the youngsters allowance by claka ingram judson pjease mother ma7 i have a scratch paper for each was tacked to nicke isz asks as he bolts his the wall in the corner of their room luncheon and we ruled this paper into three mother may i go to the movies parts this afternoon susan inquires asi one was headed with a big letter she starts back to school and then she g that was for giving one with a adds ive only been once this week letter s that was for saving and the and all the other girls go three tiroes third with the letter f meaning fun mother shouts dick all the they were to spend the money any other boys are gettin new marbles way they peased and no questions please mav i have a dime just a dime asked but every time they spent a for some for me 05p a m had down n the while ellen clever with the wis- proper section fry coppers were dom of be- high school years waits given each week ana were paid till a pleasant dinner is nearing its promptly on monday morning end and remarks with every appear- by the way there is a deep moral ancelof casualness dad i saw a stun- obligation right there money prom nlng pair of shoes downtown today ised a child should be paid to him at wouldnt you be proud to have your the time agreed- you- promise tc pay daughter sport a pair at the contest i makes the alowance a business obli- they only wst 5750 too see me m gation that nuist be net those and youll see the worlds best yhs is not by way of advising advertisement of my successful against making pcdgts with our children rather it is suggesting the man of many talents wu be here at chautauqua 3 ls lesson father sound3 familiar to be sure broadcast tho conversations of any july 19 the gospel in uystra acts 14 123 golden text biassed are they which have been persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven matt 5 10 analys13 i we pbeach not ourselves but christ jesus as ljxd j introduction from pisidian an- j tloch the missionaries turned south- jwest to iconium and here the recent experiences at antioch repeated theni- sevcs the preaching of paul and banabas produced a deep impression jboth on jew3 and gentiles and a great multitude believed but the j unbelieving jew3 stirred up an insur rection against the missionaries of jesus the civil magistrate- was in voked and in a popular riot in which both jews and heathen figured paul and barnabas barely escaped with t their lives leaving iconium and j turning south they made their next halt at lystra here paul performed an act of i faithheaiing which resembles and rivals peters act in acts 3 he re- thtt pledges be made thoughtfully ard conservatively that we promise only j 11 find them- that we are reasonably certain we can average family and you h nnu u f muu aukit u 6lcav iu ui uhcuu noduar wnnknn lm punctuated with requests for cash- uarry out and ft r tte time me b posse by pletro la verdi an 0 unwor anything from a penny on up of when wo cannot carry out a pedge we i singer crayon artist j quences the simnle halfbi courso its hard on the parental pocketbook because most oflhe re quests are answered according to tho mood of the minute rather than the worth of the request thats not saying that the money is wasted it may or it may not be but i stored to his feet a cripple who had it is seldom that we find in one never walkcd and thsr crea a man such a great variety of talents popular sensation which had extra- w p i vn an or and uniookejfo conse confess frankly our inability and ask rtntrhoqulst anamuslclan playing a i population lytt teokpaufnd that tho pledge be canceled variety of instruments includ- j barnabas for incarnations of heathen a- the months go by increase the lng the piano accordion- pletro la j deities and wished to offer them reli paul had considerable it is asserting that the money is spent those which would encourage consei- without regard to the family incomo vation and needs as a whole and that is very bad business both for the pocketbook j and the child- i but i like to have my children ask hats and mittens garters stockings mo lor what theywuvt says one supplies and by nine years of father i like to have them feel aro underwear and by ten everyday they can come to me for anything and that if im able ill give it to them aliiwance adding at the same time verdi even produces music from angious honors more resoonsibility for spending we ordinary saw obtaining wonderfuly difficulty in persuading them of their didnt add more than threo or four f tones wlth tue ald ot tolin mistake and leading them to a right conception of god ths particular incident forms our lesson for today a unique oil fffrds some ells stop chaffer some will not pit valves a sew possibly will mot cause basrd carbon depositss others will fabricate splendidly the one oil which will do ail thssss 100 is the new itoirs a year and we always chose bow of the allowance in cash many a girl we may take as motto st pauls own u m iitvo t n in 2 cor 45 a good many fathers and mothers too really do seem to feel that way but it must be admitted that although clothing by twelve ihey were buyin all their own clothing and school sup plies and book3 you can find one parent with such a tohandle the mney we other- plotothe fact that children tease for money indeed we are all coming to realize that our children need anj actual training in spending the art of spending money has be come one of our most important con- siderntions net that money in itself is so valuable but because it is our tool for getting all the material things of life and as such commands our careful thought now our children do learn some thing about money but because she wants independence religious enthusiasm 3 try giving her an allowance i on the true nature of god five dollars a months isnt much i a miracle of faith 810 but give that freely and tee what hap- j v 8 lystra was eighteen miles pensr let her make her own mistakes south of iconium the city was made and enjoy her successes the thrill of a roman colony under augustus and being on your own can be happily would therefore make some claim to this money was no addition to our enjoyed at home if you give her a cuitur but the population preserv- i expense you see we merely allowed chance led its primitive superstitions as well of course you will want to coua fl rr notion you will also find ten who de- ha for tho age tren save money at tvsfpto wrfs sums were small and mistakes m is a most important part of their fin- attracts the apostles attention spending could do httle real damage- an training st i 6- one of the best ways paul never made the cure of physical you mean little children go to the to begin is to let them save for de- ills his main business but he possess- storo and actually buy things some- ferred spending that means saving od the gift of spiritual healing and ono asks for a bicycle or a radio or a party n6ver rejected cases which came in por fords mark manard distributor phone 100 unionville also olympic gasoline and kerosene a year surejy why not theyll have to- dress or a trip i his way like peter at jerusalem anything that they v u jerusalem v t e acts 8 11 he saw in the presence nope to buy without oftv in jno some day why not learn how to do want but cannot ouy wuoui- th pooi crippe an immediate it now i building up a fund for the purchase means of reaching the hearts of his of course i went with them at first i as the children learn to save let hearers especially as upon examina- standing politely atone side whilej them begin to learn the pleasure of tion he found the man possessed of they did the purchasing when i j investment probably they will begin j faith to be healed the healing hrtahfi sked an opinion i gave it hon- with the savings bank when interest was publicly performed and was a estlv just aft would to you my opin- day comes round suggest that they complete success but it has most tuf the zlttz 2n brfnl ion considered and usually goto the bank and actually receive in expected consequences to us tne tneory ot spenmng is oeing f d though ot a cash the earnings on their tiny capiil a mistaken religious enthusi- taught many schools today but m m m they thon that 1144 care totrustthe sewing for your faml j bu developed many interesting can be made to earn moneya valuj vs 11 12 the act of paul produc- n i ti- o i ij things in our family life we all read able idea to get hold of as we all ed as might bo expected a reigious ily into the care of a woman who had advertisements anfl catalogues and know i impression but not tor the moment read fashion magazineshut had never hod one anolher j soundg of sigh kind of impression which paul cutorfitted or the cookirgto one f d allowancesyes ed a friend of mine when we talked would have wished for the lystrans who had read cookbooks but never j- t lj this au over one da well it isnt other natlv f been in a kitchen or cooked a meal right training in spending theory needs to be supplemented with plenty of practice grownups shoud have allowances too learning truk thrift the children learned to make a and by tho budget for each seasons spending- a lot of vork but its son e work thats sg hxa orel true anything worth while 13 work culture but in religion its only effects for somebody but its a very very were to dignify their own barbarous little bit of work compared with the deities with the names and attributes very nature of it practice in spending that is they would plan spring clothes important results that follow and of tho more polished gods of greece money can be supplied only by the and winter clothes and fit their needs anyway who ever said we minded there was also a prevalent idea that parents schools have no funds or into their pocketbook and gradually work if we could thereby give ouri divinities cama down to earth authority for such laboratory work i they learned to get what they wanted children a chance to be happier and j at tin in jf vtv that soundswell on paper says with their money and that is the es- wiser than we can ever be i tjlt healed the someone but how does a person begin sence of real thrift wise thinking and intelligent fair tfanlbas were xineln and how is it allto be managed j now all this applies to allowances play in the use of cash is one of the carnations barnabas owing to his ono begins at the beginning the that can be paid in cash sometimes best ways of bringing happy working tail and m jestic presence is taken first timea child asks for a penny to or in some situations there is so little democracy into family life it payslfor zeus latin jupiter paul be- selfoiling selfregulating with the strongest tower built its the toronto selfoiling windmill requiring oil only once all gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat nor cold every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated if you have a toronto windmill now you can obtain this selfoiling feature by interchanging the head and fusing your present wheel most toronto windmills too can be made absolutely selfregulating in operation the toronto tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest strongest and bestbraced one built for any see this new mill nou or get my booklet i holdun masseyharrls agent phone 184 stouffville indmil spend that request shows that ho cash available that it is next to impos- has the idea that with a coin he can sible to manage regular allowances in get something he otherwise would not this way for instance a fairly suc- haver thats the time to begin his cessful farmer sometimes has very financial training i little cash for family use how about the first allowance should be very childrens allowances thon small as one wants to insure thought- pay allowances just the same only cause he is the spokesman of the two is taken for hermes latin mer cury the messenger ofthe gods vs 13 14 not only so butthe local priest of jupiter immediately proposes to bring oxeij and garlands to the swede turnips for table use in an experiment conducted in the field husbandry dept of the ontario s to agncutural colege gucph in duphj this gracious visit of heavenly pow- ful spending it had better be paid inthe method will be worked out differ- cato in each of six years by thinningers pauls risible faculty must have coppers because five coppers are more ently one very interesting family i turnips at different distances apart in been stirred but for the derd earnestl fun to keep track of and much more know pays the children two calves the rows the followingare the avetiess with which he saw these simple fun to count and spend than is any each year the children care for their lage results in weight of individual e folk preparing for their nickel however new and shining j possessions and sell them or raise them roots apd in tons of roots per acre this alarmed the two apostles tt 0i 4h0 ai1 dedde wl th cm p mp of nororfeyur- there should also be anrssignnicnt of dren bear ail expense if there is any inches 14 pounds and 176 tons 12 ed amon the people and strove to and keep all profits this not only inches 18 pounds and 15g tons 16 arrest their designs serves the purposo of giving them an inches 23 pounds nnd 154 tons 20 m a serm0n 0n the mim nature day goes on with barnabas to derbe po not let us forgot what paul suffered for the sake of god and christ how hard this journey must have been for his bruised and battered body stoned and left for dead and jet moving on as in a triumph- timothy lived at lystra acts 16 11 is it possible that he saw paul stoned and wa3 led to christ in this remarkable way preserving and storing eggs a series of experiments testing the new guaranize process of preserv ing eggs have been conducted at the central experimental farm differ ent methods of storing eggs for win- tor use were also investigated tho t wrens live there too another results of the tests are given in de- year it will have ferns and trailing tail in the 1924 report of the domin- to graco tho falling bark if ion poultry husbandman distributed j the tree had not blown down we might by the publications branch dept of not navo thought of the wren house agriculture ottawa i and wrens add much to t t v during the experiments extending j dav an compensate for the loss of over two years the eggs treated by tho tree mrs c the guaranize process which con- sists in dipping them in a boiling one of the necessary requisites of a solution of wax and oii graded much good farmer is that he be skilled in better than the untreated ones and j the performance of the hundreds of had a decidedly better flavor other duties devolving upon the tiller of the salient points brought out by the tests soil aro that eggs should be stored with the small ends down that they should bo as fresh as possible that clean eggs keep better than either dirty or wash ed ones and that they should be stored in clean flats and fillers make the stumpuseful take that eyesore away from tha old stump this was a fine apple tree but it blew down in a windstorm now it is useful as well as ornament al the wren house is built from tha remains of the tree the crosspieces using tho twigs are arrangd logcabin fashion with the house on top and obligations at first these will doubt less bo for givirp fov saving and for fun with three lines of spending allowance but gives them business inches 25 pounds nnd 135 tons it of cod 1520 md five coins to spend- there training in other lines as well i i will bo seen that as the distance be- y 15 paul protesting against the another family assigns a certainjtween the roots increased there was mistaken enthusiasm of the people quantity of ground nnd time to work also an average increaso in the size appeals to their reason and to the it with the profits belonging to tho the roots birt with one exception true nature of the divine being he child chickens orchards and berry there was a gradual decrease in vield a barnabas are in themselves only patches all suggest ways of paying an of roots per acre the nvoagedia- m like their wouldbe wor- were about five and with on allowance allowance if cash is not feasible i meters being the dimensions at right snippers though in a true sense they of five coppers a week a piece of i but if possible pay at least a par angles to a straight line from stem to f rm hcn yet whahs tho ta for different distances apart aro character of the divine being paul open an will hnvo to be a balancing of desires and that is what one does thi3 for to encourage the child to seo what he wants most wo started our children when they croatian tambouric orchestra popular chatauqua attraction it has been proved by every test that it pays you best to ship your cream to us by studying the market prices you will find that our prices are the highest and our service the best we supply cans we give you correct weight correct test and highest market price we call for your cream or you can bring ityourself inj any quantity steady or part of the time if you are not yet a shipper wewouldbe pleased to have among our many hundreds of shippers open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings you j stouffville creamery co j agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 i the croatlon tambourlca orchestra comes from the romantic little country of croatia and appear in the bright colored costumes of their native land jj they present a mixed program consisting of their native niolcdc- operatic selections popular and patriotic songs and tambourlca inu3c given in the above order as follows when face to face with the heathen 28 inches 39 inches 43 inches 40 always begins here ho shows that inches and 50 inches swede turnips god is spirit that he is not to be or rutabagas graded according to sizo conceived like the pagan divinities j recommended by the fruit branch after o humnn or visible form he is dept of agricifture ottawa have jhe universal ixird the creator who k fris jl ci o has made heaven and earth and sea the folowing diameters small 2 to a verydifferent being from the lim- 4 inches medium 4 to c inches large ite and often very fallible gods of thoi 5 to 7 inches the small uniform heathen i roots usually command tho highest v lfli tho mossago of the preach- price on the american market the ers is that men turn from their idols results here presented when consider- and their sins to this spiritual and ed from the standpoint of recommend- allwise and allholy ood who has ed grades are very interesting hecn patient with ho heathen daring is ojt n o 1 nil the centuries of darkness but now swede turnips thinned to 8 inches in- n jcsus chhst at turn thcm to c t stead of 12 inches have tho doublo h ff 1 o d advantage of producing two tons per v 17 not even among the heathen massevharris rami implements kepairs aero more and of furnishing roots of hns this god left himself without a v a smaller size which will command a witness ho has htkd his gracious otr mow u m 01 ltf r a higher price in the best markets hand over them in protection he has buy a new masseyhairis no 21 mover and a new no oa jbiven hem seedtime and harvest binder for this years haying and harvest also the famous ttho regularity of the seasons and the quebec sulky plow that every body is buying dont fail to see brighten a cheerless kitchen srobrk heathen fhwrvuhatnte ifc before hxx we have a line of re hand with paint your kitchen chairs some iord reigns end overrules all things plow shares for every make of plow repairs strictly cash by color that wtkook wcli in that room fo u ordet of th masseyharris co we also have a number of tne enthusiasm of the second hand machines for sale 2 single furrowed riding plows mh 12 hoe drill lcombination cultivator 0i r v spring wagon 2 gang plows a numbcr of buff and so on attach to the cats of nosti jcws wh now arrive on the cream separators engines and mowers we are also agents by cord cushions covered with bright irovokerim tnd pau for john deere mf ont wind engine and pump co and colored washakc material and seo fton0 c for doad outeide tho potato machinery co how cheerful it wil mokt tho room city l look and with little work and still v 20 but god had more work for less expense- paul to do and ho recovers nnd next black is good or dark gray if tho populace hard restraired by these wnllrjn i plni 1 walls are light gray or dull green or words of paul is soon turned into e j n vt f u 1 dull blue if the walk are white or hissing and hatred at the instigation ana l d h0lden agent phone 184 stouffville