young tender leaves 5 and tips used in green tea aye sealed i airtight aluminum foil their fresk flavor is finer than any japan or gunpowder try salada t a the wop his name was hard to pronounce eo thoy called him the wop ho appeared at the mouth of the shaft one day in april by means of profuso ges tures he made it known that hehad walked much of the hundred and fifty miles- from the city and was looking for work a goodnatured foreman put fclm down onthe book as no 400 gave him a shovel and sent him down tho shaft to perform ordinary labor some of his fellow workmen laughed at the mans unintelligible attempts to speak english most of them ignored him in a little while tho wop had learned the routine which for him was noth ing moro than to fill a barrow with earth and- take it to the shaft no one knows just how it happened butmhere it was a stick of dynamite and a short length of sputtering fuso attached lying on the ground near the jortablefofe there were then about thirty men in that bit of the tunnel many feet under the surface of the ground and there was only one way out up the shaft ladder at the end of the- working there was no elevator save the dirt hoist this short sec tion of tho great aqueduct the riht verdict by francis morton howard eart ii a if ye dont mean to say- im my old self again 1 shouted burch- hard and quick as ever a sort of lirriee it was aint yot glad aint you pleased old jacih what do you want to star liko that for any one might think you was frightened of me frightened of me he caught uphis cap and crammed it down on his head ho saw his stick leaning in the corner and he snatched it up tell her im hot going away now not just yet wac the message luke sent to her by her father you never heerd nor saw aught of alfmast night up in the spinney asked jacob it makes no difference whether i did or whether i didnt he 6aid steadily and went away with old jacob staring after him g they held tho inquest a day or two after it presented no difficulties to j tha coroner whose horse and trap aye and i remember this too j were held outside for him whie he and so does esther and so she briskly officiated within shall to the very end of her days j and ho alf you aint going alf stay kept his daughters name from men- here you dont understand not i on as far as possible to avoid tbo vet theres nothing j growth of village scandal he euppress- dont understand screamed l reference to luke miller and burch furiously i understand e himself volunteered no state- enough to know that itll bo hell upon ment u65 plaited fulness intro duced in sports skirts the flannel skirt on tho left intro duces a panel down the front and the back through an inverted plait at either sirio which is stitjched to the had not knee and flaring below thereby giving been joined to the rest of tbe tunnel the extra width wanted for sports it was a blind alley at both ends this model is the straight type and ab t s some one pointed to the dynamite is fitted to a narrow band at the waist earth for esther from this njght forth alf alf abruptly he looked up a night like this one might easily steal un noticed on a man up there in the dark one might look for ones chance and at the right spot by a sudden f- unexpected thrust send him toppling over down down into the quarry therod bo but little hope for a man who went over the quarry at its high est just there by tho spinney and it wouldnt need strength neither just a quick thrust un awares it was easy enough easy enough and no one would ever sus pect in the village every ono thought that af was halfwitted and they could know nothing of his recovery if if he went over it would be look ed on as an accident folks would simply think that he had wandered you cannot vouch that he was completely recovered was the sole comment the coroner had to make on jacobs evidence he appeared to havo recovered would be the better way to express it you forget that do kewiso if id been you ever since when he was away arid when he was back and and it dont matter to me how ho come by his end fair or foul he deserved it deserv ed it a dozen times over thats what i thinks and now reach me down your od overcoat hanging behind the door yonder jacob la we reach it down and let me look at it wonderingly jacob brought the garment and spread it on the table it was a ragged and torn old coat and of the big yellow buttons but two remained in place i swear that i shant say aught declared sparstow but this i do know jacob lawe that it was by no accident alf burch met his end there was a struggle of sorts and that id tako rhy oath to for u i done my best to keep any ono else from thinking the same for when i went up there again at break of day next morning 1 found something lying on the path up there at the edge of the fcuarry picked it up j cob lawe and not a soul elso knows ir nor ever shall and here it 13 he opened his hand a big yellow horn buton lay in it that i knows aught of the fndinjr of it is a secret thatgoes to tho grave with me said sparstow impressive ly but i thought you should know i wanted you to know for id have immediately after his alleged recov ery he left the house on a dark stormy night with no particular ob ject in view tho jury villagers all familiar with the later phases f burch nod- i ded agreement esther and spar stow gavo evidence as to the finding lof the body and the doctor rounded off the list of witnesses without the least contention the jury arrived at a verdict death by misadventure said the coroner and lighted fuso no one was quick enough to take hold of the dynamite and disconnectthe fuse instead with one accord they ran toward the single ladder that is all save tho wop it was the brightly glowing fuse end doubtelss that caused the panic these men were accustomed to dynamite but it was always fired by an electric detonator somo of them said after ward that it was tho hissing point of fire that frightened them whatever the reason they stormed the shaft and under their rush tno ladder swayed and- fell- they were trapped it was the wop that saved fhelr 1 lives he saw and understood with a warning cry he swooped down on the dynamite the fuso was almost burned out he did not try to detach fuse and fulminating cap instead ho turned toward the far end of the tun- 1 nel part way down the tube was a huge mound of loose dirt waiting to be removed the wop ran up this sloping mound and hurled the explo sive as far as he could that instant came the explosion happily the great pile of earth acted as a baffle plate tho men were deafened but no one was injured sava tho wop whose face and neok were badly burned its funny said one of the wops fellow workers but none of us j thought of the rnans being human like vs we couldnt understand his queer talk and laughed at him but he was white all through we learned that ho had a wife and three children and loved them as much as we loved our families yeshe white his skin was swarthy and his englishwas terrible j but he was white line bodicetop models are much favored to give a slender line and this design is particularly adapted to the larger woman the panels having a slenderizing effect pattern no 1165 is in sizes 28 3032 34 36 and 38 inches waist size 30 waist requires 2 yards of 36ihch material for the skirt without bodice for the skirt 1 yards and bodice of contrasting ma terial lyards overblouse ljo 1149 would contribute in making asmart twopiece sports costume if worn with this skirt price 20 cents our fashion book illustrating the newest and most practical styles will bo of interest to every home dress maker price of the book 10 cents the copy each copy includes one coupon good for five cents in the purchase of any pattern how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you wrnt enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each dumber and address your order to pattrn dept wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st toronto patterns sent by return mail i sentence sermons its no small thing to aspire to be a treat mother to deserve the confidence of your 12yearold son to occupy one hour of the time of any audience when a young woman trusts her- eelf in tho company of a young man for an evening when a child perpetrates his first deception to be allowed to share tho trou blesof a friend when modesty is sacrificed for popular applause m as sy hello daddy dotft slip a package in your pocket when you bo home las ulhf give the youngster this whotesomeion- lasting sweet for pleasure fid benefit catching 1st kid whyd you catch a lickin for goin rowln yesterday bill 2nd kid fer catchin a crab an falliti overboard an catchin cold a lesson in manners we find in an english newspaper a story that is attributed to mr lloyd george who is reported to have told it on his return from his recent trip to j and luke and he was off after him way oh it would be safe enough one had just to track him down and to any one who had done a little poaching that was childs play like as not esther was sheltering against the weather at some house inthe vil- lagewaiting for the gale to abate just a little and luke would have continuerd right along the field path without meeting her and so passed on down into the village easy dead easy it was and with no shred of suspicion to cling to to any one and esther would be free and clear to make another bid for happiness and there would be an end for good and all to alfs terrorism twas a rare chance a chanco in a million 1 it was about an hour later that esther returned breathless under hi scourge of the gale ojd- jacob was in his accustomed chair and looked up quickly at her as she entered she stood a while to recover her breathl her glance fell on burchs empty chair p he he went out said jacob went out went out to meet you thats what he said he which way did he go by the path at least he ho said he was going by the path i came by the road but hed sort of recovered said ja cob twas a kind of wonder one minute he was dull in his chair and while we was talking in the scul- 1ry talking who why me and luke miller he came down hero to see you hes off tomorrow and when he found you wasnt here he was coming back later on but i told him to go by the path and hed be sure to meet you well when hed gone i came back in here and there was alf standing straight up and his eyes was snapping and his lips was twisted you know that sort of a biting iwist he used to give to em and hed hed overheard me tho united states wo suspect that i to the spinney to catch you two to- the story is not his- but that of an in- j gcther a ilfo 11 yourself afl- smoking or wheni ivrorkdrag ilia grcitli2e fiwtewrj isuh no 34 25 genlous brltlbh jokesmlth however it hits amusingly one of the republics national failings- in going from now york to chicago the expremier is represented as say ing i observed a- pretty little girl chew ing gum not only did she chew it but she insisted on pulling it out in long stringsand then letting it fall back in to her mouth again finally when tho thing was beginning to got on my nerves the childs mother leaned over and in an audible whisper said jiarcella dont do that sit up and chew your gum like a little lady o pats good point pat was a good husband but occa sionally ho would go on a spreo while his family got along as best thoy could when ho died suddenly the neigh bors wcro shocked and a kindly wo man chatting over the fenco with pats wife tried to comfort lier by tell ing of pats good points ho was euch a man of principle sho said and am i not tbo ono to know it roplied tho wife sure and every saturday night from the first day we were married didnt ho come home and l placo hi pay envelope in front of mo dragged halfcarried the body back as regular as- a clock not once did ho t0 cotakor with esther walking miss all tho tlmo we were married of gswteyed before them carrying the course tho pay envelopo was always f empty but look at tho principle of the thing the spinney theres the quarry there we must go to tho quarry as yo wish said jacob with a 6hrug of his shoulders maybe wo could get some ono to come along with us wo may need help to carry him and if so bo as hes hes kitt ed itll havo been an accident and we shall need witnesses to prove it was so ho lit the lantern and went out into tho roadway with it but the hour was late and no ono appeared to be abroad on such a night after a while though they heard the shuffle of footsteps and jacob swinging up his light found that it was old zeke sparstow coming homeward from some mysterious errand let him lie there then growled sparstow when the urgency of tho matter was explained to him but you will come back with us pleaded jacob aye ill go back with ye i hate to but since youre so set on it ill go- 7 along the field path tho thrco went and straight into the quarry and thero thoy found burch lying hud dled at the base of a groat boulder dead and the two old men half- the inquest was over at the end of a fortnight tho tragedy was but food for gossip at the tail end of a dozen other topics seems to me said jacob ono day to esther that you keep yourself out of lukes way ail you can he dont seem hardly ever able to get a word with you ho told me so his self and you knows well enough why hes hanging on hero in tho vil lage stead of going abroad like he meant to yes i know admitted esther slowly he wants me to marry him well prompted jacob and aint you goin to now that things is right for you she shook her head no i shall never marry him now the way of alfs death put an end to all that lord ye dont think luke had anything to do with that cried ja cob yere wrong there i know yere wrong luko aint that sort jjhere wait you he ordered impul sively this must be set to rights heedless of her protest he hurried out and down into the village and when he camoback after a while luke miller was with him you sent for me luke eagerly asked her your father ud tell me nothing ft no i never sent for you she answered nor never could not now see here struck in jacob tis best we should get to understand how things be shes got an idea luke that you knows more than you cares to tell about alfs accident she does me wrong then said miller ill own i met that night i was sheltering against a treo in the spinney when ho come shouting and swearing past me in the dark mad with rage sho turned and looked at him you dont believe ive told you all i know he exclaimed bitterly theres something i can see it in your eyes you dont believe me 1 even now you ask me to marry you luke before i could do that the whole truth must be told vehemently he began ngairt to press his innocence half an hour later old jacob going noiselessly past the win dow glanced in and saw that luke was standing at her side and had his arm around her shoulder thats all right sighed jacob in vast relief a month had passed and it was twilight of tho day upon which luke and esther married by tho registrar that morning had set out on their long journey to their new home jacob was alone in the cottage he had declined either to accompany tho couple or to rejoin them later ho was too old he pleaded for change there was a tap at tho door and zeke sparstow came in ho put tho button down on tho table looked at jacob and went away without another word the old fool cackled jacob he thinks i done it why i never stir red from my chair twas an acci dent as if i he stopped sharply and bent for ward to star at the button he was remembering tho night of the gale remembering that esther had been wearing his old overcoat during all the evening of the tragedy the end bfnv to make french picfelei cucum ber chow chow mustard catsup green tomato sauce these and many other delightful r o c i p e 8 for pickles sauces savories sandwiches salads egg- dishes are- in our new reeipo book we will gladly send you a copy free write for it today colmankeon canada limited 102 amherst street montreal 3j3 right but wrong i suppose that most peoplo are now eating more fruit at their meals that many of us have resumed the cold- bathinthemorning habit and that when it is hot practically everybody flings windows open to cool stifling rooms three cases- of excellent in tentions and bad results for our methods are wrong take first the openwindow ques tion during the night hours the tem perature always falls and there is coolness out of doors and within then the sun rises the outside air is rapidly heated ami to keep thehouso cool we fling our windows open and admit the heated air j windows should be wide open dur- ing the night so that the cold air may enter and take possession and closed during the day the heated outside air should be refused admission the cool nightgathered air will then- hold its own especially if all inside doors are left wide open so that it can cir culate blinds too should be drawn in all rooms not in use try this method once and youll adopt it permanently fruit cools the blood its juices and acids hold other virtues but practi cally all its merits are cancelled if as is usual it is eatenrat tho end of a meal eat more fruit but always at tho beginning of a meal that cold morning tub is quite ex cellent for the winter if you can stand it but quite wrong for the summer it should be obvious that the braced up stimulated allaglow feeling that fol lows a cold bath in winter is not what you want in summer try a tepid bath that reduces the blood pressure of great importance to many and is far more effective as a body cleanser perspiration a sum mer product is a poison and cold water of the hard sort especially does not remove it from the skin o s wsggji i iwzfvl wy fa w voo5k raising sunken riches over a hundred years ago off tha coast of pondoland the east india- man grosvenor was- lost together with her cargo of gold silver and pre cious stones worth more than two mil lion pounds up to the early part of the present century two attempts had been niada to reach the treasure but both failed tho first on account of the lack of spe cial gear and the second because tho stronglybuilt hatches coudnot bo opened in 1905 operations were again start- ed this time by a syndicate floated in south africa but it is was now found that the ship hod become surrounded by sand and had completely disap peared luckily tho weather kept fine so a dredger was est to work to re move the sand seemingly the effort was nearing success yet it failed the force ol the sea caused the walls of sand to collapse so that the work of men and dredger was destroyed two years ago still another effort was made tins time in a totally differ ent manner it was hoped to recover the treasure by way of the land instead of thd sea the grosvenor was not a great dis tance from the shore so it was an easy matter to sink an inclined shaft below the floor of tho sea and then tunnel out to the ship before the operations could com mence however a great deal had to be done for the nearest village is forty to fifty miles from port st johns in order to get the material roads had to be made and after this work was completed it took another two or three months before the ma terial arrived the work of salving the grasyenors wealth is still going on thp money and precious stones have not as yet been reached but it ts eocpected that before long success will crown tho sal vage mens effort aint she the cat you couldnt have liked the chin nature endowed you with why do you think so youre growing several others i see one of britains pioneers the faraday society which recently decided to limit its activities owing to tho increased cost of printing is one j of the many associations which have personality in music the personality of tbe interpreter of music is tho most important element in the interpretation there are artists whom the public consider second or thirdrate musi cians whose technical ability perhaps even surpasses that of the outstand ing favorites and yet thero is lacking the real message that differentiates the greater and lesser artists it is an old topic indeed but it has to be dis cussed repeatedly if for no other rea son at least because littlo children will grow up and become pew genera tions of music lover theso dear young ones havo to learn tnat the in terpretative artist is no artist at all if he gives na expression to himself a parrot can talk quite wisely at times but ltjjoes not know what it is saying the confident young pianist who marches out on the stage and re cites a beethoven sonata according to tho rules and regulations laid down by his teacher is no artist he is usually not oven a good parrot but the play er whose personality can not be smoth ered will either interest or enrage the hearer ho has something to say the rule- of music have their place but it is tho real genuine spirit oi music that it i3 more important to get into ones natuse it is the getting o music into ourselves in order to put theres something i wants to see j grown out of our national habit orjp tho you about said sparstow with some j heroworship sap an english writer mlnards liniment for burnt miller camo down to see esther that samo morning but she was try ing to snatch a little sleep and jacob would nol havo her disturbed michael faraday won fame as ono of the pioneers of electrical experi ment and bis work in this direction shows how much can bo accomplished with primitive equipment tho ma terials from which he made his first galvanic battery were seven halfpen- sorved at last i never thought much nips seven pieces of zinc of the samo of him as you knows i hated him size and seven pieces of paper toaked always hated him afore he struck in muriate of soda equally simplel mo down that day afore all them was hia flrst frictlonal electric ma- foks hated him ton times as muchu preserved at tho royal instltu- mind j tlon it was mado from a clngerbaer r constralnt in his manner can you guess what why now i cant sparstow glanced at him doubtfully and seemed in somo difficulty as to how to continue tis about alf burch ho ob- mllk defies chlorine chlcrino decs not kill off germs in milk as it does in water probably be cause the chlorine cannot penetrate tho fat globules in milk miards liniment for dandruff r an ancient superstition in ancient times the turquolce was credited with power to read the human excellent opportunity bottle for making a splendid income by be coming our representative in your town to tako orders for tho fast and easyselling radio pack a hot water bag without hot water why not sirangor if you meet mc and desire pq to speak to mo why should you not particulars of our very attractive pro- e to me i pcsitlon write us marks merrltt j and why sbould i not speak to you co vbioor sl east toronto 5 j walt whitman ontario college of art grange parte tcmontio brxvingpalrninomodeuincdeskirj dipioma course junior course teachers course commercial art grareid rca- principal session 193526 opera october 5th fox prospectus apply to rfcgjrstrar