than a help when a trapper can used water to the best advantage that is the best and most certain means of killing the scet available on the trapline any set intelligently made in water is free from the odors foreign to the place kefijre tho trap was placed when a rusty trap is placed beneath the rip ples of running water the keenest nose that happens along will never locate the set from the scent of the trap soma trappers i know do not be lieve that there is anything to the their descendants to david 41322 introduction the book of ruth is all successful fox and coyote trappers g our pib the ancent tho human scent is absorbed nearly pers cover their traps with earth sets jjjyjj orhl j versions immediately trail set the fox and wolf do not fear j ever it is placed near tho end and is tho presence of man so much as they one of a group of five little books do t other nlaee which have been caled the festal do at other places j roils of which the other four are ongs lamentations eccles- nu i- roils of which the other four are when it is possible to make a blind i g lamentations eceles- set and cover with material which has jastesi an e its position shows a strong odor and that odor is not foreign to the location then the hu man odor or odor of steel is killed off and tho chances of success of tho set are increased 100 per cent the more cautious furbearers are the more easily they ore taken in blind sets rather than in those sets v re quire the use of bait it is not hard to account for that a bait unless natural does not attract in the sense of catching the pelt but arouses sus picion that says to that animal play safe effect of snow a great many trappers claim that although bait arouses the animals suspicion it also attracts the animal this is tlie average case a fox will it to have been one of the latest books to be added by the jewish church to the secred writings of the old testa ment and there are other indications of a comparatively late date but it is reasonably certain that it was current among tho people of tudah from a very early time in its simplicity freshness and native charm it is un surpassed by any other writing of the old testament and hardly by any thing else in prechristian literature goethe has called it the loveliest little idyll that tradition has handed down to us its special historical interest for the jew lay in the fact that it tella of the mixed israelite and moabite ancestry of the great king david i the return of naomi ch 1 bethlehemjudah was the little town still called by that name in the scent a bait and locate that bait but territory of tho tribe of judah five hesitate to advance until convinced miles south of jerusalem fw there was for home and country womens institutes make history the new member the new branch neighborhood it should also coope a new district organized arc always ate with junior activities as a pro matters of keen inteiestas indications vincial organization it affected econ of progress to institute members the omic conditions and could bo of groat launching of a new area convention value in a movement for uriiform high stirs enthusiasm to a still higher pitch as was shown when the branches of tho counties around beheville prince edward northumberland hastings decided on making history by having a provincilo area conven tion of their own with some 400 dele gates and members present the girls from sidney junior with coronetlike bands on their brows effi ciently ushered the convention to seats or hovered about the pet of the quality productions agricultural representative atkln made a plea to the institutes to make the children realize the dignity of agriculture and asked their coopera tion in the short courses in interest ing young people in the judging com petitions the sowing of seeds and the combatting of plant diseases asst superintendent miss ethel chapman gave a splendid address on work with and for the girls sho smart and practical every smart woman should have at school board in his address tho provincial super intendent mr g a putnam 3tated that there is no danger he will in- another bethlehem much farther variably circle about at a distance ofth muie mtojyrf jebulun climb isxts s s t 1wwf pect danger at this distance but is clad g to mountain ft gsexsgs institutes aware of the bait and therefore is from the highlands of judah an im- we dress having here tho members met on common more or less careful in the ground he mense wall rising out of that deepl- centre front and an in- grounds tmrnon good he ley to- a height of 4300 feet the d plait an front and each side sffitglw opportunity for service and ought to convention mrs jane farley 81 dwelt upon the duty of tho w i in years young who is regarded as the providing attractive entertainment for mother of the institutes in this di- the young girls and urged the placing vision and divided the honors with of social responsibility of some kind superintendent putnam of the dept on every girl since responsibility of agriculture miss chapman head brings out the best in most peoplo of the girls work also found timo for even if the flapper did flap a little a day with the juniors taking pride- bo lenient since she had such a short ful interest in the exhibit of garments time in which to flap before the cares from the undersixteen members of of jife would settle on her shoulders tho girls garment making clubs i she suggested many forms of enter- the city fathers felt rewarded forltaihment and competitions to train the vacating the council chamber city girl for better citizenship and ended hail and mayors offices when they by saying that tho greatest thing wb saw and smelt the great loaves of can do for the girl is to implant in bread doughnuts school lunches first her a deep sense of religion aid school kits house dresses while mis3 emily guest gave some prac- the acting mayor officialy welcomed j tical suggestions on planning work the delegates- and programs in the branch com- the school and its interests come fn meiiding the work of miss chapman for much attention inspector h j land misshopkins among the girs clarke pointed out that the present mrs field robertson provincial system of education had originated j president in a fine address said that eighty years and was no longer j the canadian institutes had a mem- adequate as the children of this age bership of some seventyfive thousand need more education than the little j all interested in furthering the aims brick school can give ho considered of achieving the ideal home and tha the township school board a much ideal relationship between tho homo better system by which to administer i and government she stressed tho rural education he congratulated need of dealing first with the problems the w i on their splendid efforts to of home then those of tho community improve education and urged that extending further as the organization there be at least one woman on each i feels able to deal with outside matters some trappers declare snow kills northern part consists of broad seam the collar forming a vneck covers l iil tut ukkil i stretches of rolling country the redland the trim cuffs finishing the long the human scent this is not neces djsh f w fa f rtj wha dart si6eve3 are of sanlytrue there are certain confer 1 the southern more m nre material while soft gathers are at i m inte each shoulder no 1071 is for ladies trapper if his traps have been placed f more with agriculture there is and v careessly several days eapse and the jtzg inches bust siie 36 requires 3 yards trap has been thus far unsuccessful a light snowfall comes and covers all the whole the land is more productive than that of judah the religion of 4inch material yard 36mch con trasting 20 cents the secret of distinctive dress lies chemosh and ashtar the latter identij in good taste rather than a lavish ex- money every woman include all girls and women in the operation she paid a warm tribute to mr put nam in the wisdom displayed and the sympathetic interest shown in guid ing the organization from the depart mental end provincial secretary mrs macoun of campbellford in nn excellent re sume of tho basis for success in tho institute said tho three essentials were its education democracy and co- visible signs of the trappers possibly 1 moawtes was in some respects crude work that night or perhaps a s s telstsl thlfilvlrwf the fen seity ashtoreh penditure of vvv v wunmn i sssrfesr nrt rn altars were lai should want to make her own clothes i poplars elms and pines the frosts z ol v tr xrtjrnii 2s ar the home dssmaker will find the had painted these branches red yel- lt is greatly responsible trating the piety andsimple home and i poi j k a iwij 720 worth of color when i wanted a little ixtra christ mas money in tho fall of 1925 i went out in the woods and gathered a buskoi and a half of bittersweet ber ries on short lengths of limbs and several armfuls of different kinds of branches off trees such as oaks maples low brown green and speckled i filled my car and drove to the city tho different colored branches i christmas greens there are somo farmers who are overlooking a chance to make a nice sum of money out of christmas grcons trees wreaths branches etc then on tho other hand there are somo who are making themselves poor because of the way they are selling greenery from their farms without any regard for the future i know of goveral farmers who rnako a few hundred dollars a year selling christmas wreaths and they are not snow contrary to th belief of some community life of the time elim- crated an our new fashion onowcontraiy totn eiiei oi some jl naomi book to practical and simple yet traprs ds not smother the scent of the trap as one might suppose but co bethlehem house of the moment price of the book 10 bunched up thrco in a bundle and sold robbing their farms either in cut when the trap is carefuly covered bread the name ephrathites cents the copy them for a quarter to decorate houses ting the material for wreaths they cui with dry earth a layer of snow great- j comes from ephrath or ephrathah iiow to order pattern3 and chuches i the inferior plants these are just as ly increases the effectiveness of thoeither another name for bethlehem or- w- j jj f but the bitterswcet p0 best of good as perfect plants so long as they has fallen isverydifncuit since most i m e but thc word is other- 4 u t j wise used in 1 sam 11 and elsewhere the lord had visited his people them for n quarter to decorate houses j ting the material for wreaths they cut md chuches write your name and address plain- giving number and size of suh patterns as you want enclose 20c in brought 76 cents twoor three small mas tree is hard to sell but these men set as it covers any disturbances there for the district of judah in which it a uui- rvi tl ft unr i have mml leavw an inforinr phrlnf maybe trap setting after the snow was situated see gen 3519 and ly ing number and size of suhi a js spray three teet long naegooa icaee aninlerior ohrlst- v 6 the simple faith of the time i ascribed whatever of good or iil came snow trapping is bait trapping and to lure an animal which is a baittaking animal is to attract him upon his first humanscent theory but if they have i visit which is likely to be more often to the people to the visitation of god bucked up against the sly fox or wolf than not before the set has had time compare jer 615 or to thehand they should know better i do not to throw off the lingering signs of of the lord v 13 man there are successful snow trap- 1 any more sons the question pers but they are trappers who are i which naomi asks in vs 1113 refers able to cover up or so leave the to the custom in ancient israel known i ii i j i as tho ivevirate law according to pace thatthe animal can not w a childless widow was given in and berry patches take care of them- nd fall even if know of a single animal found where the presence of man has penetrated that dees not fear man as its enemy animals will gaze puzzled at a man from a distance whenv the wind is blowing against the man but as soon ns the wind shifts and that animal catches the scent away it goes in fear jmaii is tho common enemy of animal life instinct seems to have armed the various animals with that fact since we who have traveled the line and lingered and wondered over the trails know that it is not always pos sible to make water sets let us con sider a few dryland sets that can be stamps or coin coin preferred wrap sprays a foot long brought 25 cents i know always plant a few more trees it carefully for each number and j for single bunches of berries tied to- than they cut each year that is tho address wilson laide st sweet alone and the people at the as many as you can spar and keep market said if i had only come the the source of incomo alive in the wednesday before thanksgiving in- 1 case of christmas trees plant at stead of the wednesday after i would least as many as you cut each year have received three times as much for i tho plants that can be used for return mail winter cleaningup pays we are all likely to let the orchard danger there is no more open book marr to tne brother or nearest j selves in late summer a to the trapper than an animals snow j surviving kinsman of her dead husj we cultivate early in the season the my load l h trail j band and the first son born of this if you are thoroughly familiar with j union was regarded as heir to the an animals habits its natural caution name and property of the dead this and tendencies to play safe just is he law referred to also in chaps 3 i f ti i land 4 it is stated fuly in deut 25 before it ventures cose to the lure xr ooo xt ioio compare also matt 22 ii na- you may take advantage of this reluc- f t- a xz tance and by setting a trap on some point of interest which tends to give the animal a better view of the bait secure exccjent results warm water for cows to drink if a cow drinks cold water in win- tor she has to heat it with heat from her blood moreover a dairycow will not drink enough to give her full sup ply of milk if the water is cold there fore you can not expect to have a dairycow do her best at the pail if she had to drink cold water a tank heater costing from 10 to 15 will pay for itself in a few weeks why not have one with a tank heat er it is easy to keep the water at 60 deg i which is a good temperature to maintain many dairymen havo installed omi has no more sons to offer and she is sorely grieved that she cannot fulfill this duty to her widowed daubhters inlaw the word gods in y 15 should be rendered god as in the revised version i fixed my cistern eat me not the words of ruth reveal a simple and warm affec- the extreme winter here in the st tion roote in p s has not only lawrence river valley cracked the found in namoi a true and muchloved plastering off the cistern wall inside friend but also in naomis god a god and the water leaked out about as fast whom she can love and serve with a as it filled up i lifelong devotion the true god has we coated it over sevoral times withk through the loveof a true cement and painted the surface i withj egj m th cement paint hut this did not last means it ig ns though she long we tried asphalt our troubles call me not sweet but bitter are over the asphalt holds it gives for the almighty hath dealt very bit- nnd takes with the frost actions and terly with me is a complete success there is no odor or taste to the water and there are absolutely no leaks the beginning of jhe barley har vest would be in that country in the month of april for nn ordinary cistern get about n t eight quarts of the asphalt and after tho ict h true to cleaning out the cistern and letting it the kfe of i in those faroff days result is a lot of weeds and trash that j if left over winter will protect insect enemies and furnish a harbor for mice and perhaps rabbits a good cleaning will help to get rid of the in- sects and also much of the weed seeds if the old berry canes have not been removed after fruiting they should be removed now and the berries given a good mulch of stable manure in many localities it will pay to use bone meal or other commercial fertilizer for the manure alone will soon provjde a sur plus of nitrogen which tends to pro duce luxuriant growth at the expense of fruit plowing the orchard will make the soil hold moisture in store from facl and winter rains which dry winters often carry away it also brings up the dormant ihsects that go down into i the soil lo winter and there are many leafeating insects that do this also the destruction of winter surface har bora will expose and destroy many i that would otherwise winter over i winter spraying with hmesutphurl is a safeguard against san jose scale fungous diseases and many bark hibj ermiting insects the cost and trouble minutes whats in a name artist referring to newly finished picture and what will i call it his wife- homo why homo vej tiheres no place like it xreaths are holly laurel bittersweet cedar groundpine branches from tho conifers anything that retains its greenness for a couple of weeks in doors the best market for these is in cities the wreaths can be made at homes and sold in the city or tho materials can bo sold to firms in the city that deal in this class of goods if a farmer wanted to go into the busi- ness of selling christmas greens on a fairly largo scale he could arrange for false accusation visitor i must say marions im- proving in her playing marlon indlgnantjy from drawing his supply of greens then put an ad room im not playing im just in tho sunday paper giving prices of dutttng tho piano wreaths trees etc or if ho has a put too much time on it i wrote that poem sir in ton diirkingbowla in stanchions so thedry in good shape paint the surface j there v tho ripening grain the reap- of a this spray is not great w cows can drink without leaving their repeat this every day for nearly a ers with their sickles the gleaners t can be done when other work j what kept you from making better than the tankheater a the drying also the asphalt should i9 nndthe kind y owner of the field tree it spreads over a tree very money in thsjink in tho mite stage it moves the flesh of ever a young theit will spread well when thoroughly w w y tea tho alout and birds and strong winds dis- bagging down behind is eezintrdry let the water in and forgot itm tm pr vvvv i tribute the mites which soon form artd difficult to sell stalls but of course not every farmer can have these thoy require water piped into tho barn and they are more expensive tankheater can be installed in the set in thc sun or in a warm waterinjtnnk in a few minutes loss of a wateringtank from freezing dry the water in and forgot and bursting will psy for several tank- j j- f- h heaters j a common type of heater is provid- 1 cd with an elbow smokepipe which j gives food draft this reduces smoke accumulation and thus there is rapid combustion and consequent ijuick hcatiiig the joints are tod togeth er an1 provided with an asbestos pack ing a removable basket grate is provided in tha heater this gives tho air a chance to circulate under the tirr thus prcvicvng rapid burning rrd easy removing of the ashes from tho hcitir th ierter is placed on i- i which axows circulation of water under and sround tho heater i t r many excellent tank heaters ok if irarkct 0 week or until you get a good coating who find unreaped corners and fallen does not press san joso scale is cer- thc cistern should be left open so heads of grain left for them lev 19 j tain death to trees if not checked and i trying to fatten tablepoultry while the nir will bet to it as this helps in 9 forgotten sheaf deut 24 while it spreads slowly from tree to out on range is a waste of time and list of city residents and theit ad- jo resses he could send out a neatly i written letter the letter doesnt need i to be long or flowery just a plain statement of facts about price and i delivery some folks load up with wreaths j nnd go right into tho city thon sell j from house to house a license may be required for selling in this way in i some towns and cities in that case j orders can bo taken nnd deliveries i made at a later trip some foks sell j on street corners which is ok in i most cases if you have any of tho plants nam ed or others suitable for ohristmas decorations and want to make a mttlo chiistmaa ependingmonoy see what you can do r s w a novel way of culling there are various methods of cull- many of them are good but a ovorexercivo will toughen whose greeting the lord be with rapidi j tho mite stage it moves the flesh of even a young fowl a hen lk hrs va o o i n with r i rve found nons more simpe than uijl vl tka ll c i m this nnd yet it ir wondorfuhy efiec- 111 and iv the kinsmans right nl wijicfi soon lorm- i 314 12 fast spreadinp colonies aia tne rate f naomi who knows thc israelite cus- of increase is marvelous but for thej rr j torn instructs ruthto claim- from fact that the adult scale insects are a of bou tjt hsorob looks jf tlve when a hen lays an egg sho makes when the birds aro on tho rocsts whom she discreetly ignores j kinsmans duty involved not only care for a childless widow but also for a if th a great jumper hug i hoar mr grasshopper your and beautiful figures of tho old testa most important witness has disap- nient the lord is represented as near- areil kinsman of his peoplo their avong- cop nugy he jumped his bail vindicator f thcr r there is vory httlo variation in the water in n cictom needr dze of a lienvcrop f rom day to day s dirty nnd tk metal screw tops which accom- during mot it is a trifle smaer boma into slavery and for one falsely aci thc water should not be used until tho pany to many jaro and battles will poultrymen consider the time of molt cuscd of crime it was his duty also extern is cleaned wo do not rccom- neither rust nor corrode if they arc to be a factor m cutting to avenge tho blood shed by a jnurd- mon anv chemicals except perhaps a dipped in paraffin melt tho paraffin hens wth small crops should bo eter by one of the most significant sma ouantity of charcoal i imo is p si the motal tops jilaced in a separate coop or cages for small quantity of charcoal limo is sometimes cd to swaeteh the water sideways in the paraffin and turn further inspection in dnyight hen in wels but can not be usei in ci3- them round and rcuml until the inner with large crops require onv feed terns because it wouid make ihe wtcr ads of the thread of the scrsw is com- and care to make them preltablo jjy pscldy covered with tho paraffin w e k

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