death by starvation faces half a million chinese people hankow penned up more than a fouriag shells from pagoda and else- month before by the eed cantonese where in the iron ring upon the suffer- armies besieging the city a half u- j of mwcy becn shown- lion chinese people face death by star- beginning last sunday women and vation cold and gunfire in wuchang children of the impoverished classes largo numbers of dead lie in the havo been permitted to pass through streets thoso remaining have eai the gates of the river seeking passage dogs cats and rats and are dropping across to hankow thirtyeight thou- j in public places or dying miserably in sand have becn rescued by boats bear- i shelters into which they have crawled j ing the emblem of the red cross and the northern troops of marshal wul taken to hankow to be cared for peifu garrisoning the city having scenes of horror are witnessed each been refused terms of surrender are trip of the boats in the tight fori holding on desperately hoping for places on tho boats several hundred armies of their ally sun chuan feng j have been trampled to death as thoj to break through the cantonese maddened hordes struggled for rescue j cordon many thrown into the river are i meanwhile the relentless and well- j drowned next sunday if they have fed cantonese outside the walls rest net escaped the rain of fire will pour i patiently on their arms haing block- j upon them for the gates will be clojed chats falls power sin frw- p power big power development works at carillon this map indicates the location of given 100000 hp of the total ou- aded all exits from the city and await the time when they shall enter what will happen then is not known the cantonese have notified the de fenders that next sunday they will loose a general bombardment upon the i of city of misery firing from nanyangire arsenal across the yangtse river and fenders within a few days device to prevent railway accidents invented by vancouver mechanic vancouver bc joseph w saun- hopes his invention will eliminate hava ders 40 vancouver inventor an- 1 played important parts in saunders a i lfo- rrtfli liio numnte wern ltm in nounces that he has perfected a device through which he believed it would be possible to eliminate b9 per cent of all railway accidents saunders explained the device as consisting of a low voltage electrical wire running along railway tracks mch when affected by open switches broken rails washouts slides or burn ed bridges will automatically bring approaching trains to a halt in time to avert accidents hfe both his parents were killed in a wreck near hamilton ont 30 years ago while his own career as a loco motive fireman was cut short by injur ies received when he was 28 years of age between port arthur oat and duluth miiwu it was an open switch that caused the accident said saunders i saved my train by reversing the engine and applying the air brake but with the loss of eyesight in one eye and several broken ribs my railroad days were two railway accidents such as ho over i became a mechanic the markets only a few miles away are the lne power sua which is on tario is now under contract to tate toronto troops of sun chuanfang ruler of th6 ottawa river 260 miles from 2c0ooo hp developed by private in- man wheat no 1 north 145 the five provinces of eastern china toronto at tne piat where the inter- terests on the gatlneau at the point n2 north 141 no8 north les away are the tne carillon power site which is on tario is now under contract to take lanfang ruler of th6 ottawa river 260 miles from 2g0ooo hp developed by private lni m of eastern china toronto at tne piat where the inter- terests on the gatlneau at the point j no trying tothrutt asido the cantonese provincial boundary leaves the river indicated on tho map inset appears j s3 who oppose their march to the relief knd turns southward towards the st la smatxmap of the carillon vicinity man t 2 sag beleaguered wu chang seemingly lawrence the relative locations of th6 border at that point is shown felgsij western crmn auota lief must come to the wu chang de- olher f caslern ontario maps to un along the shore whereas t ctf rts g q are shown including that at morris- elsewhere it is in midstream ontario j am corn track toronto no 2 owned by d a mcphee of vankleek hill ivan burke owned by t o dolson brampton ont won second place in contest for eighteen months to two years old holstein fresian bulls king abbekerk owned by haley j and lee springfield ont won third place in bulls under one year and ontario holsteins win many prizes dominion made a goodshow- ing at national dairy shew in detroit detroit mich canada scored a fino abbekerk sylvanus lad owned by j cleanup in the holsfcein cows judged w inncs woodstock ont won third thursday afternoon in tho national p i class twoyearold and under dairy show whenit took prizes in three nearly every class just as it had in the morning session when bulls were judged tho stalls which housed the twentyfive head of cattle sent by the members of the ontario holstein breeding association had so many ribbons in the fore that it looked like a decorative scheme the best showing was made in the class for heifers not in milk one year and under eighteen months here the ontario men scored one two for the dominion the blue ribbon going to j w innes of woodstock on his fine animal c v alcarta tortilla ormsby and the second prize to haley and lee of springford on tehsen teake abbekerk thirtytwo animals competed in this das tho largest number seen during the day in one group judge moscrip took great care in his selection when he picked two animals from the do minion to lead the line other wins in the cow division were aged cow ninth place to- pon- tiac gerken queen ow by arbo- gast brothers of sebringville sixth burg where ontario could obtain 750- claims that the maps are faulty and i yellow 96c no 3 yellow 94c millfeed del montreal freights 000 hp and chats falls where on- j that half of the water at that point be- tarios share might be 1500o0 hp the j longs to her this contention prob- j tags included brui per ton 2925 development at carillon may reach j ably obtains partial recognition in tho ijjgjjf j jf flsvl on between 250000 and 300000 hp and arrangement now agreed to by pro be inler ferguson it is believed that ontario will peasant suddenly enriched as car of king kills dog berne caesar was a fine dog of no specific race or creed however ho was a good watchdog and when a friend recently proposed to acquire him to guard his house the owner suggested 60 francs might be consid ered a reasonable price the matter was being argued on a berne street when suddenly like a juggernaut a big motor car swung round the corner all financial discussion ended for caesar had wagged his tail for the last time while tho irate owner threatened dire vengeance the chauf feur conversed in an undertone with a tall gentleman reclining in the motor car and then handed him a banlchote and as the car disappeared down tho street caesars astonished master found himself richer by 1000 swiss francs while the gossips gathered i around the market pump to discuss i the generosity of king albert of the i belgians drowning accidents in various localities two c p r conductors perish king of bootleggers and mechanic believed drowned in lake erie 2825 good feed flour per hag 230 ont oats 42 tb 44c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 123 to 1125 fob shipping points according to freights barlej- malting 56 to 61c buckwheat nominal rye no 2 85c man flour first pat 810 to ronto do second pat 760 ont flour toronto 90 per cent patent per barrel in carlots toronto 570 seaboard in bulk 570 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 20 to 21c triplets 22c stil- cheese finest wests 17 to 17ic finest easts 16 to 16c butter no 1 pasteurized 82 to 33c eggs storage extras 43c dp firsts 39c do seconds 34c fresh ex tras 52c fresh firsts 47c good veal calves 11 to 12 poorer ones 10 grass calves 375 to 4 ewes and wethers good lots 1125 do poorer lots 1050 to 11 bucks 1 per cwt less hogs good quality thick smooths 1210 to 1225 do selects 1275 north bay ont w p flemmmg j it- l m i u iu j tons 23c old large 26c twins 27c and emmett trahan both conductors triplets 30c ontho c p r and residing in north j bay were drowned in a lake near kip awa while fishing their bodies were j no 2 84 to 35c recovered as here were no witnesses i to 30c to the drownings it is not known how they occurred the men after completing their run butter finest cremey print3 86 to 37c no 1 creamery 35 to 36c dairy prints 29 from mattawa to kipawa went to the seconds 34 to 35c eggs fresh extras in cartons 51 to 52c fresh extras loose 50c fresh firsts 45c fresh seconds 35 to 36c storage extras 43c do firsts 40c- do lake to fish as they had done many times in the past poultry dressed chickei spring squabs i to 1 lbs 32 to 35c do chief justice j t brown of the court of kings bench england guards secret of new giant airship london the utmost secrecy is be sas- maintained in building englands conductor flemming was one of thejfpw 4 s springs 3 to 4 lbs 3o to joe older conductors on the cpr having l 2 to 3 ih 33c do 2 to 2 entered the service m july 190o conjib 32c hens over 5 lbs 2sc do 4 ductor trahan became connected with j to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 24c tho railroad in 1908 niagara falls ont it- is feared u 35c beans- roosters 22c ducklings 5 lbs and can hanipicked 260 per that aaron vandevere port colborne toshel pri 240 per bushel populary known as the king of boot- mrple produce syrup per imp leggers with an unnamed mechanic gal 225 to 230 per 5gal 215 have lost their lives in the waters of to 225 per gal majle sugrr lb 25- lake erie they have been missing to 26c since tuesday morning vandevere i honey 60b tins 12 to 13c 10 london ontario honors brave english girl london ont honoring ethel langton 15yearold daughter of tho keeper of st helens fort lighthouse bembridge isle of wight for her courage and endurance in keeping the light burning for tlree days during a gale last march the st georges so ciety of this city has sent her a unique medal of recognition the medal is in the form of a canadian 5 gold piece set in gold maple leaves it bears tho following inscription to ethel langton for courago and endurance by st georges society london can- ida it will bo recalled that miss lang- tons parents made a dash to shore to replenish provisions just previous to the isle of wight storm and were not able to get back for three day and nights their daughter was alone hii only her pal dog for companionship she kept the big beacon binning climbing 20 feet up a steel ladder at intervals to replenish the oil all the food she had was a loaf of bread place same class to gypsie posch katchewan who has been appointed giant airship the r101 for england- jvrith hisson own a fleet cf eight boats rh tin- 1sv tn lr ruby owned by saley and lee cows with mr justice wright of the on- indiaaustralia service armed guards between four and five years fourth to tario supreme court to assist sir fran- gation canadas mineral prosperity james rettie burgessvillo cow be tween three and four fifth place to ourvilla rhetta echo owned by haley and lee heifer between two and three years third to belldine johanna spofford owned by j w innes wood stock sixth to pauline banostine ormsby- owned by haley and lee ninth to bessie posch pontine owned by arbogast bfos heifer between 18 months and two years ninth to aggie sylvia owned by j w innes heifer calf sixth place to daisy mer- cena owned by d a mcphee of van kleek hill while third in the samo class went to sprucedale jemima burke owned by d smith and son glanforth station the grand champion cow was picked as hollyhock piebe forbes owned by the hollyhock farms dousman wis consin king abbekerk susie entered by haley and lee was awarded third placo in class one on the days pro gram this class is for bull calves four months old and under one year in class two for bulls one year and under eighteen months maplccrest al- paris restaurayit menus are to be bert canary sylvia another canadian recognized as works of art in tho great bull entered by leroy sidda 1 and j rcsta of paris they are to be j gibbons of denficld took fourth signed like g picture3 with the prix- third prize in the fourth class for keep all visitors away from the han gars and each one of the 300 persons employed in its construction is sworn to secrecy various groups of work ers are strictly confined to separate parts of the erection work and not more than half a dozen persons know victoria bc conditions in the anything about the complete plans for mining industry of canada are better the airship which it is hoped will gain throughout th3 whole country than i for great britain tho supremacy of have ever known them in my time j the air said charles camsell canadian de- puty minister of mines and chief london ancestor he traced executive officer of the canadian gov ernment in mining matters who has arrived here after a coasttocoast tour the coal industry is free of 300 years proves absconder date of royal wedding is set for november 20 stockholm the wedding date of princess astrid of sweden and crown prince leopold of belgium has been set for nov 20 in brussels i iiii ii newly revealed details of the court- 13c 2ib tins 13 to 14c v ho left port coborne on monday comb honey 340 to 4 per dozen ship show that the young couple met night for dunkirk andreported out of smoked meatshams med 33 to oftener than hitherto realized while that place at two tuesday morning 40 cooked hams 47 to 48c smoked j theworld press was linking the name and has not been seen since it is be lieved that his craft a cabin cruiser took a nose dive in the lake ah the vandevere boats with the dunkirk fishermen are searching for the miss ing men mr vandevere is rated as one of i rolls 28 to 30c breakfast bacon 35 of princess astrid with the prince of to 40c backs boneless 37 to 45e wales she was maintaining frequent cured meats long clear bacon 50 correspon with the belgian heir mmsmpm he t rolls in barrels 4250 heavyweight period at the country estate of prin- rolls 3950 per bbl j cess astrids parents fndhem in lard pure tierces 16 to 17c osthergothland and in denmark they and tho match meets with over- earlier in the summer and appeared a do good 550 to 675 butcher steers few days ago on a charge of stealing choice 650 to 675 do good 6 to j whelming popular favor a machine gun from the united states 625 do com 450 to 550 butcher i e mtrol bvnt cows choice 475 to 5 do fair to patrol boat good 375 to 450 butcher bulls london mayfair is having a laugh labor troubles production in the at tho expense of an american who metalliferous mines promises to be the came a11 tlie wav to europe to trace greatest oh record this year since his ancestor of some three hundred about 1900 our production has been i years ago who was a taxpayer in hoi- f ped up the body of a man good ch cows 70 to 1c0 spring- born a section of london tcn mes oast s s pont and s choice 80 to 115 med jjowb port dovercaptain duncan mac- t 5450 to 550 bolognas 350 donald of the fishing tug dimmie to 54- cannersand cutters 225 to 3 steadily increasing at the average rate 01 6500000 annually and it is prob able that the increase this year will be even greater french chefs to sign menus as works of art the books were brought down from their dusty shelves and in due time tho name of the ancestor was found opposite his name was the remark absconded without paying his rtes brought it to this port i 45 to 60 feeders good 6 to s65j the man who was apparently about f i vtf ffsw 60 years ot age had a cearance for 1 mi to s1jl do me former british officer earns living making telephone directories fourton gasoline boat tourist s7 to jjrassers 4 to 450 who does it an exarmy officer an t1 ll- ri r v j 11 innr 1 r 1 a off rtn indians saved themselves in florida hurricane washington not one of the 500 seminole indians whoso homes were tho from port colborne to erie penn iambs 12 to 1225 do with 150 cases of whiskey made out bucks 9io975 good light sheep in the name of h gibson and dated 6 to 650 heavy sheep and bucks mondav i 4 hogs thick smooths fed and wat- r vi n jercd 1175 do fob 1125 do it may be safely conjectured that points 11 do off cars the tourist- has foundered- and that 12 select premium 1232 the other occupant of the craft is also london one of tho queerest jobs in london is thumbslotting telephone directories the work brings the man destroyed by the recent hurricane that name of the artists the chef who pre- wrought so much damage in florida pares them demands from the cus- was killed an agent of the dipt of dead the man had a lifepreserver on oats 1 cw 11 a in the opinion of coroner dr al c extra no lfeed e6c flour bulls between two and three years old j tcrs for the names of the men who the interior reported today the in- cock had died in the early hours man spnnwheat pats lsts 810 niso went to the dominion when abbe- have preparcd superb dishes that h dinns j themse by abandoning of the morning in the pockets of his kcrk syvius lad owned by j w j as well as a ralization on the their homes and lying flat on the rothes were 84 in bills coma loose innes of woods ock was awarded the t of the p that it js od d and ho on to pa change and a car owners lioeme for a hk 1 51 car made out for a f vandsveer 233 chailotle street port colborne ribbon the red ribbon for aged bull 1 business to make the names known with their hands until the storm was went to sir francy mercent burke have to lhe step ovcr income of about 5000 a year he hit on the idea through having difficulty in finding an address in the telephone book thinking that much time could be saved to city firms if each alphabetical section was thumb- slotted he bought n concave chisel a hammer and a small steel stamp for each letter of the iphabet he calls on clubs business firms and privato houses and chargrs 2 shillings for do 2nds 700 do strong bakers oac lkjok thumbslotted the task 740 do winter pats choice 040 j takcs him a ten minutes he can to 650 rolled oats nag 90 lbs i s370 bran 2925 shorts 31f middlings 3925 hay no 2 per ton carlots 14 to 15 montreal no 2 cw 69c no easily index fifty book a day and ii never out of work as new directories re frequently issued mmwr94mmmra mutt and jeff br bud fisher not a bad case for any brrser to have