british submarine ml lost i mm all ha in en channel sixtyeight officers and men perish during exercises off start point daylong search proves unsuccessful a despatch from davenport en nectary apparatus savs- sixtyeight lives officers and the exact spot where the vessel vv- n bnloy by the disaster to iing but it is in deep water where sut the formai signaturc3 wju sesubmlrinl ml which dived in the divers operations are pracucab appended on satarday waters of the english channel off when the submarno in brief italy b to pay 5000000 start point early thursday morning plymouth for the channel a wrong a year m fiye yearg wuh an incr and has not been seen since a day- wind and boisterous every five years thereafter until in long search proved unsuccessful and but there was nothing tosuggesin the sixty year she wj1 c or thursday night admiral sir henry j element of risk in carrying out lac- 1 a payment of 80- italy accepts us 52407000000 if italy had royal winter fair orteronwardebt jj opened by premier cent she would have paid something 5000000 a year for five like 5soooooooo inth sixtytwo j live stock exhibits tax ac commodation requiring new building the markets years 62 years to pay 2042000000 a despatch from washington says italy has accepted the un ited states proposal for the settle ment of her war debt to the united rsday night frarsis oliver commanderinchief of the atlantic fleet signalled the fol lowing message the commanderinchief very much regrets to inform the atlantic fleet that it is feared tho submarine ml has been lost with all hands during exercises in the channel the large flotilla provided with tho 1 1 life of missionary saved by radio tical exercises known as a submarine monitor be- j 000000 years collingwood knitting mill suffers 40000 fire loss toronto man wheat no 1 north si 42 no 2 north s1s8k no 3 north j13sh m man oats no 2 cw nominal a despatch from toronto says- 3 49c nq x i great in name great in spectacle but 2 feed 44c collingwood nov 15fire in the prvmotion of a am corn track torontono 2 knitting mil of d graham sons 6 yeilow 100 of inglewood and a j brown co letter reationship between city andj mulfeed del montreal freights completely destroved the plant and country merchant and farmer class bags included bran per ton 28 buildings this morning the fire apj oaa the fourth royal winter ton 30 middlings per parently originated in the shipping 36 good feed flour per bag ovi of canada was forraay launched on- 230 room from an unknown cause snip- i j a r fair of canada was formally launched ont oats 38 to 42c fob shipping merits of manufactured goods and aj cause it was the mgtisszg 8 t msswaffi end amount of the debt 164800c 000 is mother qoes to her death of fici bishop speeds to city to con sult doctors and treatment is broadcast a despatch from edmonton alta says through the agency of radio it it thought that the life of miss mas ters a worker in the anglican mis sion at wabasca 60 miles to tho northwest of lesser slave lake may be saved bishop robins who was in the district at the time found it would ba impossible owing to the nature of the trails to convey tho sick woman to the faraway railway station and thence to edmonton he decided to make a careful diagnosis of the symp toms and himself hurry to edmonton to consult specialists upon arrival here bishop bobins placed thecase before two local physi cian- and a course of treatment was immediately decided upon the next move was to broadcast the treatment by radio from cjca this was done in the most careful manner and with such good results that today a letter was received stating that the message of oct 31 had been picked up on two radio sets at wabasca and as a result of the prescribed treatment miss mas ters 3eems to be on the road to re covery two lives lost in auto collision n fhticent up to uecemoer idzz tne aate ticipate in towto th british settlement that forms period and throe ships of o ment 0n this have been in reserve since august ments are calculated on the same basis considerable quantity of raw materia on friday evening at the coliseum j points i under auspices indicative of a success unt kod miung wheat 119 to hitherto unparalleled in its history j fob shipping points according hon g howard ferguson premier of ontario touched the button which officially placed the fair in motion ying to the address of welcome were destroyed the loss wil be be- tween 40000 and 50000 partly cov- three alberta coal miners entombed j pay comes in the interest during fifty delayed shot causes explo- wen years which has been cut to a sionneardrumhelleran nominal fgure or of x other miner injured figure oneeighth of 1 per cent for ten years onehalf per cent for the next ten threequarters per calgary alta nov 15 an explo- i eont for the third decade 1 per cent sion believed to have been caused by or the fourth period and 2 per cent a delayed shot wrecked a new pros- the last seven years which gives pect coal shaft at kirkpatrick six 8 avera ot a 910 of 1 ijj per cent principal of 2042000000 tho payj ments are calculated on the same basis who had fallen in ma as with the briush f h out 0v tho x i thin ice of pyramid lake near jasper j f j went to her death with the boy early thanksgiving afternoon accord ing to details just received here to freights barley malting 67 to 69c buckwheat no 3 nominal rye no 2 80c s flour first p 3 toronto extended him and his party by e mo second pats 7 50 toronto pas- a despatch from edmonton says- gf ses tont flourtoronto 90 per cent answering tho call of her 5yearold ford citizen and detroit girl killed and another seriously hurt windsor ont nov 15 a man and a girl were kiljedand another oc cupant of the vehicsswas seriously injured last night when an automobio driven by wilfrid peltier 25 years old of ford jjoilided with a motor bus on woodward ave near the twelvemile road detroit wilfrid peltier accompanied by miss kay gloss 21 of detroit and clifford pel tier a brother 17 were the victims miss gloss and wilfrid peltier were almost instantly killed clifford pel tier is in highland park general hos pital with a broken arm and other injuries according to witnesses of the acci dent the automobile was on the wrong side of the street the impact threw miles west of drumheller friday night entombing three miners and injuring another ah hope has been given up for the entombed men rescue crews work ing from early saturday morning were unable to push through the tons of debris that covered the victims the mw must be excavated and re- timbered before further attempt can bo made to find the bodies the three men believed dead are mike gilday j mclane and l burke gildqy is a married man with a large famiiy malcolm morrison outside man had his jaw broken when tho explosion occurred halifax port of call for newest cunard steamers hurricane in quebec most severe in many years quebec que nov 15 roofs of buildings were torn away horsedrawn vehicles were overturned in the streets of the city and navigation on the st lawrence was completely tied up by the terrific northeast gale that struck quebec yesterday and contin ued throughout tho day it is declar ed to have been tho worst storm to visit quebec in the month of novem ber in tho past ten years no marine mishaps on the st law rence were reported this morning but it was learned that the passenger lin ers on their way to quebec and mon treal were obliged to anchor for sev the total of interest and principal a despatch from london says the six newest cunard line cabin steamers which will bo engaged in the new york boston services from liv erpool and southampton will make which is to be wiped out in sixtytwo hauiaxvpoft olcail premier ferguson referred briefly to t barre car fla n ntrto1 hilt frt fnatl lr ort 1 1 11 rtrt the pleasure it afforded him to opon what he termed the biggest indoor ex position and horse show in the world emphasizing its great importance from an industrial as well as an agri- 580 seaboard in bulk 580 straw cariots per ton 9 to 950 screenings standard reclcaned fob bay ports per ton 18 baled hay no 1 20 cheese new large 26c twins cultural standpoint he stated that in otri f or a s ioc cw the short iaeo of four vean it had 26c triplets 27c stiltons 2sc old tne short space oi tour jears it naa s0 twfn m mnu ai broadcast ontario a name and fame to all countries east and west and under conditions that would be pro ductive in later years of even greater results declaring that its value to the do minion never could be estimated in dollars and cents the premier eulo gized the work of the fair board expressed the good wishes of the province as a whole for continued success and prosperity and intimated that so far as the ontario govern ment was concerned its measure of support would be continued whole heartedly ablaze with lights gay with streamers and bunting a kaeido- iarge 30c twins 30hc triplets 31c butter finest creamery prints 47c no 1 creamery 46c no 2 44 to 45c dairy prints 40 to 42c eggs fresh extras in cartons 65c looe 63 to 66c storage extras 44 to 46c storage firsts 41 to 42c storage seconds 37 to 38c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 32c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c ducklings 6 lbs and up 27 to 80c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c mape produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gal maple sugar lh 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 12 to 13c per lb 10lb tins 12 to 18c 5lb tins 13 to 13c 2lb tins 14 to 15c smoked meats hams med 29 to scopic shuffle of color the coliseum soc oked hams 42 to 43c smoked arenapresented an appealing picture j 0 ctai a goody attendance was on hand breakfast baoh1 38 g back3 t early to witness the jumpers in action boneless 33 to 40c by 8 oclock the hundreds had grown j cured meats long clear bacon 50 to many thousands the arrival of to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2050 p his honor lieutgovernor cockshutt20 lbs and up 1950 lightweight and party was signalized by the na- j barreis heav ii lti rolls 3950 per barrel tional anthem lardpure tierces 18 to 18 c premier ferguson s party which tub 1s to 19c j 19 to 19v4o followed later incuded mayor fos- prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces ter hon joseph e thompson speaki3 tubs 14c pails 14c blocks er of the ontario legislature hon j 15 to 15c george s henry hon w r mother- heavy steers choice 775 to 8 well minister of agriculture for the do soo 675 to 750 butcher dominion hon j s martin minister swimm b n v j to 625 do med 475 to 025 do of agncuture for ontario president 3 475 butcher he cnrrol and vicepresident d m bull c 625 to 075 do good 575 of tho fair directorate j to 6 do med 450 to 5 do com in an interview president carroll 350 to 450 butcher cows choice stated that the days attendance was ffo to 525 do fair to good 84 to i- tit 450 butcher buls good 460 to above that of the opening day of last can- year and that he was glad to see on n and cutters 225to250 spring- every hand indications of tho pride eon to s100- do fair s40 s toronto citizens took in the exposi- g m god 575 to 650 cross word puzzle either horizontally or vertically 1 there is a black square to the left of the number tho word is horizontal if above it the word is vertical tho same eral hours in the lower st lawrenco number may of course begin both a horizontal tion what the fair needed he point- do fair 460 to 5 stackers good until the gale subsided somewhat l n dxltlons ed out was greater accommodation 475 to 575 do fair 4 to 450 ssis this respect he declared that if j he definitions till you find one present plans materialized there k- jx i 7 n that you recognize and put it in its proper place on the form one letter for would be started before tho year was f each white square this will furnish several crossclues to the words linking tne building which would provide t with it at right angles continue in this manner till the form is completely ntinn tht strain lo for the correct words to fill the form are found ponding to those on the form run through th three renfrew hunters vll j vl id ho wna lc ac rl angles uonnnue tvllied wltnin oo nours filled if you have solved the puzzle correctly it should read both horizontally and vertically with words corresponding to the definitions a despatch from renfrew says horizontal dr j j mccann coroner attended j i j an entertaining manner the inquest on the death of the third 12 destines victim from shooting while hunting 13 a russian girls name three men have been killed within the clod of love 36 hours on thursday william sly 15 common level 17 heated was killed- at folger while on friday lg to request i martin dahl aged 25 years of the 19 a cltrous fruit peltier the driver and miss gloss township of matawatchan was shot 21 woo scotch through the windshield and a etminsky of barrys bay was 22 left end football abbr j accidentally killed by his son father 23 an occupation land son were in the bush together 25 tin symbol 1 when the father was mistaken for a xo deer and shot through the knee from 29 to stop fe which wound he bled to death before 30 a musical instrument assistance could be secured j 32 a metrical composition i in ail three cases death was pro- 35 to prcservojn brine vertical 1 a standard of perfection plural 2 of or pertaining to scandinavia 3 grasped 4 printers measures 5 rupees abbr 6 unites 7 part of the verb to be s at this tlnie 0 to bite with repeated effort 10 a coin of italy plural s6 good light sheep 650 to 70 eavies and bucks s450 to fi good ambs 13 to 1325 do med 12 that accommodation that structure s do bucks 10 to 1025 he said would be erected on the pre- d c 850 to 950 hogs thick sent site of the cattle sheep and hog smooths fed and watered 1185 do pens and would be the last thing in fob1125 do country points 11 the way of fair buildings even wild animals do off cars 1225 select premiums h220 montreal oats can west no 2 64c do p n no 3 56c extra no 1 feed 54c wojkmg tor c in k no 2 local white 51c flour man spring wheat pats firstsj8 seconds a despatch from montreal says 750 strong bakers 780 winter the human is not the only animal at- pats choice 665 rolled oats bag 00 or t ooonc shorts solvltrllxpuzzixl rprizt23iirj nounced accidental i j 36 exist 38 a large genus of shell fish plural horleontt i to havo a good time 5 abr or athleuo association 6 malo tlllo of ed- drtas 8 short jot theo- iloro 1 msio parent 2 tho end o no 3 first letter or nl- 7 abr for lht is 750df1ilfeinrfuzts s2ssilarer partially stopped in britain sure in the earth novo you wived a then 1 1 ransportation or lattle nd in your solution t nnn fr send in yotir solution at onoo tocethcr with the namea and correct addresses of six bright 40 grain abbr 41 the cover 43 a jet of steam issuing from r fls- 31 surrounded with a wall 33 anything very small slang 26 a representation surface 2s a cooking vessel of u10 earths reliable boya or clrts between tho ages of eight and sixteen then wo will at once send you adsolutkly free th i ijmou ooid medal cross owing to the continued spread of tho nordpuixlobook containing i j i m 44 a southern constellation 45 a den 47 an epoch a despatch from london says ving to the continued spread of eotmiy ho testandbst j footandmouth disease the minister 49 n ant dialect icctvon ot agriculture has issued a stand- 51 a desert animal rssiortojknxiatevk stiir order prohibiting any movements 52 composed serene collected sionsotuo of cattle over a largepart of the mid- sharing in tho s1000o cash which will to divided among land counties and south england oioso ooiung the puxties correctly th minister hopes the measure will fend your solution of th ahovo puxxto and tho elx cantn and addreasos today and get your book 11 you can solve one you should be able to solve them all keenyour eye on that 2500 first prixj address the gold medal people ltd 645 jorvja street toronto depc t be only temporary but he points out that there are ten large infected areas i and 150 outbreaks in sixteen counties 11 in china the official headquarters jvactedtbv froi cours stanlev 9 ib bran 2725 of a mandarin p u tractea oy goi courses otaniey mmrllino itr or ttt m 15 saucy i thompson architect of the sper f middlings 35 25 hay no u t r t- r iw cheese finest iwest finest in ax i sieens the national railways that easts 2 butter no 1 pasteuriz- m the final emancipation of the soul there aro more wid animals in the e 43 to 43ic- no 1 creamery 42 to 91 nf of the jasper park course 42c seconds 41 to 41c eggs 24 ftelblpendajr- i than ever before storage extras 45c storage firsts 41c b i at the present time very large storage seconds 35c fresh specials numbers of elk and deer are grazing l fl c5 63 to 6b fresh daily en the course and bears are f tatoes per ag car numerous in the vicinity the com- f pany has issued instructions that the ek and deer are not to bo molested or driven from tho course as their presence there is valuable in several ways one of which is that they keep the course trimmed it is estimated that the deer seen in and about the according to statistics furnished the course during tho last few days num- board of railway commissioners was a ber more than 200 i 27c- tnirt railway crossing ac- beavers are also increasing in lac cidents were recorded motor cars be- beauvcrtr and one colony has estab- involved in twentyseven of them houe close to one of the resulting in sixteen persons fomg 34 a long upholstered eeat 35 ah infants bed 37 a southern resort 39 revolves 40 to welcome 42 makes less bright 44 a girls name 46 a kind of ribbed fabric 45 an implement for stlrfing up breeze 50 tantalum symbol 51 to proceed ig this puzzle took fourteen minutes to solve sec how long it will take lished greens beside the water 1 killed and twentynine injured x heavy level crossing toll a despatch from ottawa says the total number of railway accidents reported for the month of october