st0uffv1lle june 10 1926 g the home town store jxaf sugar 3 lbs 25c delicious sugar wafers special per lb 35c grape nuts per package 17c kipper snacks 4 tins 25c bermuda onions 3 lbs 25c stovers health biscuits doz 15c nu jell all flavors 3 packages 25c- sugar crisp corn flakes 3 packages 29c- mazola oil small and large size tins special in french peas french peas usually 2021c per tin but owing to very large import order w will make a special while they last 2 tins for 25c fresh lake nippigor trout and white fish every wednesday morning ratcliff go you pay less for more deliveries phone 7112 new footwear styles frequently arriving our stock is complete with many new styles and patterns for women and children be sure and see these before purchasing your new summer foot wear a complete line in mens and boys boots also remember our repairing is up to date the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont i p f s glehmm footwear of merit 1 stouffvilleont 1 phone 301- we advise putting in your coal and coke now for next winter we have on hand at all times lehigh valley co and coke canada cement do your building this year as the price of cement is lower all kinds of feed on hand tile of all sizes it pays to drain your lands 6 tile 70 per thousand 4 42 3 32 v s standard screenings on hand s w hastings proprietor telephone 16 9 residence s 7 1 s editorial comment seagrams horse has won the kings plate and seagrams whiskey has won many a palate says the chesley enterprise among the people who will appre ciate the reduced letter postage rates to come into force on july 1st is the youth who frequently has to write home to his parents for more money the dundalk herald tells qf a man pulling thirty cars out of mud hole in front of his farm in one day at 2 for each haul just ima gine asking a man like that to sign a petition for good roads if any of those gentlemen who are disgruntled because they must pay rather heavy tax on their in comes over 10000 wish to ex change their wad for one they can escape taxation with kindly call at the tribune office although it is understood that the toronto and york road com mission has taken over the 10th con cession from main street stouffville to xiincolnvllle that piece of road i3 in abominable condition authorities of stouffville and whit church should continue to agitate for repairs on this road until notice is taken of their appeals since the tribune stated a couple of weeks ago that a certain well- known local gardener had potatoes up his neighbors have been spying about to get a look at the early spuds unable to locate them they are now suggesting that these mur phies reported as up never really were down this spring promotion time table the timetable for the york coun ty promotion examinations were made public last week and will prove a ready reference if preserved until the time of writing entrance pupils will commence to write on monday june 28th the promo tion will be tried as follows friday june 18 history 911 ain grammar130330 pm- monday- june 21 literature 900 1130 am spelling sr classes iii and iv 1140rl210 am tuesday june 22 mechanical arithmetic 900930 am com position 9301200 am wednesday june 23 arithmetic 9001130 acn writing 11401210 am thursday june 24 geography 9001100 am spelling jrclasses i and ii 11101200 am friday june 25 complete reports and give results card op thanks bert taun wishes to thank the friends and neighbors also the w ms for their kind words of sym pathy and for gifts of flowers dur ing myrtles illness and subsequent passing away card op thanks we extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors for theirjjind help and sympathy in the death of and- bereavement of a loving wife abijah jones brothers and sisters lkmonville school report for may sr iv alma baker 73 ruth flewell 63 sr ill ross hall 82 merlyn baker 76 james wishart 63 her bert hood 5s john richardson 42 sr ii florence barkey 89 bert taylor 88 jack barkey 88 jean baker s6 don hall 83 floyd pres ton 74 jr ii blake yakes 68 lewis wells 68 jack burgess 67 stanley hall 55 reta wells 54 elda hut chinson 53 albert richardson 50 jr i helen hastings s9 baker ss doris baker s7 frank hall 51 keith hutchinson 47 sr pr allan- baker marlon hastings alex kirby alice rich ardson howard kirby jr pr vera wells jim atreeo harold preston where the name is marked with an the pupil was absent for one or more examination no on roll 33 average attendance 30 margarete y thomson teacher tenders for coal sealed tenders addressed to tile- purchasing agent department of public works ottawa will be re ceived at his office until 12 oclock noon daylight saving tuesday june 20 1020 for the supply of coal for the dominion buildings through out the province of ontario includ ing the city of ottawa forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob tained from gw dawson purchas ing agent department of public works ottawa and- r winter 59- 61 victoria street toronto ont tenders will not be considered unless mads on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with departmental specifications and con ditions the right to demand from- the successful tenderer a deposit not exceeding 10 per cent of the amount of the tender to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract is reserved by order s e obrien secretary department of public works ottawa june 1 1926 cattle for sale 20 head young steers from 700 to 900 pounds john oboyle lot 11 con 2 uxbridge phone 1107 i cream take advantage of the accurate service we render and the price we pay- store so this summer on account of the cream grading over90 of the cream received since the grading started is first and special grade our prices compared with many others are absolutely the highest a dollar is just as valuable if received in the forhr of the price paid to you than if received in the form of dividends or profits if you are not yet a shipper we would be pleased to have you as one stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 v tuesday thursday and saturday evenings since the lots in town disgorged themselves of such a quantity of tins and rubbish as was taken away last week during the collectionmade under direction of the council the community must be a cleaner and healthier place to ive in certain ly the back yards will look the bet ter for having gotten rid of their accumulation this journal is in receipt of a volume of pioneering in the prairie west from thomas nelson son the book is nicely bound well illus trated with prairie scenes and covers shortly the sketch of the parry sound colony the author w c- pollard solicitor of uxbridge then a boy in his teens was a mem ber of one group that settled near edmonton in 1894 and he tells of adventures privations and successes of pioneer life in the prairie west as he experienced it- i at last the v department of public highways has declared serious war on drivers of motor cars with glare lights last week no less than 40 were held up on the kingston road by provincial police and warned about the matter this week the department say they will call off the warning business and issue sum mons to all offenders glare lights are the cause of more road accidents than any thing else and the wonder is that the law against them hs been condoned so long buggy for sale rubber tired buggy heavy wire wheels for sale nearly new delbert holden notice to patrons as usual the mill will be open to the trade tuesdays thursdays and saturdays only during june july and august dixons hill mills 16 plants for sale extra strong transplanted cabbaga and cauliflower many varieties pro perly named 15c per 14 a j ward the brierbush healthy plants for sale large supply of all kinds of garden plants for sale percy brillinger phone 185 16 pig estray came to premises of undersigned on 8th of whitchurch north of ring- wood one pig owner pay expenses isaac cook 1 6 notice to farriers kindlytake notice that i am con ducting my own threshing business this season and solicit the usual good patronage accorded me in the past wm pipher ringwood 15 wanted live poultry for which i pay lead ing market prices sam golden at pennocks livery june sale we want all our customers old new and prospective to see these wonder ful values postponed court of revision township of markham county of york v public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of mark- ham- will be held in victoria hall unlonvllle on monday july 7th 1020 at 1 oclock pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the town ship of whitchurch for the said year 1026 all parties interested are re quested to tako notice and govern tbomsclvcs accordingly g a m davison clerk of the said municipality unlonvllle juno 1st 1926 breeders picnic the york jersey breeders club are holding their annual picnic in markham township on the farm of mr fred baggs 2m miles north of unlonvllle on tuesday june 15th hon jno s martin minister of agriculture will be the speaker of the afternoon this club extends a very cordial invitation to breeders of other breeds of live stock to come at noon with their lunch basket and to be present for tha afternoon speaking since thi is the firit time the hon jno s martfh has been speaking in york county the club extends a very cordial invitation to the editors of the county papers the editor of the mitchell advo cate administers a terrific verbal drubbing to the young men who stand out in front of the church sunday evening to wait for the girls to come out he says that any girl who will permit herself to be pick ed up by a young man in front of the church is lacking in selfresnect he urges the young man to go to her house take her to church sit beside her during the service and accompany her home does this editor remember the days of his own youth was he reared in a country village then he will recollect that to take a young lady to church and to ait with her during the service required fifteen years ago more courage than a youth of eighteen or twenty could possibly muster go to her house indeed his knees would he knocking together his eye3 would be glassy his lips dry his tongue would refuse to function rather than face an ordeal like that the average village town or city youth would abandon the idea of court ship and marriage altogether it looks foolish now of course but by the great horn spoon it was no joke a few years ago poultry wanted highest price paid for fat live poultry also for feathers wool hidesyjunk etc ben rexlln stouffville phone 7821 colts estray two bay colts 1 and 3 years old white legs and stripe left lot 6 con 6 whitchurch about june 6th finder kindly notify frank steck- ley phone 2904 16 to prevent dust nuisance on our streets the council are prepared to place calcuim chloride on any street at cost where the residents wish leave your petition with the clerk who can give all information f w silvester reeve farm for sale 100 acres more or less all workable also new dwelling housetand first- class barns and outbuildings spring creek crosses the farm and farni contains good orchard with abun dance small fruit apply owner p e ferguson lot 4 con 9 whit church mile from stouffville and close to lake paint your car i i am prepared to wash paint and repair auto tops in first class shape keep your car trim and neat by plenty of paint lights put in and curtains repaired we have a good machine for this work w l a thorn almost opposite presoyterian church watch for sign june special mens suits 50 only mens spring suits in tweeds serges and unfinished worsteds special 1250 june special china for the june brides 9 only 97 piece limoge china dinner sets special 270 for sale i am in a position to buy hides wool poultry and any other arti cles pay the best prices i have a lot of working boots the very best for sale smocks and overalls khaki shirts and pants at avery low rate it will pay you to come and sea if you want to save money come and see me first ab browi 9th concession of markham phono 4708 june special boys suits boys tweed and serge 2 piece suits assorted sizes special 525 june special bedspreads english pure white satin finished bedspreads large size special 198 the town council following the court of revision on friday evening last the stturr- ville council held a short srsifon to transact general business the re signation of rev r young as a member of the library board was received and filed cause of-reslgna- tion is the intended removel of mr young from town tenders for coal seailed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received on and up to friday juiie 25th 1020 for one car load not exceeding 40 tons of virginia pocohontas coal egg size to be delivered on the tracks fob stouffville for stouff ville school board j s dougherty secy stouffville implements at bargain prices farmers need not buy new lirple- monts it they come to my yard we have almost everything in the im plement line every article is guar anteed highest prices for hides wool and junk h herman phone 192 stouffville june special broadcloth ladies dresses in gingham and striped broadcloth in assorted sizes and colors special 195 june special overalls mens heavy weight over alls in black blue and stripe also khaki pants special 159 we are showing many other outstanding values in gents furnishings dry goods and chinaware o w h shaw during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings