Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 21, 1926, p. 7

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hcaesbbbbb aaeagas ship canal ready ir 1930 r fort wiluam to prescott transport ottawa ont in 1930 the large cost and will greatly reduce tho coat jake grain carriers will be able of the present undertaking to canada to take cargoes from fort william to prescott as in that year the depart ment of railways and canals expects while the rivalry for tho upper lakes export trade principally in grain is now between buffalo and to have the new welland canal ready port coborne or in reality between for navigation it will permit of the the st lawrence route and the united passage of vessels of 25foot draught states atlantic seaboard the comple- and of much greater length than any tion of the new welland canal will on the great lakes or that will be transfer much of this rivalry to os- forseveral decades reduction in lock- wego and ogdensburg in competition age and improvement in lockage faclt- j with kingston and prescott for points ities aro such that little time will be of transshipment by river to montreal lost in the passage from lake erie to or by rail and the erie oswego canal lake ontario to new york already oswego is tho entire construction of the wei- building huge grain elevators and land canal is under way with exccp- modern harbor facilities to capture tlon of 4b about 1300 feet long this lake traffic for the united states which is the connecting link between points in canada there is nothing the new canal and that portion of the being done to retain canadian trade old canal to be dredged to meet the in canadian channels both king- requirements of tho new system on ston and prescott are demanding the march 31 inst the percentage of work transshipment facilites be located on completed on the new welland canal their lespective harbors it is believ h i vku 1 ssssiagbewpbml bridge terminals in position on shores of niagara river determine whether students have chance of success in their chosen professions bridgeburg ont the two shores an hour can be handled over the kingston within the next few of the niagara river between buffalo 1 s intended to provide weeks the department of philosophy and fort erie wero linked with steel of queens university will give a ser- at 3 ovo fuda afternoon whctf cs of mental tests to all freshmen and sophomores in the university as a the f the peace bridge under result of the tests it is hoped to gain construction since last august met much information which will be of j no ceremony the event be- value in assisting students to pick m witnessed ony by workmen who courses suited to their various types saw a final step in a job and news- of mentality it will also be possible ppermen who saw it as the near cul was rock excavation 64 per cent earth excavation 55 per cent water tight embankments 70 per cent con crete 64 per cent reinforcing steel 64 per cent and sheet piling 58 per cent since that date there has been consid erably more work done and at the ed there will be ample business for both the large lake freighters unload ing at kingston and tho smaller craft going to prescott it is essential that immediate steps be taken to construct ample transshipment facilities at one or both of these ports that when the close of the construction season this new welland canal is opened can- year there will be about 80 per cent of the whole undertaking completed tho new harbor at port weller on lake ontario has been completed and there is under contract at port col- borre on lake erie a 2000foot break water at right angles to the present breakwater which will enclose a com modious harbor and afford ample pro tection from the western gales to march 31 1926 the end of the last fiscal year there had been expend cd on construction of the new welland canal 6273255788 when complete tho total expenditure will approximate close to 100000000 the total cost of the welland canal now in use to dato has been 45045959s7 of which 2990728813 has been capital out lay 7351149s2 administration s3- 16773487 heavy repairs and replace ments and 521978705 ordinary re pairs and maintenance it is expected when arrangements are completed for i lake to lake will be eight hours the joint development by canada and the canal for the present will have a depth united states of the st lawrence of 25 fret but is so constructed that route tho expenditure on tho new j this at any- time can be increased to welland canal will be included in the 30 feet by dredging adian trade throogh it will not be di verted to the united states the new welland canal will be the fourth across the niagara peninsula tho first was completed in 1833 had 40 wooden locks 110 by 22 feet with a depth of nine feet in 1845 the canal wa reconstructed reducing the locks to 27 and increasing the depth in time to ten feet then again in 1882 camo the canal now in use with locks 270 by 45 feet and a depth of 12 ai d then it feet the new welland ship canal to bo completed- in 1930 will have bt seven locks and thvee of these a sending the escarpment will bo double neks in flight enabling boats to icend and descend at the same time the time required for i vesfl to pass through ono of these locks which are 800 by 80 feet will be 20 minutes and the whole time re quited for a loaded vessel to pass from to determine with a fair degree of 0 mmatln a project advocated for curacy whetfler or not students will if the steel erection con- have a reasonable chance of success j jf act is hed by the bethlehem steel in the professions they propose to fol- co a canadian approach was low after leaving college b j hamilton bridge works i- tho tests will be given by a w co r b porter of st catharines farlinger an undergraduato doing had the contract for the piers and special work in psychology and will j recently obtained the contract for the j bo under the direct supervision of dr fl and the approaches and neces- isary customs and terminal buildings r l brackln kc member for west kent and prominent i george humphrey head of the dept barrister who died suddenly at wind- ot philosophy dr humphrey and sor on october 11 mr brackiu was one of ontarios most brilliant legls latore and jury lawyers federal government to aid transport eleven drowned in gulf of st lawrence only five saved when steam er guide sinks in heavy- seas que oct 17 the shifting of the coal coupled with a similar slide of the cargo due to the heavy seas which i she was buffeting was responsible for j the capsizing of tho coastal freight and passenger steamer guide which j sank in the gulf of st lawrence j about eight miles off godbout on fri- day evening this was the story told i by chief engineer guenard of the guide today eleven persons lost their lives two of them captain guenard master of tho guide and j ic laflamme ex- j mayor of levis when the lifeboat to i which they were hanging collided with i the rescue schooner a lunmberladen vessel owned by price bros throwing them into the water i the 16 members of the crew and passengers all made their escape from tho sinking ship hanging on to the three lifeboats they were unable to enter the boats according to chief engineer guenard on account of the covers not having been removedrthe liberal leader result was that the unfortunates were compelled to hang on in the chilling choice of successor lies be- waters and dropping off one by one as they became exhausted it was the darkness said mr guenard which prevented the rescuo of the whole party will provide 2 per ton on balance of alberta coal shipment ottawa ont oct 17 the domin ion government is prepared with one very minor exception to carry out the unfulfilled part of tho arrangement entered into by the previous adminis tration for tho shipment of 6000 tons of coal from albertu to ontario at a cost to tho federal authorities of 2 per ton announcement to this effect was made by hon charles stewart minister of the interior mr stewart stated that the minor exception referred to is that he fed eral government does not see the nec essity for the engagement of an offi cial at its expense for the checking of the balance of the fuel shipment to ontario already 2000 tons the min ister said had been transported to on tario this quantity coming from the drumheller mines under the arrange ment which tho government is willing to carry out 2000 tons of the balance of the shipment would como from ed monton and 2000 tons from leth- bridge the 2 per ton to be paid by the federal government covers the extra cost of shipment of the coal over and above a 7 rate with respect to further shipments of coal from alberta to ontario mr stewart stated that he was prepared to discuss the matter with prmeier ferguson of ontario and premier brownee of alberta with a view to putting the shipment of alberta coal to this province on a permanent basis as soon as the decision of the board of railway commissioners on the ques tion of rates on the movement is ren dered mr farlinger are working in co operation with a committee of the con ference of canadian universities and it is hoped from the results obtained to further standardize the mental te3ts in addition to testing freshmen and sophomores w p hughes famous queens football coach and director of athletics at the university is co operating with the dept of philosophy in having members of the football hockey and basketball teams take the tests members of the first second and third teams will take the tests comparisons will be made to deter mine whether or not the members of first teams have higher intelligence quotients than those who fail to make the first teams and consequently have to play on intermediate and junior teams a comparison of the mental ities of university athletes will also be made with those of the general student body and the often challenged state ment that student athletes have keener minds than the average undergradu ate will be proved or disproved as tho tests are partly based on ones ability to think swiftly and ac curately the first requisite of a suc- i ressful athlete it may be possible to discover athletically untrained stu dents who with good coaching may de velop into star athletes on both sides of the river tho total cost of the bridge will be about 4000000 including about 800 a day in interest during the construc tion period tho charter of the company pro vides that when tho bonds have been retired tho holders thereof drawing 7 and 8 per cent meanwhile the bridge shall become public property it has been estimated that 6000 cars nine distinct runways on each side for customs and immigration purposes the directors of the company thus hope to avert the congestion which prevails at the niagara falls bridges where the terminal facilities are vir tually nonextant it is expected that the bridge will be formally opened on may 24 next although it may be in use a short time earlier w m german kc vicepresident and frank b baird president of the bridge company re cently were in ottawa with a view to inviting the prince of wales to offi ciate at tho dedication it is planned also to have president coolldgc at the ceremony tho bridge and approaches are about 400 feet long there are five steel arch spans and one truss span tho structure at the buffalo end u 105 feet above the level of the black rock canal permitting the largest lake vessels to pass under it the des cent to the canadian shore is two and a half per cent ah five arches are segments of tho same circle so thptr the effect while not symmetrical is not displeasing j splendid program planned for royal winter fair the markets harvest delayed by snow and rainstorms hon geo s henry minister of public works in the on tarlo government who has been elect ed president of the good roads as sociation of canada asquithresigns as tween lloyd george and sir john simon london the earl of oxford and asquith better known in america and everywhere outside england by the simple title of mr asquith as he was known during his long career culmin ating in his premiership of great bri tain at the outbreak of the great war passengers saved as last yukon boat sinks wintry conditions in western canada present a seriou3 problem for farmers winnipeg man oct 17 four inches of wet snow blankets much of the section in western canada where the farmers have been working fran tically to get their grain threshed snow has been falling for 20 hours and continues tonight except in al berta the wintry condition promises to bo a serious problem for the agrarian interests not much over half the wheat has been threshed thus far it is estimated the storm will slow down deliveries and probably make the threatened embargo on movements to ward vancouver by the railways un nesessary much fall plowing has been done in manitoba and southern sas katchewan and alberta reports to the government indicate toronto there will be a number of educntional exhibits at this years royal winter fair set for eight days in the royal coliseum commencing november 12th plans for the biggest indoor exhibition on the continent have been in the making for several months the display of livestock dairy pro ducts poultry pigeons pet stock and all other branches of agriculture will be the most comprehensive ever as sembled at a winter exposition ono of the big features in connec tion with the horse show performance in the coliseum ring will bo the night ly parade of prize winning livestock introduced on a scale never before at tempted at an exhibition anywhere in planning this years show which marks tho 5th anniversary of the royal general manager a p wes- tcivelt and his associates have given special attention to educational feat ures which are tempered by just enough wholesale entertainment to give a wellbalanced program the light horse show which will be staged under tho direction of mr alfred rogers chairman of the committee as usual will embrace many new feat ure including a second renewal of the cavalry officers international jumj ing competition in which three oat side countries will participate t a burrows former member of the house of com mons for dauphine manitoba who has been appointed lieutenantgovernor of manitoba toronto man wheat no 1 north 14 no 2 north 142 no 3 north- 139 man oats no 2 cw nominal no vrot quoted no 1 feed 61c no2 feed nominal western grain quota tions in cif ports am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 91c no 3 yellow 89c millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2825 shorts per ton 3025 middlings 4025 good feed flour per bag 230 ontario oats 48c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 123 to 125 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 59 to 62c buckwheat 85c nominal rye no 2 88c man flour first pat 810 to ronto do second pat 760 ont flour toronto 90 per cent patent per barrel incarlots toronto 570 seaboard in bulk 570 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 20 to 21c triplets 22c stil tons 23c old large 26c twins 27c triplets 28c old stiltons 30c butter finest creniery prints other grain crops taking place of corn s6to37c no creamery s5 tot6c i no 2 84 to 35c dairy prints 29 to 30c- eggs fresh extras in cartons 52 acreage only 40 per cent of precorhborer days says oac expert alleged drug ring in bc being rounded up vancouver bc the sternwheel has resigned the leadership of the steamer dawson tho last boat of the liberal party thus providing a first- season to leave dawson for white vancouver bc raids made sin class sensation in british political horse on the yukon river struck a ultaneosuly in the chinatowns of van- circles rock and went down near carmacks couvcr and victoria by royal can- his resignation is directly due to 21 ml south of dawson wednes adian mounted police and customs differences with former premier david da according to information reach- officers which resulted in three ari lloyd george these came to a head herc j rests on warrants charging conspiracy during tho great general striko last th v saied last saturday from are believed to be first steps in a move- spring when lord oxford opposed tho dawson and she was carrying heavy ment to bring to justice an alleged strike with the utmost vigor as menac- rold shipments and mills and between narcotfc ring operating in the two i ing the destruction of parliamentary 70 and 80 passengers mostly from cities j government whereas lloyd george dawson and all are reported safe j lirii jim and wong lei tong both i failed to identify himself with thisl the message reporting the accident chinese were taken into custody lice view ever since then the dissension and which gave no detaiu beyond the and d crisofi is being brought from t within the liberal ranks has boenct that all passengers were safe victoria to fcetrial it is said that acute until it has finally culminated in w sent by the purser of the vessel further arrejts are liktly to b mslo this drastic step by the aged veteran j kenneth fife to relatives in van- and that sensational evidence wil le lord oxfords resignation probably couvcr i given at the trials j former premier venizelos retires from public life athens greece- oct 17 former premier eleutherios venizelos has is sued a manifesto to the greek people announcing his definite withdrawal from political life he declares he will not accept the presidency or a seat in tho chamber of deputies but only a place on a future nonpolitical council of state and temporary diplomatic missions abroad he expresses the iiope that tho republicans will have an absolute majority in tho coming flections and adds that thj army should cease interfering in politic will be followed by tho election of lloyd george now liberal parlia mentary leader to the leadership of the party although there are other aspirants notably sir john simon one of the critics of the former premier in recent monlhs the scottish board of agriculture has intimated that three official dele- 1 gates will be named to attend the worlds poultry congress at ottawa july 27 to august 4 1927 poultry farming for women will bs the sub ject of a rnper by mrs maciver of the scottish board of agriculture mrs maciver is a keen poultrywoman and well qualified to handle this im- porurt topc paper mills of canada there are lift pulp and paper mills in canada using about throe quarters of a million horsepower of hpdro-clec- trlc energy many of these plants are located in the midst of their own tlm- j bcr limits constituting a complete in- dustrlal settlement in what would otherwise have remained an unsettled wilderness it is this very isolation besido cheaply developed water powers and close to virgin forest growths that has given canadian paper mills such a commanding economic advantage in the world of newsprint manufacture two speed boats the dynamite vancouver and the m1c8 of seattle were seized in the harbor here i helping children and mothers anyone knowing of a cliil1 that is subject to cruelty and abuse a child that is without proper guardianship or under degrading influence should communicate rt once with the chil drens aid society in a idition to th work for children unmarried mothers are assisted in sscuring maintenance for their offspring from the putative fathers over s33c00 wai coictd under this heading last year to 53c fresh extras loose 51c fresh firsts 45c fresh seconds 35 to 36c storage extras 43c do firsts 40c do chatham ont oct 17 according seconds 34 to 35c c r poultry dressed chicken sprinc to professor leitch of the farm ccon- f 1 lb 32 fg onucs branch of the ontario agncul- f over 4 lbs 38 to 40c do turai college the corn acreage in the spring 3 to 4 lbs 32 to 35c do 2h counties of kent and essex is only 40jto 3 lbs 30 to 33c do 2 to 2 per cent of what it was before the lbs 35c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 corn borer began its work of destructo 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 24c roosters 22c ducilings 5 lbs and the information was made public j ans can handpicked 280 per following a regional conference of -bushel- primes 250 to 260 bushel agricultural representatives which mpple produce syrup per imp was held at ridgetown friday it was gal 225 to 230 per 5gal 215 bawd on data collected during a sur- to 225 per gal ma sugrr lb 25 vey of the corngrowing districts of i o 26c the two ethyirofor g ft leitch also predicted further reduc- 13c 2 tins to mc tiors in acreage next year estimating ccmb honey 340 to 4 per dozen that in some sections tho reduction smoked meats hams med 33 to will be fifty per cent 1 34c cooked hams 47 to 48c smoked tho survey it was stated showed j 28 to 30c breakfast bacon 35 that sugar beets tobacco and commo- 1 to r becks boneess 37 to 45c v-t- r it u cured meats long clear bacon 60 dities for canning are the cash crops to 70 lb 23 70 to 90 lbs 2l50 that re replacing the corn stating j 20 lbs and up 2234 lightweight that his investigation is not yet com rolls in barrels 4250 heavyweight pice as to the best cash crop to culti- rolls 3950 per bbl vjte in abandonedcom areas prof i lard pure tierces 16 to 17c leitch intimated that it would appear to 18c pails 18 to 18c prints 19 to 19c shortening tierces as i sugar beets are the most attras- t 13 u tq m 14 to 15c blocks 16 to 16c according to professor caesar pro- heavy steers choico 7 to 750 virciol entomologist who has charge do good 650 to 675 butcher steers of the enforcement of the corn bcier choice 650 to 675 do good 6 to aet l ho infestation has greatly i- 625 do com 4 to 550 butcher creased in lambton and oxford tliii c d ta ty fn vii good 375 to 450 butcher bulls year he stated that the grower in 4 50 to50 botonnas 350 the most heay infected district aro to 54 canncrs and cutters 225 to 3 cooperating by observing tho provi- good milch cows 70 to slto spring sions of the act 1 ers choice s0 to 115 med cow o 45 to 60 feedirs good 6 to 65i t- 1 t fair to 61 d med 7 to thanksgiving dayon 1 calves choice 13 to 14 do monday november 8 kxd 9 to 12 do med 7 to 9 grassers 450 to 6 good lambs 12 m to 1225 do bucks 9 to 975 good ottawathanksgiving and arms- sh y to h tice day will be observed on monday an bucks 4 hogs thick smooths november 8 the recent statute fixes fed and watered 1175 do fob this joint celebration on the monday 1125 oo country points 11 do of tho week in which november 11 off cars 1225 select premium 232 occurs but a special observance has been requested for tho actual day of armis- montreal oats cw no 2 70c do no 3 tice hon james a robb acting g ngheltcs s prime minister stated that in accord- do 2llds 7b0 do str0i1k bers anco with the- arrangements for s740 do winter patc choice 630 to armistice day sanctioned by his ma- 040 rolled oots bag 90 lbs 375 jesty thd king the people 0 canada bran 2825 shorts 3025 mid- are invited to mark the occasion by dlings 3925 hay no- 2 per ton two minutes of silence at 11 oclock car lots 14 to 15 thursday morning november 11 thbg jgj is a specia observance suggested by no j pasteuriz 31 to 32c eggs his majesty and is in addition to the storage extras 4 to 43c do firsts regular holiday recognized by the 38 to 39c do seconds 33 to 34c fresh parliament of canada for tho day previous mon- extras 50 to 52c do firsts 45 to 47c calvea 1150 hogs thick smooth 12 selects 1276 i his majesty creates byng of vimy a viscount cavld gillies tor many years liberal reprcsjntatlvc fcr ioulaic pq ii tho fcdcril house who died recently lie was a pioneer ct carlcloii place ontario london tho announcement made unofficially that baron byng of vimy former governorgeneral of canada had been created a viscount officially confirmed by tho canal system of canadn 1s30 nillo3 of waterways have been opened up to navigation during the navlg- ablo season 30700 vessels aggregating 16800000 tons passed through thc3a canals carrying over 200 passcn- i now kerf and nearly 13 million tons of 1 fielshl

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