vunjj i- m the best sink value ever offered entirety iwor typo of siai at a remark ably low pr ttmi biss l nutrmiiig axaxa iron ccwlci wm purert mum amcl earns oi ricrtxj efeetrie raflje e- scm coipttcwita a fit- tio4 and ioikrocuori smp enameled sinks price cfenpfcfo skuegged airplanes summer boarders who always eatbut never pay by woods hutchinson md early to bed and early to rise pig manure is too hard and solid gradual increase in r dairy production vi 12 3 sjvjp enameled drain board price g00 wonderful value vbsie taimisl armco iron baic very von hassjsonw handy these rxw svl sink an j drain boerd old by alt jistrutwn and hardware itores or write direct to sheet meral products co urt mmlttal toxato wimnipto 13m cokontom vakicuvso cauhpv sjc reason the answer ts- the total dairy production hi can ada during 1924 showed increases in and has no hay or straw chewed intoj taping w tho gradual upward it to make the loose soft airy sponge trenj wwch hajj begn pkjgre3s for a number of years from year to year there have been fluctuations in the fere is a flies so sings the- poet spoopenduyk of which is needed polterkill no danger of oversleeping poultry droppings have the same on sunny morning in the pood old sum- last defect mer time with the flies right on the so that we may concentrate almost relative amounts of the different pro- job from earliest daylight youve entirely upon the back door of hej ducts manufactured dut to variations got to get up or go mad stable in market values of these commodities of ail the minor plagues and pests far and away the bet cleanest and faut m gt lcrense that madden but never kill flies are cheapest method isto take advantage haj bgen mainta naturally milk tho worst with mosquitoes a close of the fact that fly egg take about tq r certain extent g illto that line second and fivefinger exercises kick- three weeks to develop first as larvse qf mamlfactur 1iig profitable to ing cows and dishwashing left at the or maggots their chryvales then ful- pl0 post j motto flics and break up the nest j a prai report of cheese and how canyou keep a cocl head when and raid the joint every two week3 or butter production dning 1924 eom- your face is a fly pasture your fore- less head a dancing floor the backs of the simplest and eisiest your hands a drill ground and the top this is to keep a wagon siaiuung jture shows cheese product f 111 i -rb- u ii i tlia aoilnl v win piled by the dairy and cold storage t way to u0 bptnch dominion dept of agricul- standing ture shows cheese production during your bald head a skating rink the back door scooping out tho eartn that year j have 1 150215131 ie every inch of spare surface in if necessary so as to bring the top pounds aa compare w 151024370 alive and crawling with of the box about level with the stable filthy feet j floor between is tickly sticky the best littie mixer in the wide then shovel and sweep all manure world js musca domestica nothing into it daily and every week or two stuck up or fussy about his manners weeks according to quantity hitch right at home and friendly every- on a horse and haul it out on to the where slaps everybodj on the back fields practicable if not pile in and puts his feet all six of em up an open shed five hundred yards or on the table at once j more away from the house which will ages before wed even seen a bacil- maroon all the flies which may hatch a j us or would have known one if we safe distance away for few flies travel met it in the street wo loved cherish- more than three hundred yards away from where they are hatched if this is not practicable the next best thing is to lay down a concrete platform with a foothigh wall all round it pile your manure in the centre of ed and protected the birds of our gar j den and orchard and woodland as our best friends relentless enemies they have been our staunehest al- i lies in the eternal war against bugs of all sorts from the wifeworm to the a hum by means of a hose pounds during 1923 a decrease of less than one per cent this alight falling off was due to decreases in the prov inces of quebec and alberta all the other provinces showing increases with reference to creamery butter the preliminary report shows the 1924 production to have been 182101347 pounds as compared with 102834008 pounds in 1923 an increase of 112 per cent all the provinces with the exception of new brunswick had in creased outputs the greatest rate of increase was in the prairie provinces saskatchewan coming first with a 25 per cent increase alberta second with 203 per cent and manitoba third with 177 per cent nova scotia had 153 per cent riso and quebec 107 tapeworm from the coddling moth of a hydrant or series of troughs p cant no report is yet avai i i fia minill irnnn iw r li i i rtllf t1 ii l ilia t 1 j1 a new dairy pail at a popular price see the new smp dairy pail next time you lire in town they are made of special qual ity high finished tin have large dairy pail ears riveted with large rivets soldered flush 100 sanitary cut out this advertisement show it to your regular dealer he has our authority to give you a special low price on a pair of these fine pails j apples to the liver fluke tho fly is a most undesirable immi- 1 grant and hard citizen generally the only question is how can we deport him fortunately the answer is easy i traps for the living abortions for the unborn poison the adults the larva from hatching we can attack them from both ends open fire ma as a last resort build on flank front and rear trn of va designs which when since they are as their second name balted with jish hea1 from a pump keep the shallow tank constantly full of water at the same time soaking the manure and beating it down solid so that no maggot can breathe in it should these methods fail if you are unlucky enough to have mossback prevent neighbors who offer flies every induce- i merit and all the comforts of a home implies strictly domestic animals pen- will make a considera and entrails e hole in the as to production of condensed and evaporated milk and milk powder during 1924 there was an increase in the quantity of fresh milk and cream exported as- compared with 1923 in the last calendar year ex ports of fresh milk amounted to 2 890279 gallons as compared with 2- 1 132705 gallons in theprevious year fly shipments of cream out of canada during 1924 totalled s2s8822 gallons as compared with 2008747 gallons in 1923 exports of condensed and evaporated milk during the calendar year just closed were 40250000 1 l sioners on our bounty absolutely de- tatly buzng swarms pendent upon us for support born in bjt ber come down to tra i our filth fed oh our garbage raised send for your county or village health pounds as against 14 1012200 pounds by hand ail we have to do is to with- officer and liae him put a shot of in 1923 a decrease of 21 per cent draw our support stop the issue of j commo sense into your shiftless milk powder exports roiched 72g4947 j rations and tho bottom drops complete- neighbor pounds in 1924 as compared with 4- ly out from under thein they soon for we must neglect nothing in the 975838 pounds in the previous year cease to exist j ver against these sixlegged airplanes i i they arethe reincarnation of our wit 1ileir bombs of deadly- disease the go of the ego j own careless dirty lazy habits and a germs j r pouter pigeon puffs himself up fly in a house today is as disgraceful j f pi t 1 1 considerable before his lady lpve to kecipes tor kullarb mnko an j but when she as a bedbug flies like curses come home to roostr the spring is the very best time of the year to begin our fly drive arid the first move is to swat tirelessly and relentlessly every last years buzz plane as he comes out of the basement or cellar silo or workshop or under the barn floor where he has been hib ernating in cold storage all winter cook the mixture slowly usually on the sides of the floor thick turn it intoglasse impression rhubarb and fig preserve requires isnt present he is his normal deflated six pounds of rhubarb cut in small self pieces three lemons jiice and gratedj so it is with man there are many rind one pound of figs minced four human pouter pigeons whose ego is pounds of sugar combine the rhu- considerably inflated when an impres- barb figs and sugar and allow the sion is to be made but when the ego mixture to stand overnight then add or the self becomes deflated there is the juice and rind of beams swatting time this is the only time of the year that swatting does any good at any other season a swatter is simply a confession of failure he lemons and until it is and when head wraps for dressed birds when poultry is to bo marketed dressed but undrawn as is quite often tho case with small lots of broilers and surplus fowls tho heads should always be wrapped the paper wrap makes the birds much more attractive noimodern farmer can claim to be halfcupful of milk one tablespoonful to the purchaser since the unwrapped i cleanly and uptodate until he hasof melted butter one egg beaten heads oven thoroughly cleaned are al- j wailed up and laid down in concrete i rhubarb sauce combine all the in- it is set cover tho preserve with paraffin for rhubarb puffs use one cupful of flour one teaspoonful of baking- powder onefourth teaspoonful of salt onefourth cupful of sugar one- nothing left the strutters have to put on n good front because there usually is nothing back of the front likewise we sometimes find publica tions that strut that often refer to tho militant way in which they fight for tho good cause and they take suf ficient credit unto themselves but really they are as wouldbe warriors who with pen and in fight valiantly for public attention not fir the cause one shrewd business man said that ways more or less unsightly j rat proof lea proof and lice proof gredients except the rhubarb in the whenever he heard someone spoil ting the best practiceis to use a special that hatchery of diseases andden of j order given and beat the mixture j about himself lie always discounted i i wrapper cut from parchment paper seven inches wide one end of the wrapper is square and the other diag onal the short edge is usually just under nine inches in length and the top or long edgo measures about fif teen inches wrapping- is usually done with the bird lying on a shelf so that its head hangs over the edge toward the oper ator the wrapping process may be described somewhat as follows lay tho wrapper across tho ffead with tho long edge toward the body and crossing tho neck at a point about vermin the cave under the barn until it is smooth grease individual the person nbout fifty per cent it is and outhouse floors i molds or cups and into each put three a fundamental truth that tongue this is the age of concrete and all tablespoon fuls of rhubarb sauce and j gymnastics or pen flourishes are lia- cellars basements barns and stables then one tablespoonful- of the batter bilities to real worthy deeds for the milking floors silos sheds granaries steam the pulls for 20 minutes and jdends themselves without accessories corricribs henhouses pig pens and serve them warm with cream and are the best possible advertisements farnivhuildings of eveiysort should sugar or with foaming sauce be floored with it it is cheap clean make foaming sauce with twothirds washable durable healthful fireproof of a cupful of rhubarb juice one cup- germ proof i ful of sugar whites of two eggs boil we dont care to keep the pig in ll sugar and the juice until the syrup that can be devised just taking pains the other day for full three hours sevenyearok girl devoted little selffoiung selfpgulating with the strongest tower buut its the toronto selfoiling windmill requiring oil only once a year all gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat- nor cold every bearing ana working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated if you have toronto windmill nonr you can obtain thi self oiling feature by interchanging the head and using your present wheel most toronto windmill too can be made absolutely selfregulating in operation the toronto tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest strongest and bestbraced one built for any windmill see this new mill now or get my booklet n hotdes the masseyharrls agent phone 184 stouffvillo p it pays to use maicbleite fioor finish aothing like it for harjdwood floors it jrears like iron write tohd office montreal for free booklet home paintfnc made easy sold by silvester stouffville bros ont gyproc advantages firo protection low cost cannot burn easy to usu saws like lumber nonwpldk tight jointed can bo fainted or panelled can be alabastined can be papered vormln proof resists heet and cold easily handled eliminates repairs clean sanitary requires no planing will not crack keeps out moisture keeps out dust and dirt easily quickly applied protects your stcck fyproc is fireproof wallboard made of solid rock tho finest- material for farm buildings ever dis covered its 18 separate and exclu sive advantages increase the com fort appearance and earning power of your farm hen houses and stables lined with gyproc are- practically vermin and moisture proof this prevents dis- ease makes hens lay and increases the milk output of your cows gyproc cant burn warp or shrink it protects stock from fire it is durable and permanent there are no cracks or cre vices in gyproc gyproc joint filler on ihe joints makes the wall airtight stouffville planing mill 1 schell stouffer the oktario gypsum co limited paris ontario why build lo burn gyproc does autay tolth inflammable woojlined walls roofs ceittnss and partitions v 77 a waterlily pond i wanted a waterlily pond but had none so i bought an old iron bathtub the parlor but we can keep him in threads pour it over he wellbeaten herself unceasingly to the task of from the junkdealer painted it green in a parlor of smooth concrete with flutes pflhe eggs and beat the mi makinig a new dress for her favorite and set it in one coriierbf the lawn a raised sleeping platform porcelain turo until it is smooth and thick ftll in fashioning this dress no am- m filled it onethird full cf garden soil or enameled drinking trough feeding beyye the sauce cold cherries straw- j otiiit of pains was snared and fori and put in enough water to make mud tl twothifds of tho distance fromthe trough and bath all sluiced down with elri yspbrries peaches or apples w middle of mnv i pressed head to the shoulder the square endja hose through a central grating into other fruits canbo sed in plncej yom what woul ave beeirexpacteelj the waterlily rcotlots firmly into the mud in about two wejiks brownish- pink leaves appeared and i added water from time to tinp and gently so as not to disturb the rootlets did v l thia matter of taking pains iswhat of the neck and the pig will enjoy it and profit rhubarb pudding makes a pleasant has pul manv progreive nations on tuck tho left end under the neck by it as much as we will and be prac- chpngo from the usual run of pud- the map taking pains is the very with the left hand and hold the wrnpj tically safe against hog cholera and lin ii requires one pint of rhubarb stuf out which civiliation is made per firmly wrapping the right end all other filth diseases sauce one pint of bread crumbs one- the difference be the bushmanlthe plants bloom they certainly did under and around the neck keep tho just as soon as the ground is in cupful of melted butter mix aml the highest developed european the neighbors poked fun at my long edge tight so that it will form condition for us to get out to the land j butter with the crumbs arrange j that tho latter has throu haul out all the winters j tho rhubarb and the ciumbs in nlter- tions of training stli genera- pond at first but i laughed li skilled himself f vho lead are iikgr j wise men who do not hesitate lo give the good layer is contented hen croat need of for men who eieiiiific men happy singing half ding the apex of the paper cone when the entire paper is on thojnure and spread it over the fields and mta layer having a layer of ciumbs k attention diagonal end should just fit the sides thus both break up the breeding places ton slt cinnamon and nutmeg in farming tlio to make a smooth open end loathe of the fly and kill any of his eggs or te top and then bake the pud cone- tuck these edgesin so that they iatvai which may have weathered the dlnft in a moderate oven until it is themselves to the limit in the perform- an egg represents one and one completely enclose tho herfd of the winter hi the manure rown i h ance of their work the production ounce of concentrated rood accor bird then flatten the cone dont forget to scrape and sweep rhubarb conserve is made with 0 fhe hi ghost nlitv of c or nrl o clf it has been held- tightly during out all corners and to take out every- iwo fupius of rhubarb cut fine two stock an ule bitj of 1 the wrapping process rsliould be so thing in reach from under the barn enpfuh ofsugar one orange juice hom re a hi degree of jovaltv wscuro that one may lift the bird by or stables j 1 grated rind qie lemon juice jandj to ones tasks th moans of the wrap without its com- also it i- a pious ida at the same rated rind onehalf cupful of a to day i ing loose time to clean lip thoroughly under the nchud almonds cut in small pieces lm tho ability and the disposition i j porch and under the house for flies combine all the ingredients except lo the rat problem icanbrecd only iii filth garbage piles lhi 10at tile ivture until the to kill rats one of my neighbors refuse heaps pile of sweepings and su is dissolved then boil it rapid- tried this stunt uis barn sat low on i dirt of alj sorts i y until it is clear add the nuts the ground which gave tho rats a the same whirlwind of cleaning pour the conserve iritn glasses and weather tor rishing good chance to gnaw holes into the should be carried by the womenfolks wiln p never go fishing r perfect dnyi bins llirough which he wheat would through tha house itself with an eye b rhubarb cut the rhubarb said nn old fisharmvn and my obl runout he tool one of his big barn j to the remains of thi winter vege- s11 pieces in a glass or china solvation has proven lv advige tjoiind doors swept the floor and sprinkled j tables andfruits in th cellar the bakingdish place a layer of rhubarb have seen people spend a whole day it with freshiygfound meal then he heaps of old clothes and rag bags j priilkle it generously with sugar andj fishing without even ribble hoping plated the door over this meal and closets and under the stairs and the in this way until the dishj against hope that er long fish will y g s knobs are likely to come off tea kettle and pot lids am burnt nngcrt result hold an empty spool over tho hole ami from underneath screw into it a largeheaded screw to hold tho spool in place take pains 1881 stock raised one end ofthe door about twoj piles of trash up in the attic filled sprinkle sugar over the top feat placing a slick under it to holdj the fly is particiilarilont his nurs- a sma pieces of butter mid grated t up and hi then tied a ropo to the eries the only manure lie really mo rii r cinnamon bake slowly tick ate lint evening he gave the loves is horse manure because it gives il w lo fongsow bak rope a pull which jcrid the stick out just the precise combination of food k rhubarb a rich red color of place thus letting the door drop moisture warmth and sir which his jn tho- morning he ornd dozens ot larva need rats and mice dead he kept this up cow manure though rich moist and until he kd practically all or drove warm enough is too wet for them to them away c a c breatlwin it literally smothers them sterility rarely nffects a hen that is healthy and properly fed o table poultry should be suitably fat but not overfat begin biting remember that fish can only be caught when hungry and mov ing in search of food if fish arc known to be present and will not bite within a reasonable length of time they are inactive ut thatjiiiie and further fishing is usually a waste of ime another attempt in twelve to 1 hours will usually fml them active and in n biting mood cc many farmers buying puie bred bulls ontario is fortunate in having many pure bred breeders of proven merit and the stock they produce bring fpme to ontario ontario farmers are rapidly getting the idea- that the herd that pays is the only one to keep follow the lead of successful farmers by get ting good pure bred bulls your agricultural representative knows the breeders of good bulls in your county see him good bulls pay dividends 105