Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 29, 1925, p. 2

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w butter flavors by don v shannon succulent feeds in the ration of hardly enough to be detected by the r k v average consumer increasing trca dairy cows have come to have h potato not increase importance that many crops not abnorma flavor d odors produced j grown primarily for this purpose may j the milk dairy cows may be fed enter into the ration cabbage and as much as 28 pounds of potatoes im- potatoes though not generally grown ndhttoly after milking withno re- for dairy feeds are often fed to dairy sutant off flavors in the miik- cows as a means of supplying sue- it is shown that green alfalfa pro- cuence and disposing economicalcy of products that are otherwise unmarket able duces much more pronounced off flavors and odors than does green corn even when 25 pounds of green like other succulent feeds cabbage com is fed one hour before milking j and potatoes may have a tendency to the milk 13 only slightly tainted prob- impart undesirable flavors and odora j ably not to a sufficient extent to be to the milk if fed under certain con- detected by the average consumer if ditiona tests have been conducted to fed after milking nothing undesirable determine the extent to which these is noticeable feeding 80 pounds of crops affect the flavor of milk and green alfalfa one hour before milking how they may be fed and the milk or as little as 15 pounds produced handled so as to minimize such effect objectionable flavors and odors in- it was found that on the average creasing the time to three hours rej when dairy cows consume as much as duced the intensity but did not elim- 143 pounds of cabbage within on inate tho taints however when the hour before milking time abnormal time before milking was increased to and objectionable flavors are produced five hours the off flavors and odors in the milk an increase in the am- j were practically eliminated it was j ount of cabbage fed intensifies these found also that 30 pounds could be flavors an average of 25 pounds of fed immediately after milking w cabbage may be consumed immediately out any bad effect the conclusion is ss lesson short cuis to your chicken canning novembsr 1 world temporanco jjy ina sigrld lindman dhntephel gowen jpt th the year when pu3 out all entnls pusmg towards text be atrona in th lord and in- progressive farmjroman culg her j the head the power of hta might eoh 6 10 p to 8ave the expense of feeding 10 seror head fiora body if chicken 3 the surplus cockerels and the non- was not beheaded when killed laying hens analysis i spiritual bance3s 1012 ii the ne2 for sksitual arma ments 1320 j inteodoction our lesson today those who are not provided with this i coams from thcclosng section of the nsem household appliance can use s fh acostle it rr cuttino for fackinc with a pressure cooker the cooking 1 out carcass into two parts cut- can be done in an hour this utensil j ting through cartilages on the other is recommended for mat canning side 2 remove oil sac at end of back cut back in half cutting between sec- bdisssgtf tilt v- bath method watered and third ribs letter wth his doctrine of the spiritual nipctey covering tho jars the 3 cut off white meat on each eido 1 unity of jew and gentile in jcsus the contents shoud boil four hours of tho keel or breast bone i rjicmer he portrays the captivatl x remov feet wings and thigh ing vision of one church throughout the world deriving its life from christ sever drumstick from thigh at second joint as head and filled with all tho fulness of god then he pastes to the conse- j 2 from the wing joint cut open cratlon required of christians in the skin on neck various walks and relationship of life j 3 i f jn above opening si p jfsr t and pull out crop without severing it bands and wives masters and serv ants finaxy he show3 how in face of completely from body a frock that registers smartness girls frocks echo the modes de- after milking however without any that green alfalfa as a soiling crop c yet retain acharming simplic- objectionable flavors in the milk be- should bo fed immediately after milk- ity making them adaptable for many k coming noticeable some of these fla- ing and that when it is used as pas- occasions the novel way of trimming reader wijl remember how gideon of carefully loosen entrails including vors may be eliminated by proper ture tho cattle should ba taken o the inverted plait at the centre front old was commended to select for ser- two lungs from the body walls aeration of tho milk and others great- j four or five hours before milking tho distinctive feature of this vice only those soldiers who were vigi- ly reduced aeration will help to remove slight model smart littlo bone buttons com- lint and who kept grasping their the feeding of 148 pounds of potai off odors and flavors green corn toes an hour before milking may at least up to 25 pounds at a feed flavor the milk to a slight extent but may bo fed at any time 4 halfway down the back insert j the invisible and desperate y subtle knifc cose to baekbone flnd and cut into the other powers of evil in the world every und3r m shoulder blad brea christian must serve nko a sodier at 6 his post wearing his spiritual armor removing them at tho joints not carelessly throwing it aside as we j 5 find the cartilages on the rifao are tempted to do ho describes what cut through cartilages that armor is and so we have the fa- 6 extend tho t nd aroun muiar and beloved picture of the i christian soldier unit of the church p bone militant watching at his post- the 7 insert hand into body cavity and the 4 remove heart liver and gizzard from entrails 5 spread out the pieces on tray or cutting board to pack quickly into clean hot jars packing the chickens 1 first place in a drumstick 2 place a thigh next to drumstick 3 place two wings next to the thigh fitting the elbow of one wing disposal of surplus corn this year a large number of farm ers will have considerable corn left over after filling or even refilling their silos the disposal of this will bine with heavy stitching to hold the armor judges ch 7 the apostles plait in place from the neck to a point thought that in a g m fu a wkii tk vh fi spiritual temptations the christian above tho knees the round cojlar fits closely to the neck and the long plain sleeves are finished with- a narrow cuff the patch pockets are trimmed with bone buttons and a narrow belt ought always to be at his best i spiritual dangers 1012 8 cut around the intestines freeing them completely from carcass 9 hold carcass firmly with one hand and with the other hand gently 4 place tho neck portion in centra of jar with ribend down this acts as a support for the remaining pieces and also allows heat quickly to pene trate centre of jar 5 cover the neck piece with back c spread white meat on top of back 7 fit in regaining pieces complete- ly to fill jar 8 add two level teaspoonfuls of salt to each quart jar 9 place jar ring partially seal jar sterilize veterinary director general dr have an important bearing upon theigeorgo hilton in reviewing the con- control of the corn borer if it isitagious disease situation in canada not handled in some way by which tho i shows that the animal diseases that a borers will bo killed it will serve as few years ago were troubesome have a dangerous source of these insects been banished from the country next year so says prof l casar rabies has not been detected m any provincial entomologist we should part of canada for years no ouc- adviso that all such corn be cut low i breaks of dourino has been reported and either stooked and then when the among breeding horses for five years stooks havo dried out burned or else and there is every reason to beieve the that it be hauled out of tho field from infection does not exist in this coun try only one outbreak of anthrax was reported in tho year and that was in british columbia and was brought speedily under control the malady is extremely raro in canada by vigorous action ho cholera has been practically eradicated suspect timo to time and fed to the cattle be fore using the corn that was in the silo or to supplement this and that whatever uneaten remnants there are to be gathered together and burned when dry another method is to run ail through a shredder or cutting box feed as much of this as is wanted ed glanders not being promptly rerort- throw the rest into the manure early ed in unprogressive scttements of al so that it will all be rotted by spring berta and saskatchewan action has and then next springlet it be plowed j been necessary and has proved offec- down tive but close supervision is being unless it is first shredded or run kept to prevent recurrence eastern through the cutting box do not let it canada and manitoba are free of the get into the barnyard or manure be- disease prmce edward isand new causa numerous borers win live in the brunswick quebec and british col- stalks lying around the barnyard even umbia are free from mange but when on the manure pile it is only isolated cases are reported in nova in those which are buried in the ma- scotia and ontario manitoba sas- nurc for a long timo at least ten inches katchewan and aiberta have had to deep and which havo heated and rot- have energetic attention especially in tedrthat the borers are destroyed tho lastnamed province near the in- remember that borers will live for tornational boundary all canada months in stalks lying in ice in pools has been practically free from sheep in the barnyard cold and wet alone eab for many years will not kill them it requires heat good progress is being made in the enough to cause the stalks to rot and control of bovine tubercu osis live to become slimyand uninhabitable to stock breeders says dr hiton are bring about their destruction i now commencing to reaize that it is every farmer should keep in mind poor business to maintain diseased v- i c t i tli gie the christian moral and spiritual that is tho warm sense of gods for- tions in the covers are the best fced- f asniqn cook are aaance stjies lor courage to stan his ground unflinch- givenoss the experience of liis grace ors to use if these are not available tr home dressmaker and the woman inkiy- v 15- the soe3 of the christian however mason fruit jars with screw or girl who desires to wear garments y 11 the reason for vigilance is soldier are to be made of preparation tops and two thicknesses of ch-ese- dependable for taste simpicity and that satan is continually using wiles of the gospel of peace that is readi- c us51 in place of the soi1 top economy will find her desires fulfilled or stratagems to take the christian ness to go on every errand that can tvo- fi in our patterns price of the book 10 off his guard bring home to men the reconciling issisv s g cents the copy v 12 for it is not as if we had to redeeming love of god are p inside an empty hie- wrtw to nptwij pattfrmu fi a visible opponents v 16 faith strong assurance of are inverted directly on top mm 1u ohurlt failkknb 0 flesj and blood sometimes gov- or confidence in god is the christians of the brood frames with a bag or write your name and address plain- j eninen and peoples take up an atti- i shield this is the principal part of quilt over the feeders to retain the ly giving number and size of such j tude of hostility to christianity but his armor which he is to wear above heat while they are on the colony tho patterns as you want enclose 20c in then wo know what we are up against j all against a strong faith the flam- 1 feeding is best done in tho evening stamps or coin coin preferred wrap the really terrible relentless and -i- ing arrows of the wicked that is the and the ontrahce of the colony should temptations of satan will strike in reduced by at onehalf tiio tlt now folow helmet and sword it me to feed is any time after oct loth and a jjcoa coony wnl take it carefully for each number and unsleeping foes of christ are invisible address your order to pattern dept they are not human flesh and blood wilson publishing co 73 west ado- jut spirits i and i demons the aposte j q t vln c u believes that the faen anges andjlho hemet is eavation the sure lade st toronto patterns sent by other agonts of gatan dommate thjand unfaltering sense that god will down 30 to 40 as of syrup in one return mail i pj ov w and keep up an bring us into his kingdom the sword j night if so much is needed the syrup a ii n wmftirorl f onr nnin incessant fight against tho people of which is a spiritual one is the word is best made of any white granulated fi i lu t jfflji ji god these anges and satanic spirits of god which the christian shoud sug two parts of sugar to one of ing cereals shavings of fresh maple- and r and have ever at command sugar spread over it will make it a ruers of thia dar wor very appetizing dish chidren all he bi us bew of which ovo mapcsugar herds and to purchase animals from questionable sources when the re port was published there were 1g75 fully accredited tuberculosis herds in canada and 2100 undergoing the pro cess of accreditation there is also a tuberculosis free area in the carman district in mani- i toba which is being dealt with under j tho restricted area plan ah cattle its ability to extract nitrogen from in an area comprising the counties of the air makes sweet clover very valu- huntingdon chateauguay and beau- able as an improver of soilswhich harnois in the province of quebec have become deficient in organic mat- bave also been tested by veterinary ter through continuous grain growing inspectors and reactors destroyed this quality of the plant is empha- there is every reason to believe that sized in a new bulletin distributed by this area will bo a tuberculosis free the publications branch dept of area by the timo the next annual that the way to control the borers is to leave no part of the corn crop ex cept the grain itself above the ground after june 1st the watchwords are feed burn and plow sweet clover as an improver of soils to make glue that will resist the action of water soak ordinary glue in water unti i ii tub need fob spiritual arma- ments 1320 v 13 consequently the water by measure or weight if these v 18 and now a great final touch rti fair t we not only see the christian com- l j pletely arwd butand this must bey e su r thorough carefully noted we see him on his dissolved by placing it in hot water knees he must pray constantly and and constant stirring there wl be i j wljs earnestly resisting the efforts of sleep little granulation of the syrup after it softens- remove it be- wou ned to grasp and to wear the i a i hc a i- if v i j n i j whole armor of god all the mean3 fore it has lost its original form and igj which divina reli provi6ss dissolve it in unseed oil over a slow our sp defence and effi- firo until it is of the consistence of a c it is not enough to have a hel- jelly it can be used for joining any met if we have not also a shield and kind of material a sword some christians are natur- if the above directions are and this prayer and wards are to be not for himself i followed tho colony will not only bo for the saints or whole eood enapa f winter but should he chieftains dam agriculture ottawa sweet clover report is issued thrives on poor soils and produces an abundance of large fleshy roots in which nitrogen from tho air has been incorporated in decaying these roots supply organic matter to the soil give the sheep some comfort if ono bedbug can stampede a hu- in man family what must a sheep feel one cxperimont it was found that a like if you permit- a thousand ticks to yield of 243 tons of waterfreo sweet worry her all winter who feeds the clover tops taken in tho spring con- ticks if the sheep is yours you do tained as much nitrogen as twenty as thoy eat up what might have been tons of average farm manure and that profit tho nitrogen content of the roots at all farm flocks should be dipped or that time of the year could not be treated with a tick destroyer during much less than that of tho tops i the early autumn fix up the dipping vat get the chemicals ready and wait by edwin h nevin the bechuanas of south africa are a journey to tho bakueni in order to divided into many tribes two of jsavo his life these tribes carried on war for sonic- he had a small bag containing a years eah side trying to kill every little meal made from pounded locusts man woman and child of the other it was all ho could get to eat on his ride and practicing the most fiendwh way he took a pipe and some to- cruelties tho names of these two bacco also and a walkingstick in his warring tribes were barolong and hand but being nearly starved and backueni j weak and thin he could not get along one day the daughter of the chief ver f of tho backueni was gathering berries at length he reached the village of by tho rivers side she was alone tho chief of the bakueni and entered and far removed from her fathers mcosuro before the door of the village sho did not imagine that any ch s house enemy was near but a wicked oldi a young woman was sitting near warrior of the barolong tribe was p door she was dressed in a -tiger- just at that timo creeping along thef karo which none but the mem- borders as a spy and he saw her to overcome him watching alone but for the saints or wlioe j g s church of god no require any more attention so vs 19 20 fnaly the aposte jwks f as th food fa concotred until m his people to remember him aso in their prayers that he may be enabled to speak the truth courageously and so to unfold the height and depth of the mystery of the gospel that is the eternal will of god to save man kind which has now been revealed through jesus christ at present tho apostle is an ambassador in bonds that is though he is gods representative he is a prisoner wear ing a chain but he still hopes by the prayers of gods people to achieve further successes in the service of the gospel of next year sweet clover as a pasture as a pasture sweet clover has a carrying capacity unequalled by most crops cattle have been pastured on this crop at the brandon experi mental farm with no apparent ill effects the condition of the animals was in no way affected and the milk supply wns maintained according to a new bulletin on sweet clover distri buted by the publications branch dept of agriculture ottawa this for a bright day in midoctober and then mnko a thorough job of the dipping proprietary dips are very useful for small flocks and give efficient results if directions as to their use are fol lowed they are made from coal tar nicotine or cresol preparations the sho had never dono him any harm but ho hated her because she was ono of tho backueni he crepx like a coward upon his hands and knees and when ho was within a short dis tance of her he sprang upon her like a tigor and with his assegai cut off both her hands above tho wrists ho mocked at her sufferings and taunt ingly asked in his native dialect u tla mpongn kni rumela where shall you see mo again i salute you the painful cries of tho poor bleed ing girl soon brought around her her friends from tho village but the arms wicked old spy had run away with the greatest possible speed and was out of their reach there was no surgeon at hand to dress tho wounds of the poor suffer- j family are allowed bars of the royal to wear tho old man addressed his petition to her in tho most- humble terms and bogged her to givo him a little food as ho was dying of hunger sho ans wered him e u tla mpona kai rumela the old man being stupificd bj hunger did not recognize or romcmbei tho words a servant was cooking tho foo while this interview was going on her mistress turned to her and told her to bring some of the food in 1 dish and just then the mistress threw plow thoroughly last fall owing to the very dry weather it was difficult to plow corn gf into the pail during milking dr factors in milk contami nation in the report of the comparatively recently organized division of bac teriology of the dominion experi mental farms covering the year 1921 it is shown that tho factors that stand out prominently in the contamination of milk are fir3t carelessly cleansed pails and secondly the health and cleanliness of the animal itselfpaila should be carefully cleaned and well dried care should also be taken to see that no dried manure particles stubble well and consequently many a grant lcchhead the dominion corn borers were able to survive in agricultural bacteriologist who is re- the uncovered stubble and com rom sponsible for tho report which can nants this fall the soil is in excel- j l had at no cost on application te lent condition for making a perfect tho pubications branch of tho agri- job ot tho plowing hence it is hoped cutural dept ottawa deals with that tho farmers generally will takeer factors that aroapt to causa advantage of this fact and do their m contamination tests have been best not to leave a single stubble nj at tho central experimental weed or piece of corn on the surface farm acertain how the milk is in tho corn field a good way to affected and statistical tabes are sup- accomplish this is to use a wide fur- pied showing to what degree mik may row last plow with a wheel and run the b contaminated by unsanitary condi furrow before the stubble row as pertaining to the miker beast stable and utensila close to tho stubble as possible and a cean pail a little deeper than usual- then on o and a ce c noxt round the stubble can be thrown marks the doctor are the big things fiat into the furrow and thus buried producing cean mik a study u completely so cays prof l casar addt ot ba produc- entomocstist i lns a d flavor in milk of the fortunately in mort of the infested microbiology of frozen soil and of flax counties very little cf the corn has qxanhneki fa next to god- back her kaross and uncovced her brokm down by storms so that 1 a the same as in it has bee possible to cut iflow tho lther th there were no hands to be seen i th cutting the easier it is to she was the same girl whose hands- bury tni stubble completely if by this wicked old man had cut off so hnnrv stnhhe has hnen left hicrh long before she said to her servant give tho food to that man although it was he who ing girl she was carried home and he does not deserve it young tick emerges from its pack in i treated as tenderly as could be ex- cut off my hands when i was a girl 10 to24 days after birth this makes pectcd in that dark part of the world j btit i will not revenge myself he is it necessary to dip twiceat 24to 28 at ength both tribes suffered so now starving ho little thought wo days interval if both old and young dreadfully from war and famine that should fhus meet each other asfnin are to be destroyed oiic dip for tho they wished to make peace they then speaking to tho old warrior crodm7kesaveryswrfeodwhcn k but short relief do jml somo cattle and sat down to eat sho said used atot and it u advisabtttos ce for complete eradication and a treaty of- there take an the animals access to some form of that sh keep out of their winter pf- take i kai rumela hd catl u tla mrona drv rouhn kt order to tamthe quarters for at least two months he- ec the bakueni had an j what the old man felt under this crop from becoming ranked coarsl fevi the autumn l orgncm good milking stool so f any chanoa stubble has been left high f jnako a milkingstool use a piece and is tobe plowed thi1 fall it will of twoinch plank fof seat use logs bo amcst essential for successful about two inches i diameter dressed work to run a plow thallowly under down to one inch to fit in oneinch the roots first to throw the stubblo holes in the bottom of tho seat and out then harrow it over to level it a band of strap iron on9 inch wide to and then plow it at least six inches hold tho pail there is no hard and deoi and better seven fast ru3 as to length of legs for ono the way good plowing kills the bor- man may like a high stool another er is that tho stubbles when turned a stool not so high down become soggy and uncomfort- if you wish you can put a cushion ablo so that the borers aro unable on tho soat this can be made of to live in them and cone toth sur- soma pieces of burlap held in place hero they search for unburiej with tacks or shingle sails cron irom dpcomintr rai coir so irr r f ace hero they search for unburie tacks or shingle oaiis or let uhosswes this is necessary to pre- longs were m great distress swarms wild be difficult to say the nibcj stu weeds or com remnants to tho edges go over tho wat and fasten it wuhstanifc i sic effecttf otringl vcnt reinfestation i of locusts ate up the produce of their conduct of the chiefs daughter has a ho in if they cannot find under tho strap iron u pitnn 0 fields and gardens nnd thoy were never been forgotten by tho barolong tho9 ty perish cither from bong e husbands lend us your ears buy obliged to beg for food from the people tribe to this day any one of them j eaten by b p or br beetles when a cream separator is running pasturing vory well and it is possible to uso even tho first years crop hogs mayj your go wives vacuum cleaners and they once attempted to destroy h a i you among others the old warrior bo turned on when the plants are 8 oaso many of their burdens or 9 iiirfces high with good results 1 wjjj good j suffered extremely and he set j may be restrained from en unkind or f weeks of exposure to weather the bowl should spin like a top vith no iorspy eetion by the other party exclaiming j tio nat habitat of the borers is vibration if tho bowl vibrate seo out on u tla mpona kai rumelal i above ground rot below if the bearings aro won or loos hoaltr of our live stock sleeves ar0 finished with a narrow- vaa tu it f m ono so m an feeding bees for winter heaitn or uur jlve oiolk cuff the patch pockets are trimmed v l0 as josnua the ancient other but we are at weak in some ib ucra ivi there is much of a comforting na- i j v days was called to be strong and of a point or other and wu all need tho to winter a colony successfully ture in tho reoort for 192425 of the d a arrow belt d courag6 j 169 so the whole armor of god they should havo 50 lbs of food in the hovth of s branch of the j th b f dla pf christian iscaksd to ba strong not v 14 the apostle explains hishive when put away for winter this n fi w it nnnvn the tures tho desipi of the part fimsh indeed in his own strength but in the meaning we must put on the belt woitd make a ten frame lanestroth dept of agrcutore at orta a the ed garment no 1213 is in sizes 8 10 mighty strength of his lord thejof truth that is tl firm lkx 12 and 14 years size 10 years re- aposte knows that ail power has beenrsion that gods word is true and that in k t quires 2 yards of 36inch or 1 given to christ and that he must yet god wil3 keep his promise to his j rj appro mate l0 yards of 54inch material price 20c reign over all the forces of darkness people and for breastplate or coat i ff f syrup for winter inverted the garments illustrated in our nv x 15 25 this thought is to of mail wo must have righteousness ten lb honey pails with fine perfora-

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