stouff ville lodqe no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcome edw lintner w r sanders n grand recsee archie storer financial secretary s lesson i n loyal orange lodge no 1020 stodfftillb out regular mvetlnga fbcday at 8 pm on or betore fall mooa flowers weddqiq bouquets funkraii designs on shortest notice wo also have a beantttal selection of robes floral designs for all occasions muston sons phone 7001 stouffvffle july 4 israel enslaved in egypt exodus 1 114 golden text the lord win not cast off his people psalrm 94 14 analysis the kibst ceneration of israelites in egypt 16 increase ok the people and op pression by a new e3yptian dyn asty 714 introduction the book of exodus continues the history in brief sum- mary form through the long period of the israelites residence in egypti an then in much greater detail tells of j the subjection cf the people to a very i oppressive kind of bondage their de- liveraoce by moses and their journey through the wjldemess to the encamp ment at mount sinai in the second year of their departure from egypt the latter part of the book chaps 1940 tells of a number of important events which happened at sinai in cluding the giving of the law and the building of the tent sanctuary or tabernacle the name exodus is the latinized form of two greek words which mean departure or outward journey the great central theme of the book is that of gods care for his people delivering them from bondage leading them through the wilderness providing for their many wants giv ing them good laws and the beginning of a national constitution and dwell ing himself in the midst of them the last chapters of genesis tell the remarkable story of joseph jacobs son who rose to great power in egypt and who settled his father and his brothers and their dependants there in the northeastern part of that coun try in a time of famine it seems sweeping reductions in ford prices coincident with the reduction in the price of ford cars and trucks in the united states the ford motor company of canada limited announces the following prices effective june 19- in addition to these drastic reductions all models quoted below except the truck are now standard equipped with selfstarter and balloon tires iceless refrigerator inex pensive an iceless refrigerator at a cost of practically certain from our knowl nil iiattoo iciiigciaivi air a wax ux j less than five dollars is within the s i a r u v- v who hag tle i pharaoh who made joseph his prime history that the reach of any woman who has tisjhsse ssss and his knackof using tools or a man in ner sons was one of the gowned hyksoe family willing to devote a spare hour or shepherd kings who ruled in egypt to carpenter work properly located vin the eighteenth and seventeenth cen- it will save many trips to the base- turies before christ they were them- ment and much food j selves asiatics not native egyptians n and of a race akin to the hebrews a ihe principle of an iceess refnger- fact which account for m kind ator is tnat evaporating water cools ness wnich they showe and the wel- the refrigerator itself is simply a come vhich they gave them early in framework surrounded by wet cloth the sixteenth century bc these shep- it should be kept in a shady place but herd kings were driven out of egypt where there is a free circulation of air and were succeeded by egyptian kings a corner of your back porch that is of h eighteenth and nineteenth dyn- always shady would be an ideal spot astles one of wh was n d th t va- new king over egypt who knew not even on the hottest days in summer j 8 it will hold a temperature that will difference of inlon insure butter milk and other foods as to whethcr the king mentiom7d in coming to the table in excellent condi- our was thothmes hi of the tion instead of in a hopeless melted eighteenth dynasty whose reign ex- rnass tended over the first half of the fif- four posts four feet high are re- te century about 15031449 bc ouired arranee them either in n or r ii of the nineteenth dyn- quirea arrange tnem eitner m a sty iabo1 12 bc the m a square or a rectangle nail on a bot- former inion is 8upported b the torn of wood and put four sheves of statement inl kings 61 that solo- either wood or wire about four feet ra began to build the temple in jer- apart the top should be of solid usalem in the four hundred and wood and should hold an enamel pan eighth year after the children of over the framework put a covering of israel were come out of the land of rustproof wire screen and under this egypt soomons reign began about frame put tour second enamel ur short legs resting in a b and would fix the date aj tu- of the departure from egypt under ioi pan around this moses sho after b 14 framework fasten cloth stretched his view is the fact that thothmes iii tighty it should be long enough to conquered western asia including reach the bottom of both enamel pans model new price runabout 460 touring car 480 sport roadster 555 cupu 610 tudor 625 fordor 690 chassis 370 light delivery 470 light delivery van 525 truck nonstartt r 395 truck selfstarter 460 savings 50 50 40 50 60 55 40 60 50 50 65 above prices at factory freight to point of delivery and sales tax extra these reductions are made absolutely without sacri flee to the traditional quality and durability of ford products they open the way to car ownership to thousands of canadians who have not previous ly been afforded the comfort and economy of per sorial transportation j see your local authorized ford dealer today he will gladly demonstrate the model you are interested in and explain convenient terms of purchase ford motor company of canada limited ford ontario products of traditional quality i the first generation of israslites to keep dust off shoes in egypt 16 j n j amazing- how much dust will these are the names v 1 compare collect in a day or so on a pair of palestine and established an empire the last given in genesis 46827 if jshoes that has been thrown carelessly the closing down the side of this cloth which endured until the time of ram- 1 we addto these who are namedasthe a corner of the closet in the case of shoes for ordinary year it makes not quite so much difference for they can be brushed off or polished l in a few minutes but those intended should be made with snap fasteners so eses ii and therefort that if the direct descendants of jacob all those that it can bo easily opened heavy flannel can be used or t white cotton blanket that has outlived its usefulness will do the water from the first pan is carried to the tightly drawn cloth of the sides maintaining a low temperature within even on the hotter days mrs t m t it is hard to judge clothes and impossible to judge a wo man thafwny these days hebrewshad settled in palestine dur- who had become attached to them by ing this period they would have been marriage or who were their servants still subject to egypt or in conflict or dependants the total number will with that empire as still holding power appear to have been considerably more a iew n in palestine the whole matter is still this is implied in the phrase every for dressy occasions shoud receive in doubt and the course of events may have been much more intricate and involved than that shown in our his tory the commonly held view today is that the pharaoh of the oppression was rameses or raamses ii and that the exodus took place un son and successor merenptah about ibc 1200 birds and bugs by charles p shoffner we pay much attention to many we have upset the state of balaneo things that are in reality of little in relation to bird life we have care- value and neglect other matters which lessly thoughtlessly and arrogantly are of the greatest interest to man kind thats because we are human and also very often obstinate when a scientist says that it is pos sible for bugs to destroy the human race there is a lead haha and again a hahaha even scientists have been i known to be right man and his household all that gen- especial care dust is never good for eration the total period of the resi- shoes and they do not look as well dencc in egypt is given by the histor- 1 after being cleaned with any predara- ian as four hundred and thirty years tion as they did before this was neces- exod 1240 compare gen 1513 it j b t t th in exod 61620 there are just fouri b i s bcst them llke man by hlg that the exodus took place under his generations from joseph to moses if ne as as p ikushjtd at the idea of hear these passages all come from the same a good way to protect them from 7 pism ldc original source a generation must dust is to make a number of pairs of mfs v th the alr without the have been reckoned as about one hun- canton flannel overshoes with which i use wires drcd years if joseph and his people to cover them cut these in two pieces i t1 fo who do at th settled in egypt about bc 1600 or shape of stocking feet with the bugs are the ones who raise the food earlierwe can reckon- on this basis i ivrttttittikar ppy of the world they know that the exod as taking place about 1200 fhbs pnsk 0 everything produced is de- ii increase of the people and op- onset after a wonderful week- end on ontario roads no speed records were made for it was a trip of wholesome enjoyment two days in the vigorous outdoors in friendly farming country through alluring woodlands through fascinating villages and towns the trip will be remembered by what was seen not by the speed at which the road was covered with moderate driving every beauty spot was enjoyed every panorama vas appreciated there is good sense and good business in moderate driving in the country good sense because it enables you to see everything as you go along good business because excessive speed is dangerous and destroys the road surfaces as the cost of road maintenance is borne by you and other motorists you are interested in helping along this movement to preserve ontarios roads those who persist in breaking the speed laws will find a numerous traffic patrol on the highways whose duty it is tovigidly enforce the law pression 714 the hon geo s henry minister cf highway s l squire deputy minister issued by the ontario department of highways to secure the cooperation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads- of tbc province i the foot these covers should be large enough for the shoes to slip in easily f tr an tnhons of j and should fold over at the tops if insectk that mfe3t the fiel a new king v 8 the fact that one wisher a snap or two may bo attached i j do vou know of the treasure cities built by the to keep them fastened j do you know that the number of forced labor of the israelites was i if the covers are made ot different insect species is greater by far than called raameses would seem to point i co it wii j casi fe identify the of the species of all other living to the king as bearing that name but kloes y creatures combined slftolwthlttinw5blvs if shoe trees are not used when oyou know that almost 12000000 affea tk off catch the heel bff country the site of pithom and prob- one hand and the toe in the other and know that a single pair ogslls ably that ot raamses has been identi- straighten each sole then smooth the fied and the bricks used in the walls vamps with the firjers are found to have been made of nile tf i mud and chopped straw both cities if s room c were in the northeastern part of a p of shelf for shoes it- is egypt i better for them to be up off the floor killed our birds and have allowed the insects to increase enormously the birds appetite we have seedeating birds and in sectivorous birds the seedeating birds do much good by destroying weed seeds the insectivorous birds do you remamber feed prindpulv upon and these birds are now protected by law all birds at times will cat cultivated fruit generally this is caused- by lack of their natural food wild ber ries etc or by one species increasing to above the normal limits some birds teem to do more harm than good the crow both fish and common crow and the english spar row an imported bird are not pro tected on account of the damage they do i insectivorous birds eat an enormous number of insects the food of mea- these treasure cities v 11 or storo a dosedbox is a good place for them cities wore probably strongholds on but tne p bh be made of wire or near the eastern frontier for de- and covered with some materinl that fence and as depots for the supply of will keep out the dust but allow ven- provisions and arms in time of war tilation when putting shoes away service in the field v 14 must have be certain they are clean and perfectly included not ony the making of bricks j djy but also the digging of canals for irri- th t m t w gation the making of dykes and em- f fl r the closet bankments and the lifting of water for fhoeshelf or box get a piece of from tho river and its branches in the wood 4xi inches and as long as needed dry season the croat dams or bar- j nd drive nails in it letting the heads rages erected by british cngineeis in stand an inch or more above the sur- colorado potatobeetles if allowed to seeds fiftyone species of birds eat increase without molestation would hairy caterpillars and38 species feed in one season amount to 60000000 on plantlice most hawks and ovfis do you know that the unrestricted are great destroyers of mice arts and increase of one pair of gypsymoths j other rodents r would in eight years be numerous what should we do enough to devour all the foliage in first of all do not begrudge a fer fnce have the nails about five inches i apart fasten this strip in the most canada do you know that many caterpillars dally eat twice their weight in leaves do you know that there is a flesh- feeding larva that consumes in 24 hours 200 times its original weight do you know that every year insects cause a loss of more than 100000000 to the farmers truckraisers and fruitgrowers of canada facts nevertheless these are fact it is practically im- recent times for the control of the nile water have made unnecessary much of this burdensome toil anc lhave kuitabo pace in th closet with the possible to raise fruit or vegetables enormously increased the wealth and productivity of the land with what rigor the system of forced labor was employed may be judged from the fact recorded by hor odotus that one hundred and twenty thousand workmen lost their lives in the construction of a canal connecting tho nile and the red sea in the time of pharaoh necho seventh century bc in modern times mohammed alis canal from the nile to alexan dria cost twenty thousand lives nails almost against the wall and standing up the heels of the shoes can be caught over thp wood and the possibility of their falling can be pre vented by small loops attached to the heals of the covers and caught over the nails to remove rust when any part gets rusty put kero sene on it but bo sure to wipe it off after it has stood awhile kerosene is useful in removing rust but it will also cause rust after wiping off all without spraying spraying costs money and in the long run the con sumer must pay for it spraying is a makeshift and not a euro let us admit that birds can not save j tre past century all the fruit and vegetables nor can j we are up against a stern condition they eat all the bugs nor do all birds bugs arc increasing the human race cherries or a few of your berries to the birds they work for you faith fully how long would you auto run without gas second tench the children tho value of bird life put up birdhouses elim inate the enemies of bird life feed the birds in winter and plant trees shrubs and vines to supply the birds with their natural fruit foods remember that from the beginning of time man has been the greatest natural enemy of birds and extermin- ntor of the various species man with his gun trap cat and dog has been directly or indirectly responsible for the great decrease in bird life during eat bugs the real students of bird life know these things are impossible but what we do know is that insecti vorous birds are the natural enemies of insect life nature is closely balanced the na tural world long ago reached a slate of approximate balance where every living thing had its means of support any artificial check or change in the to remove the rust from plows etc just take some ground corn wet it and let it sour then put a halfinch layer of this mash on the rusty surl of the kerosene very carefully put oil j balance might easily cost a century of face and cover it with a soaked sack on the part or wipe with an oily rag trouble before the alow forces of nn- to keep it wet i n three days the rust crude oil is s very good to remove ture conld make the necessary read- will come off easily a j l rust justments is fighting for its food which is its life will you become an ally of th birds beehives should not rest directly upon tho ground brick timbers or special stands six inches high can be used for supports place hoard from the ground to the entrance i that heavily laden bees that drop near the hive eon crawl up