Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 18, 1926, p. 7

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in lime cabbage turnlpe oatmeav and vegetables and fruits- in general j eggs contain a fair percentage of limey and so do most nuts but beef and other meats hare very little nuts should be ground and made into a puree aud even so should be eaten sparingly for they contain much fat and are not always readily digested codliver oil aids in the assimilation j of lime so also do extracts of certain glands but here we are encroaching j on the province of the medical altend- ant who should of course be consulted not only about the drug treatment but j also about the diet nurses tfc tkhii kouitel r iwikb ioull rj jtusvw mce as1u lltyltili kf ycrit city cfftrf s tfcrss mn coorw ct tralalso 19 rears wo bsls reavacrf deoilon scd dsslraas r hestaui turul this hojlut fes secstd til lsbt bow lyrics tss pitbtlt recehrs eafras f th schkl a ncslmy tjlcwabmasd trjit sxptssm to aid tnm nro vortu fcr furthei iftfcrauuso rlta ulc saesrlbttsbsat cloud architecture you may take any single fragment bending struggling on november cornfield the long rasping whisper of scattered coraetalks in november wind 1 js mke the hard breathing of old sol diers retreating through a strange country the wind harries them and they strain forward tugging at hard gnarled roots swinging tattered leaves i like rusted swords beating weakly vainly j at a quick rush of sleet still quenches thirst cools the parched throat and by its de lightful flavor and refreshment restores the joy of life ccas after every meal nervous children there are some children otherwise in apparent good health who suffer from an overexcitable weakness of the nervous system that manifests it self in spasms of various muscles or in general convulsions the larynx is very apt to be th seat of this trou ble which shows itself in attacks of spasmodic crop again sometimes as sociated with croup sometimes occur- ing independently there are cramp- liko spasms of tho hands and feet in general all the muscles react instantly and strongly to any stimulus such as a sharp tap with tho finger this muscular irritability has been found to bo duo to a fault of nutrition namely an inability to absorb or as similate lime and the medical prob- the attack itseu may be treateo and r tho sky and you wm with their shifting totterg banner imjiwl nrrred before the doctor pt together as if there had of dusty yehow and torn gray been a years thought over the plan j arthur saxe is now happy the experience of a quebec woman with dr williams pink pills fxnnetimcs arrested before the doctor comes by putting the child in a hot bath and applying cold compresses to the head the severity of th croup attacks may often bs reduced by ap plying heat to the larynx by means of a sponge or soft cloth wrung out of hot water if it can be given without disturbing the child too much an enema is sometimes of service mothers praise babys own tablets mrs l m brown walton ns says i cannot recommend babys own tablets too highly i have found them invaluable for the ailments of little ones mrs browns testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers who have used the tab lets to use thein once is a sure guar antee that they will always be kept in tho home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for the tablets are a laxative mild but thorough in action which never fall to regulate the stomach and bowels relievo constipation and indigestion break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy in fact you banish all tho minor ills from which little ones suffer the tablets are sold by medicine dealers lem is to overcome this defect and j or by ma at 25 cents a box from the bring about a normal lime digestion an ample supply of limecontaining foo1 must be given and if there are other forms of digestive trouble they must bo treated it is well to start tho treatment with a dose of castor oil to ensure the removal of any tox ins or poisonous material from the dl- kfstive traci the dies should consist largely of milk to which iime water may be add ed and al30 of such foods as are rich f mm the cunard anchor-donald- ntjn ocean highway will be the home trail for many canadian citizens intent on spending christmas with the home folks in the british isles this christmas leaving halifax december 12th and 13th respectively the two christmas ships letitia and antonia are scheduled to arrive at the home ports three or four days before christmas the letitial at belfast liver pool and glasgow and the antonia at- plymouth cherbourg and london ask your steamship agent for information or write the robert reford co limited montreal toronto quebec st john nb halifax dr williams medicine co brockville ont prayers for oysters an unusual celebration is to bo held shortly by a japanese firm of artificial pearl dealers they ara to erect a monument in memory of oysters whose lives have been sacrificed for the sake of the pearls that have enabled tho firm to become so prosperous pearls that even the leading experts are un able to distinguish from the natural product are manufactured by this firm the monument is being laid out in front of the imperial shrine at ise and will take the form of a tower con taining 10000 pearls a religious mass is to bo said at the unveiling for the repose of the souls of the oysters most visitors to japan have remark ed with delight on the wonderfully carved ivory statuettes that are offer ed for sale a few months ago the leading japanese ivory workers held a religious ceremony in memory of the thousands of elephants that had been killed to make these statuettes somewhat similar was the ceremony held by geisha for the souls of cats slain to provide the necessary material for the japanese musical instrument the samisen played by the singing girls of it arranged with the most studied inequality with the most delicate symmetry with the most elaborate contrast a picture in itself you may try every other piece of cloud in the heaven and you will and them every ono as perfect and yet not one in the least like another stand upon the peak of some iso lated mountain at daybreak when the nightmists first rise from off the plains and watch their white and lake like fields as they float in level bays mrs l d bernier 9 dargulhon and winding gulphs about the islanded strwt quebec g qn of tq6 tnobond summits of the lower hills untouched of wouen wn whm ghe tound ner yet by more than dawn colder and heauh fail resorted at once to dr more quiet than a windless sea under touiam8 p and now flnds the moon of midnight watch when l fi heajft mrs ber the first sunbeam is sent upon the all- l ftjlfci wa8 very weak eud ver channels how the foam of thr to healachea and wa uua to undulating surface parts and passes 1 aleep teatimonia ln the n iand in another world bose- is good tea tea aexc iuuauy dind9kdroz rolling stones it is wise it is well that stents should roll nor smother in bracken and moss does a stone grow more whole being etriped across with parasito lichen but it enters experience and sees a new world if it rolls if it rolls after petard ox toes let it roll- roll when its scuffed out soundly from clutteredup rut or hole let it adventure beyond the straight fence even let it go like a meteor hurled- papers persuaded mo to try dr wlli hams pink pills and the result has moss is a parasite now it can be told oh daddy said the young lady mrs jones said you were the hand somest man on our afreet whats that asked the father there was a brief silence then the daughter shook her head and said well i guess its true all right whats true asked the father that every lime you compliment a man he makes you repeat it away and down under their depths tlie glittering city and green pasture lie like atlantis between the white mo3t t have re r vf s v i uained my health the headaches have light falling every moment faster and h anri the 6p have gained in weight naturally i the wreathed surges break and vanish am rexm above them and the confused crests and ridges of tho dark hills shorten their gray shadows upon the plains wait a little longer and you shall see those scattered mists rallying in the ravines and floating valleys till they couch in quiet masses iridescent with the morning light upon the broad breasts of the higher hills whose leagues of massy undulation will melt back and back into that robe of ma terial light until they fade away lost in its lustre to appear again above in the serene heaven like a wild bright impossible dream foundation- less and inaccessible their very bases vanishing in the unsubstantial and mocking blue of the deep lake below- john ruskin do you set a sensation of pressure en the heart dont be frightened its not heart trouble its indigestion seigeis syrup will fix it any drug store it is common knowledge to arctic- and antarctic explorers that seaice more than a year old is entirely free from salt although new ico contains the same amount of salt as sea water mchohwimdson canadian service mm sonnet when it is done that last long voyage and we have come to where they tell us there is rest when it is done that last longvojage and we whatever name you will so let it be shall we remember all the friends we met upon this dear old earth the haunt ing days of springtimes coming all the browns and grays of english autumns or shall we for get will there be sunsets in the western x skies and great big silent seas for sail beneath a crescent moon pale will she be there with laughter in her eyes and shall we- smell the heather wet with rain or see tho yellow daffodils again ahu all silver- imiuttk the smp roaster is a fine time saver you put the roast or fowl in the oven the roaster does the rest bastes roasts to perfection it roasts with very little shrinkage thus saving dollars every year i none of the tasty meat juices arc lost all the rich flavor is retained besides you can buy cheaper cuts for it makes cheap cuts taste like choice ones the close cuing cover keeps all the cooking odors and the grease inslda tha roastar the ainell of coolcing doesnt all the house and the oven is kept sweet and clean best of all it cleans out id iin after the roasting these are splendid vtssela price bje to s350 according to slse and finish sold io all hardware stores smp sruuneied roaster the heritage james russell lowell wrote much serious verse but hisbigow papers written during the american civil war are perhaps his most distinctive work o rich mans son there is a toil that with all others level stands large charity doth never soil but only whitens soft white hands this is the best crop from thy lands a heritage it seems to me worth being rich to hold in fee o poor mans son scorn not state there is worse weariness than thine in merely being rich and great toil only gives the soul to shine and makes rest fragrant nnd be nign a heritage it seems to me worth being poor to hold in fee poll heirs to some six feet of sod are equal in the earth at last poth children of the same dear god prove tltlo to your hoirshlp vast jy record of a wellfilled past a 1 critage it seems to me well worth a life to hold in fee mend dr williams pink pills to all weak people try dr williams pink pills for anaemia rheumatism neuralgia ner vousness take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong if you vlll sendais your name and address a little book building up the blood will bo mailed you prepaid this little book contains many useful health hints s you can get these piil6 through any dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont the way out the new biide was in tears on the evening of hsr first supper for friends my cottage pudding wouldnt rise she sobbed thats all right dear replied the husband well just tell them its a flat pudding a parasite rust let a stone roll off its rough let it chip let it wear off oldcrust even a rare thing might spring from ite heart if its strictures wore broken wholly apart martha webster merrlehew long8ervice eyries golden eagles are still to be found in the western and central scottish highlands where the same nests or eyries have been used regularly for half a century explained isnt that a new piece oh no the piano has just been tuned classified advertisements remnants lbs 150 ontario 3 s2 6 lbs patches mccreory chatham salesmen wo offer steady employment and pay weekly to sell our complete and exclusive lines of guaranteed quality whole root fresh dugrtoorder trees and plants attractive illustrated samples and full cooperation a moneymaking opportunity luke brothers nurseries montreal llttlo thlntjs lest anyone think that the little things dont count naturalists esti mate that insects comprise fourfifths of the animal kingdom physicians use mlnards liniment queen mary wa3 the first english ruler to date her coins and edward the sixth first used a value mark when he put roman numerals on the twelve- pence piece oliver cromwell is ac credited with introducing inscriptions on the edges of coins to prevent chip ping off the silver pieces of his day we derive greater benefit from the criticism of our enemies than from the flattery of our friendsrt b biliousness dr franklins digestin strengthens the stomach relieves and prevents dyspepsia ificftgestlon heart burn sour stomach nausea flatu lence headache and all other troubles caused by disordered stomach and bowels buy at your drug storo or mail fifty cents to our address dr franklin laboratories toronto tlanstbr tioms last word in builders aid practical ptodate suggestions on planning building furnishing decorating and gardening profusely illustrated j tend scores of actual dollarssving sug gestions send 25 cents for current issue maclean bonders hide 34 alblnldc st toronto ont s chapped hands mlnards heals rough and chapped skin on face or hands mix it with sweet oil and apply often doctor advised operation for enn she escaped it by taking lydia e pinkhams vege- tab compou windsor ont after thebirth of my first baby i was very much run down in health and the doctor said i must have an operation as i was suffering from a displacement a friend wanted mo to try your medi cine lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound and i took it steadily for a year during this time i was carry ing my second baby and i felt real well all the time and did not have a hard confinement i feel sure the vegetable compound did me a lot of good and all my people do too one sister in leamington ontario takes it and both sisters praise it as a good medicine i am more than pleased withthe result mrs w penh windsor ontario mrs corbin relieved from pain stewiacke n s i had pains across my back and in my side for two years after my first baby was born my mother had taken lydia b pink hams vegetable compound and i read about it in the papers io i tried itand tho pains allleft mev i have a family of three children now and the medicine helped rrie during tho months before they were born i rec ommend it to my friends mrs- cary w corbin main street stew iacke nova scotia 0 proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for the best reward for good work is the consrious- nes that we have done it our children can give us is to merit our sacrifices is not tho bonus lint tiic aprccia- tlon the bonus implies for a good sermon is in the im proved living of tho hearors of thrift is the mastery wo estab lish ovor impetuous desires of hospitality is in witnessing the pleasure of our guests of industry is the sense of solf- respect that follows after shaving mlnards liniment colds pain headache neuralgia neuritis toothache lumbago rheumatism does not affect the heart warning beware of counterfeits there is only one genuine aspirin tablet if a tab let is offered asjwspirin and is not stamped with the bayer crossrefttse it with contemrtitisnotaspirin at all i dont take chances accept only package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of 12 tablet also bottle of 21 and 100 jragl frpryf r wufcor of jfcnokytje jssslr 9 taeetyl salicylic aeld 8 al wliil it is well kvmi 01 nam company will ba atampel wllb thalr reaeral iraca mark toe biff- creaj cnricura shaving slick a luxury for tender faces this freely lathering shaving stick contains the emollient and medicinal properties of cutlcura enabling tenderfaced men to shave without the slightest irritation it leaves the skin softud and re freshed and free from srr tense dry feeling curls zs tra it jin audrw caurftao i lit sunlmua tu jkatltsl rtwsospl a r 7a srd k xtaruta hr i 33 cufeioa shavnir slfck 2se 1 issue no 4j 26

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