five million workers involved in general strike ordered in britain lonion may 3 a generalstriko premier bomwins official residjnce of british labor has been called for j between the rival parties midnight tonight in support of the coal miners for the first time in history the most powerfully organized groups of workers in the world havechatenged the government which has retaliated by moving troops and warships and issuing a royal proclamation of a na tional emergency this in effect sus pends normal civil liberties a group of 200 men constituting sible for the threatened general wak- the general council of the trade un- out ton congress ordered the general the downing street conference fol- i etriko after executives of all the great lowed a day of cabinet msstings the trade unions took the unprecedented coming and going of lord chancellor j step of delegating full powers to the cave between king george at wind- council later detaoed orders were issued to labor throughout the country on one side was mr baldwin and his cabinet on the other the thirty- two members of labors council of j action more accurately the general i council of the trades union congress j the mere fact that this meeting was held was generally considered to be a sign that a settlement was possible involving the coal miners the at- tempt to reduce mine wages is respon- four persons drowned when squall upsets boat in richelieu river conqueror of falls i killed by orange peel i bobby leach who went over niagara in barrel dies from trivial cause montreal- que may 2 four per- choring and then lying fiat in the bot- j a despatch from london saysa extern 25 mitchal as- torn of their crafts but the unfortun- despatch to the evening news from tn tified ate party after dropping anchor at- christchureh new zealand says that d aisonkiawrn rerovned tempted to make the si ore bobby jach who went over ni- the richeieu river eary this even- 1 epstein at the oars could be seen by iagara falls in a steel barrel in 1911 ir wh jvz ina which s at fol lis dead fiom injuries received when a squi near the orf fort chambjn j to bo struggling with a mighty stroke he slipped on a piece of orange peel party was on a fishing trip to bring the boat into land dragging in the tect when tba tra occurred jthe anchor he had succeeded in puing iach broke a leg which was found striking with the near velocity of a the boat to within 60 feet of the shore nccessarv to amputate i tornado the wind swept down on the when the woman suddenly jumped to i fort soon after four oclock this after- her feet and capsized the light craft bobby leach a canadian achiev- n the seven rowboatsj epstein managed to drag himself ed worldwide notoriety through his which on kicheeu river in onto the upturned boat but in an at- feat at niagara fais he was the thls vlclmt a time ln a wld tempt to pull one of his companions to second person to go over the faus and gft f 0 the kf him he lost his balance live the first being mrs anne edson boata wahirtooa the tempest by an- and went down with the other three to quit there remains little hope of avert ing the struggle which serious eng lishmen believe may hold more peril for british institutions than tho groat war itself it is a struggle wholly unlike the general strikes that have broken out on the continent because here british labor is prepared to fight solidly behind its leaders peace negotiations were in progress tonight at number 10 downing st sor and the cabinet headquarters and the continuous session of the council of action at labors centre in eccle- slr esme howard the continuous session of the council the british ambassador to washing- ton who spoke m toronto at the i taylor of niagara fals ny whoj made the trip in a barrel oct 24 the markets stone square luncheon of the combined canadian loachs trip was made july 25 1911 ho was severely battered and j r7 rotarian and empire clubs and was was severey oaitereo anu toronto sf ftl fe ss present at a social function of the wo- bruised ta the drop of 158 feet over man whea 1 north 170 j t mens canadian club he declares the horseshoe fais but his injuries no 2 north 164 no 3 north were only superficial he was 49 years not quoted old when he performed the feat i man oats no 2 cw nominal no i a despatch from niagara falls f oted no 1 feed 52c no 2 iont says the death of bobby f 50c western grain quotations leach intrepid falls thrillseeker re- l port i x ca workers for tomorrow midnight and foyi were oniy superncml he was 49 years not quoted tho cabinet were trying to find a mm contiaence ln lhe tu old when he performed the feat i man oatsno 2 cw nominal no a despatch from niagara falls not quoted no 1 feed 52c no 2 given him formula which woud permit resump- turo of tho country tion of negotiations between the minj ers and the coal owners at a late wkorrt diidivictn hour tonight however it was an- two children burned nounced failed that the negotiations had woman killed when train hits truck husband seiiously injured on grade crossing near courtland a despatch from tillsonburg ont bays mrs charles w graydon was instantly killed and her husband seri ously injured at noon on thursday when the truck in which they were riding was struck by the cnr pas senger train at courtland mrs gray don was thrown about thirty yards and died immediately while mr gray don received severe cuts and badly shaken up and it is not known yet whether he sustained internal injur ies or not the truck was demolished this crossing right in the heart of tho village has proven a death trap for several years as there has been many fatalities on this spot appar ently mr graydon who was driving did not see the train approaching al- state of emergency proclaimed in britain crossing and the engine caught the london may 2 tho following is the text of tho royal proclamation issued yesterday declaring a state of emergency as tho result of the calling of a general strike by tho british trade unions whereas by the emergency powers act of 1920 it is enacted thai if it appears to us that any action has been taken or is immediately threat ened by any person or body of per sons of such nature and on so ex- tensivo a scale as to be calculated by interfering with the supply and distribution of food water fuel or light or with the means of locomo tion to deprive the community of the essentials of life we may by proclamation declare that such a state of emergency exists and whereas the present immediate threat of cessation of work in the coal mines does in our opinion con- i am corn track toronto no and a third injured t l xr pf v yelsow 88c no 3 yellow 85c alu j lnitvu irmjukea figures from tho niagara district be- milifeed del montreal freights i sides going over the falls in a barrel bags included bran per ton 3125 farmhouse at cass bridge on july 25th 1911 leach many times shorts per ton 3326 middlings near winchester scene of tragic fatality defied death in sensational stunts with 54025 good feed flour per bag 230 the falls as a background on- ts 44 to 46c fob shipping he successfully negotiated the dlings 4025 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1350 butter no 1 pasteurized 83 to 33c eggs freah extras 36c fresh firsts 34c potatoes quebec per bag car lots 360 to 375 calves mod quality suckers 660 hogs 15 sow3 12 to 1226 canadasfireloss 40712172 in year equals 439 per capita as compared with 83 cents in england a despatch from ottawa says canadas fire loss for the year 1925 ottawa may 2two children are whirlpool rapids in a barrel dropped ofd jf j mm accor to s dead and another is not expected to with a parachute from the upper arch freights sl p accoraing provided in his report by j grove live as the result of a fire on saturday bridge over the gorge and from an- at tho farmhouse of william summers aeroplane ever the falls and perform- at cass bridgo near winchester ont 35 miles from ottawa the dead arc albert mckee aged 4 years son of hugh mckee a neighbor of summers and herbert summers aged 3 years son of tho owner of the house william summers jr aged 2 years is in a critical condition mr and mrs summers and mrs mckee went to ottawa on saturday leaving mr mckee in charge of the children ho was chopping wood in the yard having left the children in the kitchen with the door open the ed many other similar feats of daring leachs last bid for notoriety here was lato last fall when he attempted do second pat 850 1 ont flour toronto barley mnlting 62 to 64c buckwheat no 2 72o rye no 2 85c man flour first pat 9 toronto to swim the lower river just below the i 90 per cont pat per barrel in cariots toronto cover his false teeth which fell out q bust of lord durham though there is an alarm bell at the t stitute a state of emergency within tho meaning of the said act truck almost in the centre tho train now therefore in pursuance of the was brought to a stop in a very fewj said act we do by and with the ad yards as it was stopping at the station a few rods away no coal from belgium to break the strike brussels may s no belgian coal is expected to cross the north sea to vice of our privy council hereby declare that a state of emergency exists given at our court at buckingham palace this thirtieth day of april in the year of our lord 1926 and in the sixteenth year of our reign god save the king a despatch from ottawa says speaker lemleux in the house of commons announced that a bust of door was closed either by tho wind or lord durham had been received by the the little ones and the first warning j government as a gift from mr st mckeo had of tho tragedy was whenjloe strachev of london england a passerby on the reicl shouted to him premier king speaking on behalf falls he failed when ho tried to re- senbo in bulk 630 straw carlots per ton 9 to 930 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 2250 cheese new large 20c twins prmmited in tht- dnmininn 21c triplets 22c stiltons 23c old m0n large 25c twins 26c triplets 27c butter finest creamery prints 38 to 38c no 1 creamery 36 to 87 no 2 34 to 35c dairy j prints 27 to 29c smith dominion fire commissioner and hon secretarytreasurer of the association of canadian fire mar shals which held its annual meeting here thero were 31757 fires during tho year tho largest of which was that in the lumber yards at hawkesbury the loss of which is officially placed at 1400000 in great britain said mr grovo smith during tho courso of his report there is a fire toss of 83 cents per capita this and the increase by 700- 000 over the previous year caused the widest concern in the old country eggsfresh extras in cartons 35 in ca the wo000000 au to 36c fresh extras loose 34c fresh j loss or p ca of tao firsts 33c fresh seconds 28 to 29c population stil appears to cause very dressed poultry chickens spring little concern that tho kitchen was onn tho eost of flre protection to tho in ho found the room fiedwith flames erous gift was most deeply appreciat- l 5 f j jl- 2 j municipalities grove smith stated and dense smoke the fire evidently j ed he requested mr speaker to ex- j fj otlcf tuvkeyo vf0 816 during the year 374deaths were having started from the cooking stove tend thanks to mr strachey right j beans can handpicked 2gq per j groping around in the smoke he hon arthur mcighen on behalf of bushel primes 240 per bushel help break the british coal strike it mother fatally burned fa not definitely know what attitude carries baby for mile the begian miners will take to show their solidarity with the british but that they will not permit coal ship ments to england is reported as prac tically certain iwhat further measures will be adopted is to be decided thursday tlve international federation of j iiiiv iiim uitu a iew hours aiier- miners agreed at a recent congress m of hurm fi fln ijq brussels that m case of a strike m of kcrseno seei tho farm engar tte federation must prevent burni hashand came shipments from all porta to fcn and m wfc fc work the belgians are expected to be the f a despatch from saskatoon says carrying a ninemonthsold baby ln her arms and followed by her two other small children mrs r paren- teau aged 30 of the duck iake dis- 1 trict ran to- her sisters home a mile found the three little forms stretched on tho floor unconscious and carried them out they were affected by the smoke and their flesh practically cooked by the intense heat a remarkable fea ture is that their clothing while scorched had not taken fire two of tho opposition also extended thanks maple produce syrup per imp j caused by fire and 1713 severe in to mr strachey gal- 240 per 5gai 230 per gal juries maplo sugar lb 25 to 26c maple syrup new per gal 250 7cn nnn r i l ci i honey 50lb tins 11 to 12c per 14750000 in gold shipped ib 10lb tins n to 12c 5lb tins to canada in month to j2c 2ib tins 14 to i4c smoked meats hams med 30 to a despatch from now york says the chidren died a- few hours- later the canadian bank of commerco without regaining consciousness the shipped 2000000 of gold to canada ii i j i t 1 j ml 1 1 iu xt trli- rrt t fire was got under control with tho de struction of tho kitchen only -o- boys locked in by parents perish when home burns on thursday and the new york trust maypole planted in ice at aylmer 1 away and died a few hours after- gians fart to act upon it causes of coal strike which started industrial crisis and following his wifes trail by the fragments of her burned clothing reached tho house where she had sought refuge a despatch from kainsack sask uays two boys aged 4 and 10 years the sons of wasyl zoleney perished from suffocation during a firo in tho zoleney farmhouse near peley sask according to information received hero coroner a j leach who in vestigated found that death was due to suffocation predisposed by neglect on the part of the parents tho chil dren had been locked in the house while the parents were at workin tho fields sea lions mowed down by machine guns the british coal miners went on strike when they failed to enforce a demand for the continuation of poil a despatch from victoria bc war rates of ptxy and hours of work says thousands of sea lions and after the withdrawal of the go cinj their clumsy pups will be mowed down mam subsidy on may- 1 i by machinegun fire when tho can- tho mine owners deprived of funds adian governnient starts its annual from ho public treasury pronoieu a war on the greatest enemy of the pa- redicton in pay of 1313 per ceritjcific coast salmon fishery patrol and an increase from seven to eight j boats will start out to scour the coast hours in the workday for tho huge mammals which congre- rtcent wages supported by tho sub- gate in herds in the spring breeding idy had been 33 13 per cent absve season as they establish themselves prewar prices the miners also nought nationaira avimer que may 2 half an hour 32c cooked hams 47 to 49c smoked before the ice started moving out of mils 22c cottage 2o to 2c break- aylmjr bav in the ottawa river fast bacon 32 to 36c special brand j i t it r breakfast bacon 33 to 89c back here saturday afternoon about 500 boneless 36 to 43c residents completed honoring the ad- m cured meatslong clear baconc0 vent of may by planting a maypole on tho ice this ceremony which was inaugurated 45 years ago by the late moses holt a united empire loyal- rolls 3950 per bbl lard pure tierces 17 to 18c tubs 18 to 18c pails 18 to 19c prints 19 to 20c shortening tierces 15 to 15c tubs 15 to 16c pails 16 to 16c blocks 17 to 18c ice about two hundred feet from the heavy steers choice 750 to 8 end of the aylmer wharf while the do good f7 to 725 butcher j crowd on shore cheered and sang pa- steers choice 7 to 775 do good triotic songs soon after tho ice 625 to 675 do com to med 5 to movimr 6 butcher heifers choice 650 to 725 qo good 6 to 650 do com last month this movement may con tinue until all tho g6000000 gold sent from canada earlier in tho year finds its way back 5 boy loses sight of eye by stick thrown by chum ist and old pioneer of the town was conducted by his son alfred holt the latter planted a 12foot cedar pole crowned with the union jack on the a despatch from guelph says struck by a stick thrown by a play mate richard farnworth 8yearold son of mr and mrs george h farn worth elora road had the sight of his left eyo destroyed sterling exchange advances toward gold parity on new york market in communities at wellknown point a despatch from now york says tho return to sterling oxchange to within striking distance of gold parity thursday accompanied the continued flow of funds from new york to lon don resulting from tho current dis- discount rate to 3 12 per cent money has been attracted to london by the 5 per cent bank rate and tho higher love of interest rates prevailing thoro in striking contrast to tho strength of sterling french and belgian francs parity in bank rates between tho two reacted to new record low levels at centres the cable rate on tho cur- 327 12 and 3 17 cents respectively rency advanced io 40 ilfi while the the agreement reached at washington demand rate ruled close to ssjsli 14 for a funding of tho french debt came man spring wheat pats firsts 5 to 550 butcher cows choice 525 to 6 do fair to good 4 to 5 butcher bulls goo j 5 to 575 bolognas 350 t- 4 ennners and cutters 250 to 350 springers cloice 83 to 90 good milch cows 70 to 80 medium cews 45 to 60 feeders good 625 to 675 do fair 5 to 6 stockers good 5 to 550 do fair 450 to 5 cawes choice 12 to 1250 do good 950 to 11 do lights 3 to 9 good lambs 14 to 1490 do med 250 to 13 do culls 10 to 1150 good light shep 8 to 10 heavy sheep and bucks 550 to 650 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1360 do fob 13 do country points 1275 do off cars 14 do thick fats fob s1250 solect premium 260 montreal oats cw no 2 63 c do no 3 2c extra no 1 feed 00c flour 9- manitoba seeding is finished a despatch from winnipeg says wheat seeding is finished in manitoba amlover onehalf in saskatchewan many fields however in the southern sections must be reseeded as a result of tho wind damage through south ern manitoba this season farmers have almost wholly resorted to dur- ums abandoning tho hard varieties of red rye and marquis because the latter does not resist rust as well as duruma british unemployed drop lowestin several years thoy form cas mark for compared with the accepted parity ico lato to have much effect on the seconds 800 strong bakers 830 lion mart tion of the coal mines which was opi gunners and topple over into the sea r gi gg 5j posed by the royal commission which j off their rocky perches in hundreds as since the new york fcile a despatch from iondon says for the first time in several years the number of unemployed in great bri tain has dropped down lw the mk- ths total number of un investigated the industry a deadly firo is poured at them i serve bank last week reduced its re- low i french currency although late in the winter pats choice 670 to 680 employed is now 997000 which repre- rai he- day it rallied slightly from its early i roked oats bag 90 lbs 330 to 3 40 scnts a drop of 200000 during the past i its re- low bran 312 shorts 332o mid- yea mutt and jeff by bud fisher the beauty specialist slips mrs mutt an earful