stouffville june 18th 1925 onaoi o n o ioexoi 30b30i ioe30e ratcliff co soexo o d o o d o o a o sugar another car of st lawrence sugar in stock special for one week at 680 per 100 lb bag and 14 lbs for 100 herrings in sauce 23c finest sweet mixed pickles per quart 50c kraft cheese per lb 36e bran flakes 2 for 25c our special coffee still per lb 60c physicians and surgeons pure soapspecial 4 for 25c palm beach soap 8 cakes 25c peach bloom soap 5 cakes 25c finest cocoa 10c per lb or 3 lbs for 25c best quality matches 3 boxes for 25c ratcliff co phone 7112 stouffville iqe3q1 30e301 inpft o d o o d o o n o o a o i0e30 the tribune thursday morning terms 5200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stouffville oxt affiliated shoe stores mgans cheaper shoes a nice line of shoes at 345 agent for chums shoes for womenmissesboys prices are cut down in these lines we are agents for hurlbut cushion soles shoes a large stock of boys oxfords in black and tan at 350 bargains all through the store womens white tennis shoes 1 strap reg 200 only 100 misses tennis shoes same as above at 90c big reduction in club bags and suit cases repairing uptotheminute ivglehman stouffvilleoni 1 phoke 43q1 warning to autoists in spite of the efforts of reputable battery manufac turers and their authorized service stations trick electro lytes continue to be offered on a large scale these solu tions are generally guaranteed to put new life into the bat tery sometimes in a few minutes an analysis made reveals that these magic solutions are nothing more than electrolyte such as is used ordinarily in an automobile batfery combined with certain amount of sodium or certain amount of magnesium with coloring matter my best advice to car owners is to see that nothing but the highest grade battery electrolyte is put into their bat teries when any electrolyte is required and that the work is done by a reputable battery man call and we will show you how this fake solution damages batteries swift bros garage phone 195 coal au sizes prices are sure to advance shortly- let us fill your bin now just in car standard ground screenings at 3000 ton feed oats turnips mangolds corn and garden seeds car load of tile arrived s w hastings proprietor successor to w s cook telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 shingles gyproc our stock was never so large and well assorted as at the present time let us quote on your re quirements stouffville planing mill stouffer and schell note this is the season to have screen sash made parties requir ing shaving should get them now while the supply i3 large editoriaijomment marriages increased a the united states last year by s4 per cent which is not enough because in the same time divorces increased 21 per cent t a recent amendment to the ota fixes the fine for keeping lor sale and selling first offence at from 200 to 2000 and in addition in every case imprisonment for from one to three months the minimum fine for having liquor in a place other than a private dwelling is now 50 instead of 100 the amend ment came into force on may 9th no fewer than 39 divorce bills got their second or third readings in committee of the whole iu the house of commons in one afternoon the bills had come from the senate where all cases of incurable domestic infelicity are given a preliminary hearing while the process is more lengthy and much more expensive here than in u s canadians are trying hard to keep up with the american joneses in the matter of divorces chesley enterprise every beekeeper in the province must register according to the bill to amend the foul brood act passed by the ontario legislature in march the new bill provides that every beekeeper in the province keeping oneor more colonies must register it bj also required that every keeper in the province wishing to move or sell barter or give away colonies of bees or used equipment must secure a permit from the office of f eric millen provincial apiarist guelph before moving the bees the new amusement tax is going to effect dance halls considerably in addition to collecting a tax of ten per cent on admission tickets the governntent is persisting in col lecting an additional tax of twenty per cent on dancing tickets the total tax will amount tt about thirty per cent the larger dance halls will be able to carry on but many of the smaller ones will go out of business owing to the expense in volved in installing crushers or approved collecting machines and the printing of special double tickets dancing being regarded as an amusement is being made to con tribute to the upkeep of our public hospitals and other institutions will there be a federal election this year this is a question that is bothering the supporters of the government as well as those op posed while memners of the cab inet who profess to know state that the government has no intention of an early election yet signs are not lacking that hon mackenzie king is putting his house in order for an appeal to the people the victory of the liberals in saskatchewan will have some bearing and if the peo ple of nova scotia make a good showing for the liberal cause there is no doubt but the government will consider the present an opportune time to spring an election in the meantime all parties are preparing and candidates are being lined up with a view to an election this fall w c t u- on june 4th and 5th the w ct u of york and peel counties held one of their most successful conven tions in the methodist church of richmond hill every union in the counties was well represented about twentyfive delegates remain ed over night and attended all ses sions many others being present for one day only rev j cohurn gave an interesting and inspiring address on the present prohibition situa tion on thursday evening other addresses weregiven during the con vention by dr cornelia graypolice- woman and mrs reddiek of toronto aso mrs walker of islington who is provincial corresponding secre tary of the wctu on friday afternoon about 100 children marched from the public school to the church after a short program by the children miss mor ton of keswick gave a demonstra tion lesson of tlie work done by the ltl department the prizes tor the essay and poster contest were then presented six of the success ful contestants being e young d stirling margaret plewmanlucy savage beryl saunderson and metro kozak most encouraging reports were given of the work done by the vari ous departments the delegates dis persed filled with fresh enthusiasm for the coming years work the following county officers were elected hon presidents mrs mcmahon richmond hi mrs lynd port credit president mrs western newmar ket viceprest mrs plewman rich mond hill mrs packham brampton cor secy- mrs irwin weston rec secy mrs o wright rich mond hill treasurer mrs gray mt dennis reeve adam spears of pickering township has been elected a mem ber of the finance committee of on tario county council to fill the vacancy caused by the death of reeve figary of port perry later g a m forsyth of claremont was elected as chairman of this finance and assessment committee mr for syth is 1st deijuty reeve ot pickering oioi d x0s30i ioexoi 301 o d o 0 o o cars trucks tractors s with the object of giving ford car owners 100 per cent service in stouffville and vicinity we have opend a garage in the auditorium building will have a full line of ford parts tires accessories gasoline and oils o d o d o for three vacancies on the public school staff of walkerton which pays a salary of 900 fifty applica tions were filed repairing on the flat rate system fordor 999 tudor 850 coupe 753 touring 588 runabout 545 chassie with starter v 465 chassie less starter 378 ton truck less starter n 535 light delivery 555 ton truck 622 a o 8 fully equipped cord tires freight and taxes paid- gjr i d o above piices include starters when not specified have some used cars in good running order easy terms if desired we invite your patronage s castle smith d 00e30i authorized ford dealer auditorium stouefville ioe ioexoi 0 o q iqjo county council has power to pass lightsonall vehicles legislation the county council now has the power to enact regulations requiring all vehicles to carry lights at night the enabling legislation has been passed and it now rests with the county councils to say whether r not it shall be put into force the lightless vehicle is the great est menace on the highways after dark it is a menace to itself and all other vehicles on the road in the interest of humanity for the conservation of life and limb to say nothing of property it behooves the counties to make haste to pass lightsonall vehicles legislation d o o d o o n o o d o o d o lonoi ioe hot weather for this week o d o n o d o oexox locaox 10e30z ioexoi ioexoe government tested seeds for sale alsike red clover timothy alfalfa alslke and timothy mixed alfalfa and alslke mixed timothy and red clover mixed sweet clover hubam sweet seed corn mangold seed turnip seed we can save you money on your purchases of seed highest prices paid for alsike red clover swoet clover alfalfa timothy etc we also hull and clean sweet clover and alfalfa f t hill co limited office phone 1401 house 189 l e tond managing director a robin has built its nest in the rural mail box of lyle stewart who resides on a rural route near harris- ton it pays not the slighest atten tion to the rural mail carrier who daily deposits mail in the box and not even when mr stewart removes his mail from the box does the robin stir the stouffville markets dairy wednesday jrnf 10th eggs 2s butter s3 cattle hogs c hogs 1225 to 1325 calves 923 to 1025 butchere cattle 623 to 750 grain fall wheat 140 oats 55 barley 72 buckwheat 70 n o o d o a o n o d o a o o d o oi 200 yds pure linen toweling 17 wide per yd special 15c 5 doz extra large bath towels special 50c ea striped broadcloths crepes satin striped voiles reg 125 and 150 yd v 7 special 98c yd voiles in all shades reg 75c and 100 per yd special 50c yd allover aprons reg 100 special 89c ladies house dresses reg 200 special 89c ea ladies peter pan blouses special s9c womens pure silk hose 12 strand in all shades reg 200 special 159 pr childrens hose in black and fawn reg 50c per special 39c childrens short sox reg 50c pr special 39c pr ladies lisle gloves reg 50c pr special 25c pr ladies pure silk gloves reg 125 150 175 and 200 pr special 78c pr childrens white voile dresses special 139 childrens gingham dresses all sizes special 100 a o o q o o d o o d o o a o ir oc soexoi 30e30i soexoce iodo ioexoi w h shaw phone 9 512 stouffville store closes at 12 noon each friday open tuesday thursday and saturday evening ioc 30cxoi oxxoe ioexoi 30ezoe xoexoc n o 7xoex0