registered high layers by m c herner profcseor of poultry husbandry manitoba agricultural college aroused registrar of records and sent to the breeder to fill out no breeder can get birds i registered unless they make their record in a laying contest pul lets from registered hens cannot be registered till they in their turn have qualified in a laying contest ss lesson july 25 the passover exodus 11 1 to 12 16 golden text for even these narratives of the pentateuch a compilation of material drawn from various older documentary sources here we have- a first set of rules for the passover in vs 113 then rules for a festival of unleavened bread great interest has been throughout canada in the national registration of highproducing hens so for the benefit of poultrymen across the line full details are given of how the registrations is handled in developing such a system based on record of performance poultrymen are confronted with greater difficul ties than are breeders of any other stock the hen has no connection with her offspring and she reproduces or might reproduce herself over 200 times a year thus making pedigree breeding and registration far more complicated than with livestock trapnest records are invaluable as they stand bat become of utmost value if they can bo used as a basis for registration this is the goal to christ our passover is sacrificed for which seems to have been originally separate from the passover 2315 dont let summer hurt your skin by sara swain adams the lovely summer days take their another yet the tol these long lazy hours are the lotuseating days when we stir un easily under the pitiless heat of sun i in vs 1420 then a second set of pass- analms over regulations in vs 2127 there i the death of the fjkstbokn 11 are supplementary rules in vs 4350 and accept without resistance the dry- 110 12 2930 land further regulations governing the ing warmth of summer breezes ii the passover law and its fiast feast of unleavened bread and the you didnt think you werent i celebbation 12128 i sacrifice of the first born in chapter aware t tbe hours were af- iii preparation for departuee and j fecting your skin were you you was the month couldnt believe that neglecting your a bird that qualifies for registra-j- guftf th g euyptians i this month v 2 tion is tattooed in both wings before l 123130 ifst an compare j y gummer m 134 the old jewish year began in leaving tho contest in the right- wing j i- inf im jtwn war ssii m 3 introduction the chapters fol- the autumni and to this d the jews j b such d faults wing our last lesson tell of the re- irn of moses to egypt his meeting with aaron his brother and with the respon to the latter part of march corners of your eyes and traversing and the left w b f mfmls september tri month ai cor- ature wrinkles fanning out from the yet examine those cruel little pro- year letter a 1924 and so on no fema 1 elders of israel their interviews with the flrstarttf april orour your brew tan too freckl ify unless her eggs yjxsilsi r wa tit the oresof them what can you do first terod provided that both his dam and t b evidence that the to e that the rfratddam are registered and he and hl or ls drawn from three older nar- j of the psver in the form given grarddam are registered and lie riiatees and that some of the stories h comcs from iod j tw the answer to it all is neglect now you must devote yourself to ward which trapnest records pedi- s have passed inspection in- nro duplicated as for example 8 s tfj i vn hundred correcting these things for what wo- gree breeding and aing contests are spection is rigid it rules out any i and 2024 where the word which after the time of moses the man in these modern days will let her striving todry toreach this goal birds that have disqualifications under j la translated lice may quite possibly i wionth was reckoned from- new moon smn krow old and tcfr intelligent ing to compare i yww r j- these principles are embodied in hatched from the registered hens must account of the plagues in psalm 78 beved that the destroying angel the system of registration followed in j be wing banded with a sealed band i which- gives a list of seven and inp ove aw tne nouses of tin canada today in connection with thai within three weeks after hatching pl- hebrews winch were so rartal and canadian laying contests contests ing but dash out with all the joy of an adventurer starting on a new and are uniform from coast to coast oper ated by the same agency and governed by tho same rules trapneet records made under the conditions are fair to all brooders and they carry official sanction the contests are operated by the dominion experimental farm system at their branch farms in the different provinces the laying contest is tho agency responsible for developing the registration work any hen making a trapnest record of 200 or more eggs in fiftytwo consecutive weeks in any contest becomes eligible for registra tion application is made to the canadian national poultry record association ifor registration just as the livestock man applies through his association registration papers are issued by the matter each year the flood brings k 5 eommon worship psalm 105 which has the same num- nedr v we so mar an1 thrilling trip men they go into the contest pul- a sitsrm tote observed in mom- open the shades and let the sun in lets from registered hens must be a 3 lan1 of s lory of that great deliverance the if it is a bright day and if not put banded in the right wing with the hand of god j seen ln their i of the lamb roasted was to be sunshine into everything you do your- offlcial metallic wing label and also apid succession and their cxtraordi- 1 t bread bit- self the 8 d are good times nary severity each year tho water r t the fating of unleavened to put on a little extra touch of rouge of the nile turns a dull red at the breadjvasjbo e s d and to start tho household duties in a crisp frock or apron as you prepare breakfast or make i i up the beds watch the way you stand with it myriads of frogs in autumn kffl the jwjmwr v 21 in vs 21- j h h h of your body every there are swarms of mosquitoes which 28 we return to the story of moses v j j breed in tho shallow water of the rice and the last night in egypt hjyssop t v bend you can form exce fields skin diseases are commonanri was some kind of herb the nature of lent physical habits with these daily at rare intervals there have been cat- which is not certainly known the tie plagues locust swarms are some- stalks and leaves of which were used times known which do fearful dam- 1 in ceremonial sprinkling lev 1461 age while thunder storms with hail num 196 and compare psalm 517 and sand storms which produce dark- the blood thus shed and sprinkled or i ness as thick is a london fog are not poured at the door became to the he- of any kind it appeas to the breed- uncomraon the most mysterious and brews a symbol of gods saving grace ers and carries with it accuracy rej terrible of all the plagues was that and power their enemies and oppres- liability and integrity to a degree not which smote the firstborn in all the sors suffered but they were spared the official chick band cockerels for which application for registration is made must bear similar identification marks before they become eligible when a male passes final inspection it is tattooed in the wings in tho same way as the female when it leaves the laying contest this system of registration of heavy layers has so far been an unqualified success there are sufficient restric tions and limitations placed upon it to guard against fraudulent practices tne waterir t red at the bread was to continue for seven days tfmeof tncnooa1njur august t the seventh days to be owing to the presence of vegetable as sabbath days for religious gather jtii n usila ings and common w kill the passover reached under any other system that land has so far been suggested cattle for the show ring beef cattle must be properly fitted before they are taken on the show circuit although the feeding and fitting must be begun a long time in iii preparations for departure 31- 36 i the death of the firstborn 111 110 and 12 2930 there could have been ro sleep that yet one plague 111 is promised night for the man and women of is- a ready pharaoh has been threatened rael they ate with loins girded their with this greatest calamity moses shoes on their feet and staff in hand duties throw your shoulders back and expand your chest keep your back straight when you stand erect stand squarely on both feet these little reminders keep your body young and normal coaxing out the wrinkles drink six or eight glasses of water between meals each day make your self the human body needs lots of fundamental re quirements of the human ekln axe so similar that every woman can follow these simple instructions with bene fit a jar of pure com cream isthe first essential if you would also own a lov ly skin use it use it freely and yet with the gentle consideration of your skin that it deserves dont look upon a jar of cold cream as a luxury or an extravagance but see in every jar an insurance against an old ugly wrinkled skin make a little rite of these minutes ted to beauty brush back your hair so it will not be touched by your cream push your clothing back from your shoulders so you can mako lon firm sweeps with your fingers when you apply your cream sit before a hiirror so you can watch your face as you cleanse it and as the old- fashioned photographers would say look pleasant what is the use to coax out yesterdays lines if you screw up your countenance when you do the coaxing dip out the cream with your finger tips aijd smooth it gently over your skin begin just under your chin an sweep upward and outward toward the top of your ears start ovef again beginning at the corners of the mouth and cover the cheeks with a broad flatfingered movement always slightly upward and outward in your progress persistent attention you know why dont you this uoward stroke helps to lift the mus cles and tissues that tend to fall it is amazing how much we can help counteract a httle slump of natvtreby persistent attention your fowhead wants cream too plenty of it staa ln the centre with the finger tips of both hands and gently zigzag them up and down moving out toward you temples at the temples rub the re maining cream in slow firm circles upward and outward till you feel a relaxing of those tired eye muscles your nose must have its cream sup ply begin at the bridge and use the firm little circular movement between the brows then down the bridge and liming young clover several experiment btations have given some attention to the matterof has been bidden by the lord to say and they ate in haste the best time to apply lime and have to pharaoh thus saith the lord word of comma found that over a period of years israel is my son my firstborn and them forth upon moisture and you can scarcely over- tws eame circuar moveme for do the healthy habit of drinking pure the w the nose you s fresh water frequency cold drink hot water feel fresh water frequently if you ieei from flve to twenty it will warm minutes thi3 treatment it is haste waiting for tho up your stomach and send a nice gow thorough way to nd which was to send 1 0 your body kever drink ieedi 1f vm tif n their great adyen- as a pract water of the f 1- r nf vavnt there i of a facial massage advance of the opening of the show i there is little difference in tho eftw h said let my son go ture in the homes of egypt there coomes3 that does not con cleanse the face the first principles j a facial massagel you can make mnrtpr he ma ms and thou nast was lamentation and dread and thwvjpb th what you choo r matte refused to let him go behold i will egyptians were urgent upon the peol but mere freshens it is the you must have a clean soft cloth final touches is just as important ai whether it is appied on the plowed 8 thy son thy first born 422- p that- they might send them outjbest to wipe away this cream it hks be- the feedng i soil or at some more convenient time 24 the sand in haste for they said we tb habits once formed become as e an oil 6ubstane now a sub- be all dead men v 33 i automatic and as easy to do as the i season the routine of putting on the tiveness of the limestone the cattle should be trained to lead j during tho rotation the two points well and stand in a correct position when lined up before the judge this training must be begun several months before the cattle aro taken away from the farm animals that are properly trained to lead and stand well when lined up before the judge ln the ordinary rotation at which limestone can be most conveniently let them sk v 2 compare 321- 22 they are bidden according to tho custom of- the east to asl for prcs- j scattered are on the new seeding not to borrow with no intention of clover following the wheat or oats returning what they borrowed j harvest cr on the sod land after the ir the passover law 1212s hay crop has been removed i there is here a combination of the of theseliming the young clover j stor c the first passover on the eye i 1 stance that penetrates the pores soft- he made a way tohis anger task of dressing and every one of j j surface of the bk md he spured not their soul from death i them- he ps to bui d newer and more a the subbbrn dirt wipe this but gave their life over to the beautfulookig skin ag as woum rub pestieree have a schedule for each day even utj i xi i u and smote all the firstborn ot you can ahvays fo fa the s never t y0ur swn always present a better appearance would seem to be of especial interest 1 the departure from egypt and the and receive more attention than rest- probably much of the new ower fef aal s ess catte seeding survives the summer and jfo better illustration could show animals should be washe at would be preserved against winter- be found of the fact already more icf a week for a month or six killing if limestone were applied to it than once mentioned that we have in weeks before starting on the show cir- during the summer if the stand of cuit- washing increases the growth clover is not thick enough it can still of hair and makes the skin clean soft be reseeded during the month of july and pliable soft water is preferred just before or after the liming takes to haid water tar soap should be place used when it is possible to get it in in connection with surface appli- washing the cattle first pour water cations of limestone we have found over the hair and skin so that the that coarso products can be used to dirt is thoroughly soaked after ap- advantage under these conditions plying the water soap should be rub- lying on the surface of the ground bed into the hair by meanofa stiff the large particles are exposed to brush until a good lather has been weathering action and tend to bo re set up a little water is added from dticed in size and to be dissolved sub- time to time while rubbing to loosen sequently becoming a part of the soil the dirt and wash it off the skin after july and august are good months in which to study the new seeding of clover and help it prepare for its first winter when most of the casuali- ties occur egypt the chief tents of han but made his own people to go lorth like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock psalm 785052 iplan at least have one and include in of the strength in thej a few minutes for spcm attenticm to your skin every skin differs slightly from every other skin anil sometimes a cure that is effected in a short time for one person may take much longer for calgary stampede a unique event mmxm the entire surface has been thorough ly rubbed and washed the animal should be rinsed with clean water luntil all the soap has been- removed the surface should be wiped as dry as j possible if the hair is long enough it may be curled which usually gives selecting young cockerels the animal a more attractive appear- j during this month a lot of young ance i cockerels are going to lie sold as broil- it is quite essential thatthe animal ers from among this number a few be kept out of drafts and blanketed will have to be saved as future breed- urtil the skin is dry i i males the question is how to de- in addition to tho washing and cido which ones are most worth sav- trtiimng to lead well and stand cor- ing rectly tho feet must be trimmed the when pedigree hatching is possible horns cleaned scraped and polished j and ts practiced tho problem is great- in the case of aberdeenangus tholy simplified in that the parentage of head and tail should be clipped j every chick is known so that it is pos- the animal- should be brushed just j siblo to save families of good chicks before leading into the ring to remove rather than good individuals from any particle of hay straw or dirt that families in which there were perhaps may adhere to tho body if the hair many poor ones j is moistonedjto curl the water should since pedigree hatching cannot al- bo used sp singly tot that tho skin is ways be done it becomes important to not saturated and too wet when tho the characteristics of the grow- anima is brought into the ring if ing chickens with a vieft to dctermin- the body is wet from the use of toojj a basis on which logical selection much water the judge is not likely to can be made with reasonable -assur- examire the animal so carefully as is ance of accomplish done when brought before himin the suit very best condition animals that doi perhaps the most important fact to not have a long coat of hair should keep in mind is that a good cockerel ha shown dry and the hair brushed j no an ideal cock bird in miniature smooth the animal should bo led a cockerel that shows at twelve weeks iiuo the rirg with a leather showjof age the shape and formof bing the desired re- balk through the sunny garden through the sunny garden the humming bees are still the fir climbs the heather the heather climbs the hill tto low clouds havo riven a little rift through the mil climbs to heaven fer away and blue mrry e coleridge in poems ir3 lies s0006ocj farmers but it rrcrr nly j0co000 worth of farm rts and machinery rtii year ture male is usually not a desirable specimen to save as a future breeder cockerels with good frames fairly large in bone and those that feather rapidly normally and in balance are likely to develop in a way to justify their being saved furthermore it pays to save tho cockerels that are growing more rapidly than the aver age of the flock flag problem at aldershot every regiment at aldershot now fiesks own flag at us chief office tho union jack being reserved for head quarters and government house your roughly especially when you havo made it tender and pliable with cream after you have carefully wiped away as much cream as you can sponge your face with a little witch- hazel this homely- healthy liquid can be purchased at any drug store and is a marvelous tonic to your skin if you give your skin this treat ment just before retiring at night you can let this tonic dry on your skin if however yo- have taken the carjier hours of the day finish the treatment with a little ice rub over tho witchhazel upper ready to contest for the honors of tlieir tribe lower judging the bucking contest tho calgary stampede july 5th to 10th was unique in canada in that it was not professional the actual cowboys actual cliuckwafons and work horses from the ranches ln the district were the per formers in other words this stampede was the real thing in a ranching territory where every kind of thrilling sport known to the west was participated in by genuine westerners it is described as a gigan tic celebration staged on its own grounds by a west ern community there are very few such events ln america or oven in tho world tho chuck wagons camo from ranches as distant as ono hundred and fifty miles cowboys from all parts of the country with real bucking stock depict ed tho old and thrilling days of tho west pack trains from the mountains staged tho most novel packing competitions on the main streets of calgary the old red rlvor cart the pralrlesschoonor the democrats paraded tho street there was an indian village and tho indians in all tho glory of their tribal dress gave dally powwow the old hudsons bay log trading post and the pioneers hut welcomed the pioneers this annual reunion of former mounted pollco veterans cattlemen prospectors traders and all thoso pathfinders- who opened up the aberta trails is an event of importanco in tho provluce the clock is turned back to the good old days of forty years ago when tho town of calgary was a typical midwest ranching centre now tho old is mingled with tho modern development of the city the oldtimers portrayed the pioneer period tourists from all parts ofamcrica attended auto trails now connect with all the centres of the con tinent and many journeyed by the grand circuit and other main highways to the stompcle an interesting feature was the gathering ot mayors of various cities of canada and the united states authors pressmen magazlnt writers artists nnl sight seeing travellers swelled the crowd which broke all previous records sweet cream in summer from three to ten cents more per pound can be obtained for sweet cream in summer it can easily be kept sweet the first requirement is the steiill- zation with hve steam of all milk utensils tho next important factor is the care of the cream nfter separation i the warm cream from the separator shoum bo cooled before it is mixed i with the other cream by placing the container in cold water and stirring the cream a few minutes i if the well water is 55 dagreee j fahrenheit or lower little difficulty will be experienced in keeping the cream between shipping periods a tank holding the water in which the cans of cream are set should be placed between the well- and the water supply j for the farm in oris way fresh water is circulating around the cream allthe time there are several ex- cement types of cooling tanks on the market and bulletins describing home made types may be obtained from ot tawa if it is impossible to have a cooling tank covers made of several thlck- nssses of burlap may be made for tho cans these are dipped in water and then put over the cream cn if the can is then sot whre it is out of tlv sun but in a free circulation of air evaporation csen if the water is warm will lsp ths creism cool 1 thick cream keeps lctter than thin cream therefore the ciiam screw on the separator should od sat so as to produce a cream let ting 5 per cent or more i oftimes all tho advantages c good caro of cream are lost by the can be ing exposed to the sun during the trip to the station a wetblanket should be thrown over tlio cans en route to tho station reforms in italy the basclst government of italy has undertaken to preven begginj- on tho street and has succeavlctl to a aston ishing degree jt 1- is- a active campaign agai rilc of lin- proper and immoral papri m