Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 18, 1926, p. 3

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and three children killed when car is hit by train pembroke ont nov 14 grim tragedy such as has not before been known in north renfrew county stalked in the little village ofcobden about noon today when a father and two of his children were instantly killed and another child fatally injur ed in a terrible level crossing fatality a fourth child was but slightly in jured when returning home from attend ing church service in an automobile owned and driven by the father the catastrophe which has shocked the en- tire village and surrounding district took place as the family party were crossing the canadian pacific tracks near the station they were struck by an eastbouiul freight train and hurtled along the tracks the dead and injured all members of the same family aro garfield hum- phriesaged 38 father killed edgar humphries aged eight son killed nina aged six daughter killed georgo aged three son fatally injur ed mabel daughter aged five slight ly injured will recover the family were returning from tho united church wherethe father had attended service and the children sun- station and the view to the west in obscured by a grain elevator thej side curtains of the car were down partially obstructing the view and apparently none of the occupants of i the car heard the whistle nor the noise of the approach of the tramj until it was upon them the auto was hurtled 75 feet and the father and two of his children were killed out right tho bodies being terribly man gled two of the children were thrown clear one of them succumbing later to injuried received doctors ritchie and ferrill were on the scene within five minutes of tho time of the accident the injured children were removed to a neighboring home tho car is a mass of wreckage the lvelcrossing at which the fa tality occurred has long been recog- p rowdies in dublin mar celebration street battles are staged an police charge on mobs a despatch from dublin says marion ih nov 12 the airplane excitable soldiers returning from an aerial bomb today were added to phoenix after armistice day celebra armored mac guns and other tions got out of hand in the city streets and the police were obliged to weapons used m the southern resort to baton charges to stop the illinois gang warfare between the disorders several persons were in jured and required hospital toatment airplane and bombs used in faction feud one body of youthful republicans rival shelton and birger liquor fac tions flying low over shady rest a exparliamentarian dies t j stewart conservative member for west hamilton from 1909 to 1925 irised nstdvngeroua one for years dm buffalo last week he was the residents of the townsand country bo b township have forecast just such a disaster as coun in 1s4s occurred today the approach of a train is hidden from both directions prjjj detroit cache an elevator on one side and a grist mill on the other the whole community mourns the disaster which has visited the humphries home for the father was a deservedly popular and pros perous farmer known to practically day school at 1145 and had only pro- 1 everybody he having lived all his life ceeded a few blocks in their outomol in this section the mother and three bilo when tho accident occurred the other children survive the youngest i 181716 police believe they have dis- cpr tracks cross the main street of members of the family are twins one covered the detroit cache of the inter- of narcotic ring police blow safe containing drugs valued at 181716 detroit mich nov 12 with the seizuro of narcotics to the value of the town just at the approach to the year old all in readiness for royal winter fair great army of patrons will see wonders in ah departments a despatch from toronto says for eight days commencing friday nov 12 the royal winter fair will celebrate its fifth anniversary in the royal coliseum exhibition park in keeping with the records established at the four preceding exhibitions tho 1926 royal presents to its great army of patrons including visitors from all parts of canada and tho un ited states many new and phenomen al educational features in connection with the horse show and the displays of live stock and products of the field and orchard the variety and com pleteness of every department of the show is reported quite beyond compar ison not forgetting the light horse j show which compares if not sur- passjtf the new york and london olympic shows more than 1650 1 horses are entered in tho horse show ovents the comprehensive collection of tho best that canada and the united states produce in purebred live stock in poultry and pet stock of all var- p ieties in tropical and fancy fish in long delays and floriculture and horticulture in dairy s al teni products and countless other products allied with agriculture forai3 an ex hibition of first importance well worth coming hundreds of miles to see national ring which is largely re sponsible for the wholesaling of drugs in the city this is the largest de troit haul on record acting on a tip from sources which they refused to reveal detectives of the narcotic squad crashed the door of room 15 at 28 west warren avenue which according to the inscription is the detroit art model studio in side they found no trace of any artists equipment in a large safe in the room which they blew open with nitroglycerine the officers found 175216 grains of opium and 2439 grains of heroin at current rates the find is valued at 181716 the raid followed the arrest on october 26 of several men these ar rests were made as a result of city- wide raids but all the men concerned are believed to belong to a single ring which is importing huge quantities of drugs presence of starch in the room indicated that tho dopesters watered the drugs before distribut ing them to the peddlers marched along grafton street shout- roadhouso operated by charlie birger ing down with kug george the gang leader 10 miles east of marion police clubbed them severely causing an unidentified aviator dropped c a wild stamped and later to avoid bomb which failed to explode further disturbances large bodies of j seven or eight gan then ran police were ordered out and patrolled the streets in vans ready for emer gencies it was for tho purpose of avoiding tho blocking- of street traffic by crowds with possible chances of sim ilar disorders to those which charac terized former celebrations on armis tice day that the authorities selected phoenix park this park was the scene of tho assassination of lord frederick cavendish chief secretary for ireland and thomas h 3urke undersecretary in 1882 armistice day ended with a series of riotous demonstrations and the police were again called upon to dis perse the fighting crowds with their batons nine persons were sent to hospitals and many others were hurt in the various melees throughout the day some of them were women who were caught in the clashes between tho de monstrators and police the worst disturbance was in tho evening in oconnell street where a party of poppywearers were inter cepted by republican rowdies a wild scene followed and civic guards club bed the disturbers felling several of them out of the place and began firing at the plane with rifles and machine guns as it circled around again and dropped two more bombs one was a dud the other exploded in the woods 100 yards from tho roadhouse the gunfire did not find its mark but tho aviator flew away rapidly to the north the attacking plane bore no marks of identification and tho pilot could not be seen clearly from the ground ono witness said he be lieved a second man was in the cock pit noted social worker 2 expires in montreal a despatch from montreal says mrs r j allan prominent social worker and society woman of this city died here today from cerebral hemor rhage mrs allan was in her 58th year born in thoiold ont mrs allan 7ee mcarthur moved to toronto aftor her marriage and remained there until her husbands death 20 years ago she came to reside in montreal burial will take place at thoiold man crushed to death at canal guard gates cornwallont nov 12- e arm strong of goderich ont had his life ing to find how canadian law punishes cru3ncd out at lhe guard gates above eva j lock 20 of tho cornwall canal this afternoon when he was caught be- miss jane hoey who visited toronto with the new york crime commission which is try- miss hoey is a member of the commission uncle joe cannon dead at age of 90 served in us house of re presentatives for period of 44 years danville iii nov 12 uncle joe tween the big steel steamer belcher and the stone coping as the boat was attempting to tio up before being locked through on its way east young armstrong was being swung out on a boom to the coping to attach the hawser to a snubbing post when the boom broke he fell between the boat and the coping and met instant death j the boat has been lying in the har bor at goderich for two years and re cently was sold to the japanese gov- increases made in ocean rates effective dec a despatch from montreal says ocean freight rate advances have been anpunced by the canadian trans- atlantic conference for the carriage of conference commodities to the con tinent from canada these to take effect from dec 1st next decision has also been taken to absorb the 15 per cent surcharge on the transpor tation of conference commodities to united kingdom ports which has been in effect since sept 23 last and to i enforce a new series of rates which will become effective on jan 1 theso rates to tho continent and to the un ited kingdom will run till the end of april i of being a bloodthirsty bandit- i the increases in freight rates wil read how the wlh tearful range from 15 per cent upwards but oyes antl chokl voice sentenced it was made clear that such advances some to ueath whenever i have will be from the rates in force before to sentence a man for murder he will sept 23 and not from those now ru- j lave tlle tears in ilis 6yea ami the ing in the case of produce moving to clloui throat those flowers that the united kingdom ports i are lad on a murderers grave should commodities affected by the now ut laid on tho next tomb the markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 152 no 2 north 147 no 3 north 143 man oats no 2 cw nominal no 3 not quoted no 1 feed 64c no 2 feed nominal western grain quota tions in cit ports am corn track toronto no 3 yellow 85c no 3 yesow 88c millfeed del martroal freights bags included bran per ton 2925 shorts per ton 3125 middlings 4225 good feed flour per bag 230 ontario oats 48 to 50c fob ship ping points ont good milling wheat 130 to 132 fob shipping pointa according to freights barley malting 60 tc 64c buckwheat 85c nominal rye no 2 91c man flour first pat 810 to- ronto do 2nd pat 760 madame alexandra kollantay 0 flour toronto 99 per cent soviet russias only woman diplomat pttent per barrel in carot3 toronto has been forbidden by the united 580 seaboard in bulk 585 states to enter that country while en j poultry ducks lb 25 to 30c hens route to mexico where she has been j 6 lbs 25c do 4 to 5 lbs 23c broilers appointed soviet ambassador under 2 lbs 25 to 30c do 2 to 3 o lbs 25c do over 3 lbs 26c hanging murderers haynew no i 20 do no 2 only remedial plan eggs fresh extras 54 to s5c i fresh firsts 44 to 46c fresh seconds nosloppysentmientalityconj8l doned by montreal judge 34 to 35e do firsts 33 to 34c do seconds 32 to 33c a despatch from montreal says cheese new large 20 to 20c what remedial method would you twins 20 to 21c triplets 22c stil- suggest in the case of murderers mr justice greenshields of the ap peal court of quebec was asked by a member of the crime commission of new york state which is making an investigation of canadian procedure in dealing with criminal cases the only remedial method i know is to hang them was the reply the justice had no sympathy for tho seeming sloppy sentimentality felt for a man because he has the distinc- tons 23c old large 26c twins 27c triplets 28c old stiltons 30c beans can handpicked 330 to 340 bushel primes 315 to 325 maple products syrup per imp gal 225 to 230 per 5gal 215 to 225 per gal maile sugtr lb 25 to 26c honey 60ib tins 12 to 13c 10- lb tins 12 to 13c 0lb tins 13 to 18c 2lb tins 13 to 14c ccmb honey 340 to 4 per dozen smoked meats hams med 30 to 32c cooked hams 46 to 47c smoked rolls 28 to 30c breakfast bacon 34 to 89c backs boneless 35 to- 42c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 23 70 to 90 lbs 2160 20 lbs and up 2234 lightweight rolls in barrels 4250 heavyweight rolls 3950 per bbl lard pure tierces 16 to 17c tubs 17 to 18c pails 18 to 18c i prints 18 to 19c shortening tierces rates are only those included in tha justeo greenshlelds spoke of tho 12 to 12c tubs 12 to 13c pails list dealt with under the jurisdiction ra with wilic criminal appeals 13 to 13c blocks 14 to 15c heavy steers choice 675 to 710 do good 625 to 650 butcher steers choice 6 to 7 do good 575 to rowed his leaking dory for twentysix hours portland me nov 12 david con rad tells a story of the fishing fleet losing his schooner benjamin thomp son forty miles off demariscove is land conrad rowed his leaking dory safe to shore in twentysix hours part of the time he was rowing steer ing by the sun and wind the dory waj followed by a huge shark which had cannon died here today at the age of i ernnlent and was her wa to ja 90 he had been ailing for some time 0n trip and for thefirst time since he voted for lincoln in 1816 was unable to got anada and old country to the polls on november 2 fortyfour years uncle joe serv ed in the house of representatives having served continuously with thi adjust war debts london a reciprocal adjustment of wardebts between canada and great exception of one twoyear term from britain is being negotiated by the 1873 to 1921 when he retired at ihe canadian high commissioner here in age of 85 and in tho congressional conferences with imperial treasury record may be found a graphic record officials of his activities during those years the commissioners office has so far and of his gradual climb to the speak- collected 120000000 due to canada ership where he ruled from 1903 to thero is somo controversy oyer the 1911 with a high hand earning the balance of debts britain having coun- appelation czar cf tho house under normal circumstances should know his fate in the montreal d j io b courts he expressed disapproval of cow c a falr of tho conference cattle flour and wer0 dis of pointing out that grains are not affected by the new i wltllil1 slx months of arrest any crim rates these coming under the purview of the separate lines reasons for the rate increases are- i um 111 d 376to 450 butcher bulls attributed directly to the prolongation the frequent and repeated appeals 1- g 450 to 550 bolognas 350 of the british coal strike vhich has i m crlmmal cases be unltedj 4 canncrs and cutters 225 to 3 resulted in an increase of operatin r atcs iia sald ho r of prison- good milch cows 70 to 1c0 spring- costs together with a decrease in ers ln canada were so guarded thaters choice 80 to 115 nied cows available cargo carrying capacity as 95 p6r cstll ot men found gllit wcro l e c a result of the embargo placed on the bver effort ad been made to o to b do mod 7 to exportation of any available british cut out technicalities and forms which lg- coal it has been necessary for coal- w tll basls ol 1 arguments and burning vessels to take aboard -suffi- olli to hinder tho course of cient supplies on this side of the at- lantie to enable them to return from england this has necessitated a re- p 1 striction in carrying capacity of- ships barracks oergeant air line to africa it is probablo that an all lino will soon link london and paris with north africa tho air union will most i likely absorb lhe french compngnie greek debt 11000000 aoronavnlc which has run n flying these debts is being steadily received been attracted to the boat by the fish boat- service from franco to corsica and a sinking fund is being provided conrad threw overboard to lighten j for some timo past i for ultimate liquidation torclaims which she states practically offset tho balance due canada does not areo as to the amount of these claims so tho conferences are con tinuing tho commissioners office was responsible for the funding of the rumanian debt- 24000000 and the interest on which in somo cases has amounted to over 1000 tons shot by armed men little variation shown in average cost of living cork nov 14 sergeant fitzsim- mons ill charge of the civic guards barracks at st lukos a populous residential district of cork was shot j choice 660 to 670 dead soon after dark tonight by a bag of 90 lbs 375 good 9 to 10 do mod 650 to 9 grassers 450 io 175 good lambs 1175 to 12 do bucks 9 to 975 good light sheep 650 to 750 heavy sheep nd bucks 4 hogs- thick smooths fed and watered 1110 do fob 1050 montrsal oats cw no 2 71c do no 3 66c fiour man spring wheit pats firsts 810 do seconds 760 do strong bakers 710 winter pats rollcdoats bran 3025 ottawa ont nov 12 the aver age cost of a weekly family budget of 29 staple foods was 1093 at the be ginning of october as compared with 1094 for september 1089 for oc tober 1925 1031 for october 1924 1023 for october 1922 1148 for october 1921 1583 for october 1920 1692 for june 19 peak 1354 for october 799 for october 1914 i motor cars party of armed men three other po- shorts 3225 middlings 4125 lice barracks in the city were similar- hay no 2 per ton car lots 14 to ly raided and there are rumors that5v others in cork county were visited by cheesefinest wests 174c do t easts 17c butter no 1 pasteurized raiding parties and bundles of docu- 34 35j eggsstorage extras ments removed 45c d0 fu 4ie do seconds 3cc cork has been aroused by the inci- f extras 60c do firsts 50c dents the city is being patrolled 920 the soldiers and police are questioning the quality cf wool is materially 1918 and pedestrians and the occupants of affected by the kinds of feed given to j the sheep mutt and jeff by bud fisher wait till jeff gets hold of that barber

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