gunman slays bank clerk and is fatally wounded by winnipeg police winnipeg after the most desper ate gun battle in the annals of the winnipeg police department william davis an italian who a few hours previously had held up the logan avenue branch of the koyal bank of canada killing maurice garvie a 19- yearold clerk and escaping with a man found by police loitering in the vicinity of the bank and who was unable to give a satisfactory explana tion of his presence there was taken into custody pending investigation his name has not been divulged two persons killed at level crossing victims are thought to be detroit couple fast train hits auto- chatham a man and a woman the markets f j c wa at 1030 oclock the gunman shouted for roominghouse a short distance p v n and toronto man wheat no 1 north 164 no 2 north 16914 no 3 north- 164 man oats no 2 cw nominal no 3 not quoted no 1 feed 49 no 2 were kiled the former instantly feed 484c w grain quotations when the roadster in which they were j c bay ports riding was struck by an eastbouodj am corn track toronto no 2 i canadian national railways passen- yellow 85c no 3 yellow 82c tht giin battle in front of the house t train at the p h ighwayj milifecd- del montreal freights lasted about ten minutes i i cr0s three miles east of here 1 1 included bran per ton 3125 the killing of garvie codj the train w traveiung at 50 mile3 shorts gg gg midto former provincial ikeasurer peter smith granted his freedom blooded entering the bank at about an hour when it cras j the car from thescene of the murder the employees to put cm up j shell out the youth was shot when t t he did not at once obey the command before he had time to act a bullet crashed into him sending him to the floor dead after killing garvie the bandit j forced m p johnson tho teller to house davis- was probably fatally wounded a hospital report said that his condition was very grave chief of detectives george smith who was wounded while leading his men in the attack on the house where handover 52000 and made his exit davis had taken refugo was released from the bank a taxi which he had from hospital first reports said he arr j was waiting outside the had been dangerously wounded but oank door but becoming aware of the the bandits bullet hit him on the right ro tho driver refused to start shoulder and glanced off inflicting tmj car fir at the tax driver only a minor cut he returned to duty tho bandt ran do a back lane and robert segal proprietor of the presumably at once took refugo at roominghouse wounded when the po- j his roominghouse which is but half lice returned the gunmans fire is in a block from the bank the driver was not injured the money which was obtained in the robbery was found in daviss pockets after he was captured hospital shot in the chest his condi tion is serious the bandit had been rooming at segals house for the past few weeks ont oats 44 to 4cc fob shipping bomb as wedding gift ilong winter brings kills bridegroom hardship to settlers snow still covering lower quebec farmers killing cattle lacking hay quebec eight months of winter father of bride instantly killed while daughter is seriously hurt muskegon mich federal and state authorities joined in a hunt for prove a costly experience for the sender of a bomb delivered set of tho lower st lawrence through the mail which killed two district and has resulted in serious men and- wounded a girl the dead hardship for them according to re- are august krubaech owner of the p received here from settlements three lakes tavern a prominent in tn9 counties of kimouski meta- politician and supervisor of blue lake pe ami matane un the is an township and william frank aged immediate improvement help from the 20 who was to marry krubaechs government will be sought and even daughter janet aged 19 saturday j now eeed gra is shipped to the bomb wrecked tho tavern a few some sections so that as soon as an minutes after delivery by a postman imprbvemeiit in the weather comes krubaech was killed instantly he can start on the settlers plots was standing over the package con- 0n 0c 10 the first snow fell since taming the bomb unwrapping it and wnen siow has faien regularly and pued a string which exploded lhe up to last wesk it was sti coverimj bomb prank died while being taken t eoi deprived of their potato to the hospital miss krubaech was cr0pj and of g in many cases the rushed to a hospital where doctors re- ettrs t have suffered ser- which was reduced to a mass of debris points and had to be dragged off the front ont good milling wheat 136 to of the locomotive i 138 fob shipping points accord- the victims are thought to be mr j ng to freights and mrs william anderson of 4076 j g ey malting 62 to 64c burlingame avenue detroit in the rvfe pocket of tho mans clothing was j man fl first pat 9 toronto found a certificate indicating that do second dat 850 william anderson was the owner of ont flour toronto 90 per cent the car a permit to enter canada pt- per barrel in carlota toronto dated at windsor and made out in the 590 seaboard in bulk 6 name of william anderson was also straw carlots per ton 9 to 930 found in a pocket the latter card screenings standard rcc caned f gave the name of j- anderson of 30 j igfi8i twins lyons avenue brantford which had 2 triplets 22c stiltons 23c old evidently been given by the owner as large 26c twins 2gc triplets 27c a sponsor for his visit to canada j butter finest creamery prints among the contents of a club bag 38 to 3814c no 1 creamery 36 vi to found in tho debris however was a 87 no 2 34 to 36c dairy biblo with fw name of miss h l prints 27h to c9hc x u ij i i eggs fresh extras in cartons 36 millings but there is no address in to 37 fresh ex f 3b f view of thi3 discovery there is a doubt firsts 3 fresh seconds 28 to 29c as to whether the woman is mrs an- l poultry chickens spring lb derson there is a ring on her finger c0c chickens lb 22c hens over 4 to but no wedding ring 5 lbs 22c do c to 4 lbs 20c roost- according to engineer lenehanjers 20c ducklings 5 lbs and up 30c the roadster was travelling east on the j turkeys soc highway which at that point runs i dressed poultry chickens spring at an angle to tho crossing the car 65c chickens lb 27c hens over ottawa release on ticket-of- leave lias been granted to pater smith former provincial treasurer of on tario confined in portsmouth peni tentiary a telegram which provides for trie release of peter smith forth with was sent by the undersecrtary of state the case has been under review by the cabinet portsmouth for most of his time the former member of the drury cabinet has been doing library duty ho is in fair health now without parole mr smith would have to re main in the prison until may 5 1927 as according to tha rules a three- year sentence means that with time off for good conduct a prisoner must serve two years five months and tentytwo days during the first six months of the sentence no time is allowed off but for the next year six days per month is allowed and for the remaining months ten days per month is tho allowance peter smith was convicted and stontenced on oct 24 1924 to three years in portsmouth penitentiary kingston on charges of conspiring to connection with the purchase of bonds defraud the province of ontario in when he was provincial treasurer peter smith south africa rallies behind flag of england five injured in automobile crash ho said was not travelling fast the 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 26c cape town south africa agita tion against the proposed creation of a south african flag is growing pro test meetings are being held all over the country union jacks are appear- party from toronto thrown when car struck large stone near orangeville orangeville ont a serious motor ported her condition serious iousiy while their cattle have been i buckingham palace i roosters 25c ducklings 5 lbs and up force of the impact was felt by pas- 35 turkeys 40c sengers in the train which the engin- 1 beans can handpicked 2fi0 per eer stopped in ten car lengths after bushel primes 240 per bushel tho crash maplo produce syrup per imp dr j w rutherford of chatham i j to per 5gal 225 to was summoned and rushed the woman i per mapitj su to st josephs hospital she expired 26 plo yrup new per gal 240 as attendants were carrying the mffli into that institution the mangled 12 to 12c 2iilb tins 14 to 14c bodyof he man was placed in the smoked meats hams med 32 to baggage car of the train and brought 34c cooked hams 48 to soc smoked to chatham rolls 22c cottage 25 to 27c break fast bacon 32 to3sc special brand breakfast bacon 03 to 89c backs boneless 39 to 45c cured meats long clear bacon co to 70 lbs 2425 70 to 90 lbs 2375 t t tr u ii i ibs and u 2234 lightweight london little princess elizabeth rols in barrels 4250 heavyweight baby daughter of the duke of york rolls 3950 per bbl second son of the king was a guest j lard pure tierces 17 to 18c at a luncheon in honor of the fifty- j tubs is to 18vc pails 18 to 19o ninth birthday of queen mary at p 2 to 21c shortening britains new princess is guest of the queen cars arid many persons are wearing the british colors on their coats the cape times states that tho hertzog government will not proceed with the flag bill at this session of tho house of assembly fines as high as 100 tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c officers say the bomb was sen fectf lznwsffi3i either- by a rival of franks who had of tures in the charg to learned of extensive plans made for sht will have to slaughter their showed her to a number of women and 7 bul s his wedding saturday or by a pol- catt jjgjjj out of f to get the la eers choice 7 to itical enemy of the girls father reservoir gives way flooding town in japan necessary hay it is understood that the depart ment of agriculture and the depart ment of colonization will cooperate to deal with the unusual conditions jueph run over by a truck driven by his father william mced wards 8yearold son of alex mcedwards of comparatively small as the disaster instantly killed in east flamboro took place in the daytime giving the township at the time the accident driven by his father akita japan official announce ment as made that 114 houses were d vij jut- i washed away when the town of kit- y ied by 1 ruck xura was swept by a flood released when an irrigation reservoir gave way the bodies of five men and thir teen women have been discovered in the wreckage it is believed the loss of life will bo ncesss nurse carried 16 to 16 c blocks 17 to 17fcc hr charge to the palace gate and choice 70 to 825 vo 8 butcher girs gathered there heifers choice 650 to 750 do the queen received many presents j good 600 to 650 do common of flowers and telegrams including 500 to 550 butcher cows choice i tli car accident occurred on the orange- villeowen sound highway four miles north of orangeville at 2 oclock yes terday afternoon a large touring car owned and driven by alex johnston 264 delaware ave toronto struck a loose stone causing the driver to lose control of the machine which plunged into the ditch the occu- provided for jay- walkers pants of tho car were rush6d to the lord dufferin hospital orangevile vancouver examination of vani b j leach and chas j scott couvers new traffic bylaw which be- 1 r a came effective on june 1 shows that joseph haisley 264 delaware not only is jaywalking made a legal ave toronto pinned under car five offense on downtown streets but that nbs fractured and right lung pierced it will be a legal offensg for a person mrs a j haisley mother of to cross a street in anv part of tliej haiscy 518 delaware ave city except at an intersection toronto right arm fractured and in addition to being liable to a fine mly shaken up as high as 100 with costs or two mrs robert mcclung of wil- months imprisonment upon convici lamsford near holland centre right tion offenders will be guilty of conhp injured and shock tributory negligence in case of an accident prisons in england have decreased by onehalf were rung in her honor and cutters 250 to 350 good milch icows 8500 to 9500 springers choice 9500 to 11500 med cows nf rll l i t0 feeders good 650 to chief calls on indians 750 fair 55 6 v to save woods from fire choice 11 to 1250 do good 950 j to 1050 do lights 5 to 750 good quebecan appeal to all the fcwwgmm mr and mrs johnston 264 delaware ave toronto both badly shaken up ail five are in the orangeville hos pital the johnstons and haisleys left to ronto early sunday morning and went mrs mcclung driving to toronto where a sister of mrs mcclung is cording to captain casey head of the dying anglican church army mission nowi visiting montreal v captain casey is a visiting chaplain i montreal que hilton john mc- to his majestys prisons in england keown of russell ont has been ad- at one time said captain casey judged winner of the joseph morley mn dian but pavtipy to jhe sg gggg frealton was p the algonquin tribe has just been bucks to 650 hogs thick j peoplo a chance to flee to safety last command of war is to be sold in france happened mr mceawards was dmr ing ilong a lane leading to the farm of mrs george stiiivan with wjiom ho had some business the boy and a chum were riding in the cab with the driver it is understood the two lids bejrnri to scuffle to see which would sit paris french soldierauthors are holding a sale of their books as well i as of various souvenirs among which outside when the door suddenly flew open young mcedwards falling tho most interesting is the last official communique issued by the french army on nov 11- 1918 the com munique is the original signed by marshal petain then a general and bears the manuscript sentence under his signature closed on account ox victory which petain added in his own hand canadians contribute montreal que announcement was made by tho committee for the stabil ization of he french franc fund of tho subscription of 100000 francs by there were 66 prisons and 30000 in- drake prize for the student of mcgill behind lock and key today university making the highest num- are 33 prisons in england and ber of marks in pathology in tho issued by one of their oldest chiefs ymooihsrfetandwttered tllio to on 100 inmates fourth year medical examinations louis tenascon on the north shore 1450 do fob 1375 to 1390 do for care and precaution against for- country points 1350 to 1365 do est fires a notice has been written in off cars 1475 to 1490 do thick tho algonquin dialect and has been f 13 25 to 1340 select prem- fastened to trees all through the ter- ium5 to ritory over which the men of the tribe are liable to travel calling upon them montreal oats con west no 2 62c no to put out all fires they notice or at j 3 cw 57c extra no 1 feed 54 c once to notify the forest rangers if flour man spring wheat pats lsts they cannot themselves master the 59 2nds 850 strong bakers 830 heroism of foreman saves sixty- to the road directly in front of the fames tho braves are asked not to winter pats choice 67 to 680 wheel which crushed the life but of w travelling through the 5 g gg b forest his body his parents and one brother survive hindu prince expires in poverty in london to indians was being tried before london a hindu prince a mem ber of one of the richest ruling fam- to french franc fund i i of india died in poverty in a magistrate clark his house was burn london lodging house today he was ed down and his family of 11 chil- jessray singh susodia of the reign- j dren were rendered homeless post ing house of hyderabad prince jess- was convicted and sentenced to four ray was a writer a mystic philosopherj months in jail his eldest daughter and a poet who had hoped to win fame is 21 years of age and a cripple and shorts 3325 mid dings 4025 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1450 umo ril nr cheese finest wests 18c finest riome is burned jjown easts 18 t0 18 butter no l as father goes to jail i pasteurized 34 to 34c eggs fresh extras 36c fresh firsts 34c orillia while george post of potatoes quebec per bag car lots washago charged with selling liquor gg 2 to 5buls com scraiton pa sixtythree men i the foot of the shaft was fighting the trapped in the 11foot vein of mount b when the father rushed through lookout colliery of the temple an thracite co at wyoming near here the flames to give warning the son followed and aided in the rescue real izing that it would take only a matter the bank of montreal this carries a ffrttiho with books he was unable the youngest is a child of 2 years the tho total amount to date 475000 to got published francs as a result of tho canadian manuscripts written campaign englirh his assets consist smaller children were taken to the in ornate childrens aid shelter at barrie and and med 450 to 550 calves llafti a dangerous spot for a mine choice 1050 do ordinary 7 to 8 r tcceivcd the fu i of the forced air pumped into the mines for ventilation it was discovered by men working in the lower levels who noticed tho smoke being drawn into tho shaft were saved from death by suffocation of minutes to fill the entire workings by the heroism of thomas hislop with tho suffocating smoke hislop assistant mine foreman whose quick and his son battled theirway through wit and courage made successful the until they reached the doors leading only possible plan to spare the lives from the main tunnel to the chambers of the entrapped men they threwopen these doors on right fire broke out in the timbering and left of the main tunnel diverting about 20 feet from the mouth of the the air current and causing it to carry hogs 1475 to 1525 sows 11 to 1150 the smoke back to the shaft hislop then rushed from chamber to chamber on each side covering a distance of almost 3000 feet warning tho workmen the foremen held tfo 63 men in an abandoned section for more than five hours when rescue- hislop was outside when the fire crews succeeded in getting through m am hi imiii i neighbors are looking after the others had incomes below 10000 ottawa answering a question in the house of commons the minister of customs stated that 225514 indi viduals paid personal income tax in the fiscal year 1924 of these 218474 j was reported and immediately went the flames and fire fighters extin- j below his son robert employed at euished tho fire mutt and jeffey bud fisher j6ff amx x w rtcwg ths bkake beams on ou vwrtv to jaclcso florlba bot we got to rlct ft railroad dick spottcd vs ftwii crackc5d m acro ray peer wth a club mhw