stouffviejlet janjertttfr local happenings some men are known by their deeds others by their mortgages jany 11th is the date mr geo e morleys famous lecture will be given in stouffviue counter check book ere likely to advance in price early in the year iat the tribune quote you now extown clerk john urquhart has 3een laid up the past week with an attack of grippe nicely but is recovering at least one dozen eggs wer- on the market last week that were guaranteed to have no chickens in them they were duck eggs the local lodge of oddfellows will hold their annual installation of officers on monday evening next all brethren are requested to be at the lodge rooms at s pm a family new year resolution allow only the safest milk in your home ours is from tb tested herd which are very scarce in this locality try it today rich in cream pure in quality snowhite dairy mowder phone 320s fred we are glad to hear that mrs harold warriner who has had a baby boy come to their home the tribune is in daily commnuh uaoy ooy oatlon with all toronto wj wg ne t0 have tne at and can look after your subscription sa b our stouttvi promptly and at a saving to yo death notices tor the globe will be received by the tribune up to 11 pm for insertion next morning vertising placed with us more than if sent direct local representatives ad- costs no we are mr j brown who lived tor some years in glasgow has been very poorly for over a year and is now bedfast at the home ot his daughter mrs topper near the lake he s very thankful for the splendid care tie is getting ng tention doctors hear the popular lecturer in tins- united church next mouoay evening the weather turned very mild va sunday and continued so that wednesday the sleighing had almost been spoiled before a jfiange toufcj place mr truman holden ilas resigned from the school board so that his position may be filled a the sanej time as the vacancy no- existing on the board through not enough rater payers qualifying at the regular nomination a subscriber of the tribune now living in the united states serjs us a lengthy letter in support of mot- monism there is only this to be said in favor ot mormottssm it doesnt throw the- burden of keeping the house all on the shouldeis of one woman but we ate surry j d that we cannot open our columns to a letter supporting your contentious the old electric premises uxbridge town used before the inception of hydro there has been turned into a creamery and after a years opera tion has branched into the dairy business installing a modern pasteur izing plant there were 15 newvvaier services placed in stouffvitle last year for the most part the service was ex- tended to householders where wells had been discarded fhe domestic water service of thistown is one of the best and cheapest in the prov ince in two years mo e the system will be entirely free of debt there being only two more debentures to pay against the original construction auditorium theatre 8touffvtjlije a nigths 3 nigths friday and saturday january 89 feature the rosk of paris with mary philbix n comedies broadway beauties admission under 14 years 15c adults 25o doors open 730 start 816 s g schmidt wasted uinior clecte apply p j marshall sank nova scotia i statistics saow thera- were- canty liuriauv made m stouffiilecenjatery during the yestr 1925 mre frank gordon sad the- mis fortune to mske a wrong- step fall ing down stairs and injuring her shouaer mr k g carr has earned ovsr- to mr h o k3nck secrjcnry the- sum of s2u50 iselng the tmouut oc the corxriuutioros from mongolia ta the local bible society as if tospeialry mart hisjriitwl trip as rural mail courieron refute i no 4 mr herb porter vrus dumped out of the cuter andthe rig upset who tiirniiitj around at or- near the the sunday school convention of markham township will be held this year at stouffviue in the united church on friday jan 15th an ex cellent program has been arranged addresses will be given both morn ing and afternoon by drj crobert son dd a sunday school worker known from coast to coast in the evening judge mott of the juvenile court toronto will give an address entitled our children the public is cordially invited to these meetings keep the date in mind and plan to be there although it costs approximately 12000 per year to operate the big knowledge factory in the east end of stouffvillerthe amount actually raised by taxation from the rate payers ot stouffviue is 5775 ac cording to the figures of 1925 the remainder is raised by government and county schoolgrants and by the townships of markham anu wht- church who send children into the town school as is to be expected the big expenditures are for teachers salaries the staff in the public school drawing 509220 and the continua tion 5371s50 at the present time their are two vacancies on our trustee board one vacancy remain irfg from nomination day and since then mr truman holden has re signed it is important that two capable men should qualify for the position when the council orders a new nomination meeting for the pur pose when turning around at or near scales in uemonville on saturday as a result some ot the harness was broken andhis majestys outfit came to stoifttvule for repairs before finishing the delivery which had to- be completed after sundown all the- couriers were much later on satur day however the new railway timetable inow- ira effect first train for toronto iw leaves stouffviue at 11 am uie early morning train aad the sutton having been dropped like wise in the evening the mail train leaving toronto around 5 oclock is the onlj train coming this way it is intimated unofficially that so soon as the gas cars uun be built they are being placed o such line3 as this and jre are livslyto have a service- ol this kind when a car is procur able the deavb took plase in burfcvrd township on dec 30tli ofjeuen xiay baker wife of william leathers in her 4gth year the deceased with her husband lived on the farm now- occupied by mr prank- steckleybut left here for jurham county five in completing their j years ag0 whore they loeated at trip owing to the day previous be- j i holme tarm mrs leathers a vtnitrlnv for them a two day was a daughter the- superior groceries bulk rolled oats 5 lbs 23c brooms special value 49c dutch tea rusks per pk 17c princess soap flakes per lb i 20c large white tapioca per lb 10c horns dainty flavored puddings 3 for 25c a w scott phone us your order no 909 we deliver the gooda any wood to cut let us help to doit easier we can supply very high grade handmade axes and the old reliable maple leaf saws buck saws cross cut saws circular saws holiday for them a two day was a daughter of tne late gideon in supply of mail had to be distributed on tuesday jan 12th mr and mrs f r crawford and family will leave stouffviue for arnprlor where mr crawford has engaged with the hardware firm of j s moir son mr crawford has been engaged for some time with silvester bros and it is said of him that he knows the hardware business more thorough than- the average man in the busi ness he will be missed from town as will mrs crawford and the chil dren who have taken an active part in cliurch work and public under takings for the advancement of the community baker of lemonville and is survived by one son and one daughter both attending school also an only afster mrs geo e cook of lemonvtlle who attended the funeral from here the funeral took place to the new durham cemetery near the home in burford the many friends of the famjly living here will sympathise with the bereaved ones in the un timely death of a loved one the mortgage sale ot the goods and chattels ot one charles obrien at lot 14 on the 4th concession of uxhridge last week failed to realize ihe amount of the mortgage which n itself was not laige ie sve was brought about not only because of on thursday last mr thos black- the qetauit iu payment but because well completed his contract with the obrien has forsook the place and government for the carrying of his 6tt or parts unknown evidently majestys mail on a rural route from j a sate o desl tho auctioneer stouffviue mr blackwell had per- established a record price for a formed the duties tor three years i not a high one as his records and ten months missing in all that time only four days he estimates that he had travelled approximately 25000 miles since he took over the job he has been pulling down a salary of 1000 per year but this he says wasnt enough- to keep body and soul togetherand a highstepp ing horse as well- the route pro ceeds out the town line and up the fifth concession to vandorf sideroad thence across to the sixth and touches lemonville oji the return the new courier is mr herb porter who started saturday to cut off a lew miles from the 2500 he may travel in the course of his contract an important real estate transac tion took place last week when mr d h rusnell sold his 100 ajre farm adjoining stouffviue to the north to mr abraham s stouffer whose pre sent farm on the iorh concession where he lives adjoins the rusnell place in fact a s stouffers grandfather whose name was also abraham possessed the two farms mentioned above which extend from the 9 th to the 10 th concessions hav ing secured them by crown deed in the year 1839 and the two places were held as one farm until mr rusnell purchased the west part in the year 1894 the oast half the farm never left the stouffer family and it is natural that mr stouffer should be the buyer o the west half when offered for sale again he has two sons on the farm and is able to take care of the increased acreage the purchase price is 12500 more light whiter light with the popular and safe coleman lights and lanterns let us demonstrate these to you until april 1st we close every evening at 630 except saturday silvester bros the final duty of the 1925 board of school trustees for stouffviue was to select a teacher for first book work to fill the vacancy caused by the rather sudden resignation of miss vanslckle following a couple of line advertisement in a toronto paper no less than 103 applications came in by mail and another dozen have rambled along since the ap pointment was filled the successful applicant is miss sargeant of mark- ham who comes with six years teaching experience three of which was in a toronto school miss sar geant will receive the same salary as the other public school teachers namely 1000 per annum she com menced her new duties on monday the following members of the board met on wednesday evening last week rev c e mclcod d j aitchison aebooth and ealloyd after determining a policy to engage only an experienced teacher the first duty was to open all the letters and set aside 53 who had passed normal school last year and failed to secure a job a few more seemed to have experience more or less ancient and this didnt appeal but finally the matter simmered down to one or two and miss sargeant be came ihe unanimous choice usually go but a record none the less the animal was knocked down for 4 and the poor old pelter must have felt chagrined to see his carcass turned over at such a price the remaining stock of three cows were not valued much higher and were sold for what butchers term canners the remains of the late thos kay aged 57 years wlp fourteen years ago farmed on the old jonas byer farm south of stouffviue arrived here on thursday last for interment in stouffviue cemetery the late mr kay passed away following an illness of three months during which time he was carefully nursed in the st bonifice hospital winnipeg mr kay left here in 1911 locating at kennedy sask his wife having passed away about this time as his only son died in 1917 the late mr kay and his brother mark kept bachelor quarters on the farm deceased was a member o com posite lodge af am kennedy and richardson lodge stouffviue took charge of the arrangements here for the funeral on behalf ot their western brethren besides his brother mark who accompanied the remains to stouffviue two otaer brothers survives also two sisters the passing on new years day jan 1st 192g of mrs vanburen forsyth after a short illness re moved from this earthly toil a grand old mother in israel the late mrs forsyth was in her 76th year and was born on the farm near altona in pickering township owned by her father the late daniel barkey when a young maiden she united in marri age with the late vanburen forsyth when they established themselves on what is known as the forsyth homestead a mile and a quarter east of stouffviue here mr and mrs forsyth lived most of their happy hve3 until about nine years ago when they retired in stouffviue mr forsyth passed away about five years ago and his widow is survived by three sons three daughters and three brothers the sons are levi 1ving on the 10th concession edwin on the homestead and grenville in chicago the daughters are mrs francis white little forks minn mrs clayton stouffer of stouffviue and mrs roland winn east of town the three brothers are living in the united states being dr barkey of erie pa and messrs frank and victor barkey of chicago the fun eral on sunday took place from the residence of her soninlaw mr stouffer obrien avenue to stouff viue cemetery following divine ser vice conducted by rev h s warren assisted by rev a g warder the late mrs forsyth was a lifelong methodist and a consistent member of the church quality service schumacher feed ground mill screenings gluten meal oil cake meal quaker flour saxon pastry flour merry wives pastry a complete line ol poultry supplies fulopep egg mash grit oyster shell and beef scrap fc- stiver bros flour feed and seed merchants phone 4501 see these new year dry goods we invite you to call and look over our new lines of handsome prints chintz for coverings fac tory cottons 40 wide white shakers all yard goods at attractive prices mens durable warm winter shirts and pants watch us for attractive prices and most reliable goods take a look at our window dry goods and groceries successor to j j rae phone 1602 then you become a customer of this bank you are always welcome to pay our manager a visit and have a friendly- talk over business conditions in general and your own financial affairs in particular our managers have a wide contact with all kinds of business conditions an i their experience and knowledge are gladly placed at your disposal our branch near you will welcome your account come in aud see us the bank of nova scotia established 1832 2524 capital 10000000 reserve j195oo000 total resources 230000000 ringwood garage phone 167 watch this space next week announcing new battery service ringwood garage phone 167 j