Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 4, 1926, p. 2

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thrift brings farm ownership by john b i was visiting a relative when a sort about 21 years old said to me what will i fo to avoid working all my life on a rough hill farm like this my suggestion was put in a field of corn on a neighbors fim his fathers farm was 80 acres about 60 of which could be worked and feed it to hogs when you sell the hogs bring me the money and i will arrange to give you 6 per cent interest he followed the suggestion and brought me 100 in the fall i visited the farm two or three times every summer and found he was very much interested and was trying to make a little more the second year when ho came in the fall he had enough with his 6 interest to leave 125 with me the next summer when i went out i found ho was more interested than ever he had been studying hog rais- gardner worked with tho exception of that occupied by a small run which headed on the place the ground was not at its best because it had been rented for a number of years the house was about ready to fall down and the out buildings were almost useless when the day of tho sale came we si lesson november 7 the fall of jericho josh 6 1220 golden text this is the victory that overeometh the world even unto faith 1 john s 4 analysis i compassing the c1tv 1218 ii the consecration 1720 inteoducrion the story of the were there and secured the farm for conquest of eastern palestine of si a tm t 0 aaa nl tta va 1 1 l xl l r 4000 terms 2000 cash the re mainder to be paid in two years with interest the farm is on one of the main roads but is three miles from a rail road the coal had not been sold under hon king of the amorites and og king of bashan during the last years of the life of moses has already been told num 212135 the much more difficult task of subduing the lands west of jordan with their fortified tho farm and within less than one towns and warlike people remained year from the time he bought the j f joshua to accomplish the people place he sold one vein of coal for 20jf western palestine are mentioned an acre which of course gave him the sometimes under six different names or more gen 151921 grouped together as now j j wiil be interested in canaanites they were probably more ine and had improved h stock at the next ste came ln to teu me ad in the arts of civilized life hfsmocornxforrbout 50 that he was ver mueh interested in than the hebrews they were tillers end d hbfc fra ro sixcigm a 5 w 4 a the soil while the invaders were but money to pay for the farm in full and j exod 48 i was still holding 1000 of his money j sometimes cents the third year when his hogs were sold he had with his interest 175 making his total savings 400 with tho result that his interest for the next year was nearly onefourth of what he earned the first year for the fourth year having learned a lot about his business he managed to save in cluding interest 225 i could go on and tell you how mua he saved every year as tho records aro in my office but fear the boys whom i want to benefit will not read the whole story i will say he kept on every- year saving an increased am ount until i was holding 3000 for him and here comes the part of the story to which i want the boys to give particular attention opportunities do not come often but when they do come the boy who is prepared can profit which is proven by the following ex perience my cousin came in to tell me that a farm of 100 acres within on and onshalf miles of his homo was to be sold at auction i looked at the place every foot of which could bo a certain young lndy who lived on a farm not far away and so there was a wedding at this time he owns an additional 50 acres adjoining the original farm which he purchased at a forced sale another case where he could take ad- herdsmen they wero formed into set tied communities mostly organized as petty independent kingdoms they had walled and fortified towns the very sight of which filled the first hebrew spies with despair num 1328 and vantage of an opportunity because he while the hebrews fought on foot the idbul- s2l had saved the farm today contains a large barn of firstclass construction a mod ern sixroom house two sheephouses wagonshed garage and the necessary outbuildings to house all the farm ma chinery and by the way all his ma chinery is kept in the buildings at all times when not in use my cousin has sold hogs every year since he started he endeavors to raise about 30 each year he has kept about 100 sheep for the past eight or ten years bought victory bonds during the war has rroney in the bank and loans to farmers in that vicinity almost any young man can earn twice as muchtoday as my cousin did and as tho interest money will earn today is the same as it was when he began there is still a good chance to get started on the road to success the importance of cutting corn low it is impossible with the ordinary plows to bury corn stubble completely especially if tho corn has been planted in lulls unless it is cut low hence the binder should bo set to cut not higher than four inches and if the cori is leaning it should be cut only ore direction or else a hoe or float should bo used and the corn cut right at the ground if however for any reason the corn has been cut high a plow should be run about two inches deep under each stubble row to cut the stubble off then the ground should be harrowed crosswise and- then plow ed with a widefurrow plow and a chain in some case3 it may be satisfactory to rip the stubble apart with a heavy disc run twice over it and then use a wide furrow plow and a chain to turn it under the point to remember is that we must control the borer and that burying all corn remnants in tho field is one of the essential things balloontire pressure recently a large motorcar maker conducted a series of tests to discover just what were the correct inflation pressures in order to obtain a maxi mum of tire mileage and riding com fort from balloon tires ah makes of tires were included in the test and the size used was the 29x440 balloon in addition to a more rapid rate of natural wear and deterioration it was found a number of common tire troubles such as tread separation rim cuts stone bruising and overheating were directly traceable to underinfla- tion in fact the tests proved that underinflation in the size used in this test cost the owner approimately 700 miles in reduced service per tire that canaanites of tho more level regions had warhorses and chariots of iron engines which played in ancient war- faro tho same important part as mod ern artillery i compassing the city 121g joshua had led the people across the river jordan and had encamped at gilgalin the jordan plain three miles southeast of jericho there they kept the passover in solemn commemora tion of their deliverance from egyp tian bondage and there joshua had a remarkable vision by which he was assured that not he alone but jehovah for home and country institutes convention of northwestern ontario the seventh annual convention of j the womens institutes of northwest ern ontario was held on october 1213 ht tho twin cities port arthur and fort william who came one hundred and fifty pithy bits from sessfsjs wife of the minister of labor i labor and my husband ministers men say womens place is in the home granted so far as her husband and children aro concerned but not so far as confining her talents within tha busy women representing the homes of four walls of a house an area 550 miles wide by 300 miles mr keefer mpp mankind have deep thunder bay rainy river j a threefold nature mental taken care kenora pioneers doing the first hand ofby tho state schools spiritual taken work of buildinga state women of care of by the church physical not varied accents canadian english taken caro of unless by you women finnish swedish french scottish mr dowler this area with its with a dash of irish now and again j rich resources in land fur fish game who talked themselves mostly if trf w f told what they did of deeds acco- m j than huj j ii u- j r needs not secession from old ontario plished and results achieved no k k theorists these but a body of representative meft given j 1imited administrative power in our also the lawyers ministers district- own district simple and modish nothing could be smarter than this representatives health nurses the northern head of tho mothers allow ances work musicians dentists medi cal health officers selected by the in stitutes themselves as having informa tion of value to give to them besides these a representative from their own government department the institutes branch of tho department of agriculture the two local members of parliament and the wife of the do minion minister of labor contributed to tho proceedings n what did they talk about first and foremost their own immediate aims better homes better commun ities a better and happier social life hotter and healthier people and im proved agriculture other matters dealt with show the surprising scope of the interests of these delegates timber leases and their effect on settle ment extension services from depart- mr spence mpp i will help these splendid women all i can to get a permanent organizer and whatever else they want for the north miss guest ontario is tho mother of institutes she has achieved ex cellent results for herself inspired the other provinces and the motherland until now there are nearly four thou sand womens institutes in tho british isles alone but humility with effi ciency must be her watchword sho must go on with a careful study of tho individual home needs neighbor hood needs cooperation with each other the departments of the govern ment the college planning programs which provide for the practical tho cultural and the social at the monthly meetings the members aim to sink deep into home life and therefore into national life principles of honesty in dustry kindness and efiiciency new twopiece dress moused at waist- ment and college compulsory teaching mri c builders line skirt having plaited front and of music in rural schools ktschoo h0 rs naton buders it matters little what each does so long assess nfz w fflrcf plain ba a joined to lining top munches health from the making of captain of the host of the lord the be or jj we a work t0 in harmony smal and illequipped army feat ptan oi tne nost ot tne ioru the ciar be c d i balanced meals t true leader and commander of israels in v and he fu j muns power i d operation m our inrtitute are gathered into cuffbands the to dismiss unsatisfactory mo h and mrs and have tho confidence he now goes forward to the blous trimmed f the re7cro oxst that johy goodfel- ix x sss joshual brad s m jw d hospitals great appelated x i l0w ent sssfr s icno ivike a pruaent general josnua co no 1448 i j nn w 5 collar no 1448 is for ladies and misses and is in sizes 16 18 years icho and to learn what they could of and 3e 38i 40 and 42 inches bust size had sent forward spies to enter jer- i nam and his staff at our back its defenc93 andtlts possible weakness es hidden by a friendly woman with whom they lodged they learned from her and reported to joshua that the people wero very much alarmed by what they had heard of the escape of the israelites from egypt their cross ing of the red sea and their recent victories east of jordan i know the woman said that the lord hath given you the land and that your ter 18 36 bust requires s yards 54- inch material lining 1i yards 36- inch soutache braid 40 yards 20c our fashion book illustrating the nortfc short courses in dressmaking laure eaanlua the mikinery home nursing cookery a m has health god permanent organizer and home de- meant it j monstrator for the area how to plan t programs how to utilize all the ser- t the laws of tho body and livo as men vices of the various government de partments how to ward off the dan- used to do hundreds of years mr putland music is an import- newest and most practical styles will ger of the dominance of material pro- 1 f b l t be of interest to every home dress- ducts over the norths greatest wealth t 0 tm s maker price of the book 10c the copy her peonle hew to eecure a more satis- tkou and a ch emotional life how to ordef patterns write your name and aodress plain- iji giving number and size of suh o1 ontario factory administration of the area at closer range yet not seceding from ror is fallen u us and that all the p as you want enclose 20c in inhabitants ofhe land faint because or com coin- preferred wrap of you and again our hearts did melt neither did there reniain any more courage in any man because of you ch 2811 relying upon this evidence of the some scope to these deliberations and statesmanlike visior on the part it carefully for each number and of the homemaker address your order to pattern dept j how did thcy do it wilson publishing co 73 west ade- to timei brief iaido st toronto return mail patterns sent by f fear which their coming had excited in the air pressure was alowed to drop the minds of the men of jericho and per pound beow thecorrectjpressure on the other hand it was ound that by overinfiation the f iindameneal value of balloon tire equipment is lost or greatly reduced tho greater riding comfort better traction the greater ability to travel oversoft ground with hence if the corn fields are badly plow- 1 out sinking in reduced tendency to ed or if as a result of using toothed skid and quicker stopping without putting his trust in jehovah joshua i made a remarkable demonstration implements in cultivating in spring instead of using the disc tho stubble is dragged up to tho surface it will be the duty of the inspector to require that such stubble be picked and burn ed in spring after the field is seeded these are the instructions given by tho provincial entomologist to each inspector either fall or spring plowing will control tho borer but it is wiser to plow in the fall if possible because should tho spring bo a late one the farmer will find it much moro difficult to get the plowing done along with his other spring work our straw poultry house this wan our plan of meeting the need of more housing room for our poultry last fall we made a room 12x14 feet in our haymow building a double wall of straw bale3 along both end and the north side this was built against tho south wall of tha haymow in that wall we placed two windows to furnish light skidding are all reduced or nullificd in a direct ratio as the air pressures are increased over the correct point the weight of the cars under test ranged from about 1650 to 2000 pounds and it was found twentyseven pounds pressure front and roar for the lighter models with twentyseven pounds front and thirty pounds rear for the heavier models gave a maxi mum of riding comfort together with long tire life in the 29x440 size bal loons air is one car item that costs no thing carry the right pressure in all balloon tires a rainyday scrapbook nothing makes a child happier than to paste pictures in a book hes learning while ho pastes too his tasto his eye his hands and his mind are ah under exorcise simultaneously this plan is well worth trying cut sections from the eld green win dow shades twentyfour inches long blended flavors every good cook knows that the both religious and warlike against the flavor of the dish is the last test of its city day after day for six days in j excellence but not every amateur cook succession priests bearing the sacred has discovered that flavors can be ark and armed men marched round blended about the city one can imagine the v t i j wonderthe excitement and th super- 1 ry 0 c drop or two siitious fear facing from the fying spectacle jxj i- unarau riu the priests followed the arriied men notenough to taste but it gives tho ljj the order seems to have armed men in warl with pep no clear pointed speeches hitting the nail oil the head each time like master mechanics listening closely judging clearly mr senn 3e2 that the boys and girls do their own work for the school- fairs otherwise you defeat the edu cational purpose of the school fairs miss carr harris fear is at the- bottom of most adult failure dont frighten the child about the doctor or nurse his life may depend on it j a delegate it is my first holiday in 365 days and i must bn home again the day after tomorrow but its been i worth it care of rope ropo will last a long time if proper ly cared for tho use of pulleys of the right size and the use of lubri cants wjll add years to the life of iivvyii r i s i i- i meter shoudbe used fcr a rope seven- ve been first the dish more character in making gelatin i ii i i t ff i i v l eighths of an inch in diameter rot- ciu ra ike array then desserts i often use a cupful of fruit seven priests bearing seven trumpets i juice instead of water and flavor thei tmg of 2j b p b of rams horns blowing their trump- 1 sauce to contrast with or intensify tti ft extent f a lubricants and exterior coatis ets then priests bearing the ark of t merest spe of a the lord the symbol of jehovahs fert n rll t t presence and power then the rere- ward or rearguard of armed men i came after the ark of the lord v j 13 the seventh day they repeated j this seven times then at the seventh time when according to command the priests made a long blast with the rams horn v 5 joshua said of ngs a mixture of beeswax black lead anil shout for the lord hath given you havc its dash of sait the city the people shouted the ir rii i ft 1 l i- dnna prune dessert a degree in tastiness ginger is also good with pears i very raakes a jf ful ext or ss often sprinkle a bit of ground cinna- t z- i ihon or cloves on my pear salad the r h iead and ta pn flavor of peaches is heightened by jpj alon a s u e 5is mond strawberries raspberries and mplmftmtll pears re quire a lemon contrast i chocolate or cocoa should always being allowed to lisoppcar into tho air when the deeper furrow is turn ed in the spring the process of decay is well under way it is probable that such a system might be adopted to advantage over larger portions of this country it would have the additional advantage of helping to oliminate cut worms and the larvae of other insects that hibernate in the soil old faithful old faithful wasnt his name but it should have been for if man ever had a faithful friend and servant ho was one he was only a farm horse but he was the most willing and obe dient slave ever created for many years he iived on cur farm and ail this time he was in the harness- almost every day lardand boiled linseedoil there are h a ienvy load ya to be pulled or two mixtures that can be used both e hard job of any kind to be done od faithful was one of the team that did wall fell down flit and they went up 1 7i t l i lead into the city v 20 take awa that raw taste coffee f there will be some difference of i blonds delightfully with chocolate ever opinion as to what actually happened i the lesser quantities than those call- some no doubt will understand tho ed for in mocha recipes in making over a puley story literally others may very prop- 1 chocolate icings candies or desserts i l t m vfor exterior coatings and lubricants 1 1 d its quota of orthese is ta and j it the last few years he was turned and the second tallow and gra- j jout to rest but he didnt seem to en- all lubricants penetrate better joy it tor he was lrn for a busy life if applied hot while therope is run- at when he was r lo ab to p b and nine or ten inches wid these and sunshine vtkism to make a book twelve inches j rn conmckation 1720 equipment were built and the hens wde and scwcd u th3 back with the clt jbal be accursed wero comfortable 1 winter sj pvide the child h 3tlm used the haymow for a scratching shed a f can newfr during tho days that were not too cold drendfu hep lum find big cttcrs with jn the which he can spell his name he can qucred to kill cutworms those who experienced the ravages of cutwomi3 during the cool weathor that persisted during tho past season but a leaf of- it twirled around in a may be ready to take precautions i plain uninteresting cake will give it against a similar invasion next year lhe a mysterious tang one prominent tomato grower report- i dont forget anise and cirawav fli a oss of r p eont of his i seed occasionally for your plain sugar ft siting of p 1 that had been in timothy the previous year a roof of odds arid ends of lumber covered with straw was laid over this room after a fair trial we consid have fir features of a war of connuest cookm addition to vanilla or lemon zl d in ln previous year tu leatuies oi a war ot conquest r the stems of the second pnnting were s days that the spoil of a con- and a ways remember that any recipe carefully wrapped in paer but even 1 city and even the persons who that calls for orange will be the better then many of his plants were denlroy- taken captive were somotimes for a littb lemon too a k c tural couego expressed the opinion thatsuch a house could be ussd oiitln tho open if provided with goad roof and floor and if the climate werj reas onably dry t 7 l i the dust bath is beraficjal it cleannes tho feathers and skin from vermin and impurities pronktes tho skin secretions and preserves health have rested on any one who took for as the seasenscome with magazine his owll uaany devoted or con-ecrat- picturcs m such abundance let him thing compare the story in j mako a christmas page a page or so samuel ib and also numbers 212- of easter binnic3 lilicsand religions through the teaching of the gospel subjecls a l ruler wilt help him of our lord jesus chris consecration arronje the clipped material straijht or devotion to god- has come to mai tho least bit of mucilage added to the k of treasure or of life in your flourandwatcr paste will make and tor h servee for the advance- ment of his kingdom of grace and for vck tho good of our fellow men not tin v cheddar which supplies the name fcr canadian cheese is 15 miles south- 1 cast of bristol england tho cole- 1 i destruction of property or of life i havo tired myself more carrying around and raising heavy ladders when picking fruit than in any other bfated stilton cheese is- made at stilt way i havo now learned that wo do which is go mrles north of london we oiled our hens during the past winter our flock of not need sawtogs for sfde pieces of t edam cheese balls are sent and 500 white ighorn hens began to lay ladders stripe of light material made distributed from the edam market- softsheked eggs and sometimes ro out of good sound wood with steps of nr amsterdam neufchatel n much- shells ami no remedies helped till just good wood are much more loved cheese is from neufchatel on we tried codliver oil thu was fel eafftly handled never put shaky or tbe dieppeparis rail hue limbourg in the maah and it worked from the unsound wwxl into tedder if you the town made famous by an odor lie beginning our neighbors also found vulue your hf b l v j near liege this a good cure s m i no trouble to turn she laa a head like a dcorknsb how come j any man cjjliim it many of his plants were destroy ed perhaps under such conditions it would be best to make use of tho pois oned bran mash which reems to be very attractive- to cutworms i an equally effective remedy is that of fall plowing by this mjans the young larvae which usually hatch in august tnd september areexposed to j tsvere winter weather the folbwn j spring thoso which survived the- win- ter find less material to feed onan1 many of them die from starvation i soils that tend to run together hiurt usuacy bo plowed again the fol- lowing spring unless the surface of liho plowed ground is very rough or the i winter happens to bo continuously cold nridtho spring thaw take placvqiiha rapidly tho french and- belgian farmers prefer to plow the land again in the spring for that reson they practice very shallow plowing in tha fali to be followed by deep plowing before the crop is planted wellrotted manuro is carefully spread over the land following the harvesting of tho summer hay crop the plowing jist deop enough to get thin material ovj ered the organic matter is thusfn- corporated vrith tho toll iaitoid of i longc oat or stand his master was compelled to end his suffering much as ho shrank from tho task the poor old horse had no idea the hand that fed and cared for him so many years would ever be raised against him and his iast look was one of trusting inno- cerse he was dragged through the eii wliere he had toiled so long and as ft tribute of respect ho was laid tores- in a spot where he had been the iist to ever pull a plow old faithful is gene but we feel that there can never be another horse liko him and as lory as we live s will retain fond memories of his pfovess and good dispesition l 11 she- he- docu my nos ililiir dyar a trllln but us midi u tiny lituencso no one would iiotico it

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