mmmrimttbmub mmmmum jh one woman hlledi nineffljbred iiilillip in a00m0bile cbashnear toronto i3fhsbfe i cash ticlubbed with hanxme7rtussre with toronto june 14 when a motor car driven by william patterson claremont street capsized in a ditch whue going at a fast rate past the home of lady bailie about twomfes 4 wst pi oakyille ont on the torontor hamilton highway at 215 sunday morning one young woman was killed four of the occupants were badly in jured and may not recover and five others one young girl and four men sustained slight hurts the victims are as follows dead loretta bosley aged 19 of 107 peter street miss bosley died in a njotor car while on her way to st josephs hospital seriously injured gyssie perry age 18 of 40 mar iposa avenue serious head injuries possibly a fractured skull and in ternal injuries gloria gray age 20 of 104 maltland street left shoulder broken hcadinjuries and possible fracture of w arm- j dulcie bosley age 16 sister of n jifthedead girl serious head and in- terriatiinjuries norman mcliillan age 22jof 15westminster avenue fractured skull concussion and internal injuries 3 slightly injured2si m valxanktglbagveiii leo travers 409 tansdowne ayenuel i police thomas j mielroy 129 mar- v gueretta street i hamilon murderously assaulted alma phillips 15 seymownonhursday bya thug armed avenue i wlt haminer mrs percy cook 1c8 wrrnimpattfrfjftv njaf gage avenue north will recover it william patterson age z was stated at the general hospital claremont street driver of the car j rgfig was attacked in s s needles the body of the dead girl was re- shoe store 653 barton street east moved to the morgue where an ex where slifv is k clerk when she resisted animation showed that practically the effort of a burly foreigner to rob every bone in her body had been the cash register broken t herassarlantwasjoe barty 378 after an investigation by chief of james street north powerful hun- pollce kerr of oakville patterson garian steel worker who was captur- was taken into custody on a charge of ed before he escaped from the store by manslaughter he is held without baireasonjoftjfe priickxlfightjjut up by inquiries at the hospital last night thwcanhusbano and mr needle gained- the response that rthose seri- the pf oprietor inspector cruiksbank j ously hurt had only a bare chance fprot the east end precinct laid bartyi life mcmillan it is said is in the out pone with two blows from ashort i i ia nixi loaded jbilly bartyenteredthestoreunder the worst condition the party ten in all were on their way to hamilton when the mishap oc curred the outing had been arrang ed bypatterson who both owned and during noon hour as mrs cook ap pretence of buyihgya pair lof shoes mrs cookis usually alone inthe store drove the car a large machine all pi t0 waituporijhinffib il went well with the party until theyj alleged iuck her two cruel blows got past oakville- there the earwas pp the head with a hammer she fell espied by an oakville constable tear- to the floor ana was believed to be- ingaiong at between forty prj fifty j wrtaly wounded niiles an hour infacthe said the powerful as bartywasv cook and car was traveling so fast that he was needle both small men rushed jupon g3mb tit gw ijs ms fhe marked m- u tr trororrro as mairw no 2no l55i ri maitoatssjno2 8 net quoted no 1 feed 50c no 2 unable to catch the unmber despite thejactthat thehhway was fairly wellligfiteij at thesppt sb u il r g 5g to s1050 do lights 55 to 750igood lambs 14 to 15 do medium 1250 jmooths fed anfi5watereli6tlo do fobyjftovfo counftypoints s1425l oftcars 1550 do thick fatsocbjlifelect premium 296 4 westermgrain shotations jv montreal mnlslfbav poiss ths ml7 tu wist no 2 63c do am corn trackxqaisssjia av5do extra no 1 feed 55c yellow 86c no 3 yellow- 84c flour- man spring wheat pats lsts millfeed del montreal freights 870 2nds 820 strong bakers 8 rragsnuwabraltf vfmsysbf mffaicmii67st 680 pbtortsrpet ta-nr-335r- rrriddiingsr rollednatsbagsr90bkrftl bran g j sj025 good feed flour per bag 230 gont oats 44 to 46c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 137 to j 39ob shipping points according t8 freights sbarlej malting 62 to 04c 6buekwhet no 2 72c eryigno285c j mantflougeirslvpat 9 toronto do secoridfat-850- xjperflourtoiontoivgf per cent psf par barrelin eatfots toronto 0495 seaboard inbuk605 sfrav carlots per toii sftoiooo screenings standardreeaiedji cb bay ports per ton 2250 i i i 5 lbsb2c do vt toiilbsv20ctuxoosf ers 20c ducklings 5 lbs and up 30c turkeys 30c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 55c chickejis lb 27e hensvover 4 to 5lbsv2eoitdo3to 4 lbs 26c roosters v25c ctucklings5 lbsand up finestests 19cfd rr5i1ectnitterj no i jjh l6 fiii- steiir 2925 shorts 3125 middlings 3825 hayno 2 per ton car lots 15 tot50vs cheesev est easts ized 3jseeggs extras 37 to 38c dofisdsh to 35 pota toes perjbaijcafjlotsj quebec 220 med and fairly good vealp calves sold togethejr85j0 common uckers and palfedcalve5650 toi 750 grassersand thin drinkers 550 to 6 hogs oqdquality 1575 to 1590 8 tees g ypung men drowned 16 jtmheu canoe upsets chjese new large 20c twins lc triplets 22c stiltons 23c old large 25c twins 26c tri plots 27c butter finest creamery prints 39 to 40c no 1 creamery 38 to 39c no 2 37 to 38c dairy prints 29 to 31c eggs fresh extras inycartqns 39 to 40c fresh extras loose 38c fresh firsts 35c fresh seconds 30 tof31c j livopoultry- chicken sp ring lb warniigs not to attonipt the passl p 40c chickens lb 22 jkepffover to wyouhg menijvilliam c duddrldge lr5 vlafge s lost- aioo xjlo1 rsi l h uii y tlefflteesteipij on tario unlvevsitjf lose lives in gedlgiiin bav 1 i i midland resolvedtsjoiri k tennis club at- port mcnicoll and ignorin aged 28andray eden aged 21 both of ixmdon ont set out fronip triple bay park and were drowned heh the 16foot canoewhich they werepad- diingwas swamped by jhe heavy seas rumunglin geotgian bay yg gal 230to2j40rper5gal 225 fo tkrough the turbulent wavej proved 230ergalj maplo sugarybj25 totop much iqrthem despite the fact 26c maplejjyrupnew per gal 240 i that they were only some 200 i yards hoiey 50lb tins 11 tol2ci5er froriijthb shore iosxl i lb 10lbtins 13 to 12c 5lb tins a g jiuon nroprietor of triple 12 to 1202lbons 14 tot4dj labvlvhom they vere smoked meats hams med 34 to attempted to swim jthrotigh 36c cooked hams 48 to 52c smoked n u t n- i ot t rolls 25c cottage 28 to 30c break- l breake f their assistance but fast bacon 35 taoc special brand feafigsm to return to sjore a j breakfast bacw mfrk boneless 40 tpbcvj vqpof and william j dud- cured meats long clear bacon co dridge were students of the ttlriiver to70 lbs2425v0 ttt90-ibs2376- 20 lbs aaauij22ikntwelght rolls in barrels 4250 heavyweight rolls 3950 per bbl thebrutatassailaht anotgrappted with him he shook- them off several times by sheer strength arid bit and clawed j like one mad cook was bitten badly on the nose and neck needle feared mrs cooks iifoavas ebbing away and ranto the street jfohelpmeanwhile cookjh9l1jontq thq foreigner and both were in a clinch when inspec tor cruickshank reached the store used his billy effectively i mrs cookis said to have suffered a fractiirfof the skull- as a result of the blowfe from hatemcr shewas reported thursday night to be improv ed and her recoveryjis expected j hamiltonrrtakingl ajiudden turn fof the5 percy cook theyoung womaui who fwas attacked by a thug with a hanimer at noon on thursday last when-she- resisted his attetapt i to rob -the- cash register of s needles shoe store on barton street east uuccunibed iii the gen- erav hospital on saturday afternoon g joe r barty ourly hungarian steel worker heir alleged assailant is now on remand for one week charged with assaulfr-and-attempted- robbery which may be raised authorities state after the inquest is held he was arrested before he could escape from the store uu ri nr ji j horse found dead vernorgen loridon- lord wiuingdpri has bn fascinating volume the voyage ot appointed governorgenera cf canada the sunbecra i whichher mother to succeed lord byng of vimy f tfieauthoress portrayeo life of i the family during the jong time spent viscount willingdon before receivjin theirlesearches of the oceans ing his title of baron in 1910 vas iviscpunt wijlingdon has already lsnown as freeman freemanthqnias j had considerable experience in the af- he was a great cricketer jhavingbesq fairs ftha empire he was adc captain of both the eton and the cam- to bis f atberin4w earl brassejy bridge elevens ivheri thelattcr was governor of vic- he was liberal member of thejtbria ler in 1913 he was appoint- house of commons fdii hastings f3nii3e3 0 bombay with its 30000 1900 to 1906 and member for the bod- j population and after a tenure of six mindivision of cornwall from1906to years in that office he added a fur- 1910 from 1906 to 1912 hewas junior ithervtime as governor of the equally lord of the treasury the viscount important presidency pf madras lord and lady vviilingden estimates passed- j i for public works s with cut off orangeville ontto findhis best horse dead caused by some persons having cut off its tongue near the rootjwasthestartlingdiscovery made byrossdbbsorijtf young farmer in mulmur township friday afternoon the animal valueclat150was ina nfifnrrt nnii hex navf- farm a week be- parliament approves of total expenditure of over seven milliondoiiars ottawa ont estimates of the de partment of public works totalling 7450263 wer passedvin the house of commons chief among the ifsems was one for 5344000 covering improvements re pairs heating and the like of domin ion public buildings otherv6tes for public buildings included the follow ing for the maritime provinces gen erally 43000 quebec 448920 on tario 530243 manitoba 780d0 saskatchewan 20000 alberta 405 000 british columbia 210650i an item of 402550 for harborsnd rivers in nova scotia and-a- further amount of 69900 for harbors jfand rivers in prince edward island fere also included j russian bolshevist 1 ji wears court dress was a member of the sussex imperial yeomanry and iordinwaiting to king he married in 1892 marie adelaide the youngest daughter of lord bras- sey shevis the marie brasseywho early this year viscount willing don went to china at the request of the british government as chairman of a commission to consider on the spot the whole question of the best us bf jthe funds accruing from tho remit- figurestjn almost evefyjpage of that jc4 boxf indemnity children suffer from slow starvation explorer finds new species of trees discoveries centralamer- icainclude tree that 1jnj5w haven cjrtrirlndians of eastern guatemala have at least one advantage over more civilized peoples miithitsuit depend on cows and goats for milk whenever a guatemalan feels thirsty all he has to do is to go into tfte jungfes andcuta in a cowitreearnow 10 spdjysamuel j record professor 0 forests products at yale explain- tlt ifloaniiouhcirig the discovery on a paaetictaleoejwant hun ger and whippings un- eterrb produced in tho trial of mrs george dwyer of dummer on a charge of neglect of her stppichildrn phoipf whom died in march last in a terribly emaciated cpnditipn george lay for a long time in tiospifelmuffer- ingjfrom frozehfeet andthandsfia statement nade by jmrspvyer was read telling of the boys being beaten with a blacksnake whipmvieldediiby their father until the whi broke and i recent trip v central america of a of how he continued tobelabbt dozen new species of trees one the cow tree and a tree whose sap is john aged 11 with the stocky bwlren she tried to interfere she too was blood red beatenjand the dogjtltat jokth cream- boys part wasjteatenpffprj thecow elliojugedijlsfthe jehird of m al- a i icordsam leged victifnstold intieattdteaklng farm horse received a fourinchincision on the neck just missing the jugular vein dpbson who is a veteran of the great war is at loss to know the reason of these rash acts as he has no known enemies soviet w5ikerssend 313bo6to great britain the russian bolshevist charge daffaires m rozejolez at tended the royal court at the palace wearing regulation court 7drcss of satin knee breeches silk stbekingsfand a jewelled court sword but no decora tions i j jfcj 1 bc strawberry growers j are seeking dumping duty victoria bc agitation by british columbia strawberry growers for a dumping duty on berries broughtinto canada from the united states has the support of the provincial depart ment of agriculture unusual weather conditions i have resulted in the berries ripening earlier creamy white latex gushes out of coweeeewhntit is cut with an after tasting lnr the sapanu finding if free from sticki mantujrof the iprivhttons sufferedain vclspie5said hisonly regret was that tnexudpinwsjgck6feariysh carrying a supply ing to abratjt a dish of beatingsgiventhpjuhhabwb work on bodies that were she said l british honduras he found the tearfullyrmostlyhungryt rbleedingtree another relative of 2lhetg which kay of toronto paused often in his i used in the making of fine furniture examinatipn to wipethe ljftle girls i anofher tree herhas to the i qffprestry akwashington is eyesvwithi hisjhandketchiefjandvstih her sjibsrj 3 l fj one whosewoof is excellent for cab georgvioyeaisold brotholas anflnets lard- tiercei17ito r 18c tubsiot8 18crpails 6 prints t20j to 21o tierces 144 tdlsc tub i shortening 15t5is ialsl6 to a blpckslt jto 17c heavy steers choice to s75 do gotd725 toy 790 j butcher steers choice 770 to dp good j0 to 760 batcher heifers bitjrowftrnr ontario london and mombors fof ithe college students or- iip chestra seokbsar m billassridrestricti v a sale of fiiearms ottsvnstsfibtlcouit bil to iiii- poseofurtheo restrictions on plie sale oc possession of firearms other than choice 735 to vs2gjo goodl funtihg riflcspassed all jsugesm 7 tojft725ibatcnerccoyfsishpiee senate u npv- goes totheouse 550 to 650 do fair to good 4 of-cpnlmpiis- v i to f2sr titejscnatogavo final reading choice 9500 to 11500 med cows 45 to 60 feeders good 660 to 750rrmo7fafr5 to 67 calves choice uj9 1250 do 950 bacco in foreign ports and reducing to3athousandthe excisp pn cigars put up in boxes of ten or lesl t agggct el incojoax 1thirdleadini in federal house j bi t 2 ottawa ontvtncsme tax changes saidthcre was nolfitentionj putting announced in the budget were given tne personal corporation oiitof exis- third reading inmhlvllolse withonej jl vfc f vj v i you shall pay the same amount of amendment this was a substitute fodera taxation as if you haj rema clause touching on personal corpora- e an individual in futures no mat- tions proposed by hon g ii boivin j ter what the surplus mightibe tho on- minister of customs the new clause ire earnings of tho corporation would provides i be taxed as personal income for the dividends actiiallyolwarcdya year i j personal corporation after december j c h cahanst xiwrenccst 31 1921 shall bo deemed to be paid gcorgehid an amendment to exempt out of income earned after said dc- 1925 canadian dividends from taxa- cembcr 31 1924 so far as the same is tion henri bourassa lnbeie had available and to that extent shall not i another that the exemption ago for be liable to further taxation in the dependent children be raised from 18 hands of shareholders j to 21 both amendments were with- explaining the change mr boivin draa 11 british miners federation 400000 roubles- representing the fifth instal ment of a total of q26000 roubles about 313000 j according to j tass the official- news agency of the soviet missouri retarded in ripeijing so they are now being shipped at the same time to the prairie provinces of canada where they have to bo sold at exceptionally low prices idj j btherpatheticfigure as he told the same story of want and hunger and beating but perhapsfnotjso jnuch anythingelseyas whejirhe admitted that he had never beentaugha pray er until he came to the childrens ishelter j iinfhiiliii inov mrs dwyer is defended by f d kerr kc and judge e c s hqycke is presiding bn medical evidence was to the effect that- the children all suffered from slow starvation isss 2 inflicting deepburns poisonous canadian missionary murdered by coolie criminaldifed shortly after wards motive for deed is unknown f pdkihasicofili who murdered mrs w e sibley wife of rev w e sibley a canadian united church missioita freftcrt socialists oppose uisdebt plan moscow the soviet trades union than usual and those of certain parts theannouncementiajvarning council on june8 turned over fo the of the junited states particularly eyetediyictimseadfnj body accdrdingtoa report on the murder submitted to the united con- sulhere m j f tho murderer was- woupded bybo3 diers and died sh6rtty aftert thei05i tive for the crime has not been estab lished mrs sibley a native of nelson man is survived by her husband and jjne jdaflghter at j present a student at j st thomas onitr dec6wi6nffornn6rway f 0 given to man oh i partyxwithbiooj votesl will votcagaihst settlement in j 7 its presentformf e i ij paris- the socialist party with loo votes inthe french chamber of deputies will vote against thetuni ted states debt settlement anjf clause safeguarding france from pa jing be- yond her capacity or any transfer clause such asermany was given under the dawes pian to prevent pay ments if they lower the payees cur rency is the reason given for itho so- cialist oppositioniirqt- the socialists raised their objection now because the agreement wfll come upforiratifioaiionsirithet ghamber tjiat the party will fight ratification unless the settleimmfisa1erea 1 asphodel farmer 3 crushed by machine peterboro out thomas star a oslovnbrway kjrighaakoh hki awartled the decora tlon 5f gomhraftder s order ofsk0nvtp thomas h johnson of winnipeg for mer minister of public works of manitoba for his work during the norseamerican centennial celebrn- iiojinmpls0o5 j well known resident of aephodel was instantly killed on saturdayjfwhen a jnachine he had been repairing fell oiv tiinjlfliid crushed him to death lc nmchinewhif5kivasa manure- sprayer aiidbloalledpaindi evidently irpelifjackeduprahdaji some way the props igavftii vvaylettjingthtl load fall on hinj hejwasfoupd heavy d later byjhis little tlaughtftr help soon ar- fjyei but lifewaslextinct j i ano fee ry eviii ol you rob children when joo f let firoj iooeo in tho woods fifty million acres ision be- quebec mwffibmm our i rescued when auto leaps bam m k ii 4- tt 1 fu m judge frepsrick m morson who on june celchratcfl the 35ti anniversary vl hlh appoinmcnl to the york- county bench all lone he handles onethird of the division court work of ortcrio angjers juesfr nnd mrs jfpj rightwho pulling tho seph vandnfe of viue marie were car down i fifteenfoot embankment drovvnrdandfpurothersjvyere rescued j ino rwclvc of water oji tho north from certain death througti the courrpliofjjiie qginejajnsrus chevrler ttgtra guide angnschevrier hvheivpadijnkm that vicinirtysaw the acci- tkrjaiitom6biein which the six were j denl and rushed to f rejcue his riding drove over tliodariilon jlakp prompt anoefficicntofforts succeeded qmrzs a few mies from here satur- in saving mr iolinski and the day evining the bodies of the twothrec children heeftected the rescuo victims were not recovered until somejby cutting a hole through the top of time later ana itwss3byidenj that the can tlioycadbesntkrownffotnthfi car i mr and mrs vahdale were flriviujf the rescued were joseph golinski in thefront seat andwcfe evidently of angierv peter and dorothy van- thrown from he car as it rolled down daeson and daughter of tho decoased j the embankment thc othsrs riding coup and fcrna tremblay all four in the back seat were not thrown out were severely bruised and cut by thai jack clare local diver located both fai j bodies the iixware in thevanrlalc car and messrs vandnle and golinski oper- j were crossing on the dam when thjatcd the timisknming fisheries ati imiuahorro arid rip in turning out anglier drceascd coiinle leave fivo jiortho rig jlr vandale drove too sniai children tho oldist being eight close to the edge of the dam and the yen vs