Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 23, 1926, p. 3

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ma twelve hundred people killed in furious tempest on florida coast west palm beach fia sept 19 approximately loco persons were re- and 100 at fort lauderdale holly wood and other suburban cities of i miami suffered heavy losses ported hled thousands injured and thj reachinr a veoci of 120 38000 rendered homeless in the west j at miami beach saturday whip- indian hurricane that lashed the lower j ped across the everglades and had an coast of florida on friday night and estimated intensity of between 75 and saturday and swept across the state 90 miles as hour when it passed over into the gulf of mexico onsurday j the west coast into the gulf sunday property damage was estimated at i the west coast was spared of casu- between 25000000 and 125000000 j alties but heavy damage was done to miami miami beach fort lauder- citrus fruit growers and shippers dale and the moore haven vicinity said family wiped out by lightning bolt 76 miles northwest of miami the heaviest sufferers forty white women and children were reported drowned in tho lake region around moore haven and the death toll for that section was estimat ed at 140 unconfirmed reports said that bod ies were strewn along the road be tween moore haven and clcwiston one hundrrd and fifty were report- miami was without drinking water from friday evening until sunday shippimc in the miami harbor was hard hit and thousands of buildings were reported damaged water was knee deep in hie streets persons ar riving at west paini beach from miami said the pullmsn company offered its full resources in equipment to carry doctors nurses food water and sup- od dead at miami beach 80 at miami piles into the stricken area blame vood alcohol queens university museum for killing two men receives historic gift mantle of snow covers the prairies damaging crops price advances winnipeg man a toll of four deaths and damage to ungarn- ered crops the extent of which will j not be determined for some time were left in the wake of snow rain and haii storms which have swept west ern canada f willis a farmer in the kama district of saskatchewan his wife and two children were- killed when a light ning bolt struck their home during the height of ono of tho worst electrical j storms experienced in that district the farmhouse was in a mass of flames when neighbors readied the scene they were unable to chock the fire and the frail dwelling burned to the ground the bodies of tho fouri victims charred almost beyond recog- nition were later recovered from the l l su of thoao w accompanied david livingstone on his african expedition gang of desperadoes defy mounted police and escape with rum charles st john whoso death in his s2ml year removes four killed when freight cars crash juries at niagara and belle- a presentation has been ii i r made to tho queens museum in tho ville attribute deaths to j form of a level bv h u n tne poison drinks princess louise in laying tho corner- beheville sept 19 that death stono of the old arts bulldidng at the ras the result of drinking methyl- 1 the presentation wa3 the result of drinking methy hydrate was the verdict of a coroners jury inquiring into the death of chas macdonald of ottawa at trenton yes terday percy c mackay formerly a plan tation manager in the malaga ishnds and at present a laborer on the can adian national railways told of hav ing purchased alcohol from a drug store pretending that it was wanted for a spirit lamp he said that he had made th2 purchase with money given him by macdonald and that when he had pointed out to him th- montreal lord wilingdon can- poison label on the bottle macdonald fip had replied that there would be con- made by robert gage utlca ny superintending architect of the work inscribed on tho gauge is the following this level was used by hrh the princess louise in laying the cornerstono ot the old arts build ing presented by llobort gago super intending architect lord willingdon to attend fall convocation at mcgill siderably more kick in it niagara falls ont sept 19 acute alcoholism was judged to be tend the fall convocation at mcgili university on october 6 an announcement to this effect was made at mcgill when sir arthur cur- the cause of the death of walter lyle rle received a cable from lord will- miuer of this city by a coroners jury ingdon accepting the invitation which here miller had been found dead- in had bcen extended to him the rear saat of a sdan car last sun- j this w b the fist i appear- day according to evidence the man j r of hc nsw governorgeneral along with four ethers had been j drinking heavily hero and at a piece i women outnumber men by about in thorold i 40030 in northern ireland ruins the unusual weather disturbances brought tho first touch of winter to alberta parts of eastern british col umbia and western saskatchewan in j several sections of alberta tho snowj fall reached mldwintor proportions i u i i the maximum snowfall being reported i h collision occurred from edmonton where it reached a i during dense fog near depth of ono foot in other parts of- kent bridge tho province tho mantle of snow var- ies from ono to six inches a sharol chatham ont sept 19 in a col drop in temperature with even de- b two grees of frost in the edmonton dis- trict accompanied the snowfall lision between two cpr freight trains yesterday morning in a dense j fog two miles east of kent bridge practically the whole ot the prairie i four of the train crews were ether in i clflnl v irivod x- ffl iniiiivl tvw provinces have been denched by rains during tho past two days and grave concern is felt over the continued de lay of harvesting operations the grain is reported to ba sprouting in the stooks in those localities where intermittent rains have prevented threshing for a period of ten days to three weeks some reduction in grain values is also feared the unseasonable weather has brought about a sharp advance in grain quotations during the past week tho price of wheat advanced s cents on the winnipeg grain ex change nine states added to leagu council germany represented geneva the new council of the would promote the settlement of the league of nations enlarged to 14 j armenian refugees an erivan when members by election in the assembly the necessary 7000000 was subscrib- and having present dr gustav strese- led by armenian organizations and man as the representative of the ger- charities generally and would devote man republic began its proceedings the league organization to helping the with an act of homage to woodrow project of a national home wilson as founder of the league j london the entry of germany this homage took the form of ac- j into the league of nations is the cepting in advance a bust of the ex- greatest single step toward european president which will be presented to peace since the foundation of the to league by mr and mrs r j cald- j league according to lord grey of well of new york j fallodon who as sir edward grey the states chosen for the nonwas british foreign secretary when permanent seats in the council are the great war broke out in a speech poland rouniania czechoslovakia at tho opening of the liberal bazaar belgium colombia chile salvador at alnwick he added that the entry holland and china though the irish of russia into the league would do free state had anounced its candi- j something of great importance and iacy for a seat to represent the brit- that the door for its entry was open ish dominions in the council it rea3 soon as the government of russia ceived only ten votes colombia re- had passed through the transition j a that time ceived 46 out of a total of 49 i stage and was willing to accept the j dr beness plea for concord sin- obligations of the league covenant canadian is honored cerity and collaboration in the further- and woi for peace not trouble li j 1 1 ance of the high aims of the league the locarno pact and the entry of j dv lona university was followed with tense interest by germany into the ixague he con- r the crowded council chamber after tinned made it more remote and iondon it has been announced extending a warm welcome to ger- level of great lakes changes 7year cycle lake michigan shows signs of returning to previous high level ludington mich sept 19 the level of lako michigan is showing surprising rise and marine men pre diet that the sevenyear cycle in the lowering and raising of the water is holding through the lake level is rising gradually says captain william rosie in charge of the government dredge it is a steady rise that appears likely to con tinue the level has risen four or fivo inches since last spring it is about the same as one year ago at this time the level continued to drop last year however and it was the lowest in history during january february and march of this year but follow ing the period of low level tho lake started to rise stantly killed or fatally injured the dead are robert robinson brakeman lon don died in hospital david brown engineer london in stantly killed albert willsie fireman london in stantly killed g b sewart fireman london died shortly after accident edward rutledge engineer whose home is at 704 eiias street london will recover attendants at st josephs hospital said today he is suffering from a broken arm and bodily bruises robinson aged 47 died in the pub lic general hospital late saturday night he was thrown clear of the train when the collision occurred and l was so badly injured that physicians said it was impossible for him to re cover his right leg was broken in two places and he suffered wounds about the hips shoulders and head as hokfax a force of royal can- adian mounted police are securing the j countryside ii tho vicinity of tan- j tallon a fishing village on st mar- jkarets bay near hcre in search of a gang of eight headed it is claimed by wild archie mcneil a cape bre ton boxer of some local prominence and 13 kegs of rum factors in an all- night battle between officers of the law and members of the rumrunning fraternity thursday afternoon shortly after 14 kegs of rum had been seized on the property of edmund smith at tantakon by customs officials a gang of eight men drove op in a car and openly threatened tho officers revolvers were drawn and the gang were finally induced to disperse some hours later a start was made for haii- maining ia the motor truck fax with the seized rum in a motor up to a late hour on friday none of truck suddenly all four tires went i the desperadoes had been apprehended flat and it was discovered that tha road had been littered with nails and broken glass temporary repairs were made but it was found that on account of the condition of the tires little progress could bo made attempts to communi cate with halifax by telephone were unsuccessful and it was found that the wire had been cut it was then decided to spend the night at glenhaven where the rum was stored under guard in a barn be longing to john smith shortly there after the barn was attacked and fol lowing a- barrage of rifle anil revolver shots an entrance was effected the guards on duty in view of the num bers opposing them secreting them selves in the haymow the gang then made off with 13 kegs missing one re- the markets prints 19 to 19c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails 16 to lshc blocks 17 to 17c heavy steers choice 750 to 8 do good 7 to 725 butcher steers choice 675 to 7 do good 6 050 do com 450 to 575 but cher cows choice 5 to 550 do toronto man wheat no 1 north 155 no 2 north 147 no 3 north 111 man oats no 2 cw nominal no fair to good 4 to 475 butcher bulls 3 not quoted no 1 feed nominal nokood 450 to 550 bolognas 350 to 2 feed nominal western grain quota- 4 canners and cutters 250 to 3 tions in cif ports 8 milch cows 70 to 1c0 spring- am corn track toronto no 2 ers choice 80 to 115 med cows yellow 89c no 3 yellow 87c millfeed del montreal freights bags included brtn per ton 2925 shorts per ton 3125 middlings 2825 good feed flour per bag 230 ont oats 42 to 44c fob shipping foint3 ont good milling wheat 120 to 122 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 56 to 61c buckwheat nominal 45 to 60 feeders good 6 to 650 do fair 5 to 6 calves choice 12 to 13 do good 9 to 11 do med 7 to 9 grassers 450 to 5 good lambs 13x0 to 1375 do bucks 1150 to 1175 good light sheep 6 to 7 heavy sheep and bucks 4 to 550 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1225 do fob 1175 do country points 1150 do off cars 1275 select premium 242 montreal 5r coon n i oats no 2 cw 60c no 3 cw man flour first pat 880 to- 57cjdovextra novifeed58c flour ronto do second pat 780 man m wheat pat firgts 8 g0 ont flourtoronto 90 per cent d 7 go g btst rong bakers n l t k 1 5760 do winter pats choice 620 560 seaboard m bmk 550 to 6 eo b 9 lbs j2s5uvs pfifftrfrfrf 19 9320 bran 2925 shorts 3l25 19 t middlings 3925 hay no 2 per ton fi large 26c twns vl cheese finest wests 17 to 17c fe ls i uo finest easts 16 to 17c butter to n 1 pasteurized 32 eggs stor- i age extras 43c do storage firsts 39c egg fresh extras in cartons 49 f- st s d ex 27c triplets 30c butter finest s6 to 37c no 2 34 to 30c to 50c fresh extras loose 48 to 49c i tt- j to ouc iresn extras loose io to ac wol as internal injuries his widow j 43 fr secondg two daughters and a son survive j to g5c storage extra3i 43c do vrilsie was thrown cear and was fi 39c do seconds 32c instantly killed stewart and brown poultry dressed chicken spring were pinned in the wreckage the squabs 1 to 1 lbs 32c do spring former living for about half an hour over 4 lbs 40c do 3 to 4 lbs 38c brown met death instantly d 2 to 3 lbs 33c do 2 to 2 tras 50c do fresh firsts 45c veal calves 10 to 11 lambs 1225 to 1250 for ewes and weth ers do bucks 1150 hogs thick smooths 1275 do lights 12 to 1225 o ammonlfvsalts in gatineau district valuable mine discovered near hull is second on continent lbs 32c hens over 5 lbs 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 24c two men starve for three roosters 22c ducklings 5 lbs and days in northern bush up handpicked 2co per lushel primes 240 per bushel sudbury john g simms and w e mnple produce syrup per imp masson of little current lost since gal 225 to 230 per 5gai 215 monday night en the north shore of to 225 per gal maple sugrr lb 25 hull sept 19 reports of the dis- georgian bay were located by a to 26c covery of a valuable mine of ammonia search party early friday af ternoon k a t i 13c salts in the gatineau district on the the pair were found huddled around a 1 l vos 3 to river about 65 miles above fire on the beach between fraser bay gnl40 to u per dozen maniwaki is made here today and bay finn and although only five smoked meats hams med 33 to the find was made by delphis old mariners say that for somelmies from the village of killarney 34c cookedhams 48 to 50c smoked ricard of hull last spring and since reason as yet unexplained the level of were not aware of the fact neither rolls 28 to 80c breakfast bacon 35 then government experts from the the great lakes changes in eyees of had tasted food for three days to 40c backs boneless 41 to 46c j quebec provincial mines dept have seven years the level continues to simms and masson set out monday cured meatslong clear bacon co been over the property and have de- decrease for seven years and then afternoon in a 45foot motor boat for x a up 22 34- lightweight tha 1s f v asset to comes back figures prove this to be bay finn a distance of 15 miles g i wfh dv f true but no one has been able to dis- where masson was to act as scrutineer rolls 3950 per bbl it ls stated that there is only one cover the cause the lake during the at the polls on their failure to maro lard pure tierces 16 to 17c other mine ike it on the american present cycle reached a new low level their destination a search party ms tubs 17 to 18c pails 18 to 18c continent which is in colorado this cycle was reached a year ago organized and the boat with propeller and the increase should have started cogged with weeds was found in a beached condition tracks leading many whose adhesion he said meant eo much to the furtue destiny of eur ope dr bones declared that there were no plans no entrenched camps no opposing factions in the council but only men whoso pulso must over bent to the fulfilment of the high aim of putting into practice tha funda mental principles of the covenant of the league more improbable i would like even to hero phii joseph who gradu- jjt from the craft convinced the searchers that tho pair were alive and the search was maintained it now appears that tho missing men had mistaken fraser bay for bay finn and in landing had stranded say impossible that there should be in iaw from mcgi11 university any war between the throe coutitire instantly killed while riding in sidecar turks island swept by hurricane carrying away all shipping britain germany and france than it degree of doctor of philosophy acceptj ever has been in their lifetime there ed h don university the work is a certain danger f a setback if for which joseph will receive a doctor- there is too much urcitipil rh ate is a 500page book on the diplo- montreal que mrs charcmagnc reached a veocity of lao mies a hour l it urtisicil gun mauc ici of a the great powera l auer 31 of this city was instantly leaving ruin and desolation in its wake of the storm apparency passed over paticularly along the const where ail j grand turk at 4 pm carrying cvery- houses were badly damaged hardly thing in its wake the wind at that halifax ns a hurricane swept assistance was needed turks island thursday and carried friday evenings cable read in part away all shipping completely demo- as follows ished many houses and changed thoi hurricane of great intensity pass- entire sea front according to a report ed over turks island on the 16th in- reaching the halifax and bermuda j stunt barometer at 8 am was 2991 co during the afternoon tho wind it started to fall rapidly and atl pm was 2926 and still falling tho centre the dutv of the british and french with e to chma ntited kicd friday night when the motor- governmriu continued lord grey chinas fin de siecle he was also cycle in which she was a passenger is to transform mistrust in germnnv admitted recently to membership in capsized her husband who accom- the council decided to push for- 1 gradual v into confidence ind the t the british institute of internationa panied her was slightly injured the many sa lighters were lost at the mies per hour bowing from the ward the project tor the ettab shment of the g an go vernme t it to affairs he is now in canada in machine overturned when her husband timc the meaage wa3 sent no loss of northwest at 6 pm the storm w svsstistli2 misgiving ftt he vi october he will be admitted to the suddenly applied the brakes to avod ife nad been reported the islands ed signs of abatement and the wind doptod a resolution that the council countries english bar striking a boy on a bicyce supply of foodstuffs a house escaped the report stated and hour having gained a velocity of 150 were short and veered round to the southwest mutt and jeff by bud fisher the lion tamers are holding an endurance dancing contest ycsjcff tile liom taixeks ab- i plttimg on aw emtwrwce 1ftancin comtcst aajb ck- th bafty vuhos oimma cop thfc worlds ecouba rvii p i 0 vou thlmc you cam anc otitr iho hours mutt bs 223 ccrtaimlv ws comtcst si apis atwin6 1h1s moljmlwfi drop tonight amt foutl c6 nvc st starting j nzixrl l uiirtt you i fioot hjcu hr b 4j y mts 60nma tee loncsomea thfe ncxt fiuti ob sty- 1 davs ulltli mutt damcimg j ir hr4jj iffis fouft octoctti xll brop in om mutt untrt ruese sawdujicrveii he4 bm dancing seuew hours nouj an1 rx- st hes kumrv i i i i

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