whe exposed to air v if tea lose its strength and flavor t h6m for that reason is never sold in bulk your grocer sells this delicious blend try salada crossword puzzle t3 neighborhood about my plot of green great planets swing golden in golden eve or morning grey my lowly rooftree touches saturns ring and the vast splendor of the milky way oysters and the public health governments of the united states and canada cooperate in protective work classified advertisements akebs- otensl wbotroa caxaukiba ad h tf omd ml u om caax iui tn xu wot tnu b j in laws and regulations respecting the gathered about the doorways near j taking and shipping of oysters went and far i into effect in the united states and at eventide they talk with nods and j canada which wlh have important and smiles i farreaching effecto in both countries salesmen iwe offer steady employment and py weekly to tell our complete and eiclu- on 15th november 1925 changes affected in two ways first an to the sire lines of guaranteed quality whole above the ejxn my nearest neighbor star greets me across some fifteen trillion miles margaret sherwood in the upper 8iopee horizontal 1velns of a leaf 4stupld fellow 7glrl 11s american plant resembling potato 12bench 13argues 16whlte ant 17every 18entrance 19conceal 20type of vessel abbr 22confllct 23prcpared 25-paln- 260irt 27tattered garments 28preface 29measure of weight 80feathery plant 31manner of walking 32sunburn 33box cover 34deslre 35anlmal appendage 37descendant 39fetch 41to disarrange 42closed horizontal 43connect 44the middle 45prefix meaning three times 46nclto 47trlck 48slnful 81crown of the head 52made loud sound through nose 54outflt for making ices 56cut 57unlt of work 58wlaa 58prosecuted at law 60at liberty vertical 1mechanlcal repetition 2refrlgerate 3agreement of sale 4tendlng to hinder 8to be in debt 6walks on 7to be deficient 8tree 9thus 10handle of scythe 12deep hole thc inttrmatiomat svnoicatt cont vertical cont 14notdlfficult 16earth and clay 19iniportance 20natlve of scotland 21remalnder 22court 24organ 25very dry 26miss ones footing i 2sbucket j 30polnted tooth 31shone 32armored motor cr 34addltlon to a building 36beast of burden 37protectlon 38pronoun 40severlty of climate pi 41hoardera 42agltate 44sllent 47efface 49oath 50border 51pointed wooden pin i 52pronoun 53before 65each abbr guard the baby against cous to guard the baby against colds nothing can equal babys own tablets lesson the pathway leads me far so far along a stern and rocky way a little sun a little rain makes up the substance day by day ah but tho splendors life may know- tilk cheerful toian is one who has the rich red blood of good health the fact that one woman is bright- eyed rosycheeked strong and cheer ful while another is pale weak and depressed is due more often than otherwise to the condition of the blood the way to remedy this depressed state is to build up the blood and for this purpose there is no other tonic can equal dr williams ptok pills a case in point is that of mrs melvln abra graveley street vancouver bc who sals about two years ago i was a very sick woman i seemed to be wasting away and getting thinner all the time i grew so weak that the doctor sent me to the hospital but the treatment there did not help me and i returned home then i tried a num ber of tonics with no better results at this stage my mother came to me and as she is a firm believer in dr williams pink pills she started me on tills medicine i can only say that they did wonders for me i began to get new health and strength after i had token a few boxes and day by day this improvement continued until i was again well and able to do all my housework and i have not had a sick day since i cannot recommend your pills too highly and urge those who are looking for health jnd happiness to give them a trial you can get tho pills from your druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont pompeii gets big bronze cross the introduction of these changes was necessary not only to safeguard the health of citizens but also to save the oyster business from extinction dur ing tho last few years outbreaks of typhoid fever particularly in different parts of the united states were caused from eating oysters from pol luted beds citizens in both countries were alarmed and in 1924 the con sumption of oysters fell to onequarter of what it had been two or three years before and gave indications of ceasing altogether faced with this situation the different governments concerned took drastic action in the united states the oyrter beds have been examiued by federal and state authorities acting independently and the latter have also instituted an ex amination in regard to sanitation of all establishments where oysters are opened or shucked the state medi cal service issues to the fisherman a certificate that the bed on which he is licensed to fish is not polluted and also a certificate to the shucker that his premises are sanitary these cer tificates are forwarded to the federal dopartment of health at washington wheo they are checked and filod for reference since 15th november every shipment of oysters has had to be ac companied by tags properly filled in showing the name and license number of tho fisherman and also the shucker without these tags the shipments are not admitted into any state for con sumption and the state medical auth orities are in constant communication with washington to ensure that the licenses are genuine and have not been revoked as a further check the united states federal government does not issue a vise to a fisherman if its owkindependent report shows the eyster bed on which he is fishing to be polluted but settles this point with the state authorities in this protective work canada through the department of health is actively cooperating this country is export of oysters to the united states and second as to the import of oysters from that country the united states will not allow uncertified oysters to be imported from canada and canada naturally requires a like assurance as to the oysters coming in from the united states this means the in spection and certification of oyster beds in canada and further necessitates the inspection of shipments from the united states- with the accompanying examination and cheeking of certifi cates by the departments of health and marine and fisheries with the co operation of the department of cus toms officers of the department of health have been for some months engaged in supervising the examination of tiia oyster beds in the maritime provinces in attending the different meetings in the united stateb at which the various points were settled and in furnishing the required information and assist ance to the department of customs and the department of marine and fisheries- on account of the cold clear waters around her eastern coast canada pro duces some of the finest oysters in the world unfortunately for the same reason 6ince oysters do not propagate or grow when the temperature of the water is lower than 60 degrees f canadian oyster beds ore not nearly so prolific as beds in warmer waters it is gratifying for canadians to know that with one or two exceptions the oyster beds of the maritime provinces aro free from pollution and that there fore the department of health has had no difficulty in regard to the issue of certificates although the regulation of the oys ter business was forced upon the uhlted states and canada because of the menace to health of polluted beds it will work out to the benefit of the industry in both countries the health of citizens will be protected and the knowledge that contaminated oysters are not allowed on the market will restore confidence and will un doubtedly result in the return of the business to its oldtime vigor and pros perity root freahdugtoorder trees and pissts attract illustrated sample nd luli ecoperatjon a money-toak- ia owortunftjr 1 uiks brother nurseries msntrsal wanted i i cigar store indian formerly used in front of tobacconist store must be in good condition state price and where can be seen h watkins 73 w adelaide st toronto answer to last weeks puzile icioirinicioibssdii iam c1eq h ranb qhe tan fr r 1 p e n g r urj a shb heb mm e33 m ok qe3 h qa v hlrletis kioiuidb 0hh hebebaheh r r e h l 35n ebstmbtp 1 c l aflpo oink jskislmjfiap once bitten a proud mother took her little son a great bronze cross sixtyfive feet i aged six to the photographers much long and weighing many tons was to the little chaps disgust completed recently in rome italy for the sanctuary of the holy virgin of pompeii it was constructed in- sec tions that were riveted together italians in all parts of the world con- trlbued to a fund that paid for this cross which is said to be he largest that ever has been made in this man ner the tablets are a mild laxative that friendships bright happiness and love will keep the little ones stomach and falthj far nope illumining all bowels working regularly it is a re- 1 uke g stars far up above cognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist that the health of the little onejvlll he good and that he will thrive and bo happy the new sales tax will not increase the price of babys own tablets ns the company pays the tax you can still obtain the tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box or by mall post paid from the dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont milton sold real estate when not writing poetry when john milton was not busy writing poetry he was selling london real estate prof david ii stevens told tho modern language association recently ho said milton and his father had handled at least four largo realty transactions evidence of tho real cstato transactions was found by prof stevens among government papers in the public record office in london tho price of ono of the mil ton holdings was 358 a large sum in 1627 an investment of 560 brought the elder milton a return of 40 the records showed and oh within tho plan worked out to test the body soul and mind i pray not to forget to learn the simple art of being kind george elliston to his booke make haste away and let one be a friendly patran unto thee lest rapt from hence i see thee lye torn for the use of pasterie or see thy injurd leaves serve well to make loose gownes for mackarell or see the grocers in a trice make hoods of thee to serve out spice herrick a boa constrictor in a collection of animals in hamburg germany chok ed himself to death in the effortto swallow his own tail a good many people who are trying desperately to make both ends meet will know how to sympathize with the unfortunate snake scarcely had they arrived in the photographers studio than the little boy commenced to cry in loud and vibrant rones his mother tried to cdmfort the child the photographer too parform- ed various antics which he considered would brighten up the ohilds unhappy countenance but all their efforts were in vain but bobby said his mother in ex- asperatiou there is no need for all this fuss the man is not going to hurt you just smile and kesp still for a min ute and itll be all over said the photographer beaming on the unhap py child yes 1 know came the sobbing re ply thats what they told me at the dentists mlnards liniment relieves headache royal wills are never made public in britain they are kept in a spe cial room of somerset house and not even the officials see them7 because he bobbed the hair of a young girl without her parents con sent a hairdresser of dijon france has been sued for damages by her father veils of white muslin are suggested for the use of sufferers from colds to avoid spreading infection enduring two things alone will in mens mem ory he those are soft words and every act thats pure these aye will last while earth and sands endure dust wind and water sunshine in the sky good name and pure words never can destroy from the persian of faraduse translated by alexander rogers county meath ireland is perhaps the only part of the british isles where the men outnumber the women eyes irritated by sunwinddust 6cind1s ricommendeo cr sold bt druggists ft- optician wmtl ioiv v 1ti cart 00k mvium cooucacj taylor- forbes mlnards liniment for grippe surnames and their origin snndringham the norfolk residence of the late queen alexandra was bought by king edward for 1000000 in the first place but the estate has been greatly enlarged since mlnards liniment for frostbites machine knives they stay sharp longer 0iuonds canada saw co limited fsbo duhda9 t w toronto v moktbim tjomw uses euaramteeo tree pruners for every purpose in the orchard cutting limbs up to u inches handles 4 68 10 and 12 feet yacr hardwire daalar ksews tbt aaaety our deacrlpuve circular sent to any addrcaa on reqacat taylorforbes company ximitbd gublph ont j an acid atoiiiach caused by indigestion often creates rheumatic symptoms set your sturasch jriflht with seigein syrup any drug store oneword sermon tho word news is made up of- tho four lottors that indicate hie main points of tho compass j s e and w in a book published more than a century ago tho author comments up- on tills in a way that is by no means out of dato at tho present time he says as news implies tbo intolli- eence received from all parts of tho world tho very word keolf points out its meaning n tho north e tho ast w the west and s the south jthls expressive word also recom- linends thd practlco of the tallowing virtues nobleness in our thoughts equity in our dealings wisdom in our counsels and sobriety in our enjoy- wts mlnards liniment for sore throat mckeever variations maclvor maclver mae- ivlr emcr emerson iver ivor ivir howard racial origin iris and scottish source a given name this group of family names which shows such wide variations is more frequently fouud among those of irish ancestry than among the scots though there are septs of no less than three scottish clans which bear the names maclvor and maclver these olans are robertson campbell and mackenzie tho namo is more properly spelled walker variations tucker fuller racial origin english source an occupation a walker of course would be ono woli walks yet this hardly explains tho frequency with which walker is met as a family name today it would be hard to imagine that a sufficient number of persons had obtained famo as walkers in a period when very low rode to account for tho number of walker families to bo found in this country the answer lies in this tho walk- maclomhalr in tho gaelic but it j er of mediecal england was ono who should ho remembered that in that tongue the aspirated m is pro nounced approximately like a v the clan v is taken from tho given name of loinhar or- ivar a compound of two irish words torn and nr meaning much slaughter this name is not to bb confounded with tho given name of ivo ouco walked with a purpose it was his oc cupation to tread on woollen cloth while it was being thickened shrunk or fulled in a soap washing today fulling machines do this work in our dying and finishing plants but in those days tho cloth was manipulated by hands and feet or mayns ca pees as one old norman french documont widespread through england but now has it surviving only in a few family names tho irish clanname maclomhair traces back to a chieftain who was tho groat grandson of the macdubh- gball macdougall who was king of tho isles in 1u4 and who come from that irish stock to which most of tho highland scottish blood traces back tho forms emer emerson and howard when tho last is not from an other source aro only anglicized cor ruptions of tho irish dan name tho scottish maclvors- in somo cases traoo hack to tho irish clan and in othors have derived their name from othor individuals who bore the given name of iomhar the walker then was simply a fuller tho tucker was also a fuller all tlirco of theso words be ing virtually interchangeable in the middle ages as designating tho occu pation of coureo their first uso as names was simply a doscrlptivo addi tion to n mans given name as in pcrclval lo toukaro but in the courso of tlmo peoplo uiought of the man rather than tho occupation when thoy used it so and then it would bo applied to his children becoming in a grfcat many cases hereditary whllo in others tho descentants of fullers might become known by family names formed in other ways c hills are tho forerunners of so- the chest and back with vere colds and grippe rub mlnards bathe the feet in mlnards and hot water proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for colds headache neuritis lumbago pain neuralgia toothache rheumatism does not affect the heart accept only bayer package which contains proven directions handv bayer boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists applrla is tb riie mark rcalatsrcd to canada of payer uaufactare of monoacetle tcmojtcr or satleyltcacld acetyl salicylic add a 8 a vvulle it la well tmn that aspirin cn bayer aanoxactnr to aaaumbe pobllo atalast tmlfatloai ta tabc eayer coopany wul t ttaoptd with tialr central trasa marl taa barer crosa troubled wth eczema 3 years scalp inflamed hair fell out cuticura heals my daughter was troubled with eczema for three years it broke out on the back of- hsr head and her hair all fell out the eczema scaled over and ber scalp was red and in flamed it was very painful and the irritation at night kept my daughter awake a friend told me about cuticura soap and ointment ao i purchased some and within a week there was a decided improvement i par- chased more and after using two boxes of cuticura ointment to gether wita the cuticura soap she was completely healed signed mrs john donovan lewjstoa minn june ii 1924 use cuticura for all skin troubles sp buk tnttrttto kfrti canc opou snlxm tti me-ttr0- prtr sooa se olm a ia iry taltina k s3sf cuticura sharioa stick 26c issue llo v z6