Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 14, 1926, p. 7

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i natural resources bulletin goat raising has become an impor tant branch of agriculture in british columbia according to the natural resources intelligence service dept of the interior at ottawa goat milk finds a ready market at from 15to 25 cents per quart in vancouver and victoria and the yield runs as high as ono gallon daily per animal al though the usual quantity is from three to six pints the nubian goat is said to yield as much s from 3 to 4 quarts per day of superior milk this milk is highly recommended by doc tors for feeding babies and invalids butter and cheese made from it are highly prized by those who have learned to use these products the skins of goats are utilized for gloves si les9n october 17 moses honored in his death deut 32 43 62 34 58 golden text precious in the sight of tho lord is the death of hi saints psalm 116 15 analysis s i moses fabeweu words 32 4547 ii the sentence of death 324852 iii the unknown grave 3458 introduction we come in this le son to the end of the life of moses undoubtedly ono of the greatest and noblest men of history evon moses beloved of god and men whose memorial is blessed eccles 451 his excellency the new governorgeneral of viscount willingdon canada by c w peterson every now and then objections are raised to policies having for their object an increase in canadas popula tion on the grounds that we have not yet completely solved our industrial unemployment problem and therefore should not add to our present diffi the greater may be its- trade with other countries and the more they all produce together the greater the var iety of comforts and necessities avail able for the worlds population we have not even approached within measurable distance of satisfying reasonable human wants leave alone the ancient writer whose words are and in the production of leathers of j quoted says further that god fine texture and high valuo used in sanctified him in his faithfulness and bookbinding etc goats are easily cared for and many of the bc herds are attended largely by children the animals are milked morning and evening the same as cows good feed and properly balanced rations are just as necessary for the milking dee as with the dairy cow one and one- half to two pounds of grain and meal daily nro recommended by mr a a mcmillan of the dominion experi mental farm who is also authority for tho statement that there is good money selling goats milk even as low ns ten cents a quart at which price its valu able digestive qualities and richness would ensure it aninexhaustible mar ket goats have hitherto been confined to the old world being especialty num erous in the mountain sections of eur ope and asia both sheep and goats are typical mountain animals but goats will thrive wherever there ard green shoots and shrubbery they do not like sheep confine themselves to grass tho domestic goat is represented by many subvarieties which differ in the length of the hair in color and in the shape of the horns in the short- haired class the english goat the coat is thick and close with an under growth of woolly character both sexes are horned but in the male the horns are more developed the color is either white gray fawn or black the longhaired or irish goat is more frequently swarthy red although occasionally white or pied the horns are large corrugated and pointed and culties such objects are based on a oversupplying them complete misapprehension they would what canada and many other undoubtedly be valid in fuly develop- countries has suffered from during ed overpopulated countries but that recent years and what has given rise line- of reasoning cannot consistently to general unemployment is not over- be appliedip a new country like can- production but unbalanced produc- ada onefamily placed on a tarnation while canadas population has rise close- together in parallel lines will create employment for from onebeen unequally distributed our aggre- rr to two additional families in our towns gate working force has been and still through its own consumption of com- is vastly below our minimum national modifies machinery and the like and requirements with millions of acres through producing the raw material of the worlds richest agricultural of urban industry lands lying idle and undeveloped and the coat is shaggy and the head large meekness and cnose him out of all men he mado him to hear his voice and brought him into the dark cloud and gave bim commandments before his face even the law of life and knowledge that hemight teach jacob his coven ants and israel his judgments eccles 4545 modern writers no less than an cient are unanimous in his praise it is george eliot who calls him moses who spake with god as with his friend and ruled his people with the twofold power of- wisdom that can dare and still be meek the bible record of his life covers three periods that of his early life and education at the court of pharaoh then his sojourn in the wilderness with the midianites and lastly at greatest length his leadership of israel in the great adventure for freedom from gypt to the threshold of the land of promise it presents him as an ardent lover and champion of the rights of his own people as tho founder and organizer of their national life their lawgiver and ruler through- a long and difficult period but chiefly as a man of vision and of faith seeing the hand of god in all this gneat movement and steadfastly obedient to that voice of god which directed him all along the way the highest eulogy pronounced upon him in the old testament is simply that he was gods faithful ser vant num 127 heb 35 i moses farewell words 324547 mose3 made an end of speaking the book of deuteronomy contains a series of discourses attributed to moses spoken by him to the people in the last month of the fortieth year of and ugly the angora- and the kash- j the wilderness sojourn 13 the mir goats are often confused but are j first of these is to be found in chaps in reality distinct both yield hair of j 14 the second in chaps 511 the beautifully silky texture and both third after the restatement of the carry a second quality of coat which law in chaps 2830 in chaps 30 ontario is ablaze with autumns splendour mr city dweller where did you spend your boyhood days was yours the privilege of wander ing through the fields and woodland where every tree and bush had been painted by the divine artist today you say tis but the hectic flame of a dying year then it contained all the mystery of an enchanted palace ontarios highways lead you to the land of yesteryear over white roads flecked with fallen leaves patterned here and there by checkered shadows of trees field and hillside are gay with fiery sumach maple groves aflame backed by the darker evergreen through this lovely panorama in every direc tion leads ontarios splendid system w highways you are entitled to enjoy them for they are yours keep in mind however that upon you wiy come the expense of maintaining them in proper condition speeding bats away road surfaces it milks your pocketbook for both motor and road upkeep moderate driving is far more economical and pleasurable by so doing you will greatly assist the traffic patrol who operate for everyones safety who have instructions to enforce the law rigorously the hon g s henry minister of highway s t squire v deputy minister issued by the ontario department of high ways to secure the cooperation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads of the province the recent european war and its the world clamouring forfood it is resembles wool in the angora goat the an1 f tn are various conclud aftermath brought homo to the world paradoxical to harbour an unemploy- j woolly portion of the coat is outside i ln a messages full ofinter- a multitude of strange economic facts ment problem widespread unemployj the hairy covering but in the kashfgggjj many of them old as the hills but upment under suchconditions is prima mir goat the wool is next the skin god see 3015-20- 3118 24-29- and to that time wholly unrecognized one facie evidence of bankrupt statesman- the nubian goat carries short black 324547 of the outstanding lessons taught man- ship in so far as sufficient intelligence j twisted horns the ears arc pendulous kind was that there is absolutely no and energy has not been focussed on the iegs long and the coat of tho fe- limit to tho amount of work to be done j the solution of a problem which ob- 1 male is extremely short the maltese jent of in this business set your heart these words in hebiew speech are quite the equiva- set your mind in english that over- the purchasing power of every coun- ductive agricultural popu try lies in its own power of production would speedily find full time employ- and the more each country produces ment for our industrial plant preston woman killed by automobile driver of car was mrs s cress of blair who was arrested preston ont oct 9 a fatal auto accident occurred here this afternoon when mrs john lawrence of preston was struck by a touring car at the intersection of king and lowther sts the car was being driven by mrs samuel cress of blair mrs law rence and her two daughters were crossing lowther on king street when scores buried when coal mine explodes four europeans and 150 na tives entombed by blast in natal dundee natal sa oct 10 a terrible explosion thought to havo been due to a shortcircuit occurred friday night in shaft no 2 of the durban navigation colliery at dann- hauser entombing 4 europeans and 150 natives the flames which followed the ex plosion were visible for miles and the the auto which had proceeded up king rescue work vas greatly impeded by street turned onto lowther mrs cress who was driving swerved her car to avoid striking mrs lawrence but was unsuccessful and tho latter was knocked down and dragged sev eral feet the victim of the accident was-car- ried in an unconscious condition into dr scotts office which is nearby and died shortly after mrs cres3 was taken in charge by chief crawford and later in the after noon was released on 10000 bail an inquest will be held on monday morn ing deceased leaves a husband and a grownup family smr words of exhortation and warning the commercial success of the goat i which the book contains the latter herds in british columbia not only par of v 40 should be rendered that points to similar possibilities in other ye may command them to your chil- canadian provinces in all of which jdren compare 67 it is no vain there is little doubt but that the goat jhing moffatt renders very effective- would make a splendid revenue pro- is j means life to ducer and family asset but at the 80 sha you ilv on v la a which you are crossing the jordan to same time there is available the splen- j occupy s compare 301920 did eimatized and registered stock of the bc herds and the experience in ii the sentence of death 324362 get thee up into this mountain the word abarim means the re gions over or beyond it is used with reference to the jordan river and the deep valley in which it lies and is the name given by people west of jor- the fmepkoofjonekai insut aor tor sale by stouffvule pianing mill 11 found after 34 years fostal order is cashed gas fumes the men were obliged to wear gas helmets and only 11 bodies have been brought out- all of them natives thero is small hope of re covering the bodies of tho remainder of the entombed men according to one report tho force of the explosion was so great that a cago containing several men was blown clean into the air the occupants being killed mities in the hurricano area rccoruen in mo language 01 a west estimated number of deadth afte e settlement in ie ininrpl t 9si uk iitc there is a similar use of ff2t olmr parts of deuteron- covery belleville oct 10 a postal order made out 31 years ago and piacel in a vault was found here this wek and taken to ihc postoffice as it had not i been- cashed ottawa was informed with the result that word came baclc j from the department authorizing the payment of the order the order was i cashed within two days of its dis covery small area yields 94 bushels for acre edmonton alia whin it comes lo big wheat crops this one will hold tha rest of tho farmers in this sunny pro vince for a few reasons a g walker a prominent farmer who liyes at irma had 3 13 acres of wellmanured summerfallow ixnd sown with prouclo wheat threshing it last week the machine tally recorded 312 bushels or nearly 54 bushsls per acre viscountess willingdon who is to be chatelaine of rheau halt for tho next five years breeding and marketing which bc owners have gone through with such conspicuous success toll of florida hurricane qto r j 001 r j u to tne people and countries east te uead bzhl injured or jordan num 33 47 48 its use miami fla oct 10 revised re- here shews pi etty clearly that we have ports received at tho headquarters of words written by moses but the the american red cross today from am no speeches of moses as all communities in the hurricano area recorded in tho language of a west place the at 372 the families affected by the disaster at j om seegl 5 38 441 40 47 m 49 in all ot which the proper render- whio more than 6c00 persons ing is beyond jordan not on this were injured said henry d baker iside mount nebo is also called director of relief work most of these pseah see 317 449 ft was on injuries were of a minor nature it tnc western edge of the high moabite is not believed there were more than p overlooking the northern part 600 seriously injured a large number w 1 f v cou n twici i i had far westward and northward of these are wel on the way to re- wit the mountains of lebanon and hermoii in the dim distance 3413 compare num 271214 trespassed against me the story of the sin of moses and aaron is told in num 20213 it is not at nil easy to understand but there appears to have been an act of impatience or of presumption in which they failed to j honor god or as the narrative puts it to sanctify him in the eyes of tho poo- jple in deut 137 however the of- fence for which moses was forbidden ertrrec to palestine is connected with jthti return of the fpics a much earlier f orension iii the cvknown crave 3458 i in the valley tho hebrew word means glen or ravine and prob- j bly refers to one of the narrowval- i leys descending from the high plateau j to the jordan plain the place of the grave is unknown there is no monu- i ment marking the last resting place o mose he needs no monument but j that of his great and enduring work j he has no tomb j he dwells not with you dead but lives i ns law the writer cf deuteronomy long afterward bears testimony to jiis greatness there hath not arisen a prophet tince fir israel like unto mcss whom the lord knew face to free dcut 341012 for the firrt time since 1s99 a giant j arum lily has bloomed in kaw gar- j dens the plant is 5 feet 7 inches in height and 3 feet in diameter and pro- i duces leaf oie year and n flower in j tho following yeir masseyharris and ford agency now is the time to see us about a fordson tractor and all kinds of tractor machines if you are intending buying- a quebec sulky plow order now as we expect to runshort on these plows and only those who order early will be able to get one we have a number of second hand machines and cars on hand which wa will sell very reasonable to make a cleanup before the end of the season we have g ford touring cars 1 1924 model coupe 3 ton trucks 1 1926 ford roadster only run 6 weeks sell at a bargain if you live in the claremont district see mr thos- scott he is re presenting us there d holden agent phone 1840i stouffville continuous service day and night always under pressure a toronto pneumatic water systemwill give you tbis service noise less and best of ail absolutely auto matic operated by electiic motor or toronto windmill enjoy this convenient service now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery of pump ing and carrying your daily water supply toronto outfits can be quickly installed drop in and lets talk it over prices and full information gladly furnished sec mo today d h o i n e n phono 18401 stonrtvillo e masseyiiarrls agent mmm

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