tea of quality james oliver curwcod h633 is blended oiily from tender young leaves buds tlbat yield richly of their delicious good ness try salada today when ho came at last to the little open where carvels fire was stul sending a spiral of sprucescented smoke up into the air it was with a i stealth that failed even to rouse bare perhaps deep down in him there smouldered an old suspicion perhaps it was because he wanted to come to her while she was sleeping i will not come i t3 a love epic of the far nogr chapter xxxcontd worship in his voice i wiil not something greater than mere curi- back until i have killed him osrty began to take possession of the willow looked straight into the where todt in the moonlight ant ho carvel a whimsical humor became a fire for a time there was a sience saw ha outside it a few bits of fixed and deeper thought an unreason- broken only by the crackling of the w0ina apparel he advanced soft- 1 mg anticipation was accompanied by flames and in that silence carvels j as a ox and stood a moment i a certain thrill of subdued excitement fingers weaved in and out of the siken vm ms nan on the cloth flap by the time they reached the old strands of the willows hair his he wigwam door his head bent beaverpond the mystery of the thoughts flashed back what a chance f to catch the merest breath ofi strange adventure had a firm hold on he had missed that day on bush mc- 5 could hear the breathing him from beavertooths colony taggarts tranline if he had only jv an i his face turned so that baree led him to the creek along which known his jaws set hard as he saw moonlight struck his eyes theyj wakayoo the black bear had fished i the redhot heart of the fire the s afiamo with a mad fire then i stl very quietly he drew aside the door j not have been sound that pling waters of spring singing in a her flight her plunge to what she roused baree hidden in the black bal- thousand rills and streamlets filled had thought was certain dath in the s s a dozen paces away per- ler miracu- hap lt wa scent his nostrils twitch- vvlththis new soap my dull heart glowl i i what name it bore een yet i do not know whose was that fin concopt i cannot teir but life i felt was good and all was well i whllo that rich stream of melody did flow tis strange how these sweet sounds hold us in thrall stir our emotions howsooer they will een now across the years 1 feel a thrill a chic twopiece sports costume its entry in any sports event wuljt ake pake tho wearer outstandingly smart i ft also is an ideal vacation and travel i frock because of its dark figured ma- zltt th5 trunk terial and trimmingbands the blouse w i a haunting melody j i heard it only once long years ago but over me it casta magic spell as on tho air the sweet notes rose and forests with a droning music in icy torrent of the chasm her miracu- ap scent his nostrils twitch- fell the warm sun the crimson baknoesh ous escape from the waters and how st then ho awoke for a few 1 they thrilled me throuch and made b like blood in the open spaces she was discovered nearly dead by jf is eyes glared at the bent uiroufc ana made the air was scented with tho perfume tuboa the toothless old cree whom e the terx door ho knew that of blue flowers in the trees and pierrot out of pity had allowed to i no carvel the old smell the bushes mated birds were building their hunt in part of his domain j manbeasts smell fiiledhis nostrilsj nests after the long sleep of winter he felt within himself the traedy 1 a hated poison ho sprang to his i nature was at work in all her glory nnd tho horror of the one terrible t r st with his lips snarling it was unokepesim the mating moon hour in which the sun had gone out 5 slowly from his long fangs mc- the home building moon and baree of the world for tho willow and in 5 had disa from in- was going home not to matehood the flames he could see faithful old jj tcpee there came a sound a but to nepeese he knew that she was tuboa as he called on his last strength sudden movement of bodies a startled there now perhaps at the very edge of to bear nepeese over the long miles e of ono awakening from the chasm where he had seen her last that lay between the chasm and his sie a then a cry a low half- they would be playing together again cab ha caught shifting visions of smothered frightened cry and in re- soon as they had played yesterday the weeks that followed in that cabin s j that cry baree shot out from i and the day before that and in his weeks of hunger and of intense cold 2 der v ba with a sound in his joy he barked up into carvels face m which the willows life hung by a tn that had in it the note of death and urged him to greater speed then single thread and at last when the n i ed of the spruce thicketl they came to the clearing and once snows were deepest tuboa had died i 0arvel rolled uneasiiy strange sounds more baree stood like a- rock carvel carvels fingers clenched in the were rousing him cries that in his ex- as vainly i those notes strive to recall- i saw the charred rui of the burned strands of the willows braid a deep j aw cam to him j in a dream and lone to hear if w w cabin and a moment later the two breath rose out of his chest and i at last he sat up and then in sudden l i on graves under the tall spruce he be- said staring deep into the fire i horror leaped to his feet and rushed d gan to undarstand as his eyes return- tomorrow i will go to lac btiin toward the tepee nepeese was in the i flat sweet elusive air that haunting ed slowly to the waiting listening for a moment nepeese did not ans- p c the name sh had given j strai dog a great swelling rose in his wer she too was looking into the mi 0 oki mow jeem ookhnow richard hartley throat and after a moment or two ho are then she said jeem ookimow jeem she was said softly and with an effort i tuboa meant to kill him when the eves swiw- ll sum h boy i guess youre home spring came and he could travel them vj a l baree did not hear with his head when tuboa died i knew that it was a hi s 93 ae up and his nose tilted to the blue sky i who must kill him so i came with e arms to mm stlu cr he was sniffing the air what was it tuboas gun it was fresh loaded l t n that came to him with the perfumes yesterday ani msieu jeem she j jeem oooo ookimow of the forests and tho green meadow ooked up at him a triumphant glow i t t t i i a h why was it that he trembled now as her eyes as she added almost in a wrf the terrtri llsi rage 0f he stood there what was there in whisper you will not go to lac f v l f f ma tho air carvel asked himself and bain- i have sent a messenger ltmwj m a he the thick soapsudsy solu tion a wonderful even soapiness goes all through your clothes loosening even groundin dirt the wonders of nature even the most ordinary appearing tree is truly one of the most remark able things in the world an oak fifty years of age has more than five hun dred thousand leaves each year the main artery of each leaf has at least one thousand branch arteries wich can bo seen by the naked eye five hundred million veins a messenger had come and with a cry he swept tree carry sap s designed with extra length the i eg j t 7 aud fceeves are long and well fitting in th the neck opening is not only chic and sfesf a quarter million youthful huti fits closely the setin l zr tocketa and narrow belt are other l lia sa features essential to the ideal sports p tbrmgh an ar i mi i s terial pipe would be too great except his questing eyes tried to answer the sr itliowiii all and then all at once there came not died but was here waiting fori ookimow jeem it i th m jzsxz mmmzm mmmmm siigy always use enough rbso to get lasting suds that stand up after the clothes are in the secret of rinsos wonderful cleansing power lies in these firm rich suds has costume the skirt has the popular for on6 kick plaits at centre front and side beams and is joined to a smooth- jltting bodice top both the blouse ftnd skirt are cut in sizes 34 36 38 40 and 42 inches bust the blouse in size 36 bust requires 2 yards- of 36inch or 40inch material the skirt in size yalv 36 bust requires 1 yards of sfiinc each pipevein has valve for each and every quarter inch of its heighth or length the sap starts up from the roots it goes through the first valve by push ing upward the valve then closes un- andj truth flashed upon carvel and he h b iisand ar s s wi i u j t mow je he will come fast carvel had thrown off his pack he you shall not kill him non opped his rifk followed baree straight across dwarf balsams and into a grassgrown will shoot path that had once been worn by the two days agosaid carvel he ran until he was from lac bain it is the 7 vels heart was like a d7urt th thay ksfjt the open into the gun is loaded she said softly i rible in tte spruce set he nut nd into a grassgrown will shoot i r- cket e travel of feet i her feet once more to the ground her and arms were still tight around his neck panting for breath and then stopped mtlfv z1 f if h x as and listened he coud hoar nothing e he here tomorrow ne- throbbed against him her breath obareebsthatoidttyios pf answered him tomorrow as was sobbing and her eyes were on underx forest trees and he follow s g down s wl enter the mb aoe he drew her closer and ed it loiiow- clearing i know my blood has been suddenly he crushed his face down i close to the deep dark pool in which singmg ll al dav tomorrow to- close against hers and felt for an in- tl the s passed through the n valve hen is pushed open again bysuld hearhe rippling of water and l carvel h bent his head the soft he is dead nepeese or 40inch material with 1 vr t quarter inch of sap thustthhiseye in ms fingers were dead ookimow jeem ffisisshw rapidly through the valves z hi guested pf h efnect his h the willow look- yes baree killed him lo cenz pa ler r a the kee it from falling ed to see her theref hlr shm wh p si k fire did no i she did not seem to breathe gently back to the foots owing to its great hodv shimmering in some dark sha w f her soul was beat- with his lips n her hair carvel dow of overhanging spruce or gleam- ln w ab whispered hu plans for their par ing suddenly white as snow in one of a si fe w ad tho warm splashes of sunlight his f v j the h so soft t n will know my sweetheart tliat carvel heard no sound tonight i will bury him and burn the so cents our fashion book illustrating the j weight ksnterrlmrei s t hav6 hiake price of the book 10 cenfe g s rinso suds soak dirt out gently and thoroughly no more harmful rubbing your clothes come snowy white rinso is made by the makers of lux the largest soap makers in the world lever brothers limited toronto r deceived by truth copy each good for five any pattern wo can accomplish more than can ever do ripened but in eeuodaddont slip package jn your pocket when you ro home lot nlht give the yotmgatew w wroleaomei ion rtmt sweet for green straws the the surfaceand in the midst of which tr it was such anightynight where the old one burned valves form a sort of pith but are hard- the willow loved to screen her naked when the red gods whisper low am- a a sakahet ly distinguishable owing to the fipr while he searched the pool for themselves a carnival of glory in omyes ookimow je- that k iact her and at last the realization was which en the dipping shadows and vo tt em i be the best ays without ambrose spinola and spanish general of all the troops fighting their way in love holland one day he was on his way to holland from madrid and he stop- do you way back sunshine that came through a break place your finger fiat in the plewureffldfesajfjj ufejljoondfaflw mownd orwhenf yforkdrags yda greitllibefwjjunwi- fore to he west k the s s sj ia his youth and confi- vengeance fulfilled ill there it did not seem verl d dld not see tomorrowhe s a and si change- to baree atdinl sfefdmthat w penmen you can- tz sa the trees miht locate the valves of the veins and you i h what had come to him faint y on ed w nt tonieht can iret a remirvihin iok is the still air the smoke of a small fire gnt its echoes died war snd s explained all silence came again his miiita plans without reserve lr ported a thing i to tho elbow place your fingea- flat in the foi run it zt t s shmsiss a wiifcome to-mortow- the wuow a peace whisrrvdrnthe he supposed of course that spine- he hand f t his eerlt pa rt tttnd in k ithes bad saidthat butto old meath oahe treetos out of the as lying to him and telling just the 5 vou ca ln 11 xktj tuboa the trees might have whisper- j mat n of a loon opposite of hi plans so henry quick- i about carveis shoulders the willows ly communicated his story and said ho arms crept closer and carvel out knew that it was all a feint and lie had j his men work with that idea in mind unfortunately spinola went ahead just as he had said and he carried every thing before him so much so that later henry remarked others deceive their enemies by falsehoods splnoal by truth you pass u valve t0 anothe ing or at all unexpected that this f in the tepee the willow was uiat the blood enters with a rush when person should have two great shining steeping t a balsam shadow back a valve is allowed to open braids down her back he whined from the fire slept baree and still in the trunk and branches of the big and at his whine the person grew a iar back in the edge of a spruce oak tree there are no fewer than one ri and turned slowly thicket slept carvel dog and man thousand billion valves while tho i even then it seemed quite the most were tired they had travelled far leaves have ten times that nvimhvr i natura thing in the world that it and i that day and they heard no figures which are unzgliwe a otai it l pwjnd none other he sou approximating ten mlssii it sseyilayvtoldftyhe haa but they had travelled neither so valves millions of found her and in answer to his far nor so fast as bush mctaggart whine there came a sobbing cry between sunrise and midnight he had in nauitlon to all theso things the straight out of the soul of the willow come forty miles when he strode into trees have their seeds few big trees carvel found them there a few min- tho clearing where pierrots cabin had navo fewer than a hundred thousand utes later the dogs head hugged close stood twice from the edge of the seeds and if each andevery one of u a the willows breast and forest ho had called and now when them wore to take root and grow the j wi was cryingscrying like a he found no answer he stood under whole world would be covprori with litt cm her face hidden from him the light of the moon and listened dense forests in five veara nm barees neck he did not inter- nepeese was to bo here waiting he rupt them but waited and as he was tired but exhaustion could not waited something in the sobbing voice still the fire that burned in his blood the end tho oldest pen ww vi- owumll and the stillness of the forest seemed it had been blazing all day and now a story so near its realization and its tri- otvf machjnexnivesjj they tay sharp longer otuonoo canada eaw co liuitco 1mo ounoa9 t w toftomto mtum rr 1 1 tho stylus is a little rod of bone to whisper to him a bit of tho x about six inches long a crosssection oi tno h cabin and the two umph tho old passion was like is triangular in shape the rod is out k the meaning of the cnll drunkening wine in his veins some- j oft sharply at one end and when t h u lu had come to baree from out of where near where he stood nepeese mmmst rt wmmmsi bone stylus is described ns the oldest i chapter xxxi pen used at least 4000 years iihjslfs lben a thrilling issapffiilgssi i s the only writing animai back of 1 vti wh the fear that other st the ai mo cord wood saw users ij sawco limited 1550 dundas st west toronto ontario for prlcei on eimondt spaelal circular cord wood saw kh snix mm faint of the pen familychisels to cut into its flames high in the glow of it with the firt iniiinii f fck e the stone thorn to scratch on hides stood carvel and as the fire had ma ulrzd the wind thl w flint spllniets with which to furrow changed from that small smouldering jt breath undm rs u cave walls bones and sticks with heap over which the willow had cook- f sid not cah again but hastened which to make the first crude marks in fjl s ommuv ac tho clearing nepeese was off earth and threads ofcharred stick s s 2g 8 swamps for sgfisssg nn g u ttst among the papuans there is a be- f vmd and sun and storm and a glow 11 to wsnmtrf came lief that a man guilty mur is h y that had not been there it was the forest mans instinct too amp m the next sfessl bef tbat addcd tho element of caution to n srss s advance that and the utter still- shock kills i was greatly shocked while ing in a fierce- anticipation as helis- raotorhl today as i passed a man in tened there was no answer and nis car ne dropped dead j he maybe you thoughtlessly gave lilm the right of way j graduation t parental pride in the diploma is the richly deserved compensation of the old folks at home and they worked more than four yeara for it i valuable a flawless emerald is worth carat for carat three v the value of similar diamond right at the top of the list of camping necessities is a tin or two of real mustard men who fish and men who shoot know what a spiciness and flavour mustard freshly mixed with cold water adds to the ham bacon fowl ven ison and other good things they eat in camp colmankeen cunod limited 1m amhrrtt street montreal 3t doomed to live in a j world is3ue no zq 2 mlnarda liniment for backache eoin b jeirfc i nsf the- nighuhe b rokesto vje kiljfls har undcr his fct hc d the brush and bitter note back of the gentle go quietly that it made no sound 140 peony varieties in garden a duluth woman has a garden con taining 140 different varieties of the peony for firet aid mlnards liniment