turkey continues slaughter of christians in mosul territory a despatch from geneva says j head of the turkish delegation on the slaughter of christians in the troubled area in iraq continues un abated according to information spas modically reaching europe many christians fleeing from the disputed w mosul region and attempting to reach van about 160 miles north of mosul in turkish armenia have been killed according to information contained in a telegram from the british high commissioner at bagdad the- tele gram was received by the british delegation to the league of nations assembly and was made public on thursday the slain constitute for tho most part women and children and the older men for it was the stragglers unable to keep up with the main column who were waylaid the tele gram says it is reported that 1500 of this christian party reached van alive the mosul muddle thickened on thursday night during a dramatic session of the council of the league which m loucheur as president hastily adjourned after an outburst of disapproval from those present against the attitude of rushdi bey the question of the deportation of christians after denying the deportation of christians rushdi bey brought fresh charges against great britain one was that an iraq band after commit ting atrocities had attacked a turk ish post north of the brussels line a second was that so persons of all ages and sexes escaping from tho op pressive rulo of the british forced oc cupation had taken refuge in tho turkish zone a third charge was that a band of 500 including assyr ians commanded by british officers were preparing to attack the turkish posts col amery informed the council that about 8000 chaldean christians had been deported by tho turks bushdi bey retorted that the ncstor- ians who had abandoned turkey wore working treacherously against turkey on tho british side he demanded the appointment of a special commission to make an investigation of the mili tary situation and of all incidents which had occurred since the signing of the treaty 6f lausanne in 1923 but the council declined to take action on this proposal yoa are cordially invited to hear by r a dio a free lecture on chhistiaitf science us submarine rammed by liner over station ckcl wave length 357 metres courtesy of the reliable nd muimite battery co from xrosswgrl puzzle thirtyfour men imprisoned with small hope of rescue three of crew saved new london conn sept 27 j with deep sea divers tapping herl steel skin and listening in vain for a response from her closed compart ments tho submarine s51 lies 130 feet deep on the floor of the atlantic massey music hall tonfe a raping hole in her side and toronto i ner s feared thecof- fin of thirtyfour officers and men sun atersoora oct 4 who bave perished in at 315 oclock j states navys greatest rofct staofcrrocs j of tb9 s wm ocated fifteen miles due east of block island and the same distance south of new port rij where it snk at 1024 oclock friday night immediately after collision with thi savannah lin- er city of rome bound from savan nah to boston above the stricken the united underwater of new- york city member of the board oik lectureship of the mother church the first church of christ scientist in boston mass the markets toronto manitoba wheat no 1 north 136 no 2 north 136 no 3 north 132 no 4 wheat prices cifbay ports man oats no 2 cw nominal no 3 cw nominal no 1 feed 45c cif goderich am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 102 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 28 shorts per ton 30 middlings 86 good feed flour per bag 280 ont cats 36 to 40c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 120 to 123 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 65c buckwheat no 3 nominal rye no 2 nominal man flour first pat 860 to ronto do second pat 38 toronto pastry flour bags 630 qnt flour- toronto 90 per cent pat per barrel in carlota toronto 560 seaboard in bulk 560 straw carlots per ton 9 to 050 screenings standard receaned f ob bay ports per ton 18 baled hay no per ton 15 no 3 per ton 14 to 1450 mixed per ton 13 to 14 lower grades 6 to 9 cheese new large 24 to 25c twins 25 to 25c triplets 25 vi to 26c stiltons 26 to 27c old large 30c twins 30c triplets 31c butter finest creamery prints 45c no 1 creamery 44c no 2 41 to 42c dairy prints 30 to 32c ergs fresh extras in cartons 48 to 5uc loose 48c fresh firsts 1 4c seconds s3 to 34ctorage extras 42c storage firsts 39c storage sec onds 34c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 30 to 35c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to 28c do 8 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c ducklings 5 lbs and up 27 to 30e f beans can handpicked lb 67jc primes 6c maple produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gal imapie sugar lb 25 to 2lle honey 60lb tins 12 to 13c lb 10lb tins 12 to 13c 5ib tins 13 to 13c 2lb tins 14 to 15c smoked meats hams med 31 to 32ccooked hams 45 to 48c smoked rolls 22c cottage 28 to 25c break- fast bacon 32 irt 36c special brand breakfast bacon 38 to 39c backs boneless 36 to 42c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2050 20 lbsr and up 1950 lightweight rolls in barrels 4360 heavyweight rolls 3950 per barrel lardrrpuro tierces 18 to 18c tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19c prints 0 to 20c shortening tierces 13c tubs 14c pails 14c blocks 15 to 15c fc 1 heavy steers choice 8 to 840 do good 7 to 750 butcher steers choice 7 to 750 do good sg50 0 675 do med 5- to 550 do com 375 to 475 butcher heif- 1 crs choice 650 to 7 doomed 550 prince on home trip from south america night operator at oshawa held up i submarine is i anchored a rescue fleet of other sub mersible boats destroyers mino sweepers and the cruiser camden anxiously awaiting the arrival of sal- forced to open safe at point h to t scen9 from r- 1 1 0 j 1 now york and hoping the reports of of pistol citizen searched the first djvem t0 reach th sunken in vain i ship do not mean there is no life left hrh entertains officials of the argentine before sailing mar del plata argentina sept 27 the prince of wales is homeward bound after a six weeks visit to south america hms repulse with the prince aboard sailed at 730 oclock this morning on tho eve of his departure for england the prince entertained presi dent de alvear at a farewell banquet aboard the british warship several members of the cabinet and high oshawa ont sept 27 last night aboard about 1130 r c brown night oper- j here at the s51s home port head- ator at the canadian pacific railway quarters for the rolief expedition have station on centre street here was been established at the navy submar- held up at the point of a gun and base and the same atmosphere of ordered to open the companys safe j tense anxiety and prayerful hope pre- from which twentythree dollars in j vails bills were removed and he was then some relief was afforded by news backed up into a corner of the offico j from boston that the three men of tho submarine crew who were picked from the sea by the city of rome had been landed safely in that city and and told to empty out his pockets in leaving the building the masked rob ber ordered him to remain where he was for twenty minutes or he would none is seriously injured be shot in his tracks new london conn sept 28- on leaving the office of the railroad jjbope dwindled tonight for the safety tho robber met mr whitewho wasf the 33 men imprisoned in the sub- taking a short cut across to his board- 1 marine s51 which was sunk last fri- ing place on college hill and ordered day night when she collided off bock him to throw up his hands and imms- j island with the savannah line staani- u u lately began to go through his pock- er city of rome j government officials as well as many but ms w no extra remunera- 1 a fleet of rescue craft augmented tion as the local citizen was carrying eary today by the huge wrecking his money five dollars in all in a sn monarch was bested by the ele- pocket that the robber did not ob- ments and rough weather which caus- serve led a suspension of operations about white was marched into tho same noon as officers at the submarine room where brown was and told to base waited anxiously no word came tht international syndicate suggestions for solving crossword puzzles start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably sure these will give you a clue to other words crossing them and they in turn to still others a letter belongs in each white space words starting at the numbered squares and running cither horizontally or vertically or both horizontal others socially prominent who had come from buenos aires to bid the prince farewell attended the re- i pulse was lavishly illuminated and the function was a brilliant affair the prince spent the last three days of his visit to argentina at the ranch of the noted argentine sportsman miguel martinez de hoz who is now in europe but whose sons acted as hosts before embarking on the re pulse the prince was the guest of honor at a reception given by the president and madame de alvear at their summer residence here argen tinas premier seaside resort back into the corner and stick em from tho air to tell them that the up and remain in that position- or he would be shot in his tracks work could go on cables it is under stood had been placed about the s51 by deepsea divers who invaded the 23 fathoms of water to tho oceans bad where she lay but the dominions exports crowd out denmark danish dairymen meet to dis cuss restricted markets in great britain a despatch from copenhagen den mark says leading agriculturists farmers dairymen representatives of export associations and private ex porters assembled here under the presidency of the minister of agri culture to discuss the export of but ter to foreign countries particularly great britain tho speakers all emphasized that the heavy increase in the imports of butter from the british dominions to britain coupled wjth the systematic agitation organized in england for enhanced marketing of butter from the dominions in tho future was go ing to intensify greatly the competi tion with danish butter tho meeting decided that every energy must be exerted to prevent any justifiable complaints against danish butter the minister of agri culture submitted a draft of legisla tion proposed to deal with the mar keting of danish dairy products the details however were not divulged e guelph woman celebrated 103rd anniversary guelph sept 27 mrs mary car- ruthcrs passed the one hundred and parishville man instantly killed by steam roller j sfcmi bsa ftw cranes about so persistently that thiy prescott sept 27wiliam 0 yf t th harrow aged 55 of parishville an j motonm their efforts to bring employee of tho state highway de thesubmarne to the surface nartment met a shocking death last i divers went into the battery room night when he was run over by a of the submerged sol tonight to n- steam roller and instantly killed in i v t ndton of the craft avoiding a passing car he stopped f nd determme whatdoors and hatches aside stumbled and fell directly in to the vanous compartments arc open the path of the huge machine which or passed over his body without the op- 1 orator being aware that anything had fiveton truck is used happened he is survived by his j widow and ono daughter mrs nettie beadle of parishvillc 1 entertalnor of guests 6 bondage 11 possess as ones property 12 stamina slang 14 large 16 a parent abbr 17 a dart 19 a southern state abbr 20 lever 21 doctored 22 a beetlo 23 printers unit 26 discernment 27 upon 28 apex 30 call for aid at sea abbr 32 misfortunes 34kln to 36 helps j 87 ono who uses 88 accosted 40 getting tho best of 42 medical men abbr 43 aged pullet 44 included in 46 trials 49raccompllsh 60 marry 61 more touctiy 62 bovine animal 63 mang namefamlllar 55 in a state of exclusion 67 an island on east coast of u s s8 southern- state abbr 60 before 61- mans name familiar ki 63 representative of tho whole pl 64 forbearing to injurs vertical 1 impedes 2 thus 3 a number 4 printers unit 6 broadcasts 6 detective 7 college degree abbr 8 strive for supremacy 9 for example latin abbr 10 longed for 13 periods 16 a limb 17 skill 18 very small 19 one of babys words 24 rims 26 browned before the are 28 attempted 29 stakes 30 wet mud and snow 31 a german mug 33 propeller 35 eagle 38 scowls 39 gowns 40 happens 41 gaining in size 45 gave food to 46 a beverago 47 agitate 48 perceive 43 u s unit of money abbrjf s4 high mountain peak 56 distant 58 part of verb to be 59 aluminum chem sym 61 a continent abbr i 62 a note of the scale prominent manufacturer passes at brantford brantford 0nt sept 27 lloyd harris prominent manufacturer and financier of brantford died in this city shortly after nine oclock tonight following the result of a paralytic stroke which he suffered friday after noon mr harris who was 58 years of age never recovered consciousness after tho stroke via iliuitc euuu lu i uo ii1uu puu 1 to 3625 do- com 375 to 475 j miestonp on lifes voyage yester- butcher cows choice 450 to 5 do fair to good 4 to s450 butcher bulls good 450 to550 bolognn3 s325 to350 canners and cutters 52250 do fair 40 to 50 spnngcrscnoico 80 to 95 good light sheep 7 to 8 heavies and bucks 5 to 6 good lambs 1275 to 13 do med 1050 to 11 do bucks 1075 to 11 do culls 9 to 10-ihogs- thick smooths fed and watered 1260 do fob 12 do country points 1175 do off cars 13 select premiums 195 montreal flour man spring wheat pats lsts 850 2nds 8 strong bakers 780 winter pals choice 630 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 350 to 360 bran 2825 shorts 3025 mid dlings 3625 hay no 2 per ton carilots l4vso butter no 1 pasteurized 43 43uc no 1 creamery 42 to 42uc seconds 41 to 41 vic eggs storago extras 45c do firsts 40c do sec onds 34 to 35c fresh oxtras 48c do fir3ts 42c quebec potatoes per bag car lots to 110 tho smallest tree in the world is tho grcnland birch its height is less than 3 inches it is not what the neighbors say about you but tho lovo and respect of your wife and little ores that mako lifo vorth jiving day she spent her birthday quietly and contentedly among her friends and relatives at the horns of her daughter mrs charles robertson with whom she resides among those whom she honored with a clasp of the hand and a cheery word of greeting wns mayor george a drew who paid his respects and conveyed the congratulations of the city mrs carmthers came to can ada from glasgow scotland 63 years ago in a sailing ship and settled with her husband in pusinch township where she lived for many years al though a little hard of hearing she retains her other faculties to a re markable degree she was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the city as i well as from tho daughters of scot- tolnnd and other organizations captain and crev go down with ship north sydney ns sept 27 captain joseph vatcher of the 55ton schooner inez g of burgeo new foundland and fiva seamen were drowned last night when their vessel capsized about three miles off lingan when making for north sydney for shelter to tame wild bull guelph sept 28 frantic with fear and rage an aberdeenangus bull which escaped this morning on the farm of charles jicdougall guelph township while being led to water ran amuck in the west end of tho city forcing all pedestrians in the vicinity to take cover and endanger ing lives of children the huge beast rushed about defying half a dozen drovers who attempted its capture it weighed 2cc0 pounds and was not subdued until it was knocked down by a fiveton truck requisitionsd by the authorities for that purpose then it was quickly roped and brought into safety e big yields of wheat prairie crops better than was expected despite wet weather season is ahead of last year increased acreage winnipeg sept 28 though rain and snow continued to retard thresh ing in the prairie provinces last week threshing generally is well advanced bey exhibition will be even more effec- tiva in promoting the habit of pur chasing empire product than its par ent i have known women chase all over the pavilion trying to find out where they could purchase a particu lar kind of bacon remarked mrs g ii ateirson an organizer of the ex hibition in msny cases they fail but in our miniature exhibition wc shall be able to supply- inquirers with the names of wholesalers in this says ard the season is two weeks ahead of country dealing with goods they de- irst year states the weekly crop re- j sire port of the agricultural dept of thoj canadian pacific railway a period twq border towns of good dry weather is needed to per mit the early completion of threshing soil is in excellent condition every where for fall plowing and a very substantial increase cf acreage is as sured for 1926 recent rains have maintained pastures in good shape may be amalgamated bridgeburg sept j28 a petition will be voted on it is expected nt tho noxt municipal election in bridgeburg and alsoin fort erie by the ratepay- atdrhcondtuonofcattlirrepotsi era askingjhaf bridgeburg and fort a despatch from regini two thousand bushels of good grade tna usua stocc v wheat have been threshed on 85iacrea i longer run there i at briercrcst snsk while north of j the village a yield of 38 bushels to the acre has been threshed halfholiday granted for election day oct 29 ottawa sept 27 the afternoon of thursday oct 29 election day has boon declared a halfholiday throughout tho dominion- of canada to enable- all voters to cast their votes in tho dominion election an order- incouncil granting the halfholiday was signed by the governorgeneral saturday afternoon as excellent in manitoba no heavy rains were experienced last week but at a few points precipitation was just heavy enough to interfere with threshing all threshing will be finished earlier will have a much i3 an abundance of second growth in the fields and stock of all kinds will go into winter quar ters in excellent condition fall plow ing is advancing rapidly it is30jier cant done while threshing is about 75 per cent completed saskatchewan has from fiolo 70 per cent of its wheat threshing done and 45 to b0 per ccnf of its other grains have becn threshed yields f are showing better than anticipated and grades are fairly high with ap parently no 2 predominating a- eria be amalgamated tho amalga mation would be the basis for a-fron- tier city in the petition which will bo presented to tha two councils shortly it will be pointed out that the ad ministrative expenses of the two places will be decreased and indus trial opportunities greatly expanded through the consolidation fort erie would bo asked to abandon its single- tax system and the waterworks sew age and other properties of each town would bo common property bond in debtedness also would be unified it is expected iarses c tory is new lieutenantgovernor of ns a despatch from ottawa says his honor jrhies robson douglas lieutenantgovernor of the province ofnova scotia has resigned rhd his canadian goods in towntotown exhibit j resignation has been accepted by the government james cranswick tory proposed miniature wembley formor minister s in fair to be conveyed from place to place by rail mr nnd mrs john slrr of delhi ont who have celebrated iho seven tieth anniversary of their marriage neither tas yet reached a birthday london sept 28 canadian good will be represented in the town-to- 1 town exhibition of wembley goods 1 lasting about a year which is being arranged at the cloce of thebritish empire exhibition i a w tolmie canadian exhibition j commissioner has interested himself in the proposal tho exhibition will bo conveyed from town to town by rail the cost being approximately a quarter of a million dolars rcprc- eentativo exhibits from each domin ion and colony are being taken each to bo housed in a section cf its own the pavilions of the original cxhibi- jtion will shrink to rooms brightly de- nlnotletn scmes 0 dominion life in one respect this miniature wem- 1 the late administration of premier armstrong has been appointed lieutenantgovernor in succession to formei lieutenentgovornor douglas state answer to last weeks puzzls