many lives lost through floods in centre and western europe a despatch from paris says the year 1925 may still be remembered in history as tho great flood year in central and western europe if the vania fifty houses and factories have been destroyed by the torrents throughout all of belgium there are serious floods the riverside quarters of many towns are submerg- warm winds which have swept theied and people are abandoning their highlands and caused rapid melting houses navigation has been inter- of the snows do not give place to colder airs soon already there have been many lives lost in roumania and hungary while vast sections of france belgium switzerland ger many austria and czechoslovakia are inundated the weather predic tions point to continued warmth and heavy rains the most alarming conditions are reported from central europot torda thorenburg roumania has been swept by a torrent of overflowing waters that smashed houses by the score direct reports from torda re port the loss of hundreds of lives along the roumanian frontier with the waters sweeping bodies and debris through the streets of that city in the bekes district of hungary more than 100000 acres are covered with water and the situation is grow ing worse between vesztoe and okany the huge masonry dams are threatening to give way and the whole population has turned out in an effort to avert disaster tho river sajo has overlvvpd its banks borod is astrid to be bride of the prince o walest rupted on the meuse the rise in the waters of the rhine and moselle is becoming most dis quieting the rhine is already over its banks at kreuznach and part of the town has been evacuated at cobenz the rhine is rising an inch an hour and the situation is consider ed threatening the moselle likewise is over its banks and menacing the railway lines all the cities in the rhine and moseile valleys are taking precautions against further floods and are even preparing barracks for the reception of flood victims in switzerland bavaria and aus tria avalanches and floods have wrought much damage and are likely to cause much suffering in france the seine is still rising and flooding wharves and piers at paris but thus far has not caused much damage the marne aisne and oise are slowly mounting and various towns and viilages are partially flood ed while many houses- have been abandoned at louvois telegraph and telephone service is and is menacing tho entire j being gradually restored except in district at cluj trsyl- brittany and the southeast floods more disastrous to liege than the german guns in 1914 brussels jan 3 queen wilhel- dities altgether over 250000 work- mina of holland and albert king ers will be thrown out of employment of the belgans are c ersecing the fov a long period by the inundation relief work in the floods which are of numerous factories and the flood- devastating their kingdoms i ing of coal mines wihelmina at nimeguen in gemj the situation has become worse in erand and albert at liege are try- j the north notably in waesland many ing to stem the tide of desolation j farmers had to flee precipitately which threatens to overwhelm their abandoning their stock most of which people i perished near malines a dam burst liege has suffered more from the letting looso masses of water on the present flood than from the german adjacent villages siege guns which leveled her forts in j london jan 3 one would need to 1914 the entire country surround- j go back to almost forgotten years to ing nimeguen is under water and the find the whole of western europe in- losses mount into millions of florins volved in such disastrous floods as ten thousand houses are completely have worked inestimable havoc in no isolated andthe residents have been less than five different countries hol- blocked in for three days one hun- land france belgium germany and tired thousand rations are being issued england graver floods have often por day with king albert and his been experienced in england but they ministers personally supervising this were never so widespread in so many work j countries the train service in central belj the rhine inundations in germany gium is paralyzed great numbers of are said to be the worst for over a cattle have perished and the flax har- century the rhine rising to a higher vest has been partly swept away by level than at any time since the year the flooding of the lys 1784 holland and belgium seem to the river meuse is falling having be in an almost equally pitiable con- dropped six feet at namur and liege dition but the floods are extending in ma- in holland and belgium the dis- lines and mons districts aster amounts to almost a national motorist backs car fatal accident at over niagara cliff level crossing one dead another may die and third man seriously in jured at port colborne rumor selects bride i london remembers that a yeatvbr for prince of walfs so sthe iate queen alexandra had ithe delightful swedish princess as iher guest at marlborough house for months but the prince hardly went firemen effect daring rescue up icy slopesslight chance for victims life niagara falls ont jan 8 francis smith 30 years oldssof-cleve- land ohio backed his big touring dying and another is seriously injured car across river road and over the as the result of a gradecrossing crash cliffthis morning and is in a serious j here at noon yesterday port colborne ont jan 3 one j buckingham palace and the news man is dead a second 1s believed to be papers are a agqg princess astrid of sweden to visit their majesties at buckingham palace a despatch from london says princess astridof sweden is about to side o the late dowager queen alex- pay a visit to the king and queen at andra with the announcement of princess astrids impeding visit to buckingham near her princess astrid is a daughter of prince charles and princess ingeborg being a grandniece on her mothers palace it became known today that the princess and her sister princess martha were dinner guests of the she is a niece of the king of swe- u a the dead cording to an unnamed condition in the local hospital with man is paul jaworsky 81 mitchell j wgj- djplomat she is one of the king and queen last november the only a fighting chance for life his st port colborne the injured are pettiest girls in europe she is just j prince of wales and prince henry chest is badly crushed he is suffer- harry chandrow 202 davis street s and a also being present ing from shock and possible internal and nick billowa 146 davis street tfuliancer moreover t s inluries i both of port colborne pointed out that this will not be the j mi- j i 11 oi first occasion on which aho k rf the damage to date for the whole calamity the pressure of the rising country is estimated at more than water has burst dikes involving great 150000000 francs of which 50000- expense when tho floods have subsid- 000 is for liege alone the city of ed and untold misery to the inhabi- liege is still without public commo- tants the markets the princess has any romantic dreams no official information is available but if so she is pitted against an elusive prince charming mr smith was backing his car out the accident occurred at the steele f has rt of the robinson garage and is be- street crossing of the canadian na- pnnce of waes as she stayed 1 in lieved to have put his foot on the jtional railways the three men were ndon about a year ago whether accelerator instead of the brake and riding in a ford truck when they were dashed across tho road and through struck at the crossing by passenger the railing and over the cliff landing train no 218 bound from london to a hundred and fifty feet below j buffalo the alarm was raised and police the crash smashed the truck to and firemen with a motor ladder matchwood but the three men and truck were quickly onthe scene the part of the truck were carried a full ladders were lashed to the rails of the block on the pilot of the locomotive international railway and officer the dead man losing his grip and be- spring and fireman jameson climbed mg ground to death beneath the down theicy slope carrying an under- wheels as the train was being brought takers basket they broke open the to a stop engineer paterson in touring car tenderly placed the un- charge of the train declared that he conscious form of smith in the basket never knew he hit the car until a wit- and attaching a guyropo to it had noss of the accident ran toward the it pulled to tho top where dr mun- track and started waving his arms dell attended him and rushed him to frantically tho hospital he regained conscious ness tonight cardinal merciers condition shows steady improvement brussels jan 3 cardinal mer ciers condition continued to show im provement throughout saturday night and today the cardinal was oper ated on nearly a week ago for an intestinal lesion he withstood tho operation well but later showed signs of heart weakness after tho lapse of several days however his condition was pronounced favorable and since then the attending physicians have re ported their patient as improving 6teadily princess astrid and princess mar tha were also guests of the duchess of norfolk during their november visit when they were entertained by the duchess prince henry was present but not the prince of wales this led to rumors in society that prince henry also was interested ono of the sisters mechanic in garage heir to earldom first ice bridge at falls visited by large crowds niagara falls ont jan 3 tho first ico bridge of tho season formed yesterday afternoon and large crowds today viaited it in some places tho bridge was nine feet thick tho old outlet of the niagara falls power company was working today and largo mounds wero formed the injured men were removed to the welland hospital while an inquest was opened into the death of jawor sky yesterday afternoon being ad journed for one month to allow tho injured men to get out of the hospital sir hugh john macdonald recovering from illness winnipeg man jan 3 reassur ing reports on the condition of win nipegs veteran police magistrate sir hugh john macdonald were given out at his home tonight sir hugh has been suffering from a severe cold and reports late last week wore that ho was threatened with pneumonia it was stated tojboia for three years definitely for the better and that his mr gowcr was married on dec 16 night that his condition had turned at assiniboia to miss hilda hall of complete recovery was believed to be rcgina but a matter of days ancient estate claimed by as siniboia workman who saw service in war moose jaw sask jan 3 c b gower a mechanic in ah- automobile garage in assiniboia sask declares that ho is the heir to the estates and title of earl of granville and baron leveson of stone gowers first knowledge of the fact that he was being searched for in western canada and in practically every country in the world was con tained in a canadian press despatch of dec 5 last i saw the news item and cabled at once said mr gower and i am waiting for word i dont think there will be much for me you see my sister who lives in sheffield england was willed the cash by my uncle and i the estate i was born and raised in sheffield saw nearly two years ser vice in the european war part of which was in the aviation corps he has been a resident of assini- the lord mayor of london has re newed his invitation to tho prince of wnles to bo his guest at a guildhall banquet in honor of the princes re turn from south america the ban- as has been tho custom for sovoral nuet to which tho prince was original- years no ono is permitted to go on ly invited was cancelled because of tho ice the death of quoen alexandra guildhall banquet in honor of princes return toronto man wheat no 1 north 179 no 2 north 176 no 3 north 172 man oats no 2 cw nominal no 3 53c no 1 feed 61c no 2 feed 49c am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 96c millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3025 to 53125 shorts per ton 3225 to 53325 middlings 3925 to 4025 good feed flour r er bag 230 ont oats 42 to 45c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 142 to 145 fob shipping points according to freights i barley malting 65 to 67c buckwheat no 3 70c i rye no 2 80c j man flour first pat 930 to- ironto do second pat 880 i ont flour toronto 90 per cent pat per barrel in carlots toronto 5660 seaboard in bulk 660 canners and cutters 225 to 3 springers choice 90 to 110 good milch cows 75 to 85 medium cows 45 to 60 feeders good 575 to 650 do fair 450 to 5 stockers good 475 to 550 do fair 4 to 450 calves choice 1250 to 1350 do good 10 to 1150 do grassers 4 to 5 good light sheep 650 to 750 heavies and bucks 450 to 550 good lambs 13 to 1375 do med 1250 to 1350 do bucks 10 to 11 do culls 11 to 512 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1360 do fob 13 do country points 1275 do off cars 14 select premium 267 montreal oats no 2 cw 63c no 3 cw 58c extra no 1 feed 56c flour man spring wheat pats firsts 980 seconds 880 strong bakers 840 to 860 winter pats choice 770 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 340 to 350 bran 3025 to 3125 shorts 3225 to 3325 middlings 3925 to 4025 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1450 to 15 cheese finest wests 21 to 22c butter no 1 pasteurized 41 to 42c 1 straw carlots per ton 9 to 950 j no 1 creamery 40 to 41c eggs screenings standard recleaned storage extras 46c storage firsts 40 cardinal mercler aged primate of belgium who under went an operation for stomach trou ble on dec 29 visitor drops dead and shock kills invalid a despatch from winnipegsays called to the bedside of a dying friend dugald paterson aged 76 a farmer of the sidney district in mani toba collapsed as he entered the sick room and died the shock was too much for the invalid john mcgregor aged 70 and he died a few hours later canadian apples presented to royal family a despatch from ottawa says her majesty the queen and the prince of wales have each accepted a box of canadian apples according to a com munication received by the dept of agriculture from the high commis sioners office in london these apples were ontario north ern spies grown in western ontario and formed part of a shipment spe- fob bay ports per ton 20 i cheese new large 22 to 22c i twins 22 to 23cj triplets 24c stiltons 25c- old large 8c twins 29c triplets 30c butter finest creamery prints 47c no 1 creamery 46c no 2 44 j to 45c dairy prints 41 to 42c eggs fresh extras in cartons j 60c fresh extras loose 58c fresh firsts 55c storage extras 45c stor age firsts 42c storage seconds 34 to 35c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 30c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c i ducklings 5 lbs and up 30 to 32c turkeys 42 to 45c beans can handpicked ib 6c primes 5 to 5c maple produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 6gal tin 230 per gal maple sugar lh 25 to 26c honey 50lb tins 11 to 12c per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 12 to 12c 2b tins 14 to 14c smoked meats hams med 26 to 28c cooked hams 40 to 42c smoked i rolls 22c cottage 23 to 25c break fast bacon 32 to 36c special brand breakfast bacon 38 u 39c backs boneless 30 to 37c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2050 20 lbs and up 1930 lightweight rolls in barrels 4360 heavyweight rolls 3950 per barrel lard pure tierces 18 to 18c tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19c prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 13c tubs 14c pails 14c blocks 16 to 15c heavy steers choice 8 to 875 do good 775 to 58 butcher steers choice 7 to 8 do good 6 to 665 do med 475 to 550 do com 4 to 5 butcher heifers choice 675 to 750 do good 575 to 625 do med 5 to 650 do com 450 to 475 butcher cows choice 5 to 525 do fair to good to 41c storage seconds 34 to 35c fresh extras 68c fresh firsts 63 to 64c potatoes per bag car lots que bec 260 to 275 daily chosen by the dept of agricul the pals of more than half a ceitury j turo for shipment to tho high com- 4 to 4t50butcher lmils7goodv450 will be buried in the same grave missioner for presentation purposes to 575 bolognas 325 to 350 meteorite dropped in ottawa district unusual phenomenon wit nessed by rector of chelsea and other residents a despatch from ottawa says in the opinion of ralph delury domin ion government astronomer an un usual phenomenon witnessed in tho northern skies on a recent evening by rev e g may rector of the angli can church at chelsea quo and other residents of that district may mean that 1 huge meteorite has drop ped to earth somewhere in this dis trict the interest of the astronomical authorities has been aroused by the report which has been furnished by rev mr may and an effort will be made to ascertain if possible where the visitor from the skies landed and to locate it if possible rev mr may stated that he was seated in his study the window of which faces the kingsmere hills about 5 oclock when he saw a star or comet fully the size of the eastern star which flashed across the sky in a brilliant illumination and disap peared over tho rim of the hills which were fully lit up by the reflection after it had passed beyond the horizon formed by the hills a narrow band of brilliant light remained visible for fully five minutes to gradually disap pear as though dispersed by wind 9 mutt and jeff by bud fisher looks like frenchy is gonna get a sock in the beak paris antth i pf6 irl5 f rghtin vu r see vwho j t gex mei i