Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 9, 1925, p. 3

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grain boats again emptying elevators filled to choking point a despatch from sarnia says navigation on lake huron was un officially opened thursday afternoon when the small steamer john w boardman entered the lake bound for alpena mich a despatch from sault ste marie crossword puzzle paid out 6122000 during past year at 2 cents on rye some figuring was done at 3 cents from the head of lake superior to buffalo and tonnage may be placed at that figure thej freight market in other lines is very quiet a despatch from fort william says as far as these two ports are mich says with continued warm concerned navigation will be open by block of ice between isle eoyale and thunder cape has broken up and has drifted out into the lake the ice field is about 50 mites long and 15 weather gossip in marine circles j april 13 the icebreaking tugs start centres around opening date of navijwork on monday cutting channels gation for this section of great lakes j through the ice the tugs whalen and conditions this year are steady and strathmore doing the work the favorable for an early ppeiiing with chances that littlo trouble will be ex perienced after a passage is made while reports indicate heavy ice still holding at the strategic points at miles deep whitelish in the upper river andj a despatch from winnipeg says around lime island in the lower river with 56000000 bushels of grain in the sun during the day is honeycomb- store at the head of the lakes and irj it very fast j with a total available capacity of 64- it is rumored that the steamer harj 000008 bushels elevators at fort wil- vester will make an effort tc get ham are facing the possibility of con- through the river leaving chicago the gestion as opening of navigation ap- end of the week if the lower river isj proaches made equal chances for getting at present the canadian pacific through to lake superior lie before railway company alone is sending a her a despatch from cleveland ohio says some chartering for opening shipment was done in tho lake su perior grain trade on thursday a small carrier was placed to load at duluth for milwaukee at 3i cents and it was reported that a steamer of medium size was named to take a daily average of 332 crs of grain east from winnipeg but it is pointed out that about 150 cars of this was absorbed by millers in the lake of the woods district since the begin ning of the year 26144526 bushels of grain have left the hands of farmers on the prairies including 17136138 bushels of wheat and 9007388 of cargo from duluth to georgian bay coarse grains soil in good shape early start in west conditions re unusually j favorable for prairie farm ers seeding commenced a despatch from winnipeg says with the prairies almost cleared of snow and weather conditions unusual- 1 ly favorable farmers a many points j in the west have commenced prepaya- lion of their land for the 1025 crop j where the floods have not been troublesome plowing has started on aj small scale while scattered districts report seeding operations under way manitoba farmers have been the firsoj to report progress along these lines seeding being well advanced by several farmers around douglas and gretna this marks the earliest start in man itoba for many years j reports from central saskatchewan indicate- that seeding will become gen eral within ten days plowing hasj commenced along the goose lake line in the tessier and harris districts favorable reports come from al berta the land being reported in ex cellent shape for early cultivation provided present weather conditions continue operations will be fairly general next week throughout the three provinces the winters precipitation was well lip to the average and good moisture is re ported from all points with conditions favorable for rapid germination hebrew university tlie karl of balfour opened the new hebrew university in palestine on april 1st before a world wide assemb lage of notables red russia forced to invite capital radical change in economic policy of soviet made by council of labor opened by balfour j farreaching decisions affecting the futur horizontal f r xst 3 strength 8 part of verb to bo 10 a tree 12 incendiarism 15 limit 17 part of a circle 18 alighted 19 self 21 because of 22 student 24 a vessel 23 dictatorial 27 a game 23 to cut thinly 30 a leguminous plant 32 looks furtively 34 fabled narrative 35 in the middle 37 territory 38 eggshaped 39 stylish 40 disease of animals western u s 43 to lure 45 be silent 48 to fish 60 a small spot 61 barrier 52 fundamental 64 to wait upon 55 fragment 56 scholarly 59 writing fluid 61 consumed 62 a weapon 63 a fish 64 a number 65 clothed 67 succeed 69 to perform 70 a dwelling 71 close to tmc inrtbnational syndicate vertical 1 a kind of meat 2 exists 3 clemency 4 small unit of measurement b large room 6 test 7 towards 9a satellite 10 clever 11 worn out 13 a strip of leather for sharp ening 14 sexless 16 in worthy manner 20 to feel the way 23 indebted to 26 places of learning 28 instructor 29 perceived odor 30heaped 31 village in england noted for ito famous racecourse 33 method of cooking 35 angry 36 possessive pronoun 41 path 42 lightly covered 44 lacking warmth 46 ask 47 view 49 bound by feudal servloe 61 provides food 53 mash 64 rock 55 a poet 57 to 58 frozen dainties 60 to weave together 66 means of transport abbr 68 abovo the markets report of workmens com pensation board tabled in provincial house a despatch from toronto say ah the above c if bay ports american corn track toronto no toronto man wheat no 1 north s162u no 2 north 1574 no 3 north sl53 no 4 wheat sl43 man oats no 2 cw 57ke no 3 to saj cw s extra no t fmsd 53c total payments in benefits of 6122- no 1 feed 503ie no 2 feed 47c 820 was given as the record of the workmens compensation board for o yciiowtl25 the past year in the annual report millfeed del montreal freights which was tabled on friday in the bags included bran per ton s26 legislature this sum was 50000 shorts per ton 28 middlings 33 less than the tota and was awarded c 135 no 3 winter not quoted no tho annual renort of the board comlkercial nomi f shipping throws an interesting sidelight on the points according to freights conditions of industry in the province barley malting 67 to 72e the tota payroll upon which assess- buckwheats no 2 nominal meats were levied during the year was rye no 2 106 to 110 387085000 as compared with s134j man flour first pat 950 to- 163000 in 1923 i o second pat 9 toronto the report of the s comments upon the fact that the com- seaboard 620 pensation act has now been in force straw carlots per ton 8 for 10 years and some- retrospection j screenings standard recleaned f is indulged in over 110000 accilob bay ports per ton 28 is sum was ouuuu snorts per ion ys rmacaings 33 d paid out last vear god feed flour per bag 200 i in respect to 5s075 9 oats no 2 white 38 to 40c ont wheat no 2 winter 132 to dents have been dealt with it is hay no 2 per ton 13 to 14 no 3 per ton 10 to 12 mixed per ton 9 to 11 cheese now large 21 to 25c eperdents about twins 05 to 25c triplets 25 to i have been evied stiltons 2gc old large 25 to triplets 27 to stated and nearly 16000000 in com pensation awarded to injured work men and their de 225000 assessments upon manufacturers 2gc twins 26 to 27c there can be no douht the report 28c continues that the operation of the butter finest creamery prints 36 act has been extremely beneficial to 37c no 1 creamery 35 to 36c no tath parties rj the wide protection and liberal scale j 37c loose 34 to 35c fresh firsts of compensation which they receive 133 to 34c splits 30 to sic and the speediness and certainty of j live poultry hens over 1 to 5 lbs settlement which they enjov under the 20c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chick- collective system of liubilitx- which ens 4 lbs and over mf 24c do corn prevails employers appreciate their d 22c roosters loc ducklings 5 freedom from individual liability which sedoultryhens over 4 to 5 might cripple or ruin any but the larg- j 1si 2 do 3 to 4 lbs 22c spring est and the saving which is entailed chickens 4 lbs and over mf 35c by getting insurance at cost both par ties appreciate the immunity from the annoyances and the enormous expense of litigation of the workmen affect- j ed during the past year 87 per cent j were british subjects 57 per cent j tins 15 to 16c i married and less than 2 per cent fe males do corn fed 32c roosters 20c duck lings 5 lbs and up 27c turkeys 35c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c honey 60lb tins 13c per lb 10lb tins 13 c 5lb tins 14c 2- lean towards the turks league offi cials admit a probritish decision even if justified would beagreat dip lomatic mistake- because- the turks would not observe it and the british will not light the league is impotent to impose its decision however the leagues major task in this instance is to avoid warfare and also to secure turkeys friendliness seek method to forecast weather canada menaced by flood of bad bills tion 011 mt scopus in jerusalem economic policy of russia were distinguished company pre- 1 taken on friday by the council of sent at solemn inaugura- i lor and defence finding complete observations extending over government control of trade and in- four years will be made duslry was a failure the council meeting of which leo kamenev act- a despatch from jerusalem says- emier was chairman decided the new hebrew university situated l capitalists to enter on the summit of mount scopus was traue solemnly inaugurated in the presence fnl restrictions regarding the of 7000 persons in the great amphil 0l goods to private concerns by theatre on tho side of the hill thou- stlto lnsts cooperative organ sands more unablo to gain admit- nations will be removed and taxes on developments in quebec give warning to citizens to watch their currency a despatch from montreal says a flood of counterfeit canadian bank notes menaces canada confiscation of a clumsy amateur counterfeiting plant and the arrest of seven men al leged to have been concerned with its operation by the mounted police on thursday do not in any way solve the issue beaudry leman general man ager of la banque canadienne na- tionale and other bank officials de- j clare according to mr leman the plant their average age was 34 gambia acclaims prince of wales bathurst in festive attire to welcome heir to the throne bathurst gambia west africa april 5 the battle cruiser repulse with the prince of wales on board left here for sierra leone at 830 oclock saturday evening v the prince finished his day at bathurst yesterday with a garden party and a triumphal tour through the streets of the town he went on foot the last one hundred yards on his way to tho dock passingthrough throngs of cheering natives it was a great day for bathurst maple products syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 220 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c smoked meats hams med 32 to 00c cooked hams 46 to 48c smoked rolls 22 to 24c cottage- rolls 24 to 25c breakfast bacon 28 to 30c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 36 to40e backs boneless 38 to 44c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 90 lbs and up 1550 lightweight rolls in barrels 44 heavyweight rqlls 40 per bbl lard pure tierces 20 to- 20 tubs 20 o 21c pails 21 to 21c prints 22 to 23c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails 15 to 16c prints 16 to 17c heavy steers choice 8 to 825 do good 725 to 775 butcher steers choice 7 to 750 do good 650 to 7 do med 6 to 650 do com 550 to 6 butcher heifers choice 7 to 750 do med 6 to 675 do com 550 to 6 butcher cows choice 550 to 6 do fair to good 350 to 475 canners and cut- butcher bulls a despatch from washington says the national geographic so ciety in conjunction with the smith sonian institution will send an expej dition half way round the world to locate by the mounted poiice at las make a daily measure of the heat of j somption had never seen the light of the sun the observations will extend 1 circulation with a face value of up over four years and will be made to war of 150000 and in denomina tance had to be turned away disi private traders greatly reduced in determine a method of longrange tions of ten do two rooms of the tinguishcd company was present in- introducing these reforms which are j weather forecasting by which it is house were practically papered with eluding representatives of more than 50 loading institutions- and academic bodies in all parts of the world tho inaugural address was deliver ed by the earl of balfour author of the balfour declaration in which groat britain set forth her of encouraging tho creation in lino of a national home for the jews in the meantime the other plant which started distribution of banque canadienne nationale bills some two hours before the ceremony began tho v capitalists narrow dusty road leading to the sum roit of mount scopus was biack with considered the most important since hoped that cyclones across our middle the bills but tho bills it is con- jtho late nikolai lenin inaugurated wosfc storms at sea a week of rain- tended by bankers would not fool a ptho socalled new economic policy m luss da fov a count fair or the last ch kamenev said frost of spring can be predicted well 1 at the present juncture the trade in advance v desert which exists in certain regions the expedition will be led by dr pohcv tho soviet union is more harmful charles g abbot director of the af0 is slill operating it paesi dangerous to the economic struc- smithsonian institutions astrophysi- j stated that is shown it is said by cal observatory dr abbot will make the deposits to the banks in several a survey of points in asia and africa j sec of the province and these before it is declared where to establish j bills are sufficiently cleverly executed a field station for the proposed exhi- to escape detection except by highly bition i competent tellers dr gilbert grosvenor president ofj simultaneously comes corroboration the society said the expedition will be hat counterfeiters are busy getting known as the national geographical j 0 5100 bills purporting to be is- intenial trade bringing the country societys solar radiation expedition by the imperial bank of canada cooperation with the smithsonian lure of the socialistic state than pri- it was the first landing of the heirjters gmg1 o to tho throne since- the repulse left bologna 250 to 325 feeding england march 28 on tho long voyage steersj g00 650 to 7 do fair 5 to africa and south america whenjto 625 stackers good 550 to 6 the prince came ashore in the morn- do fair 5 to 550 calves choice ing the town was bathed in sunlight 11 to 13 do med 750 to 1050 and lavishly decoratedv the natives do grassers 450 to 550 milch were in brilliant flowing robes the cows choice 70 to 80 do sfar 40 predominant colors being lt red the great crowds ineuded mjf 3550 to 750 good ewe jambs numerable children and there was 515 o gt550 do med 13 to 1450 much handclapping shouting and leap do culls 11 to 12 spring lambs ing in a kind of ecstasy the waving each 10 to 14 hogs thick smooths of voluminous head coverings added fed and watered 1370 do fob to the novelty of the spectacle i s1250 do country points 1225 do as the princes car approached the off cars 1360 seect premium 2o0 women in the crowds made sweeping montreal movements indicating their desire to oats- cw no 2 04c cwno 3 clear the way for the royal visitor 58c extra no 1 feed 53c flour one car moved in the direction of the man spring wheat pats firsts050 cenotaph this v the car that car- seconds 9 strong bakers880 win- it was on the initiativeof the su preme economic council that the new vehicles and pedestrians the throng reforms are being introduced it is comprising lavgelv jewish men wo- now admitted that tho drastic corn- men and children i paign which was waged against pri- among those here for the vamon vat ir virtually ruined russias was lord ailenby conqueror of jer usalem as head of the british forces in palestine dining he world war to the verge of an economic crisis mosul dispute 1 institution embolism can be cured by operation british and turks reach an j two clots of blood removed agreement regarding the from artery of fatient by mosul boundary paris expert genevaapril danger of lis- 1 order 11 the middle last and meso- a despatch from pari- ray potamia has been definitelv diminish- whrt is nailed in therrench pressjed according to league of nation ns the first ortuion en i lunati for officials by an amicable adjustment cipbousm was pevformei suwessfmliyjbetwcen the british and turks over by dr p monro the son of a famous the mosul boundary the league has bordeaux doctcr dr moure who has been apprehensive regarding its rom- nlready ptrforrc operations 011 dogs missions forthcoming decision since guinea pigs tied in the artery t learned semioflicially that angora rrm of his patient which refuse to accont adverse fird- amicably settled bavarian cathedral organ to be largest in the world these to a value of 300000 turned up in london england recently and ried the prince andthosc assembled jter pats choice 730 roller oats along the way broke through uie 1 fe guards quite oblivious of the fact that no ton cai lotsj 14 to other cars were following in the wake i jjutter no 1 pasteurized 32c of tho princes and their drivers hadrnc 1 creamery 31 to 31c seconds to perform wondrous feats of skill 1 30 to 30c eggs fresh specials 39 dodging amongst the jostiing shout- to 10c fresh extras 38c freshjfirsts ing throng of demonstrators 36c potatoes per bag car lot 70c the trip to the cenotaph was highly i cal m l fa r 41 com up hogs mixed lots 1375 amusing because of the smiling vforf fi0 tives whose constant chatter sounded 1 like machinegun fire and the princel was evidently pleased and amused at j ulster gives craig the native enthusiasm dignity and ministry majority perfect silence however characterized the ceremony at the cenotaph j p new house j j wm be reduced by 2 historic church j dozen merabxs then it va discovered that a batch of 20000 worth of them had just been rcshipped to canada at present there is a division of 7 i opinion as to whether the imperial passau in bavaria soon is to have iu being made here or the largest church organ in the word a police opinion inclines to the builders are at work reconstructing faifr view wit regard to la the great organ in the cathedral there banquo canadienne nationale there the organ is being materially enlarg- is comp agreement that the point broke 0 ystcrd falls prey to flames i bath edifice erected in 1793 was a mecca for tourists kingston ont april iijhe st proximate idea of its constitution th belfast ireland april 5 with the first count of the balloting in the re cent elections for the new ulster par liament it is possible to give an ap- nii enie was obstructed by two cijts of blood imfs ifig tho ed its present sixtyseven stops will of co is in canada bo increased to 170 it will have five manuals thus achieving a register hitherto unknown in church instruj ments i solution of last wtek3 puzzle johns anglican church at the village of bath one of the oldest churches in canada having been erected in 1703 was totally destroyed by liro which afterncor men were engaged in burning griss on property cose by tho church and 1 last parliament included 30 govern ment members one independent un ionist and 12 nationalists and sinn ieiners tho new pirhuieiii i likey to ha composed of government members 33 iuh-pen- the fire spread to tiia edifice and as dent unionist- 1 labor 2 national- exhibition at wembley j to reopen may sixth the commission consisting of v count tclekt formsr premier of hun a despatch from london says announcement was made on thursday he opened the artery removed clots sewed up the wse and moved the stricture wliih had result- jgary wirseii the swedish statesman that the empire exhibition at wemj cd in the arm being almost bloodies- am colonel paulis rf belgium hasjbley will be reopened to the public onj for sevmj days shortly after the completed it- labor- and will arrive in may 6 the exhibition opened on arm aswjmed a normal aspect hope i this week to formulate the- april 23 last year and was closed on hed rtit by doctors of tho faculty findings of three months invcstiganov 1 the receipts for the season of medicine who witnessed the opera- t were not up to expectations henccj tiontha sargeiy may also cure n is iiutfcd that they wiil be in- 1 as decided to reopen the cxhibi- phlebsils ilr4l to compromise ami men to on tws year b a t 8ul ojl d 8 u s o x e njhe ok sl 0 s e d e m 0 ote ajsth t h e f 9 f v a b 1 e e t jeradju t f rmu rtkbrrp r o e t t r y tstt r tb oh e h c- ssk no oha r o a a r a n 0 1 n dde itfrjs gulp tjzjef e1553 u2ll gme amt b a r i r v th5 t a r r d ys tat ehpg e w e tho village has no means 01 lighting a fire the structure very easily fell a prey to the flames the church 132 years old was a very small structure but was noted for its historic value mcr was visited by a her of tourist pa part of the country to the layman such an inquiry ap 3 republicans 3 and tenants for the first lime ulster labor was successful in a parliamentary contest in the last parliament noe of tho nationalists or sinn fcinci3 took and everv sum- shsits but thej have decided to ccrv lare num- g0 l parliament ing through this i government supporter frecly eon- i ado that premier crng la- justnincd 1 some nasty reverse rui thay bame ithe influence of the clergy who were pears an ultrarefinement of scientific research said the announcement byended at tae tsemireiit c tho cam- dr grosvenor but should be joint v f expedition work out the findings it omits who nave rr fused hopes for from its studied all civilized cessions an whose power hs mankind will benefit by the resalti underrated 0 niiii prbhim- con- beer

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