governorgeneral opens first session m of canadas fifteenth parliament i synopsis of speech kkom the thbone i nicnt entered into with the british government has already been instru- his excellency said 1 mental in stimulating immigration honorable members of tho senate from great britain members of the house of com- white it is of importance to attract mona new settlers it is equally if not more it gives mo pleasure to welcome important to assist those who are al- you to your important duties in this rea established on the land by re- first session of the fifteenth parlia- j the cost of agricultural pro- ment of canada since our last meeting the empire has been called on to lament the jle- mise of queen alexandra in our dominion the memory of the late duction to this end a measure will be introduced offering wide facilities for rural credits my ministers are of the opinion that a general increase in the customs queen will ever be held in affection- t would prove detrimental to the ate remembrance at the earliest op- j countrys continued porsperity and portunity a resolution will be submitj pre to na unity our ted to you expressing the deep sym pathy of the parliament and people of canada with his majesty the king and other members of the royal fam ily in their bereavement canada haf been signally honored by the selection of a member of it3 government as president of the sixth assembly of the league of nations i congratulate you on tho growing prosperity of this favored land in tho opinion of my ministers the im proved conditions warrant further substantial reductions in taxation every effort will be made further to reduce expenditures to aid in the reduction of expenditure in ad ministration certain of tho depart ments of the public service will be consolidated with others and govern ment services more effectively co ordinated an agreement has been made be tween the government and the rail road companies providing a larger measure of cooperation in immigra tion activities in the british isles and on tho continent of europe an agreo- trade within the empire should be encouraged by all means consistent with our national welfare in this connection a trade agreement entered into with the british west indies ber muda british guiana and british honduras will bo submitted for your approval the board of railway commis sioners has been instructed to include in he general rate investigation now in progress a special inquiry into the causes of diversion of canadian grain nrd other products through other than canadian ports my government proposes to sub mit provisions for the completion forthwith of the hudson bay rail way a royal commission to inquire fully into the claims that tho rights of the maritime provinces in regard to the operation of the intercolonial railway have not been observed a bill to provide for the transfer to the province of alberta its natural resources and a bill amending the do minion elections act worshippers go to church in punts curious scenes in flooded areas of england seine is subsiding wargrave berkshire england jan 10 punts were employed to trans port worshippers to church sevices in the flooded area of the thames val ley today the vicar of one church near here j made the arrangements himself for punts to ply between the homes of tho j parishioners and the church which were entirely surrounded by water he communicated with all the memj bers of his flock and they were eager to undertake the sabbath voyage the floods have given rise to many j curious scenes boys are getting good catches of fish in the main streets of j some towns while in the country disj tricts people are hunting rabbits from boats the animals having taken re- fuge from the water in the tops of the hedges world export trade in iron and steel to be dominated by gigantic trust a despatch from london says ition will be a valuable gin- in addi- the organization of the ge man ironjtion the trust will be able to stabilize and steel industry into a trust through price by limiting the output to the j the forthcoming combination of prin- demand icipal ruhr firms is being cojely folj iron and dteel circles admit the ad- j lowed by tho same industry ii this vantages urde which the german trust will be able to do business and for that reason prophesy that it is only a questiotvoi time before firms in other european steelproducing countries take similar steps toward a working sea gulls are swimming over the whtcn is to be held iu geneva shortly chertsey golf links and it is a not un- professor adam shortt one time common sight to see swans placidly professor at queens unlverslt floating through the streets of the more iatoi of ottawa flooded villages country an interest which is intensi fied by indications from the united states that the new monopoly is likely to be oartly financed with american money the r- fncipal impression of indus- agreement if not complete unification trial authorities here is that the sue- j regarding prices and output cessful conclusion and operation of the j when that time comes when there german trust is almost certain to lead is but one central iron and steel organ- to similar action by iron and steel i ization in every european country it j manufacturers in other european is anticipated that strenuous efforts countries including great britain j will be made to frame an agreement i when this is achieved the correspon- regarding prices and output between dent is authoritatively informed the j the various national combines for prof adam shortt h next step will be an attempt to reach european and perhaps world trade canada will be represented on the aa agreem between these national j that is the present ideal of a large preparatory economic conrerencel tnis rega european if not section of tho industry both in great and at pangbourno is an inn through cornwall girl loses which a large stream is flowing the water entering the back door and pouring out the front the floods are falling at all points tho average drop today being three inches britain and germany during the hist year there have been a number of world export trade in iron and steel according to the information here the new german trust when organ- conferences between representatives ized will control forty per cent of the of the heavy industry of those two iron and steel output of that country j countries regarding the possibility of this is without the krupps which are an angogerman agreement the life whii f coasting definitely understood to have refused j initiative it is said here came from en the combine although the germany firm will cooperate fully with it re- british industrialists however so garding output and prices far have taken the stand first that tho krupps it is understood are it is impossible to make such an ar- eighlyearoid boy slides to death in the riviere rouge coal contestants mark time again conference has been fruitless of results and end of strike is uncertain a despatch from new york says anthracite miners and operators deadlocked in their attempt to nego tiate a new wage contract and end the cardinal merciers condition is serious belgian prelate troubled with persistent heart weakness following operation a despatch from brussels says cardinal merciers condition is regard ed as very serious owing to persistent heart weakness and unsatisfactory nutrition it is declared by the attend- hard coal strike are apparently wait- physicians that although there is ing for something to turn up or for one or the other side to break up their joint conference to observers it appeared to be an endurance test for the negotiators aside from the ability of the idle men and the coal companies to hold out indefinitely the negotiators cleared the table no imirediate danger it is feared the card ma i may gradually waste away the auxiliary bishops of malines and brussels have addressed a letter to the peope of their dioceses saying the health of our beloved cardinal archbishop is not improving his weakness is becoming accentuated he asked that extreme unction be admin istered and this request was complied weak thursday of all pending proposed peace plans and other matters vital to with ending tho controversy and returned j the latest official bulletin issued to a desultory discussion of the says hat the cardinals condition is various ideas that had already been j stationary and that he is still very advanced by either side when evening began to fall chair man alvan markle the neutral mem ber of the conference suggested ad journment and as there was nothing before the conferees that looked like a starting point toward a settlement the six miners and six operators again filed out of the union league club where tho meetings are being held arsenic poisoning in imported apples attention again called to danger by british officials adespatch from london says british officials for the second time in recent weeks have called attention all grain movement will be to pacific lake port terminals congest ed and railways refuse transportation winnipeg man jan 10 lake port terminals are plugged with grain no further movement eastward will be accepted by railways grain en route will fill the available space re maining grain is dribbling by rail eastward in larger quantities than other years because of tidewater de mand but the maximum that can be expected to go from lake terminals by train until navigation opens will be 10000000 bushels grain men assert old country commitments meantime ii t in r v unwilling to join the combine because rangement until the iron and steel paris jan 10 under the influence tjf f coastlng on n unwilling to sink the name of the fa- industries of the countries concorred of bright cold weather the seine j h thn vw tvr fil in the new trust partly for have become trusts or at least started un a c working and second that it would not impossible to arrive i to reduce manufacturing satisfactory agreement which f th s d d till hour wai by hour r porcp y r lawrence river within a short djjf- most of the snow on the hills the her yesterday evening i of smal markets and fierce competl- steel producing countries i with several playmates bessie had melting of which together with heavy rains for many days caused the floods has now disappeared and fear of any serious catastrophe is said to be de finitely past league of nations opens seventh year the markets greatest event of 1926 will be the entrance of germany geneva jan 10 the seventh year went some distance under the ice and of the existence of the league of na- spent the afternoon coasting down the river bank onto the ice while she was home to supper the water rose and the ice became separated from the bank leaving a few feet of open water after supper the child returned to j si the hill vth her sleigh having no man oats no 2 cw nominal 45to66 feeders good 575 to knowledge of tho existence of then 3 52 no 1 feed 51c no 2 650 do fair 450 to 5 stackers gap on the first trip down the sleigh feed 48c good 175 to 550 do fair 4 to shot off the bank into tho icy water am corn track toronto no 2 1 450 calves choice 13 to 1350 carrying the little girl with it both yellow 93c do good 11 to 12 do grassers a millfeed de montreal freights 5 to 525 good light sheep 650 to it was not until after an hours anxivsfiuded bran per ton 3025 s750 heavies and bucks 450 to to 625 do med 5 to 550 do com 450 to 475 butcher cows choice 5 to 525 do fair to good wrirn i to 4 butcher bulls good 450 toronto i to 575 bolognas 325 to 350 man wheat no 1 north 17o canners and cutters 225 to 3 no 2 north 173 no- 3 north springers choice 90 to 110 good milch cows 75 to 85 medium cows vi twf iimii fij 3125 shorts per tan 3225 to 550 good lambs 1450 to 15 do ious seaich that the child s distracted mm middlings 3925 to 4025 med 1250 to 1350 do bucks 10 father saw the body entangled in the feed fl0uri rer bag 2 i to 11 do bulls 11 to 12 hogs sleigh rope beneath the ice the ice- ont oats 44 to 46 fob shipping thick smooths fed and watered had to be chopped through before the points i 1310 do fob 1250 do country body could be recovered ont good milling wheat 148 to points 1225 do off cars 1350 montreal jan 10 emile nantel i 150 fob shipping points according slect premium 257 8 years of age was drowned and his j f re the future activities of the league two sisters had a narrow escape when buckwheatno 3 70c wlil give first place to disarmament j sled on which they were sliding rye no 2 90c studies while the proposed economic j went through the iceof the riviere j man flour first pat 5930 to conference is expected to have a pro tions began today and the league anniversary finds all league circles convinced that tho geneva organiza tion has definitely and safely embark ed on a ussef ul career of international cooperation destined to be helpful to mankind after the storage at atlantic tidewater to the danger of arsenic poisoning and buffalo are exhausted must move from imported apples i out via vancouver western route the middlesex county council has cargo space offerings exporters as- distributed a leaflet to dealers refer- 1 scrti are cqua to the demands ring to the recent announcement of j the minister of healththat certain p of wales is licensed imported apples have been found to a ni j- i t contain arsenic on the skin surface as medical fractltioner iho leaflet points out that in spite a despatch from london says of recent precautions quantities of i tho prince of wales recently became dangerously contaminated apples are licensed to practice medicine mid- 8till on sale and warns the public wifery and surgery when he was in- against eating the skins fruit deal- vested at york house with the unique ors are also warned to investigate distiuciior of an honorary diploma of their stocks and to give instructions the ancient and honorable society regarding washing and brushing of apothecaries he is the only hon- apples orary member found effect on international relations especially the problem of equitable dis tribution of raw material which has become such a burning topic on both sides of the atlantic the greatest single event in 1926 will be the entrance into the league of germany which will have a per manent seat on the council germany is likely to have an important influ ence on the new orientation of league rouge at labelle on saturday after- ronto do second pat 880 noon the two girls were saved byj ont flour toronto 90 per cent montreal oats no 2 cw 64c do no 3 61c do extra no 1 feed 58c do no 2 local white 56c flour man spring wheat pats firsts 930 seconds 880 strong bakers 840 to 860 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 340 to 350 i u i i m itoneo oais nag yu ius iu to asov sefe sffeis ks j bran 3025 to c3125 3225 fished them out of the water with a branch from a tree butter and cream valuable says speaker about diet 660 seaboard in bulk 660 ito 3325 middlings 3925 to 4025 straw carlots per ton 9 to 950 jjay no 2 per ton car lots 1450 screening standard recleaned ob bay ports per ton 20 cheese finest wests 20 to 21c butter no 1 pasteurized 42 to a despatch from london says milk as a food is an enemy of brain 15c bocks 15k to 16c workers according to charles e wwfe 2 frincv re activities particularly in the direction h honorary secretary of the suitons 25c old r 2sctvinv of reduction of armaments believed food education society speaking at m on so necessary to relievo the economic university college here on the subject and financial burdens of europe j 0 h while cheese butter and cream are valuable foods milk he said was good for babies but notj for men lard pure tierces 18 to 18hc a eggs storage extras 44 to tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19c4 storage firsts 40c storage sec- fresh extras 52c potatoes per bag car lots quebec3 to 325 prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces on 33 to 35c- to 14c tubs 14 to 14c pails j frem firsts 47 three prizes taken by canadian poultry woman murdered on lonely farm near manotick ontario farmers win at madi son square garden ex hibition new york jan 10 canada took three prizes at the madisonsquaro garden poultry show which closed on saturday hon john martin min ister of agriculture- for ontario was among the guests on the closing day the awards to canadians were as follows v pigeons jacobins red young cock 1 stafford watson west toronto ont jacobin aoc or stock hen 1 stafford watson jacobin aoc young hen 1 herbert d sher wood tillsonburg ont tho third world poultry congress will be hed in ottawa in august 1927 it was announced tonight the unitsd states committea of he congress besides canada and tho united states forty countries an ex pected to have exhibits at the con gress increase shown in travel between canada and us a despatch from prcscott says a tremendous increase in travel be tween canada and the united states from this port is shown by the follow ing figures in 1924 a total of 170980 persons crossed the river from this port in 1925 a total of 206202 cross ed an increase of approximately 36000 traffic across the st law rence here is as heavy at present as on many days in midsummer butter finet creamery prints 47c no 1 creamery 46c no 2 44 a despatch from ottawa says to 45c dairy prints 41 to 42c murdered by an unknown assailant as eggsfresh extras in cartons she was about to put a batch of bis- 64c fresh extrs loose 52c fresh cu j the oven to bake miss mary firsts 50c storage extras 45c stor- kilfovle aged 70 vear3 was found age firsts 42c storage seconds 34 u jn her ioney fafm homj neflr sir hugh john macdonald resumes duties at court to 35c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 30c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to 25c do 3 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c ducklings 5 lbs and up 30 to 32c turkeys 35c geese 22 to 25c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 5 to 5c maplo produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to- 26c honey 50lb tins 11 to 12c per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 12 to 12c 2lb tins 14 to 14c smoked meats htms med 26 to 28c cooked hams 40 to 42c smoked rolls 22c cottage 23 to 25c break fast bacon 32 to 36c special brand breakfast bacon 38 to 39c backs boneless 30 to 37c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2060 20 lbs and up 1950 lightweight rolls in barrels 4350 heavyweight trolls 3950 per barrel heavy steers choice 8 to 850 good 750 to 775 sjuteher a despatch from winnipeg says magistrate sir hugh john macdonald who had been confined to his home i with a cold during the past week has j resumed his duties at the city poicc fo court he showed no illeffects from steers choice 7 to 8 do good axe and that he struck her only once the illness and plunged into the work 6 to 665 butcher heifers choice ho put the rope around the neck with with his accustomed vigor 675 to 750 do good 575 the idea of stopping the flow of blood manotick fifteen miles from here she died on her way to hospital jvilhout regaining consciousness napoleon pelletier of manotick al leged to have been in miss kifoylos employ was arrested in ottawa a later despatch from ottawa says police report that napoleon pelletier 21yearold farm helper and lumberjack has confessed that he killed miss mary kilfoylc the aged woman who was found in allying con dition in her farm home near mano tick station when pelletier appeared before magistrate joyn thursday afternoon he signed a written confession sub stantially the same as given out by the police officers he was remanded for a week in his signed statement pelletier says the aged woman threw a hammer at him before he struck her with tho mutt and jeff by bud fisher thats the kind of trout they have in france jerf lcts co a1oomi to scc the tombeau je mapouson j map uvs a great gnral a t wm to zee his tomb