st0uffv1lle june 3 1926 the home town store new cabbage celery spinach bztra quality cocoanut 3 for 23c fresh car of st lawrence sugar fine medium or coarse grain thompsons seedles raisins 2 lbs arc 15 oz packages 2 lbs 25c try our prunes grown in spe cial prune section of southern california extra flavor very tender lbs 25c french peas usually 20c sell ing 2 tins for 23c a great special in oranges filled with juice sweet delicious only 25c per dozen or 5 dozen for 100 the tribune thursday horning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville ont white beans per lb 5c mixed nuts per lb 20c alymer tomatoes per tin 15c choice layer figs fancy quality regular price 15c but we cleared up the line amount ing to about 600 packages while they ast 3 pkgs 25c ratcliff go deliveries you pay less for more phone 7112 new footwear styles frequently arriving our stock is complete with many new styles and patterns for women and children be sure and see these before purchasing your new summer foot wear a complete line in mens and boys 1 boots also remember our repairing is up to date editorial comment there are thirtyone applicants for the position of postmaster in the village of teeswater a successful farmer feeds his land before it is hungry rest3 it before it is weary and weeds it be fore it is foul the dirigible airship made good time averaging 40 miles an hour for the 2700 miles of her voyage across the pole from spitzbergea to alaska a careless man in new york swallowed his collar button and six operation have failed to recover it looks as if hell have to buy another the old horse caravan days of the gypsies have almost come to an end several bands now in ontario have equipped themselves with automo biles but not all for one passed through stouffville last week with a green covered caravan and number of horses first and special grade the local management is doing much on their nn initiative to improve the grade by constantly coaching the farmers n method to improve the grade ind by putting on additional trans portation to gather ream twice a week will the person who picked up the cloth coat near forsyths corner townline south of stouffville kind ly leave at tribune office excelsior life insurance co re quire whole cr part time representa tive for stouffville and district ex perience unnecessary but wide ac quaintanceship desirable attrac tive contract apply j h thnresson newmarket phone 136 j f s g lehman footwear of merit j stourrvilleont i phone 43q1- seed grain colorado spring wheat for sale a poor land wheat for seed barley oats marquis wheat goose wheat and peas june peas at 160 per bus all kinds of feed on hand also coal of various sizes s w hastings proprietor telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 cream a town across the line ha3 solved the spring chicken trouble all chickens found running at large are by the ordinance given to the preachers of the town this might be called class legislation but apparently no one kicks excepting the chicken owners strathroy town council has decid ed to offer encouragement to citi zens to construct cement curbings for boulevards in front of their re sidences it agrees to pay 25 per cent of the cost of constructing same a number of our citizens have constructed curbs at their own expense the result has been an improvemenf to the streets and really is an advantage to the town acton free press the village council of bradford has passed a bylaw compelling the merchants of that place to close their shops every monday wednes day and friday at 6 pm bradford has no half holiday and up to the passing of this bylaw the village merchants had been rendering al most a 24 hour per t service vegetation is fully three weeks behind the average spring season in the beaverton section the oldest man in attendance at richmond hill fair on may 24th was mr f button of thornhillwho is in his ninetythird year and who has the proud record of having at tended the richmond hill fair 76 years out of the 77 which it has been in existence this the rich mond hill paper claims is a world record for continuous attendance at any fair mr button is a veteran of the fenian raid and is still ac tive and bright and enjoyed the fair this year as much as he did 77 years ago mr button is a cousin of mr john button of stouffville for sale 2 forty gallon oil drums at bar gain good davnn rivi phone 9 v cattle a number of young cattle for sale also cow springing r j smith phone 713 wanted a number of vealing calves jas i ogden phone 5827 notice to patrons as usual the mill will be open to the trade tuesdays thursdays and saturdays- only during june july and august dixon hill mills 16 healthy plants for sale large supply of all kinds of garden plants tor sale percy brillinger ihone 185 16 for sale sideboard parlor suite piano cased organ also dresser w e morden stouffville 14 for 8alb twofurrow international itractor plow 12 bottom cheap have no further use for same apply w a- jones dixons hill mill3 phone 6012 14 lee dick a very pretty wedding took place at the home of mr and mre allea dick sandtord on wednesday my 19th at 230 pm when thei- young est daughter agnes luella became the bride of joseph clifford lee youngest son of councillor and mrs chas lee of uxbrldge township in the presence ot the immediate re latives the rev c h quaife officiated the bride who was un attended entered the room on the arm of her father to the strains of lohengrins wedding march and took her place before an arch of roses and carnations she wore a becoming gown of ivory silk crepe with silver trimming and tulle veil prettily caught with orange blos soms she carried a shower bouquet sweetheart roses and wore the grissss gift- handsome rope of pearls after the ceremony a dainty wedding luncheon was served the happy couple left amtd showers ot confetti and best wishes for toronto niagara and buffalo the bride travelled in rosewooa canton crepe dress with hat and fur trimmed j coat to match on their return i they will reside in uxbrldge town ship mr and mrs geo lee and daughter kathleen of stouffville were among the guests twentyone mothers in the city ot oshawa are receiving assistance under the mothers allowance act of the ontario government clean up day by order of the council of stouffville a can collection day will be held friday morn ing june 4th citizens are in- structed to place all tins and other truck vegetable matter excepted in boxes and baskets at the roadside so they may be conveniently lifted by the dray- imen do your part in keeping the town clean and healthful f w silvester reeve j cleaver chairman ot com boadway8 drug store stouffvillb pig estray came to promises of undersigned on 8th of whitchurch north of ring- wood one pig owner pay expenses isaac cook 1 g wanteu calves for vealing purpo3e3 also highest prices paid for fat calves j churley phone 6405 14 for sale seven roomed brick house also barn and one acre land fruit trees good well mrs geo boadwayeast end stouffville 14 take advantage of the accurate service we render and the price we paympjrejso this summer on account of the cream grading over 90 of the cream received since the grading started is first and speciargfade our prices compared with many otfters are absolutely the highest a dollar is just as valuable if received in the h ormofthe price paid to you than if received in the form of dividends or profits if you are not yet a shipper we would be pleased to have you as one i stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings court of revision township pf whitchurch county of york public notice is hereby given that a court ot revision of the assess ment roll for the township of whit church will be held in the township hall vandorf on saturday tune 12 1020 at 2 oclock pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the town ship of whitchurch for the said year 1926 all parties interested are re quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly w h clark clerk of the said municipality stouffville may 27th 1926 a meeting is being called of all interested in the stouffville school fair to take place at the town hall on tuesday june 8th at 8 pm plans for the coming fair and a new financing system will be men tioned all interested are expected to be present at this meeting robert vague retired farmerlato of the village of stouffville who died on april 30192c left estate es timated at 6361 including real estate worth f 400ft his grand daughter flossia hoover and his grandson allan hoover each re ceive 500 jacob hoover his son- inlaw receives the residue worth ipproximatcly 5361 refering doubtless to the investiga tions now going on into the work ings and practice of the federal cusoms department and having in view the fact that almost every de- parment of public service when in vestigated gives more or less a like result our contemporary the os hawa reformer says breathes there a man with soul so dead that he doesnt shudder when he reads of dishonesty and graft in the officialdom of his coun try a great deal or this has been exposed in recent months and weeks the monetary loss to the country from dishonesty is bad enough it makes the average citizen boil to think that he ls taxed to make up for moneys lost to the national cof fers through graft and all sorts of conspiracy with malefactors but this sort ot tnmg destroys confidence also by the average man official dishonesty is regarded as an iceberg of which only onesixth ap pears above the surface while five- sixths remain below out of sight a civil servant may not be satis- fled with his salary few are he may think that he is worth much more to the country most do but he has accepted the position at that salary he remains in the position at that salary and by so doing he con sents to that rate of remuneration therefore he has no right to at tempt by foul imeans to augment his monetary reward most civil servants are honest but the innocent stirrer in the public estimation with the guilty sir ely there are enough strong men in all parties who can forj- partisan poli tics and unite to rid the government service of undesireableaa- hatohing eggs hatching eggs barred rocks lay ing strain 5c per egg ben doten stouffville 14 notice to farmers kindly take notice that i am con ducting my own threshing business this season and solicit the usual good patronage accorded me in the past wm pipher ringwood 15 snug property for sale house and acre of land with lots- of truit at a bargain price barn and hen house combined 80 rods from gooc road system price 1600 see yake buttons block stoufrvillo wanted live poultry for which i pay lead ing market prices sam golden at pennocks livery poultry wanted highest price paid for fat lire poultry also for feathers wool hides junk eto ben rexlln stouffville phone 7821 june sale we want all our customers old new and prospective to see these wonder ful values ringwood general blacksmith having taken over tne woodwork ing shop at ringwood i solicit a share of your trade blacksmith and general wood working my specialties a v pemberton ringwood ontario june special mens suits 50 only mens spring suits in tweeds serges and unfinished worsteds special 1250 june special china for the june brides 9 only 97 piece limoge china dinner sets special 2750 where to get implement repairs international peter hamilton and r a- lister repairs are carried by me also we sell chatham fanning- mills and au farm necessities new mccormick and deering mowers and rakes now on hand call and see them frank baker phone 8104 or bakers garaee oar bargains 2 ford touring cars 1923 model good order v 1 ford touring 1921 model good order and tires ok 1 ford roadster 1918 delbert holden ford agent phone 184 grading satisfactory the new creim grading act is not proving a hardship to the farmers in this section as is evidenced by the fact that at the local creamery there is less than 10 of all the cream taken in grading poorer than for sale i am in a position to buy hides wool poultry and any other arti cles pay the best prices i have a lot of working boots the very best for sale smocks and overalls khaki shirts and pants at a very low rate it will pay you to come and see it you want to save money come and see me first ab brown 9th concession of- markham phone 4708 real home for sale mr t parkinson is offering his beautiful brick residence for sale on mah street sfnuffville seven bricht rooms and unfinished attic solid oak trim throughout furnace elec tric light hard and soft water three cellars outside ontrance cement stable 20x35 double garage chicken house lots of choice fruit lawns hedges and flowers 1 4 acres wojl 1 tost 10000 to build house alone if you want a home act quick as it will be sild a a bargain come or phone 1909 stouffville june special boys suits boys tweed and serge 2 piece suits assorted sizes special 525 june special bedspreads english pure white satin finished bedspreads large size special 198 june special broadcloth ladies dresses in gingham and striped broadcloth in assorted sizes and colors special 195 june special overalls mens heavy weight over alls in black blue and stripe also khaki pants special 159 i we are showing many other outstanding values in gents furnishings dry goods and chinaware w h shaw during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings