Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 7, 1926, p. 6

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ontario fa lo heavhy degrading of wheat by smut call for proper treatment of seed grain to eradicate evil ontario agricultural college issues statement fully s7co0co has been lost to on- then revolve the barrel or churn until tario farmers owing to the presence of the dust ir thoioughly mixed with th smut in last seasons no 2 winter grsin after this treatment the grain wheat this estimate bus been arriv- may be bagged and sown at once this j ed at after an inspection of the method of applying the dasf involves samples of grain collected from all much time and labor if large quantij parts of the province for use in set- ties of grain are treated machines i ting the standards for commercial are now si lesson october 10 the reports of trie spies num 13 1 to 14 45 golden text wo are well able to overcome it numbers 13 30 analysis the reparture from sinai 1113 return avb retort of the spies i 132333 hi murmuring of the feomj5 14 145 introduction the journey of is- appying tities of seed grades of grain for the lst season wircii ii shown that a large per centage of the grain would grade be low the standard grades records of official inspections in the eastern division indicated that over thirty per cent of the grain had been i sprinkling with excluded from tho standard grades aw as follows on th market however for rael was in a northerly direction from dust rapidly to large quan- suiau it was through a barren and uu6i rnjuuj iu i rugged country and for so arge a i company of people there must have another method j been many hardships chs 11 and 12 j stinking smut or bunt can also be give us- some idea of these hardships prevent by spring with a diluted nd ggg murmuring formalin solution the directions for w ht lll3there formalin solution wm j on the part 0 the mixed multitude the nonisraelites while it was expected the percentage mix one pint of formalin with who had attaclied themselves to israel of fl fotal crop would be larger the forty gallons of water place the grain estimate was that the presence of j to be treated in a heap on a clean floor smut would mean a decreased return sprinkle the formakn solution over with the scanty fare of the desert 11 i 46 and now here is fear of the un known and powerful people who are to the farmers of the province of from the grain then shovel the grain itoexpected to dispute their entrance into fivo cents to fifteen cents a bushel be- another pile so as to mix it thorough- tho land of promise low the normal price of no 2 winter wheat or a total loss as stated above an avoidabu loss deterioration in the quality of on tario wheat from smut became so pro nounced last year that the grain standards board for the toronto dis trict of tho eastern inspection divi sion directed the attention of the hon j s martin minister of agriculture to tho gteat importance of farmers treating their seed grain for smut if they are to produce crops to yield the largest monetary returns such treat ment will easily remove the heavy an nual loss and to indicate what line of procedure must be followed the on tario agricultural college which has done some experimenting along this line recently issued a statement two kinds of smut there are two kinds of wheat smut in ontario namely stinking smut or bunt and loose smut of wheat tho stinking smut or bunt was very pre valent last year and i expect to hear that it is prevalent again this year judging by the amount that has de veloped in our check plots in our ex perimental work experiments conducted in the un ited states during the past few years and this year in ontario demonstrat ed that copper carbonate dust is the most satisfactory seed disinfectant for the prevention of stinking smut or bunt of wheat directions for the copper carbon ate dust treatment the dust should ly then sprinkle and shove again re- i the sending of the spies 13 l22 peat this operation until every grain send thou men the people hadj is moistened by the solution just now reached the southern border ofi enough of the solution should be ap- canaan or western palestine and had plied to thoroughly wet everv grain seen the perils of tho great adventure but not enough to inake the grain wet upon which they had embarked it is and soppy in treating small quanti- t to note here that the coun- r uii f tkjsels of ordinary prudenco and good tie use proportional amounts of the j m voce of god formalin- soution after the grain qj ke then as he j to to has been thoroughly sprinkled cover tho h an m of men and they the pile with bags or sacking that have recognize his voice in their own inner been sprinkled with or soaked in formalin solution and leave for three ox four hours at the end of this time spread the grain out thinly to dry shovel it over three or four times to hasten the drying forty gallons of the formalin solution is sufficient to sprinkle between fifty and sixty bushels of grain avoid wet soppy grain the objection to treating with formalin solution is that there is great danger of injuring the vitality of the seed it is not wise to use formalin and spiritual experiences of every tribe this was no doubt necessary in order that there might be no jealousy or suspicion or partiality on the part of their leader the task of spying out the land was evidently- regarded ae one of honor and responsi bility and only men of princely rank were chosen there was prohmy no great danger as they would go through the land disguised as peaceful travelers tho two deserving of hon orable mention are caleb of the tribe of judah and joshua or hoshea of the tribe of ephraim the south v 17 or rather the party cakes for the juveniles by mina lowman since there isnt a very widefield stick two on each ride of the raisin from which to choose tho refreshments daw end down to represent feet use sultble for childrens parties little one with the bud on for a head and surprises in the way they are served break the bud and claws from another are always hailed with delight in- j which forms the pointed tail arrange stead of the usual candles for the j on cake before king hardens birthday cake the decorations may bei larger turtles may be made from varied from time to time j prunes the beet ones for this purpose a charming effect may be had by being the french prunes which can be icing the cake in tie usual way be- j eaten uncooked but the ordinary ones fore the icing hardens stand a big j may be used by soaking overnight and stick f striped candy in the centre j drying them with a clean cloth two and around the edge of the required or three of theee are very effective number of tiny dolr to the top of crawling over the childrens plates the stick of candy attach as many lengths of narrow ribbon of- different colors as there are dolls each little doll rlds a ribbon and the miniature maypole is complete each child re ceives a doll for a favor the little animal cakes make a nice decoration dip half in melted choco late or cover with icing and lay on wax paper to harden alternate choc- animal cakes may be used in an other decoration ice small round van- jlla wafers and on each one stand a pair of the animal cakes a pro cession of these may lead to a tiny noahs ark a novel way to serve ice cream is in edible baskets use your favorite re cipe for cup cakes when cool scoop out the centre leaving a rather thick the tightly draped hipline a graceful model emphasizing the important new silhouette of tightly draped hips and a skirt that is frank ly full all around the broad girdle negeb was a wild and uncultivated gathered into a buckle in front and solution stronger than 1 pint to 40 gallons and care must be taken not country in the extreme south of pales- bishop sleeves lend grace the versa- to apply too much of it to the grain tine through it the spies would pss jgy t with q j- and shir linto the mountains about hebron and be applied to moisten every gram but far as betfcrehab at the foot of not enough to make it wet and coppy m hermon and the valley be loose smut of wheat cannot be pre- tween lebanon and hermon here call- vented by treating the seed with blue- ed the entering in of hamath stone or copper carbonate dust the return and report of the bpie easiest way of avoiding loss from this 132333 smut is to secure feed from a field or xhe valley of eshcol is the vale district where loose smut is not presof thograpecluster its site is un- ent such seed would produce a crop known but it was evidently famous free from this smut if loose smut is for the abundance and quality of its bo applied at the rate of 2 oz per bad and it is impossible to secure seed j grapes the one cluster which they bushel of wheat place the grain to free from infection it may be neces- brought with them had to be carried be treated in a barrel or churn about saryto establish a seed plot and treat p mw a bushel at a time add the required the seed with jensens modified hot amount of copper carbonate dust and water treatment winter eggs as tho days get shorter and shorter it becomes inereaslngcy difficult to keep tho hens and pullets laying at a rate that will prove profitable not only is the day too short for the best health of the flock but the the wilderness of paran to which they returned seems to be identical with or near to the wilderness of zin mentioned in v 21 compare 20 1 kadesh has been identified with an oasis about seventy miles south of hebron which bears a closely similar nam it floweth with milk and honey succulent roughages for finishing lambs the proper time to soil the iambs is when they are finished says the do- fts 55s5 u this was their poetical way oi aes minjon animal husbandman who con- cribing a rich an productive country tinues succulent roughages- play a w seemed to them all the more at- very largo part in profits from iamb tractive by contrast with the barren relativey small capacity of the hen s i finishing generally speaking good i land through which they had passed crop means that at this season she is succulent roughages such as turnips compare deut 879 and 26 9 and 15 very likely net to eat enough to suprly j ma sugar beets v her with the requirements for main- pea and oat ensilage or j ais a sur for j the dry roughages nnd grains more palatable and more digestible again tying rings in the shoulders are arresting details which go toward fashioning this chic frock no 1806 is suitable for misses and small women and is in sizes 16 18 and 20 years size 18 36 bust requires 4 yards 39inch ma terial 20 cents our fashion book illustrating the newest and most practical styles will be of interest to every home dress maker price of the book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your namo and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in lamps or coin coin preferred wrap ii cirefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st toronto patterns sent by return mail olate and plain or any color preferred shell these may be used plain or iced around the base of the cake while with colored icing handles for bas- the icing is soft enough to permit them kets may be made of strips of orango to be pressed into it around the edge or grapefruit peel when ready to of the top make a ring of tiny sticks serve fill baskets with ice cream and of candy and use these as supports for serve on a small plate standing animals the candles can go another novelty is an edible candle inside or instead of candles larger this is made of sliced pineapple and sticks of candy may be usred when small bananas peel and dip bananas the cake is cut an animal and a stick in lemon juice to prevent discoloration of candy go to each child with the enlarge holes in pineapple a very lit- piece of cake- j tie and insert half of the banana another decoration that makes a i shape the other end like the top of a preat hit not only with the children but grownups as well consists of tiny turtles to make these select the larg est seeded raisins pressing them into shape and rounding the topb slightly remove the bud from four cloves and candle and insert an almond- meat to represent the flame make a handle of a strip of orange or grapefruit peel and attach to the pineapple put each candle on a plate and serve with whip ped cream the secret plan gathering seedlings for winter bloom few people realize the possibility of carrying the common garden annuals corn ensilage j but they reported also the presence of j thrh the wint in late september the like make tfig pcope and strongly fortified i eary 0ctober hundreds of small egg production furthermore the long nights of in- these roughages ore cheaply grown htter ws of neck or action on the roosts combined with re- an are rich nutritious foods in them- longnecked the account given of lativey cose confinement and the use selves where corn ensilage can be the strong people and their fenced of concentrated feeds may bring about raised for two dollars per ton it is the cities appears to have aroused a cla- digestive disorders that mean low egg cheapest and bestsucculent roughage ol excitement and fear but production the birds should there- f finishing when fed with caleb stilled the people before clover hay and grain it will produce i hta was the calm strong x iiiii voice of courage and of faith lt five per cent greater profits than a us g0 up at onco and po it for mixture of turnips clover hay and wo are well able to overcome it he grain but a mixture of turnips and 1 had another spirit with him ho the children of anakv were appar- 1 plnts seedlings will be found about ently a very tall people the name the annual beds in the garden petun ias spring up like weeds calendus seed themselves profusely even sweet pea seedlings will be found before fore be watched carefuhy for signs of trouble of this sort if artificial light cannot be used in the henhouse it will pay to lengthen tho working day as much as possible ensilage with hay and grain will usu- in ethet ways ample open front j ally the greatest profits the should be provided to make the houses turn ia the safest root to feed in i finishing lambs particularly where light and to admit a miximum of di rect sunlight wholly followed the lord 1424 deut 136 compare the entire story as told in deut 11946 an evil report apparently in the earliest frost can possibly hit them the desired seedlings will be of suffi cient size to take up they should be carefully potted precaution being taken to have almost an inch of peb bles at the bottom of the pot for drain age after planting until they are establish ed when they are finally at home in thir new position they may le picted nnywhre out of doors and will by edith james sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes the sunbeams were dancing into his window and right across bis pillow he ran to the window and looked out banks of fleecy clouds were sailing about in the blue the leaves waltzing in the trees birda warbling in the branches everything everywhere was singing a morning song of joy james stood silently before the win dow a few moments watching the world with new eyes aa a big idea came to him well why havent i thought of it before i wonder if i can do it im going to try anyway he decided with a new determination he hur ried to the bathroom my wont dearie be surprised he said to himself as he splashed about in the water generally she has to cam me a dozen times every morning or id never get to school on time wont she be surprised he had just finished his dressing when his mother called coming he answered and down the stairs he came two steps uta time weu well said his mother with surprise whatever is going to hap pen here you are up and dressed whatever does they shoud be put in the shade same time before the first call it mean its a secret plan im trying to day james answered with a smile after breikfast he gothis books without having to be reminded of them and with a happy bye and a wave of his hand he was off around the corner came little bobby on his new roller skates hey there james called ill carry your books its no fun carry ing books and learning to skate at the bailey a sunshiny afternoon the entire afternoon was as sun shiny as the morning had been half a dozen times or more james found op portunities to try out his plan the were verv j t 0 a however came were i during his play hour in the evening he had gone down the street on his pony to find his friend joe when he overtook a little fellow far smaller than he carrying a big sack of news papers hello want some help james asked james was a stranger to the other boy and he answered rather doubt fully i donfcknow tell me where you arc taking your papers and ill carry them for you and let youride too will you really oh thatll be great hop up then here we go james rode with him over the en tire route helping him throw his pa pers and then took him home youre a fins scout for sure said the boy you dont know how glad mother will be to have me home early maybe i can help tomorrow night suggested james that would be griat you see im helping on another boys routi but hell be back after tomorrow night my own route isnt so heavy but his id mine together surely is big didnt wethers or even ram lambs may be spite of the evidence of the fruit of v f jeveop quickly when they th night feedmg of scratch grain foma i the pens mangels may have tne iand whlch h br i j are brought into the house before the j i ii i -i- were some of the spies who declared j that it was not a fertile or productive h p a land it eateth up its inhabitants spot they begin almost at oree to they said they sought to justify i flower and if the withered bojsonij their fears both by decrying the land are lept picked will bloom profuseiy and exaggerating the size and stature all winter thcir rei english primroses cowslips for- should be given as late in the after- a dangerous influence on the kidneys noon as may be possible while still j of we and rams giving the hens time to clean up the feed before dark the practice ofi j- r n o throwing the mornings allowance of dueaaefree potato seed scratch grain into the litter after the efforts made by the dominion exiof the men who lived in it hens are on the roosts at night may perimental farms and stations to port was false a cowards report the and the lovely bellis per- well be followed bring about seed potatoes immune to word nephilim v 33 is borrowed daisy may bo brought this latter scheme has the effect of disease have at least been partially from gen 64 and is used of giants i jn matlner these how- youre doing fine james called after him as he unsuccessfully at tempted to race him to school in one corner ofthe schoolyard j james found jimmy the washer womans boy crying and crying whats the matter jimmy isc ise lost my pencil a new one too teacher said shed keep me in if i ever came again without a pen cil now ise lost it dont you cry now you just take mine ive got another one in my desk maybe your mother wouldnt want you to yes she would too here it is as he saw jimmy dry his eye3 i james was happy tohave scored another nice thing about the dish the n rfts vigorous seed from s fclw f pit bottom put tho sfeak in the hot throughout the entire moni- dircctions for whfch are gven below which diseased and weak plants have sssp and br0wn rt b v h f is that it is just as good even better been eliminated and which have iven to tte ldli of eft thml hcat t tjt t0 secret plan how we hs work went when reheated the following day thirty per cent increased yielcfover j fight the hard fight for freedom the gether with a small onion add a cup even his arithmetic which always four tablespopnfuls of butter 3 unsolected stock says mr getting the fowls down off the roost successful five years ago the garnet iii murmuring of thk people 14 and busily at work just as soon as it chili imported by bermuda from this i 146 is light enough for them to see to find countrywas found unsatisfactory be- the f multitude mur cause of eafrou diseasepresent in againxt monet and aaron the grain chicken a la king this is a particularly fine recipe for the always popular chicken a lakingj has however resulted in the produc- the seed stock an attempt at rejuv enation was not found untisfactory and was discontinued hiliselcction just as the cowttrdlyand fainthearted of today throw the blame of national calamity upon the government only over will not begin to flower till after olvlstmas v a way of preparing a round steak beat in flour have the roaster rarely is such murmuring justified a ready with enough grease to cover the bobby gladly handedhim his books as he went flying down the street james and jimmy ve have a pile we certainly did and ill be with you cciinoitow night bye and lames was off for home that evening when he had finished his lessons and was about to go up stairs his mother said james you dont know what a wonderful help you have been to mo today this morning i was so wor ried and troubled i didnt know how to get through but you have been so cheery youve driven the clouds all away oh it was all my secret plan james beamed want me to tell you about it indeed i do i didnt know though james ex plained that it was going to help my best dearie a vigorous embrace proved how glad he was it had helped well he continued this morning when i saw the sunbeams dancing to make us happy the leaves swinging about to make shade for us tho birds singing the clouds making the sky pretty all for us i began thinking why everything is doing somathing to make somebody happy and it seems theyre having a gcod time while theyre doing it too so why cant i so ive been trying dearie and ive had one big day but isnt it funnv how i never saw all those fight the hard fight for freedom the kf wlt au onion aoo a cu rven ns chfmcos hcfore to make others happy w k mc- courageous joshua took- his stand with or more of water as the sauce should seemed so difficult was much easier- y- j u without ookin tablespoonfuls of minced green pep- cullouch district inspector in his irei caleb and both stood loyallyby moses be very thin pour this over the hot todny and he was through before any- f them per 8 tabbspoonfuls of flour tea- pert to the dominion botanist aland aaron it was a contest offaith steak cover put in the oven and bake one else he was delighted when his j p h you w thinking so spoonful of paprika ltablespoonful of steady improvement has taken placewith ear in characteristically bold rfowly for 1 hours this has a bet- teacher seeing he had finished allow- h jgw h mother salt 2cupfuls of thm cream 2v4 cup in the gmet chisstec as a whole ftfzffigs- f tomat v l lnsofs to think ino people saying nme no iear ojused f auce and papers for the art lesson i t fha nohvn wa ahali aaf infrt im i j k j izzil l- 1 ij v i of someolie epe fuls of dicid cooked chicken can and in 1925 the director of agricul- of mushrooms ture for bermuda reported the seed melt the butter and cook in it the e being the best ever imported a green pepper until the latter is sof t start has also been made to isolate stir in the flour and seasonings add diseasefree iuh yielding pure lines- a vo2oy of stones the lords judg- the cream gradually stirring constant- of irish cobbler green mountain ly when boiling set over hot water bmsa triumph and garnet chili var- and add the chicken mushrooms and pimentos serve iij ramekins patty shells or on toast to prevent mold ozone machines rre now used in poultry fcedinff- rans these machines make the air and sweet at all times they arc 5 hv octricity just stick a in ilia light socket icties the majority of selected units rejiprts mr mcculloch havo retained their diseasefree character for two seasons and it is hoped in time to have a diseasefree nucleus of many of the popular varieties c- a bees life of the five weeks of lite allotted to the average bee three weeks are de voted to duties within tho hrro the natives we shall oat them up their protection has failed and tne at noontime he hurried home maybe that waa it he agreed but lord sus7 m tt7mo xv 1 dssss iss fun keepm e att but the answer of the mo was ment was a sentence of forty years of waiting and for almost all death in the wilderness for j has been notified that two canadian his hair and wax standing behind his bullocks recently carried off the first chair waiting for luncheon before his prize for the best pair not exceeding mother knew he was home 14 cwts and first and second prizes well james his mother exclaimed for the best butchers beast oif exhibit your secret plan whatever it is is in tho aldboraugh and boroughbrldge accomplishing wonderful results you agricultural show in england this aro home so promptly that i think is considered of moro than usual imyous have time to takothis bouquet a very digest io and delicious sweet portanco indicating that the etoro cat- j to grandmother lane she feels she r the school lunch can be quickly tie shipped from canada to britain cant get out today and i know sheh delicious lunch dishes ftvolved while making the breakfast and finished off thero can compete enjoy the flowers biscuit use a sraah cutter and make with the best bred in that country part of the dough into tiny biscuit turn them in meltod butter then in sugar and cinnamon id bako j second hy tho wings of a fly i oh yss ill have plenty of time i agreed james and an soon as ho had probably 600 strokes are made per finished his luncheon he went happily on his errand open for chances to help i think ill keep on looking what do you say dearie teach your celt to stand and to lead before talcing it into the showring teach it to walk and go through all th paces that the judges will ask for grooming the coat combing and de corating the mane and tail add to the colts appearance c moths do not cat clothes this is done by the grubs which develop from the eggs the moths have laid

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