scotty smiths republic by capt henry mansfield sandwiched in between british and have the greatest of your war- the r of bechuanriand on the south and bhunoprnv from aw an ghth of a mile marched the analand protectorate on the north 51 and directly behind him wo were in for it when the od them were the artillery knew from about an eighth of a mile marched the eavy regiment and directly behmd lem were the artillery a pink tinted section of the map southern africa labelled stellaland ron inhabit by engushme men of boer extraction and backs from all gwgjj gg wjnding unosten wn to f au back throuh the lines of the tribes of that part of africa the official history of stellaland which consists of scattered entries in the re ports of tho colonial secretory is for the most part a dreary summary of more or ies3 bloody encounters be tween british subjects various tribes of the bechuana and the boers there is nothing romantic about the colonial government reports but the real his tory of stellaland eclipses fiction scotty smith is the only man who can tell tho real history of stellaland in tho way it ought to be told scotty was not what you might call tatiously here i said i have an image of a white warrior in token of good faith and to show you that i am sent to you by the great one i shall make tho image move i set the mechanism on the ground and it presented arms and grounded with all the precision of a tommy atkins on parade the natives were greatly impressed there was no more skepticism and it was decided forth with to mako war upon monkuran be fore he had time to attack on his own n conversationalist whiskey talked account jl when it was in mm in sufficient quan- we fell in with this but we insisted tity and sometimes if ho had a cigar on sufficient time to organize some strong and black and rank onough sort of a regular force words would chase the palo blue smoke i was to be in command of the army from between his thinly parted lips j montsio readily agreed to forego that then was time for men to listen once honor wth the prospect of real fight- started scottys flow of language is j l confronting him sam leo and immensely like the drift of the nieobjll were appointed major generals tine haze this is his story as nearly and wo set about preparing some sort word for word as can recall it of an army if we whipped that beg- it started in kimberlcy and as nil gar monkuran i was to receive forty good thing do or used to do it be- j head of cattle and each of my generals gan in a kaffy that is tho way that i twenty of course we would pool our scotty pronounces cafe i had met j interests and with such a hord to up with bill tyke leo warning and start we figured on becoming capi- sam howard we were all a bit on talisto our uppers ieo and bil were wanted j to uniform the staff wo requisition the heavy infantry which was to ad vance slowly crawling along the ground the artillery was to folow closely behind the heuvy regiment of the line and fire at the enemy over the backs of the men in front of them after the cannonade the heavy infan try was to attack in force if they weo repulsed they were to drop le- hind the artillery which woum by then be ready to fire again the en tire reserve was to bo held as a last resource in case the heavy infantry and artillery wero both defeated we wanted to take monkuran by surprise but he seemed to know intuitively that his hereditary enemies were stirring and he met us halfway suddenly there was a frightful ye1 in the wood ahead the scouts had encountered monkurans men but in stead of obeying sam and retreating they tackled the enemy and were gob bled up sam reached our lines almost torn to pieces the noise of the conflictwos too much for the regiment of the line and they rushedinto the fight on top of that the artillery commenced firing into the mass of struggling men and shot more holes in our army than they did in the enemy it is a mistake to give a savage a gun that is any savage but a red- man the indian takes to the fire arms as though they were a limb of that and declared war on us at least we siupicioned that he meant to j terminate the entente cordial when j he descended on oar camp burned half i of it and killed a score of our cattle j but the pick of both tribes wer with us and ws went through his army like i an elder son through the exchequer of 1 a baronetcy there were no euro pean tactics this time we let the men light in thsir own way and they tore right into the middle of montsios stronghold after the war about a quarter of his tribe came over to our side bringing their cattle and women and children with them there was a big celebration and when the natives were all drunk under guidance of sam bill and leo they elected me president 1 didnt play julius caesar and make them appoint me to the position three times i snapped it right up and appointed sam howard my treasurer general leo waring secretary of war and- bill tyke postmaster general we didnt need a post office but if was too good a graft to overlook j out of some old bits of calico we patched up a flag and it flew from a pole in front of the hut there was a picture of me on it leo did that ho was a sign painter once and he made a picture of me with native pig- ments on the calico and a beard three months old and looked like a grizzly the tailorl oloth frock though tyke had made a pass at the dignity and tailored simplicity are natives and it lent a sort of dignity expressed in this straightline frock to me just think of it i scotty that has admirably chosen bordered smith known all over the cape as a material of a very becoming design gunrunner renegade deserter and this type of dress is being particular- pear stealer i adorned the flag of a ly chosen because of its simplicity and republic dash of line which make it so smart after the raid on montsio there without a coat the convertible collar was plenty of native wine for the and patch pockets are trimmed with populace and some pretty good whis- the bordered material as well as the key which we had found in old mon- long tightfitting sleeves novelshaped sios private quarters for the presi- s dent and his cabinet we called the republic stellaland buttons extending in a line from the neck opening to the border on the skirt form a smart trimming note our only consolation was that the killed and instead of reloading the artillerymen threw them away and rushed into tho battle with the asse gais for three days we thrashed and struggled and sweated along in the in the usa where they had neglected i ed all the odds and ends of european to finish a term in tho cavalry i had j garments we could find among the na- been doing a little trading in tho cape tives incongruous pieces of clothing in which authorities had shown a which had probably been worn troublesome interest and i had parted by wanderers who had not fared as his body from her majestys artillery under well as we from somewhere i proi our or rather strained conditions sam was duced a brilliant green coat some time fire from the ancient muskets was so wanted for well never mind that worn by a belgian officer there was ineffective that few of our men were but he was wanted a gold braid across the front enough yes sir we were plumb up against of it to hand a corporals guard and it but say theres a providence that the brass buttons shone like little suns looks after rogues and fools as you my word but it was tight when i ought to know on one account or the drew a deep breath i had to loosen it 0 and it began to look out for and i never ate with it on a few us right thou and there into the kaffy rolled four of tho first gentry of tho land dressed say those fellows were togged out like plush horses but the thing that struck us most was tho fact that they wore riding clothes through the win dow i could see four of the finest pieces of horseflesh south of suez tied to the hitching bar things had been getting too warm for us in kimbcr- maiuiy arm uiu mf io iui ii kimhrw ley and an idea struck me we hadnt righteous fear in the hearts of those have seen a moun am on wounde d in kirnberley any special plan but wo all were glad beggars than did all the warriors of the shoulder and baen through an in- monkrran ragged slits probably told the tale j jungle and at the end of that time of how it had come into the possession j montsios army was pretty thoroughly of the bechana but i patched them up white leather riding breeches demoralized we made a mighty im posing retreat though when our furnished an excellent contrast to the j men had shaken off the pursuers they green coat and a pair of cavalrymans were suddenly seized with a desire for boots gave just the proper finish j discipline and insisted on marching when i was all togged up i felt back to montsios village in close like a hardware bazaar my brass j formation laa reddy and i hurried on ahead to stella well she was about the only the plain back extends over the shoul- good thing that ever came into my ders forming a yoke to which the life and i wanted the republic to be a j front is slightly gathered no 1108 is good thing too stella was one of in sizes 34 36 38 40 and 42 inches ii j i t- bust size 36 bust requires 4 yards of plain material 36 inches wide or 2 yards of bordered material 64 inches wide price 20 cents many style3 of smart apparel may be found in our new fashion book our designers originate their patterns in tho heart of the style centres and their creations are those of tested popularity bought within the means of the average woman price of the book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your same and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stampb or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dopt wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st toronto patterns sent by return mail but thats aside from the story one night when we were all properly in toxicated the republic of stellaland declared war on monkuran next to twala tho natives love fighting and we had made up our mind we would lick the tribe to the south sooner or later the night before the battle most of monkurans warriors came over to our side and there was no thing much left for us to fight we drove the remnants of his tribe miles into the forest then we settled down to matters of state bill tyke found a nativewho was a wonder at painting little pic tures with pigments tho savages use on their bodies and he showed him how to mark out a face which looked a great deal like mine on little strips of fibrous stuff which we cut into squares the post office department took charge of these and when a na tive wanted to send a letter he ex changed a number of beads a knife or some other article for a square which did for a stamp we used the beads and other things in turn to pur chase cattle which we figured we spurs jangled like the chimes of nor- gj to the chief if yoa j might some day be able to transport to of a chance to get away we had no money with which to buy horses so we just naturally figured we ought to annex the four wo did it anil rode away like mad its too bad growled sam that dian typhoon you may gather a vague all that i could find in the way of idea of how tho old iran took on headgear was a plain pithihelmetj nm which hardly lived up to the rest ofi that would have given us no chance the natives had made mv costume but a long scarlet feather for getaway et just at the proper angle more than htte gods of us until we got licked we had to leave them fine riding made up for that my staff dressed j then they turned us down cold clothes behind considerable too but though i say it j didnt even have the properties ot sam always was some of a pessim- myself there was never a general who throw ist but that didnt bother the rest of came within miles of me for elegance us tho horscsundcr us felt mighty i doubt if the queen of shebicould good and we struck for the woods we have put me to shame kept on riding north and living on jeo waring got to laughing the first what we could get at first we had d on the field when ho saluted mo no plans except to steer for the bech- n reported his company and wlien uana country where in those days j i triedto reprimand him i got a roar- tho government didnt mquiretoo par- m so i f for the tight green ticularly into a mans past and where j cmt j was k the helmet was so big it almost covered my mouth for more than a month we drilled and pranced and marched about a big square field and held reviews every afternoon for old montsio was some what of a stickler for ceremony at the end of that time the army was able to wheel the corvette about the rather by surprise and his warriors field like a company of ruraos nhd haying had enough of fighting i have seen many a battalion at thnj not care to face fourbores we trek- cape drill in worse form i ked away into the wilderness and sot we had rifles and the natives posses- up a little camp of course we head that some day the toy might come sod some fifteen antique muskets i couldnt trade with montsios people handy with some natives and as it think magellans men dropped them but we had our cattle and we began turned out it did j off at the cape on their way around to mako overtures to monkurans gang we were weeks from kirnberley the world and they were pro balny out some of his warriors were attracted when we came upon n tribe of bech- of date at that time the men with by our uniforms which we put into nana led by a chief called monsio i firearms outside ourselves consisted commission again that they came to we rode into his village just at dusk of the artillery under command of bill live with us one evening and were led before himjtykfc j sam howard tin pessimist kicked he didnt seem particularly amicably the light infantry carried nothing because there wasnt any caffy but inclined after formal salutations he but assegais and were heid in reserve the rest of us got along pretty corn- there were good cattle to be had for the taking if you could dodge the spears of the natives one day 1 ventured into prieska to get somo needed supplies and it wasnt till their i began to conceive a plan we finally worked out in prieska though the plan was mighty vague i bought a little mechanical tin soldier which presented arms and grounded arms when he was wound up i had an idea in the back of my bluff with them my helmet was gone scarlet plume and all my boots were mud to the hips and the white trousers were unrecognizable after montsio had sprinkled venom on every leaflet ot my family tree just as you spray arsenic on a fruit tree he informed us that we were all fak ers and that unless we were outside the village within two hours we would play an important though unpleasant role at the royal feast wo didnt consume any two hours in taking advantage of our exit cue seventeen minutes after the interview with montsio wo were threshing the trail ahead of us that took him there was no reason in the world why tho natives should mail the let ters but they liked the idea and we rigged out a sort of uniform for the carrier who took the messages scratched on pieces of bark and de livered them to their proper huts the greater the post office business the more cattle and skins we bought and sam sure did make that treasury de partment yield results one night we were all sitting sngk- ing flag you are wrong they have charms those wild primitive tigerwomen oh its wonderful to be a king for thats what i really was though we called it a republic but the dance ended just as all things do evsn we perhaps and the fires blackened into smouldering ashes ashes of empire sam howard called them he was a professor or something once and he had read that in a book general warren and i sat all night and talked and i smoked civilized tobacco next morning when the guard was about to raise the flag i stopped him general warren smiled weakly and examined the poor little emblem then he handed it over to me keep it he said but dont run it the guard had just loweredlhe up again its treason theres only with all the formality of tho one flag flies over this land asked what do my brothers purpose in their hearts now we had hoard that monkuran a neighboring chief had recently des cended upon montsio and driven away more than half of his cattle we were sent i said by tho great god of the white men who loves ready to jump into the fight at any fortably one day some of our men point where we might bo hard pressed brought in four of montsios tribe sam howard was in command of w been hunting in the vicinity them nnd i was in charge of tho wo hold a courtmartial and decided hsnvy regiment of the lino which was to behead them when they were re- to bear tho brunt of the fighting less 1 a proper slate of panic we calculated to damage bone and offered them life if they would go to musoe montsios village and return to us at last i told montsio his army was with twelve men twenty head ofcattlo ceremony with which they used to lower the other flag tho flag i loved when i was in the artillery it wasnt ten minutes after that when the sound of hoofs brought us to our feet the natives were terribly excited when a company of british legulars rode out of the woods but we kept them well in hand lord ss lesson february 14 jeiua th good shep herd john 10 130 golden text i sm th good shepherd the good thephenj glveth his life for th sheep john 10 11 analysis i the parable 16 h the explanation 716 introduction chapter nine de scribed the cruel treatment given to the blind man by the jewish author ities because be dared to proclaim his belief hv jesus his courage ended in his expulsion from the synagogue but trials which men endure for the sake of jesus lead to greater blessings and chapter ten telli of the new society into which this believer passes by receiving jesus the good shepherd tha imagery is familiar to readers of the old testament for example in the most popular of all the psalm 23 and in isaiah 4011 i the parable 16 the narrative is first given in a general and impersonal way the conditions connected with the care of sheep are mentioned flock fold shep herd sheep porter perils etc v 1 thief and robber jesus means the pharisees who were false shep herds of gods flock who allowed their own selfish interest and prejudice to blind them to the claims of love and truth v 3 porter openeth the fold was a walled enclosure into which different flocks of sheep were brought and these placed under the protection of the night porter in the morning the shepherd returned to lead their flocks out again v 4 sheep follow a writer says the shepherd depends upon tho sheep to follow and they in turn expect him never to leave them they run after him if he appears to be escaping from them and are terrified when he is out of sight or any stranger ap pears instead of him he calls them from time to time to let them know that he is at hand the sheep listen and continue grazing but if any one else tries to produce the same peculiar cries and gutteral sounds they look around with a startled air and begin to scatter century bible ii the explanation 71c jesus sees that they do not under stand him and he proceeds to ctate his meaning he wishes to define the na ture of the new society or fellowship into which he brings people and tak ing the figure of the shepherd and sheep he represents himseif as the door and the shepherd 1 christ the door vs 710 v 7 i am the door of the sheep not of the fold jesus interest s always personal tho door is a most important part of every home and if it could tell all that went in and out by it we would have the history of the household he who controls the door controls the house jesus is the only one who cart admit people into his kingdom and the place into which ho brings us is rich in blessing he gives us salvation and pasture he leads us in and out he takes us into the inner life of the soul and unfolds to us the nobility and gran deur of our spiritual inheritance through him also we may go out into the world and find it is our fathers house we see things with the eyes of jesus thus all the spiritual bene fits of religion are summed up in christ v 8 thieves those who pretended to be the messiah or such as led people astray by craft and falsehood but these had no real message for the sin ful and sorrowing they could only steal away tho soul from god nnd de stroy the spiritual ideals of life see matt 2313 v 10 more abundantly christ ushers us into life that is true life where there is no famine he imparts life and abundance 2 christ the good silephuu vs 1118 this is a more personal term than door the shepherd had a direct nc- j quaintance with each member of the flock and this blind man is now offer ed the personal friendship of jesus good does not mean moral goodness alone but also beauty there is an attractiveness about jesus which draws people to him and makes him different from all others fairest of the sons of men two further characteristics are mentioned as constituting his pastoral care a lis selfsacrificing love 1113 v giveth his life the hireling thinks only of himself christ think of the sheep he came to give his life the powerful montsio to protect him ready to whip all the braves of the and some twala it was a bargain dance perhaps you have but you j tours b k against monkuran who somo day in- bark continent combined it sure and instead of returning with twelve im not ashamed of it there was a little water snlty as the sea trick ling into the corner of my mouth as i rolled up the banner and put it under my jnckot now look here scotty said the general i notice four pretty smart horses in your corral i dont know how you canto by them but i dare there wasnt any use in bucking up say theyre none too good for a prcsi- against the queens own a sick dent and his cabinet it strikes me sort of feeling made me feel as though you may have told me about them last i was crumbling up as i walked forj night but i cant for the life of me ward to meet the officer at the head remember that part of your story of the column it was general war- scotty he went on after n pause in ransom for many he came to seek ren i get on those horses and ride like mad j nnd to save that whiclrwaslost tho he was very kind and decent to niej id bate like hell to have to hang you i beauty of christ which is definitely but i realized what was afoot when he iy- said ho would stay for the night to j opticians tip adjust affairs i dont know how tho government ever dreamed of us b madam said the optician to its queer how things will leak out i whom i had brought a pair of gasses suppose it must have happened one which a screw was missing you time when leo went over to klaungs ned n made this long special with some cattle he may have got tip you could have fixed the gasses drunk and talked too much or more temporarily yoursef and then hnve likely it was a woman j waited until you were coming to town we all of us wanted to be game to have the new screw put in and we played like men right to the next time it happens simply insert an finish we gave the soldiers a royal ordinary toothpick into the hole as far feast nnd invited general warren to as t wlil k turn t oncc or twiec nn1 exclusive synagogue out of which this witness a dance and he could not have cut it off i have told this to many j blind man has been driven is ex- accepted an invitation from the prcsi- of niy patrons and jt has saved some of changed for a universal christ jesus dent of the united states more eour- them a good deal of trouble several is a world redeemer his death is not i i have found that it was a handy thing only for the jews but also for the to know when on fishing trips or auto gentiles jesus points forward to the due to his own choice v 18 is tho culmniating proof of love b his intimate knowledge 1416 v 15 as the father knoweth christs knowledge of the flock is like the fathers knowledge of his son this filial consciousness has the deep est thing in the life of christ to know tho father was eternal life he is familiar with all our needs having 1wll become one of the race subject to our t i temptations and therefore able to help us in all our need v 10 other sheep this iew so ciety is universal in its extent the have you ever seen a real bechuana j tends to drive away what remains of did look as though monkuran was men they brought twentyfive week by week our population swell- your cattle doomed montsio had several natives montsio was inclined to bo credulous j cattle killed and roasted twala flowed i c an wo accumulated more cattle at first and we all had to submit to aj freely and from somewhere he proj when we had about a hundred men greasy embrace after that there was duced a bottle of real whiskey for us from j r tr wo organized nn generals when everyone was properly intoxi cated th war manoeuvres began dur ing the night wo massed on the banks of a small stream and at sunrise be gan to trek straight north a band of light infantry were in the van as ccout with sam howard in command never knew the leal significance of it no one knew the real significance of j vegetables will beep best in a cellar it no one docs until he has watched that has good ventilation and where itknowiiik that it is all for him its the temperature is maintained at be great missionary enterprise of chris tianity matt 2810 plenty oi twala and undar the influ ence of tho liquor the chief began to get suspicious iook here he said i am trans lating freely what you say is all very well but how am i to know you ire terling the truth call the old men to council i said intoxicating when you know its all for you and the young women dis expedition into montsios territory to png their charms make you think is women lord is theyre dancing for keep the brakees adjusted t brakes should be adjusted every i thirty days if they nre not equalized tweon thirtyfive and forty degrees y- resut wii lw rallk ci and fahrenheit squeak the wheels will lose their alignment the tread of one or more carry away somo of h you know what those women arc like i iau whe l charms but you cant have a republic or any- when youve lived for years in thing els without women and we the wilderness on the open roads and cheapest but baking soda will do the wero fast building a real little state among the driftwood on the beaches trick just as well after all corrosion of our own you jet a different standard corrosion on battery terminals can t vill soon wear and the frame of bo removed with a folution of soda the car will be distorted and water plain washing soda is the montsio went up in the air about look different to you and who can say the terminals with vaseline in the year 1800 a man could sickle 1 trick just as well after all corrosion onehalf acre of wheat in the saw things has been removed it is well to grease time that today vith a tractor nnd two binders he can col forty acres