i not injured vegetables nipped several degrees of frost throughout ontario to matoes must be reset st catharines may j 8 there- was considerable frost in this section last night but leading fruit growers said today that as a rule it takes a couple of days to really make an estimate of such damage it is not however be lieved from what could be gathered that any extensive loss will be occa- siond to the fruit blossoms and set ting fruit it is different however with to mato plants and optimists who plant ed these early in may have to do some replanting tomato growers feared at the vineland fruit experimental station this morning the opinion was expressed that no damage had been done to tho fruit when informed that the official temperature from st catharines was 31 it was declared that the bloom would be all right that ordinarily it could stand several de grees of frost niagara falls ont may 18 ex cept in a few low spots the heavy white frost which- fell last night did little damage in this district prom inent stamford township growers agreed today that except for aspar agus beets and small vegetables just coming through practically no dam age was done strawberry blossoms were damaged in some isolated in stances tomato plants which had been set out may have to be replanted chatham may 18 the frost that swept over this district last night caused a heavy loss to kent county fruit and vegetable growers accord ing to reports reaching the city to day exaid murdock a wellknown markets gardener stated today that he had received reports from various parts of the county and the losses will amount to several thousand dollars ho said the frost was the heaviest county farmers have experienced in may for many years rubber boots means ofsaving two lives wife elgin farmer and his struck by lightning strange result of storm st thomas ont may 18 mr and mrs robert ferguson living north of ayimer near lyons had a miraculous escape from death during the electrical storm of saturday ovening they were returning from tho barn to the hous when they were struck by a bolt of lightning they were both wearing rubber bootsat the time and this fact probably saved their lives the boots were lorn to shreds messages from the youth of canada to tho king and queen on june 29th in trafalgar square london king george and queen mary are to open canada building keys of gold silver and nickel from the mines of northern ontario will be used at the ceremony the canadian high commissioner will present the keys to their majes ties with the keys he will present messages from the youth of canada one for the king signed by a canadiau boy and one for the queen signed by a canadian girl selection of the boy and girl most worthy to sign these messages will be made by sir william mulock and sir arthur currie the young persons selected will be the boy and the girl attending any primary or secondary school public separate or private whoso natural en dowments or attainments a3 pupils or in the arts or any other sphere of worthyendeavor or who have per formed such heroic action as com bined with qualities of character will make that boy and girl fitting repre sentatives of tho youth of canada to sign tho messages to the king and queen on the occasion of the opening by their majesties of canada building in london england on june 29 1925 their clothing was considerably torn and their bodies somewhat burned but aside from the burns and a severe shock they apparently were not seri ously injured they are at present under a doctors care a courious development of the stofm was the settingon fire of eight homes al once by the breaking of a hydro wirgwhich fell on to a local telephone lino between middlemarch and fingal just west of the city only the quick action of formers in disconnecting their lines saved more serious damage the blaze however scorched considerable areas of wall paper in immediate vincinity of the telephones inone instance the fire was put out by the use of several pails of milk which happened to be in tho their majesties the keys and the canada building his majesty king george v and her majesty queen mary who on june 29 will open canada building canadas new headquarters iu trafalgar square upper right the set of keys from ontario mines with which the king will open the building there are fcur sets cf keys one for the king one for the queen one for canadas prime minister and one for canadas high commissioner in london each set contains a gold silver and nickel key made in canada w metalfl donated by dome hollinger mclntyre keeley nipissing mining corpora- tion and mond lower left trafalgar square at the heart of the empire with nelsons monument in the centre i and with the new canada building at the left- facing trafalgar square and cockspur street lower right iu hon w l mackenzie king prime minister of canada to whom one of the sets of keys will be presented and hon peter larkin canadian high commissioner who originated the idea of having the keys for the opening made of metals from the famous mines and who will also be presented with a set of keys crossword puzzle earl of ypres removed to home from hospital i london may 17 the earl of i ypres formerly field marshal sir ijohn frencl who in march under- j went an operation had recovered suf- flrst bishop of mackenzie river and i ficiently today to be removed iu an for many years bishop assistant of tho j ambulance from tho hospital to his anglican diocese of toronto who died kent residence deal castle the pa- may 12 at his home in toronto tient stood tho journey homo well right rev william d reeve bush fires rage in thunder bay district 5000 square miles a despatch from fort william more than one hundred men fought ont snys according to reports fili thoencroacliing flames with every tering in to the head of the lakes an conceivable weapon until they were area- of about five thousand square ready to drop from exhaustion at miles in the sparsely settled region to last report it was said that the fire the east and west is menaced by for- was under control and the village safe est fires in the burnedout terrij tho airplane and seaplane forces of tories there are the smouldering ruins the forestry dept are expected soon tht international synoicatc suggestions for solving crossword puzzles start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably sure these will give you a clue to other worda crossing them and they in turn to still others a letter belongs in each white space words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both of numerous homes that belonged to to take vigorous action spotting hardy settlers in the wolf mountain fire3 so that they can be attacked be and silver mountain districts to the fore they spread to dangerous dimon west numerous homes in the clear ings have been consumed one home steader john crisp more than sixty years old is believed to have perished in a fire that swept that district wed nesday and he has not been seen since it is believed that he must havo been sleeping when the fire came toward j as a natural deterrent to the progress his clearing and that he was unable of fires sions the long spell of dry and sun ny though cold weather has dried the forests to tinder the coolness has kept the leaves from budding and the green grass from sprouting on the meadows glades and swards when the grass becomes green it acts to outrun the flames whileit is pos sible that he may have escaped it is not considered that the chanceis very bright with the exception of mr crisp there is no definite report as to losses of life although many set- tlerst in tho silver mountain area arc said to have had narrow escapes and many othors arc prepared to leave their homes as soon as tho danger draws near in several sections valu able areas of pulpwood timber have been destroyed or are in danger a despatch from sauit ste marie ont says with tlvo- district dry as tinder n small number of bush fires in the soo area are causing no little anx iety at massey the citizens of the town turned out and helped the rang ers fight a oie near the cemetery fires arc also causing trouble at mil- ford haven st joejland and at rydal bank and destarts in fact more or less serious fires at many points are keeping the rangers on tho jump tho rain on tuesday was not reports from nipigon one of jhol of sufficient duration to givo much most beautiful spots in northern onaid and there is no immediate pros- trio tell of a brave fight throughout pect of mors there havo been but wednesday nigbt to jnve tho town two miiam showers in two months horizontal 1 sweetheart 8 fishinp implement 8 acraclj 13 land surface 14 a jewish festival 16 always 17 incomplete 18 assemble 19 otherwise 20 afflicted with arve disease 22 reaches a finish 23 a street car 28 sour 28 to move back 30 explosive machine 33 account book 37 a variegated waxy quartz 38 not fastened 39 hereditary 42 colored 43 to replace 45 to threw 47 weapons i 51 to scorch 53 subdued 56 assietant to military officer 58 small dog 59 wishes 60 therefore 61 firm 63 tidy 64 to inundau 65 a speck 66diosase of caisson workers vertical 1 part oi a voat 2 verbal 3 russian measure of distance 4 consumer 5 govern 6 correlative of either 7 cubes of chancs 9 bar of metal 10 happening 11 to ward off 12 a lock of hair 14 concealed in the hand 15 subject to death 21 to peel i 24 amount overdue pi 26 a studio 27 to commence i- 29 to besiege 30 a chum 31 a color 32 consumed 34 to put on 36 obtained 3sa color 40 a communication 41 newspaper paragraph 42 exchanged 4-1- performed 45a ships freight 46 a missile 48 an eastern state of u 8 49 a fabulous nymph so jokes 52 a form of address gar 54 dry 55 to prepare for publication 57 deceased 52 proceed the markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 181 no 2 north 178 no 3 north 173 no 4 wheat not quoted man oats no 2 cw not quoted smooths no 3 cw 60c extra no 1 feed 60e no 1 feed 55c no 2 feed 52c all the above cif bay ports american corn toronto no 2 yellow 125 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 28 shorts per ton 30 middlings- 36 good feed flour per bag 205 ontario oats nominal fob ship ping points ont wheat no 2 winter nominal no 3 winter not quoted no 1 com mercial not quoted fob shipping points according to freights barley malting not quoted buckwheat no 2 nominal ryenb 2 nominal man flour first pat 980 to ronto do second pat 30 toronto pastry flour bags 750 straw carlots per ton 800 to s50 screenings standard recleaned fob bay ports per ton 2100 hay no 2 per ton 1300 to 1400 no 3 per ton 1100 to 1200 mixed per ton 000 to 1100 lower grades s600 to 900 cheese new large 20 to 20c twins 21 to 22c triplets 22 to 23c cows choice g to 650 do fair tc good 450 to 550 canners and cut ters 250 to 275 butcher bulls good 450 to 550 de fair 375 to 4 bologna 250 to f25 feeding steers good g50 to 7 do fair 5 to 625 stackers good 550 to 6 do fair 5 to 550 calves choice 10 to 11 do med 7 to 9 do common 450 to tt00 milch cows choice 70 to 80 do fair 40 to 50 springers choice 75 to 90 good light sheep 850 to 10 heavies and bucks 550 to 750 good owe lambs 14 to 1550 do mod 10 to 12 do culls 800 to 900 spring lambs each 8 to 1450 hogs thick fed and watered 1135 do fob 1175 do country points 1150 do off cars 1285 select premium 242 montreal oats can west no 2 70c do no 3 63c extra no 1 feed g0c flour man spring wheat pats firsts 980 seconds 930 strong bakers 910 flour winter pats choice 760 to 770 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 345 bran 2625 to 2725 shorts 2825 to 2925 middlings 3425 to 3525 hay no 2 per ton car lots 14 to 15 cheese finest wests 17 to 17 c finest easts 17 to 17c- butter no 1 pasteurized 32 to 33c no 1 creamery 31 to 32c seconds 30 to 31c eggs fresh specials 36 to 37c fresh extras 35c fresh firsts 32c dairy cows 2 to 350 calves 750 to 8 do mixed lots ordinary quality 650 to 7 do poorest 6 hogs mixed lots 1323 pembroke youth saves young girl stiltons 23 to 24c old large 27 to r f ij 28c twins 28 to 29c triplets 28 rom under wheels or locomotive at to 30c butter finest creamerv prints 37 to 38c no 1 creamerv 36 to 37c no 2 35 to 36c dairy prints 29 to 30c eggs fresh extras in cartons 35 to 30c loose 33- fresh firsts 31c seconds 27c v- live poultry chickens spring lb j55cf hens over 4 to 5 lbs 20c do 3 i to 4 lbs 18c spring chickens 4 lbs and over mp 24c do corn fed 22c roosters 15c ducklings 5 lbs and up 1 22c s j dressed poultry chickens spring lb 65c hejis over 4 to 5 lbs 2sc do 3 to 4 lbs 22c spring chickens 4 jibs and over mf 35c do corn fed 32c roosters 20c ducklings 5 lbs 1 and up 27c i beans canadian handpicked jb gc primes cc j maple products syrup per im- ipcrial gal 240 per 5gai tin 230 per gal maplr sugar ib 25 to 2gc honev 00lb tins 1316c per lb 10b tins 13c 5lb tins 14c 2- h tins 15 to ice smoked meats hams mod 80c cooked hams 4gc smoked rolls 22c cottage 24c breakfa3t bacon 28 to 32c special branot breakfast bacon 1 85c backs boneless 35 to 42c cured meats ixng clear bicon 50 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90lbs 2050 20 lbs and up 61950 lightweight rolls in barreb sjit50 heavy weight rolls 3450 per bbl lardpure tierces 18c tubs 48c pails 19c prints 20c short ening tierces 14c tubs 14c pails risk of his life a despatch from pembroke says the residents of pembroke are ac claiming 19yearold howard riley a hero as a result of a daring rcscuo which he performed when he snatched the unconscious form of muriel swit zeraged 23 from in front of a fast freight train here miss switzer had tripled across tho canadian pncfic railway tracks at moffatts crosng at the west end of the town and had fallen unconscious riley who was some distance uehind her saw the fast freight thundering down the track toward her prostrate body and running as list as he could was just in time to jump tho track and at the same time drag the girl literally from under ihe wheels of the locomqtive hnd he been a second later both ho and tho girl would have met with a horrible death i solution of last weeks puzzle 15c blocks 16c heavysteor8 choice 775 to 810 amy lowell dies at islanding exponent of free verso in rood 725 to s775 steers her brookline home america and med for her essays lhs and literary cnucism is dead a her 6s0 c bulchtr i a despatch from brookline mass i homo here scvcnes says amy lowell long tho outi sl at the age of choice s7 to 750 do med 6 to 650 do com 550 to 3 botcher 1 a m h o 1 e rlulp 1 s s 0 m t 1 oinhj hbjyjgfa t r p l ie o m p e l s i t o o t sfg a r a l eul a v o t xfi e