stouffville october 14th 1926 i the home town store you pay less for more at the home town store fresh bulk dates s lbs 25c finest bulk rice per lb 10c choice washed smyrna figs 3 pkgs 25c tapioca per lb 25c creamettes- 3 pkgs 25c stuarts orange marmalade 3 lb jar 35c st lawrence loaf sugar 3 lbs 25c bulk macaroni tube orshell 3 lbs 25c kraft pimento cream and mild canadian cheese at lowest prices v christies broken sodas 2 lbs 25c try bisto a new product in powder form for seasoning or flavoring soups and gravies fresh fish every wednesday we deliver ratcliff go the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont editorial comment deliveries phone 7112 e chilly weather has arrived you will need good warm mitts and gloves we have them priced in mitts 65c up to 225 gloves 50c up to 250 excellent quality also boys gloves and mitts women missesand children- if in need of any of the above lines call and look over our stock there is none better in town and none cheaper footwear nice line womens patent strap slippers at 275 to 325 mens black and tan boots at 8475 good value keep in mind we do repairing deware half soles put on at 85c best material used when you want a good rubber try life buoy a g lehman stouffviiie the peoples shoe store goal and coke r we advise putting in your coal and coke now for next winter we have on hand at alltimes lehigh valley co and coke y canada cement do your building this year as the price of cement is lower all kinds of feed on hand tile of all sizes it pays to drain your lands- 70 per thousand 4 42 3 32 6 tile standard screenings on hand s w hastings proprietor telephone 16 9 v residence 3 715 mr cream shipper it is the average that counts i we are not offering an excessive price or any special pri vilege for a certain length of time as a bait which may cost you dear in the future by studying our prices and the service we render as your local cream- ery on the average the year round you will find ours the highest prices the market permits and best ser vice possible stouffviiie creamery co open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings r winter overcoats in tweeds blue gray etc all uptotho minute styles just arrived nice line of olotes in wool or kid also nitty ties for men when a light coat is needed we have a choice line which are equally serviceable as raincoats nifty style exclusively made also a few rubber coats to clear j l little next bank nova scotia stouffville phone 177 ontario good roads may not make a town but they have a whole lot to do with the impression the town makes on visitors richmond hill wctu at a meet ing last week pledged themselves to vote for dry candidates at tha coming provincial election irrespec tive of party affiliations hon hugh guthrie a libeal representing one of the wellingtons for 20 years is chosen temporary leader cf the conservative party at ottawa mr guthrie left the liberals in war days turning unionist and later conservative closed season on partridge let us all respect the law in this year of 1926 these birds will multiply rapidly if not molested for a year or two the game commissioner is to be praised or his decision in this matter for every hardware store in the country there is on the average a population of 2900 people for every grocery there are 352 people butcher shop s00 drug store 1400 clothing stored 2300 furniture store 3200 and shoe store 4s00 whether the canadian national railways talco it out of the people of canada by having the govern ment pay their annual deficit or by exacting such enormous freight rates as to overcome the shortage is not materially different it all comes out of the people in the final analysis what is really wanted is analysis what would count more for the people would be to reduce tha high salaries of officials from information gleaned at a meeting of progressives in the par liament buildings toronto last fri day a big effort will be made to defeat the ferguson government at the next election hon w eraney presided and a resolution was pass ed endorsing- his leadership rev ben spence a w roebuck and arthur hawkes were closeted at the gathering for some time and plans for the next election campaign were discussed hon f c biggs inti mated that the next provincial elec tion would be foughfon the tem perance issue uxbridge and district has a min isterial association which is a real live organization all the ministers in the town and a certain radius in the country are eligible and they boast a membership of eleven such an organization can perform very useful work and prevent much over lapping in the christian field under their direct control because their are so many ministers in stouffviiie and the immediate district this paper has on previous occasion advocated a ministerial association which could function to good advantage here denominational prejudices and overlapping of the work would be eliminated and a more friendly spirit instilled in the minds of men through cooperation one with the other i when an essex farmer complain ed that the pheasants were eating his corn the game department kill ed two of the birds examined their crops and found 200 cutworms and no corn almost without exception when the scientists investigate such cases they find the same results the farmer owes his crop to the feathered police that keep down the bugs insects and worms when continuing slaughter of every form of bird life the insect loss will be heavier and farm work harder the nation could train an army of r riflemten in a comparatively short time but it couldnt in a century restore the bird armies that are the farmers allies in raising food to feed the country m m m tho bitterness of the late elec tion campaign is having its after math in the issuance ot writs for damages to make good alleged in juries to reputations for some time there have been rumoura afloat regarding tho outcome of a story which was circulating in tho buffer- inslmcoo constituency and which earl rowe mpp thought of suffi cient importance to gtve it some at tention on the platform at his meet ing in shelburne tuesday the writ was issued against wm mckelvie of mono township the amount named therein is 20000 and tho alleged offence charged is circulating a story which charged mr rowe with cattlo stealing iwvf a boys has issued a writ for damages against the toronto star and there arc per sistent rumors that another one will bo issued before the election bitter ness is dissipated alliston herald ontario dental health 9rm diseases states that while the day kroe clinics a stouffviiie the ontario department of health realizing that dentistry is an import- pint factor in the great public health examination consultation and ad- movement has set apart wednesday vice and following in the train of normal mouth may show a count of ten million a mouth with extensive tiecay will give a count of 500 mil- lfon germs all dental offices throughout on tario will be thrown open for free oct 20th as dental health day cooperating with the ont dept of health is the ont medical and the ont dental associations the registered nurses the ont educa tional council the ont hygiene council womens institutes ser vice cub3 the public press and a number of other organizations if people are suffering and dying because of dental infection through decayed teeth ulceration and pyorr hoea this being proved to be the cause ot many of the diseases of the body the health department feel that it is high time to do something to prevent and remove the causes we all know that the mouth is the gateway to the body that every thing we eat and drink and even the air we breathe must pass through this gateway then how im perative it is to keep the mouth in a healthy condition in order to pre vent infection dr mayo of rochester says that 75 of diseases originate from un healthy conditions in the mouth the medical profession are unani mous in its opinion that many of the diseases ot the body can be traced directly to a diseasea and unsani tary mouth the noted drosier says that de cay of the teeth is the most urgent and gravest of alldiseases of our time a more serious national scourge than cancer or consumption and is the main cauc cf infection and diseases in general good health and good sense are two of lifes greatest blessings the public health is the founda tion upon which repose the happi ness of the people and the strength of the nation therefore the care of the public health is the first duty of all boards of health and all others who have the welfare of the nation at hert eacteria or germs are always pre sent in the mouth but when the teeth have been neglected and show large cavities the number ot bac teria is largely increased dr price the noted authority on the rest of the province drs smith and barker will have their offices open for free examination and ad vice and will be glad to have as large a number as possible call on wednesday next oct 28th the ont dental health day house to rent central in west end with furnace bath and all conveniences apply phone 3103 wanted 100 or 2u0 acres for sheep or cattle ranch apply box 50 tribune koit sale fresh cow due oct 25th also 2 cows milking good and rock and white leghorn pullets ira d russell phone 110s 34 for sale white pekin ducks for breeding purposes t holdeu phone 4715 after a comparatively short ill ness the death took place in mark- ham village on monday night of robert a andrews proprietor ot the franklin and a well- known resident of the village mr andrews death was due to gan grene which the presence of a train ed nurse and the best local and city medical treatment failed to arrest his sudden demise came as a pro found shock to the community the late mr andrews leaves a widow one son and a daughter the following members of rich ardson masonic lodge stouffviiie attended a special function in the masonic temple yonge street on tuesday evening as the guests of st andrews lodge dr f a dales dr norman dales ja muston dr ss rail wh shaw om madill jo reaman roy f baker ross davis t o birkitt frank mowder harry brillinger h j malloy w griffiths arthur lehman fred cros- sen sw hastings jh slack nm maolean ralph baker councillor j borinsky dr e s barker a v nolan hex house real good hen house forale 10x14 phone 160 34 for sale baby carriage white reed good as new apply n w byer phone s106 g stove for sale coal or wood stove heater nearly new apply e j davey for sale team of work horses terms to reliable party w e meredith phone 6920 business as usual despite the road being closed to stouffviiie during repairs my blacksmith and woodworking shop can be reached in the usual way just inform the road men you wish to reach my place and permission will be granted a pemberton phone 4807 ringwoqd 1 for sale barred rock pullets early hatched starting to lay fletcher goudte phone 2706 fall apples for salf woal- thies 200 bbli blenheim orange 250 bbl c e barkey phone 6606 for sale maxwell touring car 1921 model perfect running order 200 privately owned apply r a marshall 691 strath- more blvd toronto ont for sale fresh milch cowyoung easy to milk hb barnes ring- wood phone 216 apples fall and winter apples for sale now also cider apples at 50c cwt chas e barkey phono 6606 32 farm for sale 40 acres at lot 23 con 9 whitchurch with good frame barn 20 acres seeded and five acres bush maple birch and pine apply to ross hood bal- iantrae 31 real estate choice vacant lots for sale also several low priced houses others for sale as high in price as you want to pay now is the time also small places outside the town and houses in other townsvand cities farms all sizes and prices call yako jeweier and real estate buttons block poultry wanted highest price paid for fat live poultry also tor feathers wool hides junk etc ben rexlin stouff viiie phone 7821 house for sale in toronto at kew beach 8 rooms brick ni shingle hardwood on all floors good furnace hot water heater and laundry tubs in base ment well painted and decorated f d nighswander 396 kings wood road toronto groov 0118 aaa fall display of new goods our stock is now almost complete in every department with a good assortment of fall and winter goods frith values better than ever yearling ram southdown for sale harry gilbert phone 1110 dry goods dept 35 flannelette in white and colored special yard 25c table linen special 68 wide all pure linen yard 100 linen towelings all pure linen toweling from 19 to 40c yd 32 all wooldress flannel in all the leading shades 90cyd ladies ready to wear new fall and winter coats for ladies and misses hosiery in wool cashmere and silk and wool in all the new shades lades underwear special a garment 95c a new line of ladies gloves and scarfs just arrived mens dept n i mens suits 1 mens fall coats mens winter coats mens sweater soats mens underwear mens hosiery j mens caps mens s mens mens sqarfs ties boys dept boys suits special 525 boys sweaters and sweater coats 150 boys hosiery bys underwear boys caps special remnant ends en ginghams prints flannelette flannel toweling etc etc during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 1