guests whavnews what cheer the trees have ccme to town the forest grew too sombre theyve come down 1 to look for faces that they learned to know in summer time a little space- ago they saw fine smoke acurl from chimneys high born of white fires that leap and blaze and lie warmly at last within the red logs breast the pine trees saw the smoke and dreamed the rest other people this is the season above all otners for taking thought away from our- selves toward other people what a they knew there woud be merriment miserabie festiva it would be if all within our mind turned inward our gaze and growing lonely for the joyous din wj and our desire be- of well remembered voices packed for gon and ended a ring about our town i se i laughing as burly woodmen hewed selflshncss is this to invade them down tbe messed time with care purely for j our own concerns with anxious medi- last night i passed along a crowded tauon of our own revohing p street i i however insistent and intrusive these and hummed a song that to my soul y be w need nev i far to is sweet discern the less forunate however when some one somewhere whis- unhappy we think we are there is a my ear n t i plight at our doorstep more serious good friend pray not so fast be- than our own we need to look reso- hold me herel j lutely and cheerfully away from our perplexity for the health of our a row of trees just newly come to for the good ot our s0u for town the happiness of others which we are and as i looked their fragrant pha bouni to consider lanx down i it does not matter so much that we the very pine i loved so well in bring om own dream true for june ourselves as that we shall bring hap- i hummed my piness in the long run to anot even i though it be with sacrifice greater love hath no man than this a true was there before me like a christ- amding affection ig tegted most 0 all mas guest by its willingness to renounce and athnll with gladness for a fimsned no goomy face be carried to the quest aitar of tne ob but a high proud and other trees were calling other smi countenance names i for it takes from the beauty of any my own stands now just where the to the iaci to any member firelight flames 1 0 iwif we play the part in a dreary upon broad boughs that i have nun me key as of one who con uttle totom of petijleijemj 10 still toe gee tfjet lie little town of pttleftem goto still tot see tfjee lie gfeotse tfc leep anb brcamlefef steep tjfce silent starjf qo tip set in tljp bark street fifjinetb teyc ebetlasting 3ugijt eije fjopes anb fears of all tts vearf are met in ttee txftunt sol eito of jsctfilefjem isestenb to us toe prap cast out our sin anb enter in 3e born in us tobap wit fjear tfje sfcttbtmas angels i great glab tibings tell b ie to us abise toith us uc ilorb mmanuel j a beneath whose shade little tune with gems lovelier than my ladys diadems i i sit and watch the fitful gleams that stir sents rather than elects to live and to rise to the whole of a duty my christmas tree eachear as sure as christmas comes around the family send me out to get a tree and heretofore my habits always been to take the very first that i could see but lately ive been giving it some thought and now it seems a senseless thing to do to rob the future of a stately tree to furnish pleasure for an hour or two see where those sapling pines out in the glade straight as a lance are reaching towards the sun tk hpart nf a pviild are of these a8k yourself whether you l he tteart or a niia j and happier when you if christmas brings no thrills j hj trouble something is wrong not with christ- you were ah then you must get mas but with yourself christmas j back you may have got on in the i3 nineteen hundred years old but age but that ib not everything the handle vixen carefully sheb fuu a saints wife the bags are packed and ready nicholas your gloves i laid together in tho hall the thickest pair its cold tonight pull down your cap over your forehead 1 what a boy you are to capor so stand still you child of- children till i see your collar there i knew youd put that old coat on its torn from last years journey and you hid it where i could- not find it purposely of course the red is beautiful and they expect to see you in it but i tried to make the new one just as bright theres no time now to change and nicholas be very sure has not withered its charm much j heart of a child is greater than riches and faith more than many mansions when we came into this world we now these will all be fine big trees did not come into a solitaryparadise we found the scene thronged and the i dream of gold and frankincense flxed anj the game to payed and y n it it as others had soberly agreed to play three magi- its a story that i know t there has to be an ordered struc- 1 g of shepherds on a hillside long ago- of societ for the defence of a still yone mother and a sleeping mterd ependent mankind against th some day if i dont end what nature has be gun child- star a song- guiled a little world be- but heros a little spruce beneath the shade of this great husky mossclad for- i iiiiiuljitiiuuiit luuiikliiu nganisi liu- est king independence of the lawless and the a slender chance has ho to reach his predatory we cannot let the world be run by those who are themselves un- by strains of peace on earth good governab he serve no man will to men may rule and each in ws place v would we mighthear the angels song xz again a voice the laden branches seems to stir vthey brought him gifts gold frankincense and myrrh i what song what carols break upon my ear the first noel 0 little children dear jtjorae in and gather largess from my tree for it has come to town to visit me barbara young r- unto us a son is given given not lent and not withdrawn once sent this infant of mankind this one is still the little welcome son new every year newborn and newly dear he comes with tidings and a song the ages long the ages long even as the cold keen winter grows not old as childhood is so fresh foreseen and spring in the familiar green sudden as sweet come the expected feet n all joy is young and new all art and he too whom we havo by heart alice meynell be it high or low is bound to think of all the rest what will you buy in tdylahd prime yet for a christmas tree hes just the thing so ill take this and hie me home again and leave yon sturdy saplings all intact to grow and rear strong columns to the sky till what i see in fancy turns to fact w h c christmas expressed in the terms of the childs mind is synonymous with toys at this holiday season clvlc heal is tne toboggan in made merry by children and for chil- the town wh f dren there is a tendency toward be- inst of the golde rule ing too generous with toys if not too generous then too selfcentred on the shopping trip to toyland that we come home with toys bought to suit our own tastgs and desires rather than the lit- tie four five or sixyearold for which j they are meant j the great joy of receiving toys at christmas time forchildren is getting what they want every toy should be made to exercise a dual purpose that of making the child happy and of assisting him in an educative and cre ative way toys are the treasured possessions of childhood and the im pressions they make in childhood days are lasting it may be you note in advance what the child wants but it is also neccs- sary to know why perhaps little james wants a sled like the one his playmate has this may be because it is a bright and shiny one or be- cause it can go faster and farther than any other sled of his playfellows i a j acc ro the boy who teases for expensive me- p0p w ter salve can there be for the bitter ness of today then the fragrant memories of happy and holy yester days he who shall keep christ- masse said an oldtime philosopher shall keep himselfe if christmas brings no thrill some thing is wrong maybe wo are not at peace maybe good will is not in our hearts perhaps we are nursing old hatreds bitter memories that should have been banished and for gotten years ago in that case we are in antagonism sliver w christmas its meaning its mess- age and its lesson let a little child lead us back to friendliness to for- if the energy in a flash of lightning- giveness to peace and to happiness could be collected and stored up it for christmas to mean nothing to would carry an electricallyoperated us is a tragedy we stand condetnn- motor car or van for a distance of five ed some say they have got beyond m troubling- about christmas if you has crashed since the cry of a child was heard in 3ethlehem kings king doms empires religions civilizations but christmas the child festival still stands firm and foursquare en trenched in a million hearts christmas the very word hold a thrill eyes shlno and hearts beat quicker the call the grip of christ mas still hold power but you what of you if christ mas brings no thrill you have lost something perhaps faith and hope and charity have gone pushed out to make place for a bitter cynicism the world may have buffeted you and it may seem that you stand alone chilled and cold and forgotten but christmas is yours still it must hold happy perhaps holy memories for what do you do with your christmas were you not once a child what bet- what do you do with your christmas tree what do you do with your christmas tree do you put it out on the balcony that people who pass may happier be to look at its pretty greenery what do you do with your christmas tree four little girls at afternoon tea stripped its branches for cushions with glee and found how sweet its scent could be tree do you deck it with food for the chicadeedee that all his mates at a banquet free may hold a snowy revelry edith perry bod well eye of murdered man holds slayers image the theory that a murder victims eye may sometimes hold- the image of his slayer received scientific confirma tion from prof doehne of cologne university berlin the professor photographed the retina of two of the victims of fritz angerstein wealthy hagen merchant who killed eight per sons the retina of one yielded a pic ture of angersteins face the other showed the same face contorted with rage and the blade of the axe with which the murders were committed of little tricks youve stabled her- too long and might lead on the others please dont let them take you near the trees your sleighs so small and not wellbalanced branches catch their hoofs sometimes and you forget the bells were tuned just yesterday ones missing from the reins near comets head you said he rub bed it off against a chimney how i like to think of all those chiming tongues that sprinkle sound like jeta of frosted spray upon the night i know the children love them dont forget the last wee letter that came in today it asked you for a sheep and so you made an extra woolly one that squeaked a baaa i tucked it in your pack right near the top y theyre waiting for you nicholas 1 i feel their eager little hearts they beat so fast us like a pulse that throbs around tho world goodbye i ill have a good hot breakfast when youre back your gloves good gracious nick i told you where they were i thought of course you had them on theyre in the hall the moon is up look out- that vixen doesnt shy at it good bye martha banning thomas in youths companion for the christmas table why not serve christmas dinner by candlelight or if the dinner be at noon time just darken the room a rather interesting oandlestick may be made in the following manner the materials necessary arc pieces of white birch wood about one inch in diameter and six to eight inches long circular pieces of wood three inches in diameter bits of holly and candles have as many pieces of wood of both the king my little son she said my little son my beautiful my wondrous lovely one h hss thy head thy hands thy little feet thou art so small so helpless and so sweet they come with gifts and look on thee with awe and tell in whispers of a star they saw- iseo but thee no morc than this that thou art soft as rose leaves to ray kiss i know t abigail cresson party is sure to prove gameof jack frost in which the chil- irig each time jack nipssome part he youngsters and is dren form a circle with one child who of the body until the children are chanical toys may have hisfreawisfe difficult to arrange the snow represents jack frost standing in the hopping up and down and shaking a c of woof to onjh better gratified in the ownership of s the young guests is centre jack runt around inside the over which of course is great fun for i f a lon7nie see tu haletstiek materials with which to experiment de of cotton batting but he looks circle touches a child on the right them mrs jack frost then wxrjk and construct his own metal toys if kea real snow man two sticks hand and goes backto his place again jack frost iscommg this way and of tood should to allowed out janeis of a studious nature she will wrapped in many thicknesses of cot- the chld thus touched says jack whispers a word to each of the sgkllffss et more hours of real handiness out ton form the legs which are nailed to frost came this way the child at dren to some she whispers hish r v wine- tne bits of sout a bock of woqd make foundation- hcr eft a6k9 did he dor c to others hush and to others hash k about the stem of the cand no 1 replies he nippedmy hand at a- given signal from her the play- it now ir fancy a rca of a story book suitable to her age rather than a set of doll dishes which thc other parts of the body are made for us appears to be the correct gift- of rolls of cotton batting sewed or shaking the hand chiia no 2 tell ers call out their words together and fe t f for any little cirl wired in place he wears a fur cap no 3 about jack frost and the same the result is a big sneeze which makes ilf ti u i one can do achiid a grave injustice and has long white whiskers made of question and auer follow this ivah laugh j j zedtftheer by getting him everything he wants crepe paper if horre hair is not avail- repeated each child doing as no 1 s ono is then to rcpre- vies it is a eharmino- nffnir t w this is a world of limitation thwarted me on the floor beside him lies his did and thus it goes around the circle scnt jack frost othei p arc wishes and the necessity for sharing pack in one hand he carries a string backto no 1 again jack frost then eiv01j the namcs 0 christmas oifts with others if a host of toys and playthings is received at christmas time a childs appreciation for new toys later in the year is dampened one mother of our acquaintance al lows her sons to have only a few of the toys they receive at christmas time the remainder is put away and given to them at appropriate times throughout the year i string of sleighbells in the other a christ mas stocking the mother or on older sister might act as hostess acting the part of mrs jack frost and superin tending the games in such a manner that the young guests will be kept busy as each child arrives he is given a white paper cap and when all have assembled they are given the oppor- this childs steps out and nips tms ennn s leit shch as a do a box of candy or kandrand now bcth hands arcshak- book a number of chairs are r- then this christmas morning let tunlty of decorating jack frost the your children or your little friend re- children are blindfolded one at a time ccivo the toys for which they have an1 f ter being turned around threo been- longing but let those toys be so f times are told to walk up to selected as to incite happiness and jack frost and place their caps on his delight in the gift and stimulate tho head the child who first succeeds child mind in an educative way i gets a small prize j each child is then allowed to throw if you wished to walk through all i a soft rubber ball attempting to hit the streets and lanes and alleys in j jack frosts string of bss the firs london you would havo to walk ten one who succeeds receives the chri i- railes every day for nlno years j mas stocking and presides over i- a small boy who asked a gardener contents other successful contestant how he got the water into water- draw a prize from tho pack and at th melons received a reply that was of the congest each child draws worthy of his question i plant the one of tho snow mans gifts oed in the spring said the gardener the children will all enjoy thej left u tw v eskimos only use snow houses while travelling otherwise they live in tents vi seaskin in the summer and- semi- ranged in the middle of the room with 1 8ubte rock igloos or huts jone chair less thantho number of during ths winter j payers not counting jack frost jack then takes his- place in the centre of the room and tails f or them one at a time tho first ono called comes for ward and takes hold of jacks coat londons famous lord mayorj coach was built in 1767 weighs nearly four tons and is not very comfortslf to rido in as it is suspended o then cach one in turn as lie is callea braces in place of sprin- takes hold of the player who precedes him until there is a long line behind tho leader jack then begins to run around the chairs the others after him until he suddenly calls christ- mas gift when the players muijfoj j down as thcrccre not enourjjay f one player will bv leftrtovod until he most pay a fx d ropg out a only oncj ove ink stains from the fin- et the head of a kulphur match ind rub over the stain ui i disappear ver the stains until they