Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 4, 1926, p. 7

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two men and injuria three others the dead are majhes boyle 48 peter street merritton thomas costiff 44 morritton street merritton the injured george chivers merritton george dennis merritton frank owen merritton the cause of the explosion is un known and according to men with years of experience in papermaking pjants such an accident is unheard of the tank or beater as it is technic ally known is used to tease or mix tho ingredients used in the manufac ture of papjr at the moment of the explosion an electric dril which boyle was using to boro a hole in tho tank had just pierced the eight inches of metal without warning the crash followed heavy steel window frames were wrenched from their setting and pieces of iron were found a hundred feet away the room in which the two killed three injured in explosion at merritton plant merriton ont oct 31 a heavy tank was located was also badly cast iron tank about 20 feet ivnz 10 wrecked and the wonder is that a j nve feet wide and eight inches thick ex- 1 men thei at the time of the explo- ploded with terrific force shortly after i sion were not jriiied as it was uen- 10 oclock this morning in the plant of nis and owen only sustained shgnt m- the interiake tissue paper co mhing juries and while chivers were of a more severe nature his condition is not regarded as serious the theory that the tank contained gas of an explosive nature is disposed of by one man who says it was not airtight and that consequently it was incapable of generating gas he says further that other tanks in the plant have frequently been drilled the pro vincial inspector of factories and the industrial hygiene lept have been communicated with and asked to help solve the mystery of the explosion following the accident all of the in jured were rushed to the st catha rines general hospital boyle died whilo being admitted and costiff a few hours later tjieir wounds were principamy about the head and face both men wero married boyle leaves a wife and two children and costiff a wife and four children dennis and owen were able to leave tho hospital after receiving treatment chivers injuries wero found toconsist of burns and cuts about the face and unless eye troubles follow should be around in a few days royal party visits canada three killed when train strikes auto small hope for recovery of woman injured in level crossing crash at milton milton ont three men were killed and a woman was seriously injured when a cpr westbound toronto- guelph passenger train struck a se dan at a level crossing about 300 yards east of the station here at 225 wed nesday afterron the dead are a b couch of montreal jesso kipps of hamilton and a e jones of hamil ton whilo mrs a e jones was very seriously injured and little hope is held out for her recovery the sedan driven by mr jones was struck in the centre and carried jitney driver slain and robbed of 300 lifelesa body of sudbury man found about twelve miles from town sudbury oct 31 lying by the side of the garson road about 12 miles from here tho lifeless body of guissippi justi aged 39 a sudbury jitney driver was found this morning about 9 ocockpierced in the head and abdomen with bullets abandoned at the rear of sacred heart college notre dame street justis automobile in which he had set out with one pas senger for garson saturday evening about 6 oclock was also discovered the identity of the passenger has not been established and it is appaient that the rctual shooting took plpee on the queen of roumanla her son prince nicholas and daughter princess lleana at government house toronto farmers move in missionaries are from united states driven from chengtu general antiimperialist de monstration threatens bri tishers in large region hankow thirty foreigners chiefly british missionaries have been driven along the track for about 200 yards tbe rc as the auto bears no until the train came to a stop the frace of blood three men were instantly kifled while tcwnship and provincial police tm mrs jones found to be iying when witho any definite clue extricated from the wreck was taken n f the opinion that robbery is immediately to dr g a kings resi- the- motive chief toobey f neson dence here and later was rushed by carson township police stated ambulanco to the hamilton general j that they had learned that justt hod hospital where she lies in a critical 3p in his possession when he left condition sudbury but a bunch of keys was the men were members of the exe- that was found on his persjthis morning reports from agencies show increased migration of settlers to canada ottawa ont immigration to can ada of farm settlers from the united w states for the month of september was j from liuyanghunan province thirty particularly active according to re- miles oast of changsha- by farmers ports received from the agencies of the and students in pursuance of the gen- uept of immigration and coloniza- era antiimperialistic demonstration tion last month the agency at far- they were not given time to assemble go north dakota headed the list of their belongings and arrived afoot at the 18 agencies of the department in changsha wednesday night the united states with a total of 675 1 the american steamer chinan ar- persons sent to canada an increase i rived at chungking with thirtyodd of 300 over september 1925 these british driven from chengtu 675 setters brought with them cash the boycott in szechwan province and effects valued at 726095 only is extending to all nationalities with ten were not of the farming class s refusing to sem food to foreign the agent at syracuse ny re- 6 the american consul is reported ports that more settlers have been j to have commandeered three canadians get bravery awards carnegie commission bestows medals for heroic acts pittsburg pa three awards- to canadians for bravery were announc ed hero by the carnegie her fund commission phyllis k perry of 685 cmfton avenue niagara f51s ont and lincoln andrew tutty of nira ns receive bronze medals for saving persons from drowning while a bronze medal awarded to herbert h free land of toronto who lost his life sav ing three persona lives in a runaway accident has been given o freolands son earl w h freeland of 7sc wes ton road toronto phyllis it perry who is 15 years azd saved wima e and ora c baldry aged 17 ami 11 respectively an american j from drowning at chippawa ont on sent to canada through his office since ship grounded at wanhsien in order ivugust 10 1921 wilma dived from a april 1st this year than in any year to prevent its capture by general i rock at tho bank into tlle niagara is yangsens troops the british war- river cutive of the zimmerknit knitting company of hamilton and accompan ied by mrs jones they had completed an inspection of the milton yard and spinningmilis on the north side of the cpr tracks when crossing the tracks on their return it is supposed that mr jones attention had been drawn by a shunting freight in the yards and he did not notice the ap proach of tho passenger train a mass of twisted iron and wood any part of which could bo gifted by hour afterward justi apparently died whore he fell only c few feet from the edge of the road m plain view charles matson a dairyman saw the body while driv ing hi milk truck ife had beer ex- tict for several hours as far as is krown the murdered mans 11yearold soi was the only who saw him in the jitney before leaving- the stand justi had told thi boy to wait there until his return an since 1915 reports for last month from the other agencies show increas ed migration of the best class of farm settlers when compared with septem ber in recent years boy was all that remained of the motor car hamilton a b couch president of the zimmerknit ltd lived in mon treal ho is said to have been middle- nged married and leaves several children he came to hamilton on monday to visit the local plant as he was accustomed o do from time to timo mr couch took a keen interest in the zimmerknit softball team he is paid to have been prominent in busi ness circles in montreal albert e jones who was president of the hamilton hosiery company a selling company of tho zimmerknit i ltd lived at 104 flatt avenue ham ilton y a widow and justi is survive si chioren bc apple exhibit is being prepared vancouver the apple ehibit of he asso rattd growers limited at tie royal winter fair toronto which is now tcng prepared at penticton wil cor itt of 250 boxes one hundred and fifty boxes will be used for display purposes at the fair while the re maining 100 boxes will be used for entries in competitive classes sped mens of the leading winter varieties british columbia hen makes new worlds record agassiz bc hen no c of the white leghorn pen entered by the university of british columbia in an egglaying contest beij held at the dominion experimental farm from nov 1 1925 to oct 81 1926 on oct 27th laid her 348th egg since the com petition began thereby establishing a worlds record the hen produced an egg a day for 200 consecutive days previous eggaying records included 342 annually made in new zealand in 1923 and 347 in australia in 1924 a hen of puyallup wash last year established the record for this con tinent with 835 eggs norway gives 1 10000 against prohibition ship teal is endeavoring to float the ship general yangsens troops continue to arrive in tho shashi region for a drive upon 6jiangsha compelling the cantonese to retreat along the nan- chang railway bad blaze at sudbury causes damage of 50000 sudbury fire which broke out at i a late hour wednesday night raging until early next morning incurred a loss totalling 550000 to four business houses in the town breaking out in the basement of haggers restaurant durham street the flames spread to lome fowlers hardware store h ironsides clothing store and the new american cafe and also to the new american hotel where slight smoke damage was done e bed of atlantic rising oceanographists find wiil b included in the exhibit the jjiso kipps was superintendent of lu the zimmerknit ltd ho was 32 years of ago and iivenue north 500 straight 36 commercial puck ived at 152 balmoral fnced i wrapped which it is hamilton mr kipps ppos0d to use for window display in was- married and had two young chil dren opens canadian students hostel toronto last year two of the big departmental stores featured a win dow display of british columbia ap ples during the royal which proved a splendid advertisement and it is hop ed to make a similar arrangement this year oslo the final figures of the re cent plebiscite on prohibition show a majority of morotlian 110000 against the present law the vote was for prohibition 421292 against prohibition 531425 the drys lost 67725 supporters i the depths chart indicated 2700 fath- as compared with the 1919 plebiscite i oms oceanographists say that such while the wets gained 226752 changes synchonize with earthquakes the belief that the whole southern atlantic ocean bed is undergoing a vast submarine convulsion follows the recent discovery that the atlantics floor has risen two miles in the vicinity of st helena in the last twentyfive years a cablo ship repairing a break found c60 fathoms of water whore 529 miles of highway to system ottawa canadas automobile ex ports increase in the last 12 months passenger and freight antes have been sent to 61 countries throughout the prince of wales pays official canadas automobile exports visit to paris inspects i continue to grow military school paris the prince of wales arrived in paris thursday evning for his ii ret official visit in three years looking in perfect heaith and attired in the world from argentina to iceland latest efforts of the london niiors art from iraq to mexico tho vaue of the heir o the british throne wa3 wel- these exports was 40706949 corned enthusiastically by sneral i in the previom corresponding 12 thousand members of the british co- months gndid sept 30 1925 tho viluo ony and scores of young french girls of auto exports was l813s29 i who wished to get a glimpse of le the number of motor vehicles of all beau prince i kiiwis exportij in the current 12j the tiresome journey scros the months ws 76564 compared with 64- channe which was much rougher 917 in the previous similar period than usual did not seem to affect the rra prince or his reputation as tho txst- worlds highest observatory lressed youg man in tho world the pi sludy q p mam frince rewarded- the admiring crowd if french girls with one of hu becm- ng smiles sfter shaking hands with ho representatives of the president f tho republic the french govern- lent and the tttff cf the british em- may the chief purpsss cf his official isit is to inaugurate the canadian tudents hoste at the university ot a city of pari the prince inspect- the famous french military school saint cyri oeneva professor schaor of gen eva university the swiss astronomer loft here a week ago for the jungfrau- joch observatory 11210 feet high arid tho highest in the world to make observations as the planet mara ap proaches the earth at the nearest point it wi be some fortytwo mitcn miles distant according to prvfrjtor schaer i there is jtke doubt that man porno- two seasons resembling the earth jironer end winw t watford oct 29 hon george s henry minister of highways an- nouncde here that in crccr to link up various provincial highways throughout tho province into one coordinate chain 529 miles of- new highways were to b added to the prwmt system bringing the tota mileage of provincial highways up to 2399 mis ths milerge to bo assumed is as fokows 1 morpeth to wyoming to xo 7 highway 52 miles 2 no 7 london via watford and strathroy 24 raises elginfield to clinton 335 mica mitehsm to pain3rston and teviotdax- 3 miles 5 wakerton to djrhm 165 miles 6 owen sound to karrie 7li mics 7 barrie to midland 25 nties 8 preston to guelph 125 mies 9 paris to gat 13 miles 10 port dover to jarvis 8 miles it cvappisons corners to highway no 8 8 mkcs 12 chambers corners to port erie 28 m 13 st catharines to akanburg 65 mile 14 queenston to international bridgif mlio swam a few strokes and then called for help according to the cita tion of the award ora who could not swim extended her hand to wiimaj got into deep water and grasped wil ma around tho waist miss perry swam 20 feet to the girls end after a brief struggle she swam 20 feat with them to wadable water lincoln andrew tutty 11 years old saved ihugh c macdonam aged 10 from drowning at nira ns on june 30 1923 hugh and three younger children wero playing in a boat on a pond and when they were 15 feet from the bank hugh fe overboard into th water over his depth lincoji who was a poor swimmer started from the bank to wade toward hugh but ho be came frightened and turned back to ward the bank he looked back at hugh who was struggling and again waded toward him when he was al most within reach of hugh he stepped into deep water and pitched forward close tobrfm hugh grasped lincolns fingers tightly lincoln freod himsef took hold of hugh and swam with him four feet to wadake water herbert h freeland aged 28 sus tained fatal injuries saving christina john g and ejzabeth caiyoa aged 27 three and seven months respec tively from a runaway at toronto ont on march 25 1924 mrs carroll was walking on tho sidewalk with john and whcosng elizabeth when a horso drawing a wagon was not more than 20 feet away and galloping to ward them freecand ran 45 feet fac ing the horse and passing mrs car roll and as ho sprang to take hod of the horso five feel beyond mrs carro he collided with the horse di verting its courre ho was thrown to the street and his skill was fractured the markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 152l no 2 north 148 no 8 north 143- man oats no 2 cw nominal no 8 not quoted no 1 feed 61c no 2 teed nominal western grain quota tions in cxt ports am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 95c no 3 yellow 91c millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2725 shorts per ton 2925 middlings 4125 good feed flour per bag 230 ontario oats 48 to 50c fob ship ping point ont good milling wheat 180 to 182 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 60 to 64c buckwheat 85cnominai rye no 2 91c man flour first pat 820 to ronto do 2nd pat 770 ont flour toronto 90 per cent patent per barrel in carlots toronto 580 seaboard in bulk 595 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 20 to 21c triolets 22c stil tons 23c old largo 26c twins 27c triplets 28c old stiltons 30c buttet finest creamery prints 86 to 37c no 1 croamery s5 to s6c no 2 34 to 85c dairy prints 29 to 30c eggs fresh extras in cartons 58 to 59c fresh extras loose 56 to 57c fresh firsts 47 to 48c fresh seconds 35 to 3gc storage extras 44c do firsts 41c do seconds 36 to 3 7c poultry dressed chickoi spring kquab3 to 1 jos 32 to 33c do spring over 4 lbs so to 32c do spring 3 to 4 lbs 32 to 85c do 2 to 3 lbs 30 to 38c -do- 2 to 2 lbs 30c hens over 6 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 24c- roosters 22c turkeys 40c ducklings 5 lbs and up 35c beans can handpicked 8 per bushel primes 265 to 275 maple produce syrup per imp gal 226to 230 per 6gal 215 to 225 per gal majle sugcr lb 25 to 26c honay 60lb tins 12 to 13e 10- ib tins 12to 13c fjlb tins 13 to 18c 2lb tins 13 to 14e cemb honey 340 to- 4 per dozen heavy steers choice 650 to 676 do good 625 to 650 butcher steers choice 625 to 650 do good 6 to 625 do com 450 to 550 butcher cows choice 476 to 5 do fair to good 376 to 450 butcher bulls good 460 to 550 bolognas 350 to 4 canners and cutters 225 to 3 good milch cows 70 to 1c0 spring ers choice 80 to 115 med cows 45 to60 feeders good 6 to 650 do fair 5 to 6 do med 7 to 9 calves choice 1250 to 1350 do good 9 to 12 do med 650 to 9 graascrs 450 to 6 good iambs 1175 to 12 do bucks 9 to 975 good light sheep 650 to 750 heavy sheep and bucks 4 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1185 do fob 1125 do country points 11 do off cars 1225 select premium 232 montreal oats cw no 2 71 c do cw no 3 67c flour man spring wheat pats lsu 820 do 2nds 770 do strong bakers 760 winter pats choice 660 to 670 romed oats bag so lbs 375 bran 2825 shorts 3t25 middlings 4125 hay no 2 per ton car lots 14 to 16 cheese finest wests 18 to 18c finest easts 17c butter not pas teurized 84 to 34 c eggs storage extras 42 to 43c storage firsts 38 to 39c storage seconds 33 to 34c fresh extras 55c fresh firsts 47c lambs 11 calves fairiy good veals 11 to 12 graasers 4 hogs med and poor quality 1225 to 1250 sows 9 to 960 big timber deal put through in canada 225 st lawrence waterway favored against canal plan 3 4 1- p- r y iie dieij about two and a half liour3 n to neson corn0 0n f from his injuries ijundas street 3 mices- 16 palermo to miiton 8 mijes 17 brampton to thornhik mie- 18 langstaff to brooklyn 24 mires 19 sunderland to oriiia23 mies washington tho st lawrence 20 lindsay to pcterboro 26 miles waterway project has bobbed up again 21 smiths faccs to brockvijie 28 with the filing of a report by army j j engineers adverse to the nhernhtivo 22 carieton place to arnprior 24 schehio of an axunitari states canal across new york state toto 009 mies thi is the second adverse report port coborns the garrison road j made oh the new york state cfcime main traffic artery from the new j while tho contents have not yet lieei peaco bridge at fort erie will be made public it is understood that the taken oyer by tho province and paved engineers found the project feasible for- 26 miles west of the niagara river from an engineering standjomt but in thj spring this is assured with economically impracticake the passage of an oderincouncil by the provincial government giving the i necessary- authority to proceed with tovemment again forced tho work the new highway wiil mean a great deal to port colbomo and the lako the chaleur bay mills company with head offices at sherbrooke que has sold tho greatest part of its assets to the international paper company at a prico understood to be 1800000 of which 100000 was paid in cash among the property owned by this company is 465 square miles of timber limits as well as real estato and a saw mill with a capacity of 1000000 feet of timber weekly the company also has a chain of stores and practi cally owns the town of sto anne do restlgouche which comprises about sixty houses it is understood that the international paper company intends building a pulp mill in the neighbor hood of tho properties just acquired to kill 2000 buffaloes ottawa- two thousand biiffaoes maiipiane crashes into senators house victoria bc gerald smith sub stitute for eddie hubbard of seattle washington air mail pilot crashed in his seaplans hero when the machine got out of control and struck m tha grounds of senator r f greens resi dence part of the senators brenk- fast room wtfs ocmotfsbedl smith was injured but not seriously mrs greens escape was miracuous as the wing of the plana was within inches of her head when it struck the house and buckled up smashing a win dow threo feet from her senator green rushed outside to help tho aviator who was under the wreckage donor of chequers estate is given royal residence shore district as it will provide adc- now inwainwright national park are quale accommodation for tt heavy to ix- kimcd by orders of tho diynt of traffic expected over the new fort the interior in tho past three yoars london king george has pre- erie bridgoarai wi result in hunjllic buffalo population of the psrk has sented- a life jeaio of the royal resi- dreds of buffajomans making their j increased ro rapidly that it has been j dene white lodge t richmond to homes en this side of the river thejfouiid nccessoryto resort to fcriing lord leo of farohare who gx che- road together with ho new bridge is j some of the animals ami sippinqiorsn 1928 as a country homo for alro expected to dnxr a great deal of j others north to the wood buffalo park british premmjrs white lodge was the tourist traffic from the niagara- j where they are able to live off the built by georgo ii its iatt occupant j windsor highway land i ijas tho daks of york

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