stouffville august 5th 1926 mthappeninj stoaffville bandu next engage- iuxt is with the sutton horse show on august 5 c and 7 there is said to to a cumvi of coses of whooping cough in town a disease now on the contagious list tlie talnd death of kev joseph rcuu agej so yeans ffuw deceasou was sta tioned in stoaffille and murkhrai many years ago bo courteous to tlsitors safety razor blades sharpened satisfaction guaranred or money refunded single edge 3c double edge 4c boadwayas drug store tlte open season for minting duefc geese and snipe is from sept 1st to dec 15th coming st f k luke opto metrist 16 tonga st torontomay foe o2ued about your eyes for gluarxu at j boadways drug store stouftville thursday aug 26th to bring home the bacon la dally press last week con- t ambition of tho sportsman yet the nnounctment of the the five rinks which played in the the womens christian temper ance union will ibe held at the home of mrs h hodgson on tuesday august 10th at 3 pm a dona tion for tho budget firnd will e received secretary bowling tournaments at toronto and tort ferry last week were not able to do this some of the locals gave he prize winners a run for their lives however mountmorencjy cberries well sprayed scan ilquart basket also all kinds of small fruit e walls phone 651 the cannington baseball team which played hi stouftville on july 12th has dropped to third place in the northern league suntton la likely to win that district auditorium theatre stouffville friday anj saturday august 6th and 7th dov da kb devil starring jack hoxie also do not muss seeing edna marian in stranded gumdipping makes firestone ballcon last longer ttreten everywhere firestones mean most miles per dol lar a fact made possible by superior quality and ser vice swifts garage mr joan lewis who succeeded tho kite j j rae in the grocery business in stouffville has disposed of his stock and goodwill to mrw a stonehouse of port lock a small town up on the north shores pos session this week imr stonehouse and hi3 ftrwsly arrived this week civic holiday was very quietly kept in stouffyille the weather being ideal foi- motoring many spent the day motoring while othorg preferrellthe cool shades of their own homes the band bose- hau girls andy a large following took to the lennox picnic the largestcrowd tjnat had heen in town on a sat ur da night this sum mer was here laft week caused partially toy reason of the holiday jars iwl closely parloed from todds an the east to the station on top west side of the business section dames and side streets were also popular parking places the l c wideman farm on the corner of the ninth concession and thetowmune adjoining the corpor ation has been in the family name for more than a century and in order to retain his property mr wmeiwan had to refuse 12000 for the place the property contains 100 acres with excellent buildings and is tenanted by mr jack davis the business mens bible class and orchestra of uxfrridge will officiate oft the evening service in one stouffville united church next sunday mr t d gold class leader wiill preach the sermon and the cuss orchestra will render special music this organization attracted a crowd last yeir which filled the gallery and the body of the church only a smalt amo came into the stouf thursdf y las- ive steady eggs soli fille of yroduce irarket on price were 26 and 28c per dozen and butter a- 28c per pound therewas no fowl offered the town of whitby has just pur chased at a cost of 80 a new mower ho that the municipality may keep the weeds properly cut along the streets of the town this is an idea that might well be adopted in other places a reunion of the uxbrddge and district old boys was held last week on the farm of frank hovvsam lew- van sask and we notice among the published list of those present mr and mrs elijah pennock of stouff ville out and mr xand mrs rose anderson of filmbre sask too siuch mottterixlaw darling admission adults 25c children 16c 8 g schmidt prop lost pair small ice toagspind- er notify fred mowder snowhite dairy missaimamowat of king has bean spending three weaks of her vacation at the home of her grandparents in town mr and mrswellington wiideman stouffville ont announce the en gagement of their only daughter pern irene to imr everett stewart bnight of wellington ont second son of mrs bright and the late charles bright of brampton ont the marriage to take place about the middle of august look at the label on yiour paper and if it is not paid up remit now our last intimjation of this kind teleaiied uip oulr mailing list very well for the local subscribers but there ate a number in western can ada and the united states still in arrears if you appreciate the paper pay for it otherwise settle up and have it stopped isnt that flair attend the picnic of the horti cultural society fof members and their families to be held in memor ial park stouffville on fridayaug 13th at 230 p m ibring your baskets and dishes mrs percy waters of toronto will be present at the picnic to give a talk and de monstration on the proper arrange ment of table bouquets superior groceries specials this week lomons per doz 20c zinc jar rings 2 doz- 19c certo per bottle 32c superior baking powder 25c post bran flakes per pk lie horse shoe salmon large t 39c fruit and vegetables a w scott neilsons ice cream and chocolates inspector jordon of south york has made an analysis of the passing of entrance pupils in his inspectorate which includes the township of whitchurch on the whole 85 of the pupils who wnoffce on examina tions passed ten schools showed a percentage of 100 in their pass ing and many showed 80 to 00 only in one case did a school stand as low as 00 which was a very small rural school in stouffville the percentage was 60 so that the standing of the locail school will be seen to he as low as the poorest rucnal school in south york inspec torate which adjoins our own divi- sion last wednesday june 2stb rev e morton had a call to go to little britain j to officiate at the funeral ox mrs in culhert whoin he has known for many yeuirs little britain is near the home of mrs dunn the daughter of rev and mrs morton despite the wanning often hsard that mail couriers are underpaid there are plenty of monready to undertake the work at still smaller pay rural route no2 markham was advertised for tender last montl and arthur pry was the successful tenderer at around 525 a man domed shank had the route previ ously at 600 and claimed there was no nitons in the job for him the daily tjfip is 15 miles leaving markhanf tod going north on the 8th concession to within a mile and a quarter of ringwood thence across to the 7th concession and south to markham the scale of pay will be less than 2 per day but then there are thousands of peo ple who drive a car 15 miles a day totally at their own expanse for the mere fun of it barber shop talk u lmmillllllmlllllliiiimnnillmilllmiiilllllliiminllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllliiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitlllllllllllllllliimilllllll nrvakm mymoutm coadace company good twine c there is a world of satisfaction for the farmer in the use of twine that runs smoothly in his binder from beginning to the end of harvest the good old reliable plymouth twine even and strong throughout and is more econom ical to use than shortlength twine the length is guaranteed by the tag on every ball of plymouth 41 for real twine satisfaction there is nothing like the genuine plymouth twine silvester bros the death took place in toronto on thursday july 29th of mrs adeline wheeler widow of the late dr wales the deceased was an ojged lady hut spent her girlhood days in stouffville being a daughter of the late edw wheeler one of the founders of the village ivhosa resi dence stood on the grounds now i occupied by dr ira freels fine homo adeline wheeler is remembered by some of our eldest citizens as a win some lady and her first husband was the late silas patterson mrs ig crosby of uxjbridge and mr john wheeler now of jacksons pointare sister and brother of the deceased mrs david forsyth a resident of stouffville for thirtyfive years died at her heme on market street during tha early hours of tuesday ntornlng she having passed peace fully away in her sleep after ton oclock the previous evening she retired in good health and expressed the opinion to a friend that she felt unusually well the funeral takes place this thursday afternoon inter ment being at stouffville cemetery rev dr booth a former pastor will be hero to conduct the service the customer in the next chair it seemed was a dealer in automobile tires and he was waxing eloquent regarding advertising evidently he knew all about it for he iwas doing all the talking according to him the billions spent on advertising was the sole reason for the high cost of everthing rrom radio to rat poison he wanted a law passed to prohibit advertising i we didnt start an argument but wo couldnt help thinking of the camera now selling for 1000 that formerly cost 25 and the present camera a much better instrument twenty years ago it cost a canner twenty per cent to sell 500000 cans of a famous brand of soup now it costs hhn five per cent to sell 18000000 cans weekly and with an increase in both quality and quantity without advertising there could have been no such demand i tjlie price of fords was once in excess of 1000 contrast the ford of that era with the ford of today and the price tho cocoa cola company started in business about thirty years ago as soon as mr chandler got some extra money he began to advertise tlio name cocoa cola delicious and refreshing in a magazine hero and a newspaper and a drug store window there tho businosss grow and grew un til a syndicate of hankers went down to see mr chandler and bought him out for around 25000000 but what they actually bought was the name cocoa cola then the owners cancelled every advertising contract to cut expenses the first year they lost around 2- 500000 gallons in sales and they spent in tlie following year moro than twice as much money in ad vertising to reestablish their busi ness as they would have had to carry out their advertising had there been no change in policy the barber shop sage went on to say that advertising was a recent development and it would pass out shortly as an uneconomic policy he evidently had overlooked the fact that our prehistoric forefathers would have perished from the earth quality service fulopep growing mash the worlds record for two years egg production is held by a fulopep raised pen of birds if- you want to raise a lot of pullets that are large in frame solid in body that lay well and look use fulopep growing mash another car of schumacher feed just arrived this is the fourth car this month which speaks well for schumacher feed bell cow bran and shorts on hand stiver bros flour feed and seed merchants phone 4501 announcement masseyharris and ford agency please be advised that we have taken over the ford agency for this district any service that we can do for you we will appreciate mr arthur swift is handling our repair parts and service and mr thos scott claremont is repre senting our sales service in the claremont district we have one second hand ford roadster one half ton truck and one ford touring for sale also a number of farm im plements we are agents for the ontario wind engine pump co the pedlar roofing the canadian potato mach inery co large stock of repairs on hand d holden agent phone 184ox stouffville r where quality counts bulk macaroni spaghetti vermicelli special 323 golden gate summer drinks orangeade or lemonade 23c bottle preserving requisites crown small m largo 49 doc tloz jars parowax 2 pkts 25c rubber rings 3 pkts 25c zinc rings 20c certo bottle 32c a new i canadian i cheese 21 lb shirriffs jelly powders 3 for 25c domino 73 c delicious for iced teas peaches htarj syrup tin 25c pears in light syrup tin 15c singapore pineapple tin 15c light and crisp quaker corn flakes o pkts 29c salmon etc socfceye 1 lb tin 43c salmon vi lb tin 23c- cohoe 1 lb tin 29c salmon vz lb tin 1 7c brunswick sardines 5 titt25c herrings in sauce tin 23c kippered snacks 2 tins 13c chicken haddie tin 25c new pack lobster 49c crossed fish sardines for your lunch bucket 111 these prices in effect for one week from date of this paper 137c p boadway mgr stouffville openmgsale -of- mc forsyth was born in vaughan i had thoy not known the acienco of township boin mary ann boothby reading advertisements the cave and is the last of a family of five children in 1872 she married tho late david forsyth who passed a- way five years ago to tills union there were two children lamherl b forsyth who died in 191c and mrs hj malloy with whom tho mother lived for some tim tho fate edw baothby of altona was a brothor to the doeiwxed mrs forsyth was a kinl and affectionate man didnt ijnow much about under wear or bacon dono up tn a fancy box but tbey did have to eat and the one who could follow the tracks of tho game ho hunted or road the meaning of a twisted leaf or a bro ken twig was host orr in life even now tho most consistent reader of advertising is usually the best- fed and roost contented that there had been something of an ovo- mothur and in her moro youtliful lution in advertising n tho last few djya was a constant attendant as hundred years is freely admitted a mombcrs of tlie former methodist but the principle is tho same the church she was also a member of consistent reader ana tho consl3tont the royal templars and enjoyed a user of advertising invariably gcis wide circle of friends who are most from hfo from bumps and chocked a her sudden demise skids i boots aiid shoes commencing thurs aug 5 big savings levs bunnyf0dt gtwanmoowlarwm cushion sole shoes camaoa tulcvs bimwrt cuumoocaemmi cushion sou smocs mfasi patent oxfords froin 250 mlafloas brown oxfords at only 250 ladies patent strap shoes at 345 ladieo kid strap shoes at 345 ladies white canvas straps at 250 men fl work booto at 3 50 pair mens oxfordbat per pair 395 boybot8 sizes 11 12 13 150 mens fviovboots at per pair 395 boys boots 11 to 2 in 3lz3 250 misses ratent strap shoes 250 to 175 pair y j childrens patent stnvpfi 150 to 175 pair k infants patent shoos from 100 io 175 r clearing sport shoes at 1bss titan cost for men and bovs a h saunders old post office building cor mam and market