Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 18, 1926, p. 2

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suggestions for a dairy farmer i milkfever remedies i the commercial instruments have ijilk fever is more prevalent in fall nicads of sterimzing the air which is and winter than in spring and sum- almost impossibe with n homcmaje mer it strikes suddenly and disaster device a novice abound not use oxy- follows ouickiy generally it comes kentho pressure is too great do right at the time of calving i tie the teat strings so tight as to the first symptoms are those- of op the circuaton ih the lower ends partial paralysis if the cows is stand- of the teats dont try to drench a ing she staggers as she walks if cow rith milk fever her throat is lying she has trouble getting up in j paralyzed and she wil strange any event she soon becomes temporarj prevention methods hy paralyzed all over she lies on one u feed soft nonhealing feeds like sloe and brings her head to the other bran for six to eight days before cav- as if there was the point of intense pw the c n tjtr pain later she loses consciousness mk out of anyquarter of the udder fortunately there is almost a per fect remedy and it gives almost in stant relief this remedy is to inflate j the udder with oxygen or air the unless suffering from an overcowest udder is wiped off with a disinfectant udder acutely l ss lesson november 21 joshua renewing the covenant joshua 24 1425 golden text choose you this day whom ye will serve but os for me and my house we will serve the lord joshua 24 16 analysis i the peoples choice 1418 ii the covenant boniy 1925 introduction chapters 1324 of the book of joshua tell of the distribu tion of the land among the tribes of israel and of certain special grants of territory such as that of hebron to for at least twentyfour hours after jho 22 and there follows caiving dont milk the cow until sho calves itc and a thoroughly sterilized tube is inserted into the teat if no veterin arian is available an air tube is at- tached to this tube and the udder is inflated until quite tight then the tube is removed and the end of the teat is tied with a string this opera tion is repeated on all teats resef generally starts at once and soon is quite general action must be obtained at once get a veterinarian if possible but lose no time a goose quill and a bicycle pump or auto pump have sav ed the lives of many cows it would pay to have a small outfit for the pur pose they are inexpensive be careful about sterilizing the in strument infection will of the udder m l keep the hoofs trimmed under the modern system of dairy farming where dairy cattle are kept confined so much the hoofs do not wear down naturally and should be trimmed at regular intervals once a year and oftcnor if required we call a local blacksmith and trim the hoofs of all the bulls we throw the animal by means of the usual rope hitch cows can bo treated with a litte more consideration there are now men who make a specialty of hoof trim ming but any blacksmith of common sense is able to do a good job a par ing knife and hoof clippers are about that goes into the teat orjairthe tools needed in fact for the vill result and cause the loss cows we often do the work ourselves w a f buying feeding cattle the type of feeding cattle purchased and the price paid for them on the market is important in successful cat tle feeding some feeders purchase cattle of good type and quality because they plan to finish quality cattle they find that the better grade of catte require less grain and roughage to produce a hundred pounds of gain other feeders purchase a lower grade can tolerate very much larger quanti ties of salt than has generally been supposed it has been found for ex ample that eight or nineweekold chickens could be placed on a ration containing as high as 8 per cent of common salt without serious results salt poisoning so many instances have been report ed in which chickens have been killed by eating feed containing a consider able quantity of salt that it is a gen era belief among poultrymen that chickens are very readily poisoned by common table salt recent experiments seem to indicate that under certain conditions chickens of feeding cattle and contend that the inferior grade of cattle make more money in the feedlot than the better cattle the poorer cattle do not make as good use of the fesd consumed as the better cattle so the only condition under which they can be more profit- in fact as soon as the chickens be came accustomed to the disagreeably able is when there is a wide spread salty jation they consumed it in suffi- between the price paid for feeders and c quantities so that they grew just the price received as fat cattle about as well up to five months of age desirable feeding cattle should have as did chickens getting only 1 per cent a good head they should possess 0 salt in their feed width between the eyes and not be too this does not mean of course that long in the face they should possess sa in large quantities is not poison- a wide muzzle large nostrils and j 0 to chickens for if salt is injected strong full jaw the back should be directly into the crop it appears that straight from the neck to the rump half an ounce is sufficient to kill a the animal should have a wide back i chicken weighing three or four and a deep chest the body should be pounds deep fairly low set as an animal that is high off the ground usually possess es a long narrow rangy body and will not produce a desirable carcass uniformity in a load of cattle is very important when marketing the cattle therefore a feeder should try the danger to the chicken so far as salt is concerned is apparently great est under conditions which make it possible for the chicken to get a con siderabe quantity into its crop at one time either dry or in solution any reasonable quantity well mixed in ths to obtain animals of similar type if f j no at nil likely to cause a good grade of cattle are purchased trouble they should be as near the same grade as possible if a poor grade of cattle are secured it is better to have them all pcor a few good cattle especially if purchased at a higher price will not materially improve the whole load when shipped to market the blood in the human body travels 61320 miles during a years beating y of the heart indirect heres your birthday present dear said the adoring husband pipecleaners gasked the wife when she had opened the parcel yes darling i knew theyd please ou you never did like ine to use your hatpins zu zu and a nursery cat zu zu said little hannah to her pet kitten ono day cousin miriam is coming to see us arent you glad zu zu purred happily and little hannah knew he meant yes so she tied a ribbon around his neck and he sat in the sun on the windowsill until the bell rang and miriam came in with her mother aunt mary such a darl- held tightly in her arms he was struggling to get away but was held too tightly to cry while the baby called out is kitty des lubs me that settles it said aunt mary until sho is able to understand she must not touch zu zu at all i have always been so sorry for the nursery yet ing cousin as she was running around j cats that i have seen mauled around by ignorant little hands next day mother and little hannah went down town and bought a toy cat soft and furry and white which mir iam could squeeze as much as she laughing and chattering but no big enough to go to school zu zu walked up to her at once waving his lovely tail like a plume and the little hands made a quick grab for him off he scampered ready fo i wanted without hurting the best a game but baby miriam had just ono k nursery cat then every day thought to get hold of that waving hannah brought zu zu in her anybody fcnowarms while mother guided miriams whstwas happening tho eager hands t0 stroke him this had seized the tail and in spite of zu v baby soon learned carefulness zus cried held it tightly whilo the u ost mach ol his fmr baby voice cried i got it bv the handle now it i before the visit was over miriam cant get away i nad to ro zu z marble i a i nnd to watch him playing without mother and aunt mary and tearful 1 j iw ti l i i j trying to catch him whilo she held lilte hannah flew to the rescue and v- her toy ky in ns tight a squeeze as rocn set zu zu free nnd he scampered i r r r she wished without making it crv or away again this time to find n eafo ru hiding plree while aunt mary took jjn miriam on her lap trying to teach her hew to ploy with pussy cats i after that she never tried to take shell scon understand well enough to have a real kitty said mother but until she docs this little snow- ball is best for her hou of zu zus taj but his soft fur r zu zu too eaid was to tempting that she often tnod jj h to get him into her arms but zu zuj a dubt zu zu agrecd with xts on his guard and generally ma for aftor the kuest had gone rged to evade the cmtchmg fingers ko formic j hiding places altogether he found some queer hiding places i am once more wretched himself at or litte hannsh found him curled ease on tho couch or on the up in lb hsck of hex bureau drawer which had beers left partly open and mother discovered him one day when the ice hai run out in the dry pan tvr lk refrigerator hut in a city apartment hiding i rs are limited and one day mir- iiua cams irto tho room with zu zu front of the fire im ko glad youre not a nursery cat zu zu whispered little hannah in his car zu zu purred so long nnd so loud that little hannah felt sure he was trying to tell her what he thought about it n account of the closing scenes of the life of joshua he is as throughout the whole per iod of his leadership still earnestly solicitous for the present and the fu ture welfare of his people joshua is wise enough to see that there lie before the israelites greater dangers than those which they have encountered from canaanite armies or sons ofanak there is the elabor ate and highly sensuous worship of the canaanite gods against which he now warns the people of israel be ye therefore very courageous he says to keep and to do ail that is written in the book of the law of moses that ye turn not aside there from to the right hand or to the left it is by strict observance of the laws and usages of their own religious faith that they will best guard them selves and their children against the perils of this heathen civilization and culture with which they are now so cosely in contact i the teoples choice 1418 now therefore fear the lord in old testament religion fear is rever ence and is inculcated as the begin ning or foundation of right living the fear of the lord is clean endur ing for ever says the psalmist and the wise man declares that the fear of the lord is wisdom or is the be ginning of wisdom and- is identical with a good understanding and with departure from evil psalm 199 job 2828 prov 17 eccles 1213 here the exhortation to reverent fear is accompanied by the exhortation to sincere and loyal service and to put away all false gods such as their fathers served in patriarchal times and in egypt choose you this day if the ser vice of jehovah seem to them irksome or disagreeable let them choose de liberately and thoughtfully between him and the gods of the people of canaan here called the amsrites joshua declares that he and his house liave made their choice they will serve the lord jehovah the flood v 14 15 is the river euphrates from the other side of which their father abraham had come where joshua says they served other gods 2423 the answer of the people is at first negative rather than positive god forbid that we should forsake the lord to serve other gods therefore will be also serve the lord for he is our god so far the answer is satisfactory but it laclcs the positive note which joshua desires they will serve the lord only because it is unthinkable to them that they should serve any other than their own gcd joshua would have them make deliberate choice of two possible serv- ices god of israel or the gods of the canaanites ii tub covenant bond 1925 ye cannot serve the lord a mere acquiescence is not enough he re quires positive and wholehearted obed ience he is a holy god separate and apart from all others they his people must also be holy and separate themselves from every form of false worship that which belongs to je hovah isholy like himself and cannot be given even temporarily to another he is a jealous god he will share the love and allegiance of his people with no other they cannot profess to serve him and then forsake him that ho will not forgive the positive declaration of choice comes from the people in response to joshuas challenge nay but wewill serve the lord the choice is made they themselves are witnesses there must be no going back on that solemn declaration and pledge else they would be selfcondemned the moral is driven home put away the strange gods which are among you having made their choice and renewed tht covenant bond they must now act ccordingly the people reply the lord our god will we serve and his voice will we obey coniparo the story of the covenant made by moses in exodus chap 14 and the story of elijahs challenge to the peoplo of israe at carmel in 1 kings 181989 the conception of a covenant bond between israel and jehovah put the religion of israel upon a high plane both legally nnd morally the coven ant freely entered into and ratified by a solemn promise and oath involved an obligation of the highest order as jehovah was true to his covenant promise so must thy be true as he was faithful so must they lie faithful as he was bound to keep hi pledged word so were they bound to keep theirs a covenant people must be like its god is type of tourist rea n asset to ontario l iquor advocates claijtn that ontario will get thousands more tourists if it goes wet on december 1 these are the facts the dominion government report for 1925 states ontario under prohibition had 1 290000 motor tourists new brunswick under prohibition had 476555 motor tourists quebec under government sale had 1 1 1 983 motor toihsts government sale means increased liquor sold and consumed h increased dangers do you want our highways thronged with hilarious joyriders and campfollowers of the liquor traffic do you want to encourage and promote reckless driving upon the highways on the part of our own citizens dont be fooled make your vote count against these dangers vote for your ontario prohibition union 24 blopr street east toronto feedhopper space there are two problems connected with the new pullets that have started laying one is to get them to eat the proper allowance of mash and the other is to maintain body weight whilo they are laying so they will not go to pieces early in tho year due to their being in poor condition one way in which to encourage mash consumption is to have sufficient hopper space about six inches for every two birds two sixfoot hoppers allowing birds to feed from both sides will be just about enough for a pen of 100 layers but three such hoppers will surely be enough a wet mash fed once a day just what they will clean up in about fifteen minutes will also j help in the consumption of mash i a collar of fagoting what could be prettier to refurbish a halfworn dress than a collaf of fagoting the stitches are taken between bias bands of material a truo bias is nee essary so that the goods will lie smoothly bias bands of crepe de chine taffeta and cotton csn be pur chased ready for work orthc bands can be cut they should be an inch wide allowing for quarterinch seams the fold should be a quarter of an inch wide when finished bits of leftover silk could be utilized as a collarandcuff set is pretty iii a com bination of colors to make a collar trace a weilfitting pattern on manilo paper baste a bias band on the paper using the edge of the traced pattern as a guide a quarter of an inch above baste another band then allow a quarter of an inch and make the body of the collnr baste securely in place and procede with the fagot stitch the catstitch is the simplest and most durable to make place the needle under the lower band at the left side of the collar then take stitch diagonally to the right in and health by florencehadley clothes are now adapted to the com- dering will not cause lumps to form fort and needs of the baby indeed and they are far less expensive and today can rightly be called the pinless more easily quilted age for even babys diapers are se- 1 if we are fortunate enough to have cured without the use of a single pin j an old washsatin skirt we have the experienced mothers know only too i material for a lovely carriage robe it well how constant pinning of tiny gar- 1 should be well padded with new cot- ments wears unsightly holes in them ton lined with any soft warm ma- po we all welcome the pinless diaper j terinl and tied evenly the satin top and stockings when buying stockings for baby we may as well buy the kind most comfortable as they cost no more these have no portion under the legs where the skin is especially tender but they do have an extra long upper portion that extends to the top of the diaper and is secured by a loop of tape which always keeps it in place still another new invention is the diaper and hose supporter this is mnde of soft flatknit material it the keep clothes especially the expensive upper band a quarter of an inch in j shirts and bands free from hoes advance bring the needle under the that niwa com fr constant stitch and insert in the lower band of porting the diaper again a qualer of an inch in advance j all these articles are effectively se- bring out under the stitch and proceed cured by serviceable twistless tape in this way back and forth until the that can be bought nt any notion line is completed silk twist is best to use for fagot ing silk and mercerized cotton for cot ton bands the work goes vcryquick- ly and is not nearly so hard as it sounds counter at the small price of fifteen cents for five yards ordinary tape is not suitable as it twists young mothers often think it is necessary to buy a complete layette for the new baby but we can often substitute many articles mnde of part ly worn materials if we are at all handy with the needle misnamed ilhie laws are certainly misnamed why decause they make you see red at the zoo younc son you say ilia is tho bird of freedom mamma mamma yes my dear son then why is it in a cage things to make at home the better part of fine old night gowns slips and underwear of our own can be cut over into slips for baby old sheets and pillowcaccs can lc mnde into diapers old tablecloths and napkins make excellent towels bibs nnd washcloths j the bibs so called for the tiny baby j are merely hemmed pieces of soft linen six by twelve inches towels may lie made any convenient length j according to the material on hand but for the bath towel eighteen by thirty inches is desirable old outingflannel garments can be made into cozy jackets and nighties old blankets can be cut down into crib and bassinet blankets crochet around the edge with soft knitting yarn or silkatecn or bind with wash ribbon if desired for pads the worn part of tho blan ket is much better than cotton wad ding as even the most careless aun- will need a thin interlining and if desired can be decorated with a design done in french knots in pastel shades or with siik applique his majestys gown of course our tinyguest will want a few perfectly new garments and wo can buy if we have none on hand a few remnants of fine material and make and ornament by hand to suit i ourselves the gowns for dressup oc casions it is often surprising what a tiny bit of material will suffice to make his majesty a gown twentyone inches from shoulder to hem is sufficient length then in the busy days follow ing his arrival his gowns will not havo to be shortened j- when buyingbaby garments ready made there are a few important points to be considered there should be no rough seams in baby garments when possible they should be seamless shirts should be buttonless double over the abdomen and fastened with tapes just below the curve of the bowels this prevents the shirt work ing up the abdominal band should be knit under no circumstances should firm cloth be used as a band should bo clastic when buying knit goods only a re liable make should be purchased as cheap makes will stretch very easily and the garments will shrink hope lessly when they are laundered rabwt- carrot a big one look at the size of that

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