britain assumes war damages i and reduces debt owed by france paris feb 8 great britain has m clementel expressed for himself j made- a gesture such as no other coun and premier llerriot satisfaction over try has made in saying she will use- tho tone and contents of the h tho gernan reparations only to pay note saying a long step toward set off interallied and american debts tlement had been made he as finance minister clementel said to- as the whole cabinet u pleased be- night in handing out the british reply cause it means a big reduction in to the french note frances debt to britain which can twenty per cent of the german now be paid entirely out 01 the r rencn reparations which britain will re- share of german reparations and aso ceive will all bo paid to the united because it sets a precedent in settling states to settle britains debt what the american debt is necessary for britains allied debt- the note is considered not to le ors to pay to make up the difference lacking in a sly effort on chance lor is all we shall be expected to pay of the exchequer churchils part to rj- francis g blake professor of great britain takes en herself the place the united states in a less medicine at yale medical school has war damages and will not attempt to i f avorabe position morally than great placed before the public a serum for collect the 800000000 advanced to the britain for insisting on collecting injection purposes which he believes allies before the united states enter- damages from germany which the will euro scarlet fever in twentyfour cd the war note declares britain will not program outlined in speech from throne i hours ihe weeks markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 223 hi no 2 north 5217u no 3 north 210 m no 4 wheat 202 m man oats no 2 cv 80c no 3 cw 75l2c extra no 1 feed 76c no 1 feed 74 c no 2 feed 71 vic all the above cif bay port3 am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 148 millfced del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3625 shorts per ton 3825 middlings 4425 good feed flour per bag 280 out oats no 2 white 57 to 59c ontario wheat no 2 winter 171 to 175 no 3 winter 169 to 173 uquor seized off long island japanese navy launch sinks eleven sailors lost c- l d l c ti c i j i vancouver bc feb 8 eleven first british craft captured men of the erew of the japane98 had on board 12000 cases cruizer idzumo in port here with the worth 1000000 visiting training squadron of the jap- anese navy met death just before new york ieb 8 with 28 pns- midni saturdav in the waters of oners on boardsome reported i to have burrard inletj when the navy i been wounded in the gun battle which jn whk they were to tho preceded her capture the british cruisor collidcd with a tug w qt the steamship homestead loaded with canadian pacific ra and sank 12000 cases of liquor with a bootleg value of 1000000 was towed to this harbor yesterday immediately the accident occurred off the ballentyrie pier sixteen officers and men were on the homestead tho largest and board the pinnace and ven were most valuable prize since prohibition rescued 0f the s0ton two a non sent coast guard chasers to rum i commissioned offlcer and a seam no 1 commercial 168 to 172 f ob i r was anchored last night off tne taken on board the i later suc- snipping points according to freights statue of liberty there she took her cumoed as a result of their immersion barley malting 92 to 96c j amendment of grain act and i equalization of freight rate in coming session a despatch from ottawa say the last gun of the roya salute has been fired and another parliamentary session it under way the kings will has been tnade known to his common ers through the speech from th throne and the peoples elected rep resentatives will begin on monday to discuss the humble speech in accep tance which is the invariable fore runner to tlie genera work of can adas principal legislature chief among the measures forecasted in the kings speech are those dealing with freight rates on land and sea senate reform the most lutstanding of the legislation expected for this session is to be submitted to a conference be tween federal and provincial govern ments before parliament is asked to consider in detail an amendment to the constitution of canada with res pect to the constitution and powers of the upper house in brief the speech from the throne indicates that the government intends to ask parliament for legis lation to give 1 equalization of freight rates between provinces and localities 2 government control of ocean rates 3 improvement in equipment of ports on both coasts and on the st lawrence rivar 4 colonization and settlement which implies railroad construction in the peace river district 5 an act to amend the grain act buckwheat no 2 86 to 90c rye no 2 138 to 143 man flour first pat 1140 to ronto do second pat 1090 toronto ont flour 90 per cent pat 925 in bags montreal or toronto do ex port 5ss cotton bags cif hay no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1450 no 3 1250 straw carlots per ten 9 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 28 m provocation cheese new large 22c twins r place beside other rum runners too thfe water four of the men drown- bulky to be moored at tho barge ed were noncommissioned officers and office i the remaining five seamen it was admitted shots had been fired vancouver bb feb 9 located to stop the homestead which was at a depth of 162 feetj diverg from the seized off the eastern end of long i j training squadron are at- island by the coast guard chasers tempting to descend to the wrecked red wing and jewetl pinnace from tho traizer idzumo in orders to the coast guard now are whlch eleven men met their death at to shoot when occasion demands and 11 30 0 saturday night the it was said the homestead had given boat is believed to contain the remains of eight of those who per- utmost secrecy attended the cap- 22c triplets 23c stiltons 24c old utmost secrecy attenaea tne capj whellj ont of the murk of tn6 large 24 to 25c twins 25 to 26c trip- ture and it was hinted other factors j and rain mists a car barge in lets 26 to 27c than smuggling liquor might have tow of the tug nauoose i sud o camery prints 36 been responsible for the eagerness of for an in3ta and then crashed to 38c no 1 creamery 34 to 36c no officials to bag the british vessel the thr n it 2 82 to 34c dairy prints 26 to 28c first ever off african shores x foad of h umar freight to the dro to 40 w the coldest thia eggslresh extras in cartons 64 vmation of the volst6ad act f frcffht l winter it is known however that the rum after a con search of the do team reia which 8tarted from diphtheria epidemic on the wane in nome nome feb 9 balto is not dead the lead dog of gunnar kassons team which made the last lap of the race to nome with diphtheria anti toxin is living high and getting fat despite reports that his lungs had been frozen on the nome dash the diphtheria epidemic seems to be on the wane there have been no new cases and many of tho patients are improving rapidly thanks to the serum which balto and his mates brought the temperature today to 66c loose 63c fresh firsts 57ci live poultry hens over 5 lbs 24c do 4 to 5 ibsj 18c do 3 to 4 lbs 13c fleet has h doubled in the last few spring chickens 2 lbs and over 23c weeks and now has a larger array of roosters 12c ducklings 5 lbs and up vessels than at any other time in the 18c i year dressed poultry hens over 5 lbsj 23c do 4 to 5 lbs 23c do8 to 4 r cdcr atvwdo lbs 16c spring chickens 2 lbs and grain speculators over 30c roosters 18c ducklings 5j meet with reverse lbs and up 25c turkeys 3oc j beans can handoicked lb 6c many are wiped out as boom gives way at 25 to 26c winnipeg exchange honey 60lb tins 134c per lb 10lb tins 13c 5b tins 14c 2- a despatch from winnipeg says lb tins 15 vb to 16c i in one of the wildest markets in the smoked meats hams med 25 to history of the local grain exchange 86c cooked hams 87 to 3sc smoked wheat prices dropped below the 2 j8flii f mak on p for the first time in can primes 6c maple products- syrup per gal 240 per 5cal tin 230 per galj maple sugar tb after lulliliiuuua mhiiii wi ww xt ortrt it i x k i nenana 300 miles north of anchor- harbor with drag lines and nets the u- j ii j vji age yesterday with 480000 units of third body was recovered at noon to- f t i antitoxin are expected to make the day work was concentrated over the e j i journey in four days it was reported spot where the body was found and i v r i today this would better a record si u iu j j j i t i se by a special relay which started although the accident occurred late c f t b t from nenana january 27 with 300000 saturdav night the japanese did notj iu units of the serum by a day and a make a report to shore authorities r quarter better equipment was the the contemplated until 9 oclock sunday morning scores of sailors worked throughout the night in feverish endeavors to locate the sunken boat greater speed three children burned to death in ottawa valley ottawa feb 8 news of the death canada represented on ad hoc committee london feb 9 forsyth smith canadian government fruit commis- davbranbreakf 31c- two weeks and s0 fast did the s nre of three young children near sioner in england and mr mcouatt backs boneless evto 36c floss orders come into the pit that it murray bay in the backwoods of ren- of the live stock branch of the de- cured meats lon clear bacon 50 almost impossible for brokers to frew county was received here to- partment of agriculture have been to 70 lbs 1750 70 to 90 lbs 1680 execute them outside speculators who day tho father j croswich was appointed by the canadian govern up 1550 lightweight have been buying grain for the pastjaway lumbering and the mother left ment as its representatives on the ad rels 33 heavyweight fortnight must have suffered heavy the children alone in the farmhouse j hoc committee on the furtherance of j losses during the drastic declines on while she posted him a letter at the empire trade which is to be set up 90 lbs and rolls in barre rolls 27 lard pure tierces a 7 friday and many of them would be crossroads when she returned she by the government here prints 21 to 22cshorteiing tierces j wiped out i found the building in flames tubs 184 to 19c pails 18 to 19c fnday wwii 13 iu lilt oi1u1 iuisll wic vtis 1 15 to lsic tubs 15 to 1514c pails following a strong opening at 204 she succeeded in rescuing her few- 18to 164c prints yimto 18c for may delivery the buying power nionthsold baby only to find it al- ready dead tne other two children a boy aged 18 months and a 1-year- old girl were burned to death in their cots when neighbors arrived thoy found a mass o choice heavy steers 775 to 825 j vanished resulting in the bringing out butcher steers choice 675 to 725 0 heavy stoploss selling orders and fr good 625 to 675 do med 550 t the slide was checked may had te 8 c to m k 6 to 650 do med 5 to f so oyery prices go- 575 do com 450 to 5 butcher ows choice 450 to 525 do fair to good 350 to 4 canners and cut ters 225 to 27o butcher bulls eooa 425 to 525 do fair 375 to 4 bologna 250 to 325 feeding toers good 575 to 650 do fair 475 to 550 stockers good 450 to 560 do fair 4 to 425 calves ijig up a few cents but later the near by future made a precipitous descent to 192 a net loss of 12 cents within two hours may closed at 192 which represented a loss of 8 cents from thursdays close july arid october along with coarse grains followed the may future and british seaplane to travel five miles a minute a despatch from london says a british seaplane which will have a rning embers and speed of five miles a minute is being the mother badly burned from her constructed for the next schneider attempted rescue of the children it la not what others think of us that really counts as much as what we think of ourselves cup race and will be ready for trial flights shortly it is understood the machine will be streamlined from end to end and the engine will be let into the fuselage choice 1250 to 13 do med 7 to au ek severe losses ranging 9do grassers 4 to 5 milch cows from 6v4 for july wheat to 18 cents choice 60 to 70 fair cows 40 to for october barley flax ranged fromi 50 springers choice 70 to 90 1 1 cents to 14 cents lower at the close hood light sheep 7 to 8 heavies and bucks 450 to 625 bulls 8 to 4 l eood ewe lambs 1450 to 15 bucks one motor craft built by bri- i i1250 to 13- do med 10 to 12 i tain for every 3 steamships do culls 8 to 9 hogs thick smooths i r j fed and wavered 1110 do fob i 1050 do community points 1025 a despatch from new ork says do off cars 1150 select premiums ship tonnage under construction in i i17 j great britain at the close of 1924 was jl296971 tons about 98000 tons less than a year ago according to tho bankers trust co of new sork it montreal oats can west no 2 85c do no 3 81c extra no 1 white 79c flour man spring wheal pats lsts 1110 do 2nds 1090 strong bak ers 1070 winter pats choice 920 to 930 relied oats bag of 90 lbs 480 bran 3625 shorts 3825 middlings 4425 hay no 2 per ton car lots 14 to 15 is estimated that one motor ship is be- ing built for every three steamships while in other countries the propor tion is 12 motor ships for 11 steam ships in germany denmark swe den and holland a preponderating butter no 1 pasteurized 30vi to proportion of motor ships is being 81c no 1 creamery 29js to 30c sec- built the german figures being 47 6nds 28i to 29c eggs storago ex- motor ships of 274000 tons against tas 53c do firsts 51c fresh oxtras40 steamships of 79000 tons 62c do firsts 58c potatoes per bag car lots 95c to 1 cows 2 to 350 caives com to fair quality 10 to 1025 do very r amnion 9 viogs mixed lots 12 do elects 1260 sows 9 to 950 hong kong preparing exhibit for wemblev britain will enforce arms embargo in china a despatch from london says the government has issued a state ment announcing thit great britain would continue to enforce in china the arms embargo agreement of may 1919 whereby the powers undertook hong kong keb 9 th imperial to restrain their nationals from ex- tuthoritie having granted satisfac- porting to or importing into that siy cuitomj and other concessions country war materials until the estab- ttong king busily preparing an ex- iishment of a government there whoso htbitkm for wembley an a govern- authority would be recognize- went enlorpir i throughout the whole of china crossword puzzle thc intchnationm tvmoicatt suggestions for solving crossword puzzles start out by filling in th words of which you feel reasonably sure these will give you a clue to other wordi crossing them and they in turn to still others a letter belong in each whit space words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both vertical horizontal 1 separates lengthwise 7 refrain 12 a flap 13 additional 14 to lie in genial heat 15 help 18 a vegetablo 17 steamroad abbr 18 plenty 82 thoroughfare abbr 23 modern invention 24 paw over 27 cessations from strife 30 note of the scale 81 american district telegraph abbr 33 mans name abbr 34 grain foods 33 counteracting aoidlty 38 large ocean vessel abbr 87 by 89 latin for and 40 a thick rope 42 a terrapin 44 straight up 47 pronoun 49 looking for 50 before christ abbr 51 grassy meadow 53 a deer 64 merit 5e striking part of a whip 57 automobiles 58 negotiation 59 longs for 1 to make stiff 2 two 3 a cover 4 prefix meaning net g fix firmly 6 ornamented with knobs or but tons 7 net able 8 out of date abbr 9 knock 10 employs 11 glides over the lee 18 discourse 19 a continent abbr 20 a threetoed sloth 21 striving to equal 26 scene of combat 26 let 28 a honey badger 29 a part of society 31 poisonous reptile 32 black liquid 38 one who chooses 40 small town 41 real estate 42 close 43 intermission 45 steam carrier abbr 48 large country of asia abbp 48 a uhlt of time 30 innate 52 part of verb te be 63 ptrioile society abbr 56 physical division of the glebe abbr 67 army of the civil war abbr two killed railway closed in kootenay solution of last weeks puzzl eejb disastrous snowslides on the mountain caused by days j of thaw and rain a despatch from nelson bc says two lives lost a railway lino closed for the season and one house demolished are the results so far re- ported of kootenay snowslides follow- ing days of thaw and rain i at five oclock in the morning a snow and mud slide demolished the ranch house of john h hoyle at queens bay overwhelming the por- airship to cross ocean in 3 tion of the house contnimng mr and v n 1 mrs hoyle and carrying away the days being built in michigan upper portion containing john hoyle a son and miss mary hot a servant detroit feb 9 with the object of were sleeping tho iattertwo escaped turning out- a new type of rigid metal serious injuries and emerged by win- dirigible that will make possible tha dows a force of 22 shovel men work- establishment of a threeday passen- ed all day on the tons of mud in which ger air service between detroit or mr and mrs hoyle are buried with- chicago and london england the tn- out success the house was at the itlal move was made today to begin foot of a ravine and it is thought a manufacture at the dearborn plant of snowslide came part way down chok- the ford motor co work is to bo ed tho ravine and caused water to don by th aircraft development back up the subsequent rush of snow corporation of which edsel b ford and water bringing awav the banks of and his father are directors the un- the ravine a water tank half a mile ited states government it is stated up the ravine is believed to be the will sign a contract within thirty days object that struck the house tho for construction of the new ship hoyles have ranched there for 18 the dirigible will have a bkin of years special duralumin plates only eight three big slides came down at onethousandths of an inch thick various times since- midday on the which will be six times stronger than kaslo and nakusp branch of the can- the preent coverings of dirigibua it adian pacific railway all between the will be fireproof and weatherproof rambler mine nd ziriton the largest and navigable in any kind of weather being 900 feet wide and 50 feet deep the ship will be 150 feet long 53 the others are respectively 100 feet in diameter and will have dis- and 200 feet wide and 20 feet deep placement of 15000 pounds its ca- i the cpr will abandon the kaso- paiity will lie 200000 feet of helium 1 slocan service for the winter in con- gas sequence and travel will be routed by tho lakes a- germany to be represented for first time on league puzzle enthusiasts can solve as they ride berlin feb 9 germany will be represented by an officiil observer at tho march meeting of tho league of nations council it will be the first time germany has had such repre sentation chancellor luthar made this deci- soepmg dining and par or car sion just beofre he left for cologne p j he canadian national li l tij 1 1 ti raiways who announced today that montreal feb 9 the vogue of tho crossword puzzle is nationwide it has outrun the borders of cities and towns and has extended its influence to the trains that speed across the continent at least this is the opinion of walter pratt general manager of but has not picked the observer the j government docs not expect its dele- in response to numerous requests from i passengers he had ordered dictionar- 1 gate will sit in at the council sesl sions but he will be instructed to pay ics to p on a j special attention to the leagues atti- 1 that are pi w 1 library riremcm ae hcvi battling n blaze in montreal in sibzoo weather in nhich ihe lale ilcul v dcsjanllri was entombed in tho wreckage for eight i houm despite tho heroic attempt at rescue made by his comrades tude toward tho clause in the coven- ant which enjoins member states toj dawso ci y here permit league troops free passage from ow crow migsion uate the arrow their territory qfrmany hesi- j mw tnrt t of lh tates to accept this lest she become covered with fox tniekg and that embroiled with russia arc trappinjr gtcat numhtn momory is the tasurer te whom foxes meat ported vory plenti- we must give funds if wj would draw fui i having been killed s the assistance we iwed rows tat this winter