mm j m the sunday school lesson october 4 paul in athens acta l 1634 golden text in him we live and move and havo our being- acts 17 28 analysis i the greek worlds confessed need of cod 2223 ii cods answer in the gospel 6 jesus ckri3t 2434 introduction in athens st paul was face to face with the worlds highest traditions in art literature and philosophy the political glory him his point of contact and bis mes sage he gathers an audience and announces to them that tbo god of israel thagod and father of jesus christ alone answers the pathetically confessed need of the greek heart i the creek worlds confessed need of cod 2223 y v 22 the sermon is preached by paul standing on the areopagus or hill of mars the rocky eminence to the west of the city from which in ancient times the council of the areopagus dispensed laws to the ath of athens had long since faded but eninns paul begins by giving the its intellectual eminence remained but even the philosophical leaders wore found by paul to be unsympa- thetic they regarded the missionary as a mere picker up of straws as an amateur in philosophy that is or as a dilettante they scoffed at him as a sort of oriental dervish announc ing more foreign demons one day however seeing an altar with the inscription to an unknown athenians credit for a deeply re igious turn of mind which makes them more than usuallyrespectful of di vine things the words of the author ized version ye are too supersti tious should be rendered you are more than others interested in things divine st pauls attitude to the athenian heart here is sympathetic not condemnatory v 23 the proof that the a then- god paul felt that god had given ians are more than usually religious guaranteeing your pack of fruit by f c there is nothing that will inspire the confidence of the buying public in the quality of an article of com merce like the confidenco of the pro ducer that his product is a good one your money back if you are not satisfied carries weight with any purchaser nothing but a firstclass article can be backed by such a pro position with safety and of course we fruit growers are no exception to this general rule if we can guarantee that every apple in the package is just as represented it will certainly tend to popularize our output but we must bo sure of the output first the rest can be made to follow thercareabout four essentials to the proposition as i see it if one is to make it a real success in the first place one must grow good fruit we may parhaps take that for granted though it is really the big end of the proposition if every apples in an extra fancy there miglity little difficuty in getting rid of the crop and looking at it from the other angle one can of sears at it3 destination so badly battered in transit that it is of little value two kinds of growers the story 13 told of a nova scotia apple grower who wandered down to the docks in halifax where a steamer was loading with apples for the eng lish markets he was accosted by the dominion fruit inspector who was on the job and was examining a barrel of apples that he had opened george what do you think of a man who would put up such a barrel as that said the inspector george looked in the barrel why hes a rascal said he and then the in spector turned over the head of the barrel and showed george his own name that sounds too good to bo true but we have the papers to prove it and there is no question that it would be a liberal education to most of us if we could see our own fruit opened up in the market we ought to take pains to do this occasionally it would not only open our eyes to our own failings but would give us more charity for the commission man whom we are so fond course guarantee tho pack of a lot of j abusin poor stuff but there is no money in itu and iast havln dono a1 tms w the second essential is to pack the h 0u pm rl v boost it here is another nova scoti fruit honestly no discussion this ought to need m enforce3 this point a hundreds of jokes i grcwer puts a printed s 1 mm every barrel which he packs mm fi s sffig be8ring this leg have been made atthe expense of the f main who puts little nnnles in ths orsftces and speeches have been written and made about honesty in packing apples yetone has only to step into any fruit market and ex amine the packs which are there on sale to see that as yet we fruit grow ers as a class have not arrived notice this fruit was packed at the riverstde fruit farm middleton annapolis county nova scotia hav ing large interests in growing orch ards in the annapolis valley i am desirous of having my brand known abroad for its invariable reliability both as to quality of fruit and honesty csotlung would do more to put our packing to insure this object i fruit business on a sound footing than i hereby guarantee the contents of this tms singe simpc matter of honest package to be the same from head to packing r j head and to be fairly represented by the third point is that the fruit the face and i further authorize my shall so weir packed that it will j consignees to refund the money paid arrive at its destination in good con- for the fruit of my packing which is dition this requires real skill and proved not to be according to brand many a package of fruit leaves the that is the proper spirit and will home packing house honestly packed revolutionize the fruit business why and in good condition only to arrive has been found by paul in the altar inscription to an unknown god no inscription bearing this title has been discovered at athens but we know for a fact that they had inscriptions bearing the plural dedication to un known gods what paul read in the inscription was not a mere polytheis tic welcome to all gods that came but a mute pathetic confession that the heathen sou was not satisfied but was stretching out its arms towards the true fathergod of whom they had never heard ii cods answer in the gospel of jesus christ 2434 st paul now has his text and in the first part of the sermon he de clares that the god who has been hitherto unknown to the heathen heart is spiritup and one the cre ator of the world the giver of life the lord of the nations the kind intimate father of the souls of men vs 2429 in the second part which is the specifically christian part he declares that the god has revealed himself in jesus and calls men from sin and heathen darkness to receive eternal life vs 3031 it is this second part of the message which arouses opposition vs 3234 v 24 st paul points out that the creatorspirit the god who made the world is not to be thought of as locally fixed in any shrine or temple he inhabits tho whole world and there is no part of our life which is out side of his observation and interest polytheism did not put the whole of mans life under any of its deities but assigned to each a small part of what concerns us hence there was no dominant holy will to which man must make account for ths whole of his actions and his life v 25 st paul shows that for the same reason the heathen religious rites are meaningless the true god does not need the offerings and liba tions which the heathen offer on their altars for he 1s himself the lord and giver of life s v 26 moreover it must not be thought that one nation has one set of gods and another nation has an other set the one true god is lord of all nations and i him all peoples are responsible vs 2729 and the existence of this one true god corresponds with tho universal craving of the human heart for divine love god has put an in stinct in human hearts which makes us restless until we find rest in him we are all waiting and groping for something and that something is god who is our father and far near er to us than we think st paul ap peals to the evidence of the greek poets themselves the poet bpimen- ides confesses that in god we live and move and have our being an other the poet aratus says we too are his offspring st paul quotes these sayings and shows how foolish it is to mistake idolatry for a true worship of the divine being vs 10 31- then st paul applies the christian message of the redeem ing love of god in christ god par dons the past errors- of heathenism but now in christ he calls for re pentance the changed heart and life in view of coming judgment all men must appear before the judgment- scat of christ whom god raised from the dead that he might give eternal iife to all who turn to him vs 3234 the announcement of the resurrection and of eternal life at once provokes scepticism and even ridicule st paul had to turn sor rowfully away from athens but a number of athenians became con verts st paul had not spoken al together in vain a i the mail and empires twwdpkfarepazzu game n heres a picture puzzle which contains a number of objects beginning with the letter t just tako a good lock at tho picture there aro all sorts of tjjnijy that begin with the letter t like train trap top turtle etc and all tho other objects arc equally clear see how many you can find tills is not a trick puzzle nothing is hidden and you dont havo to turn the picture upsidedown or sideways fifty cash prizes will bo glveu for the 50 best lists of words submitted in answer to this puzzle the answer having tho largest and nearest correct list of visible objects shown in the picture that start with the letter t will bo awarded first prize second best second prize etc you cant help enjoying this now pletoro puzzle lets all join in and have h jelly jcocd time o matter what your asre is or isnt it yon like to noire puzzles try your hand at thl one it la different to any yon havo tried before it is really not a puczle at nit for all tho objects have been made perfectly plain with no attempt to djflmise or hme thorn none are so small bnt the poorest eyedchc ca bee them get a pencil pnd paper and ape how many twonls yon can find ieciint make eny difference whether you are dx or slty years old here 13 a chneo to stady and brash up a little it 1b interesting cducatloaal und fascinating noutragj hard just different vps all join in old folks middle ace and yoaaq folks see wlio can find the most ttfoids youll havo bar rels of fan finding word s h i i arrive i cannot more of us do the same thing this summers cream shipping and what our 1 the highest market price correct test and weight cans supplied to them bringing in their cream when con- venient to them and taking buttermilk back or having their cream collected by our truck and the most satisfactory way of payment for same in the past present and in the future stouffyille creamery co agents for- the delaval separators phone 18g02 uus angus campbkix wox sl000 we hare already paid thousand cf dollar iji prizes in recent puxzle games mrs abgcs campbell forest ont won 1000 mls lucy fircstlne gait ont won 1000 rev theo inlgr williamsburg ont won s1c00 mr thomas pattjlmore athens ont wasnrcttcr winner of 1000 and mrs joe poyle marmora out also won 91000 mr g 3tf carmichacl welland ont won 500 and mrs bntma moore chesley ont also won 50o mrs r s morphy walkerrllle ont and mr clarence i merrick ajl outy each won s3c0 while mr w c- sharpo glen allen ont mr j p ifaomuian ottawa ont and mrs ucorfe macltioah mcnklriids ont each won 00 and now heres your opportunity i- the prize list winning answers will receive tho fifty cash prizes accord nsr to tho table below 17 asseyharris farm implements repairs buy a new masscyharris no 6a corn binder for this years corn crop it is greatly improved over the old corn binder also seo us if you are thinking of buying an ensilage cutter we liavc new box out that is a whirlwind we also havo the be3t engine that you can buy our new quebec sulky plow has no equal on the market every buyer of one is a satlslled customer unci no one has been able to make a suggestion ofnn improvement totfonc ordc- one early as wo can sell them faster than we can get tiicm call and see if you havo not already- seen one and if you ever iry one you will never part with it we have a completo lino of repairs always on hand and handl shears for all makes of plows repairs strictly cash by ordev of masseyiiarris co we also have a number of second hand machines on hand including all kinds of plows binders drills engines wagons etc we aro also agents and handle re pairs for john deere co canadian potato machinery co ontario wind engine and pump co and o k potato co d holder agent piion 184 stonffrioe observe these easy rules 1 any man woman or child who lives in canada and is not a resident of toronto nnd who lo not in tho employ or tho mall and kmplre may submit an answer 2 rriia winners in- former picture yattles conducted hy the mall and empire winning- 20000 or more are not ellfflblo to pmtlojpate in this juxcle 3 ah tncwers must be mailed by october 17th 1925and oddrexsed to c at montgomery puzzle manager mali and umpire i all lists at names should be wtllton on one side of tho paper only and numbered consecutively 1 2 2 etc wilts your full nam ond address in the upper right hand corner if you desire to write anything else uso a separato sheet 6- only wuch words as appear in websters dictionary will bo counted do not uia hyphenated compound or obot words where tho plural- is used the singular oannot be count ed and vlci versa 6 words of the same spekine can be usd only one even though used to designate different objects or articles an ob ject or artlclo can be named only once 7 tho instver bavins tho ureest and nefcrokt correct list of names ovlsibo objects in the picture mat beirln with the letrt will bo awarded tiist prize etc neatness my is or hnndnrltlic havo no bearing upon deciding the winners s any number ofpoopo may cooprate- in anawerlnr the pussle but only on priaa will bp awarded to any ods houe- hold nor will prizes be awarded to more than one of ny group where two or mora have been working together 0 in the evfotcf u tie for pny prize offered the foil amount of such price will be awarded tu men tied portlolmnt 10 subscriptions both new and renoval payiis in aj- vame of fofoper year by mall or j600 per yjardehvtrcd by carrier boy in hamilton will be accepted 11 all answers will receive the same consideration reiard les of whether or not a subscription to the mall and kmplre la sent in 12 threw prominent toronto citizen bavins- no connection with tho mall and kmplre will bo selected to act as judircs le decide ti winners and participants hy sendmc in their answers aree to accept tha decision ut the jujzes as final and conclusive the jutlffcs will maet on october i7ti ail annsi-nce- niert at the prize winners and correct km of words niil bo published in the atail aniknipiio as quickly thecirtet x it i pumsible at any rate not later than three werj rriio it lrlie if 0 okakd prize it no two i ibizes subscrip subscrip subscrlp tion tion is arc sent sent arc sent 1st trine 53000 50000 s10000 2nd prize 2500 25000 50000 3rd prizo 25oo 25000 50000 4th prize 2000 15000 soooo 5thpriro 1500 10009 20000 0th prizo 1000 7300 15000 7th prize 800 5000 10000 j 8th prize coo 3000 t 0000 bth prize 5c0 2300 5000 uotli prize s00 2000 4000 si ttii to 2cth prises incl 200 1000 2000 21st to 50th prizes incl 1g0 750- 1300 intlic event of a tlo for any prize otevci the fiiil amonnt of such prize will ba piilil to each tied participant subscription raters- payable in advance the mall and kmplre anywhere in canada by mall 200 per ear pclitfredby carlcr boy in ham ilton 600 per yrur large copy of puzzle picture sent free on request the t word picture puzzle game is a campa to inorecse tho popularity of the mall and kmplro it costs nothing to take part and you do not hnvo to endin a slnerlo subscription to win a prize if your list of t words is awarded first prize by the judges you will win j30 but if you would like to em mora than 930- we are making tho following special offer- whereby you can win bljftfer caxh prize by krrdins one or two jcry subscript i on to vh mjiii 5 kmpire xterks how if your answer to tho t word plrtoro puzzln wins tflrai lrlie and yon iavo went in oxrycarly xubtsrlutlon to tho mvi mid kmplre nt fsoo by mall or 56oi delivered by earr boy in llamm- tnn you will receive 50000 imtfjid of 3 second prue suvitsjj third prize 2v00 and ho forth ie- second ctilztiin ui jifurrs in piee list j t ifyfur answer wins vlrst 1rltr and you hive f tnt in ry oj uiy fuhnrriptlorh tt the mali and km- idre tnen or rcieviil mihriplon ym will recclvci ij0w in place of s0 second prize sso third prle fido nnd o forth see iljrd column of fljrcrck in rrize vtt isnt that a liberal ofer clvo extra amounts on all prizej if your answer if quulied by tlona and you win fourth prizw and so on down irt prize hit your own hiibwftlon wlireoum or uijcriltonm to stcrt at aomofuture dte jiis wrlto oh the ordlf lin you want th paper wtavtedj and it will mart promptly on that dat this offer applies lo iluiihi koxtk jwi- rons as well as fybicriles hying in ciu and towns ir yon arc already gpgftlrfri tim 3iil- nnd knipirc your stihscrlption ijl fcc ciihndrd frcin its jircscnt exjilrfttion iinis youk answrns to i a montfiomkky tw mail vvzja maxackit riuutdr toronto okit i vmirlkt caamz but look wo will in lh rni io nitjncr two eri y mill scrip ou vvii it ccs 3260 marketing unprofitable apples wo fruit growers too often put on the market fruit which actually nets us a loss if we consider all tho items of expense in placing it in the hands of the consumer even for the grower who as dr bailey put it does not grow his crop but discovers it there is still left tho cost of picking packing pack ages transportation and selling it is of course understood just what kind of fruit we have in mind in this discussion wo do not refer to really good stuff on which we are so unfortunate as to lose money this is a misfor tune which through a combination of circumstances may occasionally hap pen even to tho best of us the mero fact that we are not making but losing money on the trans action of selling our fruit is bad enough in itsef and ought to be suf ficient to prevent our keeping up the practice but this is not by any means tho only objection to it every apple or peach or plum that is put on thoj market of course influences the price of that fruit and to a less extent of ail fruits and the type of fruit which we- are discussing has more damag ing influence that any other kind bo- cause it is poor stuff and when a con sumer gets any of- it his desire for fruit is thereby diminished just what can and ought to be done about the matter is a question it is probably not a matter which laws can i regulate education is probably the most hopeful line to work on but the difficulty there is that the type ffj grower who produces and sells this sort of fruit is not the one who sits on the front seats at fruit growers meetings or who studies his own and his neighbors practices to soe how he can improve one thing which we ought all of us there aro certain principles of to resolve firmly is that we ourselves poultryhouse construction that must will not oftend in the matter and b fnirly closely followed for good rc- then we should see to it that we carry suits but it is not always necessary out the rssolve and perhaps in time to spend a lot of money in o jer to this may become a habit that will have a good chicken house kemodel- reach everybody f c s i ing at comparatively little expense is j frequently practical s tea should be kept in an airtight on manyfarms it has been difficult tin in a cool place cotee should be to secure profitable winteregg pro- deeper fr0rt t0 baek y constantly changing siirf an expert ccaiu the chicken houso the wdth of the leanto j recently remodeling henhouses such houses are often high in front house winter vcntilatioi ii fccom- with rather steep roofs so it may be plished by leaving most of the front fairly easy to convert the high nar- of the new part open at all times row shed into a house of the semij theoriginal front wall should bo monitor type removed txcopt for sufficient frnriiisj a row of windows must be placed to support the roof and the rcw of along tho front wall of the shed close windows at tho lop l e c to the top a icanto is then built on ih front or south side so that it slopes to tho south and makes the thsre is no standard prorimrlation of english because the language purchased in small quantities freshly duction because ground was so narrow from front to back a sncd twelve feet deep may well if new silk stockings arc washed in that it could not be opened for vch3 an additional eight feet of depth- when next making musijird try very hot water before being worn lilntion without making 11 much too intho form of such a leanto so that i adding a fvv drops of salad oil so it they are less likely to ladder for the cold for the hens when on the roosts the hens will ke roosting nearly you will find tha flavor greatly im- washing toughens the silk at night twenty feet from tho front of tha proved